Maputo, Mozambique Passenger Lists 1929

Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Maputo, (Lourenço Marques) Mozambique. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.

Maputo known as Lourenço Marques before independence, is the capital and largest city of Mozambique. Today, it is a port city on the Indian Ocean, with its economy centered on the harbor.

1929-05-23 SS Llandaff Castle

1929-05-23 SS Llandaff Castle Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Union-Castle Line
  • Class of Passengers: First Class
  • Date of Departure: 23 May 1929
  • Route: London to South Africa via the Mediterranean
  • Ports of Call: London to Natal via Marseilles, Genoa, Port Said, Port Sudan, Aden, Mombasa, Tanga, Zanzibar, DarEs-Salaam, Port Amelia, Beira and Lourenço Marques (Maputo)
  • Commander: Captain E. F. Gilbert


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GG Archives


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