Port Said, Egypt Passenger Lists 1929-1954
Port Said - The Gate of the Orient. Port Said has not a very savory reputation among travelers, but by virtue of its geographical situation It occupies on important place in the list of the world's ports. People who have penetrated Into the heart of the town declare that it possesses the true atmosphere of the East, and they instinctively press their handkerchiefs to their noses as they recall their experiences there. The Syren & Shipping Illustrated, 29 April 1908. GGA Image ID # 1472155af8
Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Port Said, Egypt. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.
Port Said acted as a global city since its establishment and flourished particularly during the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century when it was inhabited by various nationalities and religions. Most of them were from Mediterranean countries, and they coexisted in tolerance, forming a cosmopolitan community.
1926-09-30 SS President Van Buren Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Dollar Steamship Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
- Date of Departure: 30 September 1926
- Route: New York to Marseilles via Havana, Cristobal, Balbao, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manilla, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Port Said and Alexandria
- Commander: Captain M. Ridley
1929-05-23 SS Llandaff Castle Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Union-Castle Line
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 23 May 1929
- Route: London to South Africa via the Mediterranean
- Ports of Call: London to Natal via Marseilles, Genoa, Port Said, Port Sudan, Aden, Mombasa, Tanga, Zanzibar, DarEs-Salaam, Port Amelia, Beira and Lourenço Marques (Maputo)
- Commander: Captain E. F. Gilbert
1936-01-31 SS Yorkshire Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Bibby Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
- Date of Departure: 31 January 1936
- Route: Liverpool to Rangoon via Gibraltar, Marseilles, Port Said, Port Sudan, and Colombo
- Commander: Captain F. W. L. Midgley
1947-12-30 RMS Orion Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin
- Date of Departure: 30 December 1947
- Route: London (Tilbury) to Sydney via Aden, Colombo, Port Said, Fremantle, and Melbourne
- Commander: Captain C. Fox, C.B.E
1948-02-07 RMS Orion Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: First Saloon
- Date of Departure: 7 February 1948
- Route: Sydney to Southampton via Melbourne, Fremantle, Colombo, Aden, and Port Said
- Commander: Captain C. Fox, C.B.E.
1954-08-24 RMS Strathmore Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Peninsular & Oriental Line (P&O)
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 24 August 1954
- Route: London to Sydney via Port Said, Bombay (Mumbai), Colombo, Fremantle, Adelaide, and Melbourne
- Commander: Captain A. G. Jenkins