Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Passenger Lists 1909-1952
View of Rio de Janeiro. Hamburg-American Line, Summer 1913 Edition, p. 95.GGA Image ID # 1d1ee85e84
Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.
Rio de Janeiro is on the far western part of a strip of Brazil's Atlantic coast, close to the Tropic of Capricorn, where the shoreline is oriented east–west.
Facing largely south, the city was founded on an inlet of this stretch of the coast, Guanabara Bay, and its entrance is marked by a point of land called Sugar Loaf—a "calling card" of the city.
1909-09-20 SS Koning Wilhelm II Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Hamburg Amerika Linie / Hamburg American Line (HAPAG)
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 20 September 1909
- Route: Boulogne-sur-Mer to Rio de Janeiro and La Plata via Southampton, Vigo, and Lisbon
- Commander: Captain P. Wiehr
1914-07-09 SS Vandyck Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Lamport & Holt Line
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 9 July 1914
- Route: Buenos Aires to New York via Montevideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia (Salvador), Trinidad (Port of Spain), and Barbados (Bridgetown)
- Commander: Captain A. Codogan.
1935-06-01 SS Asturias Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Royal Mail Lines
- Class of Passengers: First and Second Saloon
- Date of Departure: circa 1 June 1935 (Note 1)
- Route: Southampton to Buenos Aires via London (Tilbury), Cherbourg, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Spain (Coruña Galicia [A Coruña], Las Palmas, Vigo), Portugal (Leixöes, Lisbon), Madeira, St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island, Brazil (Bahia, Pernambuco [Recife], Rio de Janeiro, Santos, São Paulo), Montevideo, Uruguay
- Commander: Captain A. Purvis
- Note 1: Passenger List did not provide departure date from Southampton - Only the Arrival date (18 June 1935) for Buenos Aires Argentina
1952-03-30 SS Conte Grande Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Italia Line
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 30 March 1952
- Route: Genoa to Buenos Aires via Villefranche, Barcelona, Dakar, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, and Montevideo
- Commander: Captain Pietro Passano.