RMS Orion Passenger List - 30 December 1947

Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Orion of the Orient Line, Departing 30 December 1947 from London (Tilbury) to Sydney.

Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Orion of the Orient Line, Departing 30 December 1947 from London (Tilbury) to Sydney via Aden, Colombo, Port Said, Fremantle, and Melbourne, Commanded by Captain C. Fox, C.B.E. GGA Image ID # 1ec46db363


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: Capt. C. Fox, C.B.E
  2. Staff Commander: Cmdr. R. J, Galpin, R.D.,R.N.R
  3. Supernumerary Staff Commander: S. S. Burnand, O.B.E
  4. Chief Officer: R. W. Roberts, O.B.E., D.S.C
  5. First Officer: R. J. Craddock, O.B.E
  6. Second Officer: T. S. Hardy
  7. Junior Second Officer: C. K. Knight
  8. Senior Third Officer: W. B. Thompson
  9. Junior Third Officer: B. Noble
  10. Chief Engineer: V. H. Phillips, M.I.Mar.E
  11. Senior Second Engineer: R. S. Harvey, M.B.E
  12. Junior Second Engineer: G. Hutton
  13. Senior Third Engineer: D. Follet
  14. Junior Third Engineer: T. Pryn Jones
  15. Purser: E. W. Rope
  16. Supernumerary Purser: J. G. H. Thorpe
  17. Deputy Purser: K. M. W. Gosden
  18. Surgeon: H. M. Royds-Jones, M D.,B.s.(Lond.), M.R.C.S..L.R.C.P
  19. Assistant Surgeon: I. H. Andersson, m.b .b.s., f.r.c.s
  20. Nursing Sister: Mrs. Comber-Higgs
  21. Nursing Sister: Miss J. Roche
  22. Chief Radio Officer: N. A. Boon
  23. Children’s Hostess: Miss E. Haggerty
  24. Chief Steward: A. E. Perry


Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. C. Abbott
  2. Mrs. H. Adams
  3. Miss J. M. Adams
  4. Miss G. E. Adams
  5. Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Aitken
  6. Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Allan
  7. Dr. & Mrs. P. Albesheim
  8. Mrs. E. H. AI Id rit
  9. Mr. & Mrs. A. I. Anderson
  10. Miss A. R. Anderson
  11. Miss M. E. Anderson
  12. Major J. R. Anderson
  13. Capt. J. C. Annesley, D.S.O., R.N
  14. Mrs. Annesley
  15. Mr. & Mrs. L. V. Armati
  16. Master J. L. Armati
  17. Miss P. J. Armati
  18. Mrs. F. C. Asher
  19. Miss B. E. Asher
  20. Mrs. Ashley-Brown
  21. Master A. M. Ashley-Brown
  22. Mrs. M. Ashton
  23. Master C. P. Ashton
  24. Miss K. H. Ashton
  25. Mr. A. E. Atkin
  26. Miss N. M. Atkin
  27. Mrs. Atkinson, P. & child
  28. Mr. G. Aynsley
  29. Mrs. L. Bacon
  30. Miss Z. F. Bacon
  31. Mrs. A. I. Baily
  32. Mrs. M. P. Bainton
  33. Miss M. Bardwell
  34. Miss E. M. Barritt
  35. Miss 1. D. Barton
  36. Miss E. L. Batt-Rawden
  37. Miss N. E. Baxter
  38. Mr. J. Begg
  39. Sir George Beharrell, D.S.O
  40. Lady Beharrell
  41. Mrs. W. Bentick
  42. Mr. & Mrs. B. C. Berger
  43. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Berry
  44. Mrs. R. Bertouch
  45. Major A. W. Bird, D.S.O
  46. Mrs. Bird
  47. Mrs. M. 1. Blackwood
  48. Mrs. P. M. Bolster
  49. Miss P. Bolster
  50. Master R. S. Bolster
  51. Mr. & Mrs. T. N. Bore
  52. Miss H. J. Bore
  53. Mr. R. N. Bore
  54. Miss U. Bourne
  55. Mr. & Mrs. N. H. M. Bowden
  56. Mrs. H. J. Bowden
  57. Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Boyd and Child
  58. Mrs. B. E. Harding Browne
  59. Miss M. Browne
  60. Mrs. K. N. Browning
  61. Mrs. M. A. Bruce
  62. Miss M. R. Bruce
  63. Mrs. L. B. Bryers
  64. Mrs. C. G. Bull
  65. Miss Norma Bull
  66. Lt.(A) J. E. Bullen, R.N
  67. F/O J. F. Bunstead
  68. Mr. & Mrs. D. Burke & child
  69. Rev. J. Golder Burns, M.A., B.D., T.D
  70. Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Caldwell and child
  71. Miss C. J. Caldwell
  72. Miss E. M. Caldwell
  73. Mr. F. J. Caldwell
  74. Master 1. W. Caldwell
  75. Mrs. K. G. G. Calrow
  76. Major K. L. Campbell
  77. Mr. K. M. Campbell
  78. Miss L. R. Cardy
  79. Miss C. D. Cardy
  80. Mrs. E. M. Cary
  81. Miss M. M. Casey
  82. Hon. M. A. R. Cayzer
  83. Mrs. E. Charles
  84. Grp./Cpt. A. D. Charlton, O.B.E
  85. Mrs. E. M. Cheetham
  86. Mr. A. G. Clifton-Brown
  87. Mr. T. H. Cochran
  88. Mr. J. E. Cohen
  89. Major R. S. Connor
  90. Mr. John Constant
  91. Mrs. C. M. Coombes
  92. Miss D. A. Coombes
  93. Miss J. J. Coombes
  94. Miss R. F. Coombes
  95. LCDR(A) G. 1. L. Corder, R.N
  96. Mrs. Corder & child
  97. Master D. V. Corder
  98. Miss K. H. Couper
  99. Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Coutts
  100. Master M. A. Coutts
  101. Mrs. Leslie Craig, M.B.E
  102. Mr. & Mrs. E. Crewdson
  103. Capt. Ewan L. T. Cumming
  104. Mr. W. H. Cummins
  105. Mr. & Mrs. S. Cunningham
  106. Lady Currie
  107. Mrs. J. Danin
  108. Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Dauncey
  109. Mrs. E. E. Davies
  110. Miss N. F. Davies
  111. Dr. R. T. Davies, M.B., B.Sc
  112. Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Davis
  113. Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Davis
  114. Mr. H. G. Dawson
  115. Miss H. J. Dawson
  116. Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Deacon
  117. Master A. N. Deacon
  118. Miss J. A. Deacon
  119. Mr. J. E. C. Deeley
  120. Dr. Bessie Denney
  121. Mrs. Ray Diamond
  122. Rev. E. W. Dilena, C.F
  123. Miss D. K. Disturnal
  124. Miss M. G. A. Dobbs
  125. Mrs. E. M. Donnan
  126. Capt., & Mrs. R. N. Donovan & child
  127. Mrs. L. Dowding
  128. Mrs. C. G. F. Drew
  129. Mr. & Mrs. N. D. Drury
  130. Miss J. M. Drury
  131. Mr. & Mrs. J. Duncan & child
  132. Mrs. S. M. Tullis Dunn
  133. Lady Durand
  134. Mrs. Hudson Eastwood
  135. Miss M. Eccles
  136. Miss E. M. Edmeades
  137. Mr. & Mrs. F. Edwards
  138. Mrs. G. Eley
  139. Mr. & Mrs. H. Ellerton
  140. Master H. D. Ellerton
  141. Miss M. H. Elliott
  142. Mr. J. K. England
  143. Mr. W. Y. Ewan
  144. Mr. L. B. Fanning, I.S.O
  145. Mrs. Fanning
  146. Miss A. Feller
  147. Mr. H. G. Ferguson
  148. Miss W. Fielding
  149. Mr. J. A. D. Finch-Noyes
  150. Mr. & Mrs. A. Fish & child
  151. Sir Ernest Fisk
  152. Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Folkard
  153. W/Cdr. N. Ford, A.F.C
  154. Capt. N. R. Ford
  155. Lt.-Col. N. R. Forrest
  156. Mrs. M. E. Foster
  157. Miss D. M. Fountain
  158. Rev. R. W. Frizzell
  159. Miss D. Furness
  160. Miss M. A. C. Galacher
  161. Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Gail
  162. Miss P. Gall
  163. Mr. P. Gall
  164. Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Garner
  165. Miss M. O. Garner
  166. Miss S. E. Garner
  167. Mr. & Mrs. J. B. G. Gibb
  168. Lt.-Cdr. (S), P. F. Gick, R.N
  169. Mrs. Gick & child
  170. Master P. Gick
  171. Mr. G. C. Gifford
  172. Miss L. E. Gilbert
  173. Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Goldhill
  174. Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Greaves
  175. Miss M. E. Greaves
  176. Capt. J. L. Green
  177. Mrs. M. L. Greenwood
  178. Capt. J. A. Gregg
  179. Mr. F. Grundy
  180. Admiral P. H. Hall-Thompson, C.B., C.M.G
  181. Mrs. Hall-Thompson
  182. Mrs. M. E. de Hamel
  183. Mr. & Mrs. T. S. Harding
  184. Miss 1. P. Harding
  185. Mr. R. T. Harding
  186. Mr. A. J. Harding
  187. Miss J. E. Harding
  188. Mrs. M. J. Hardwick
  189. Mr. R. B. Harley
  190. Mr. & Mrs. W. F. B. Harper and child
  191. Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Harris
  192. Mr. & Mrs. M. Harris
  193. Brig. E. F. Harrison
  194. Mrs. Harrison
  195. Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Harrison
  196. Mr. J. C. Harrison
  197. Mr. & Mrs. D. Hart
  198. Miss D. M. Haviland
  199. Mr. B. K. Hawes
  200. Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Hawkes
  201. Miss M. H. Hawkes
  202. Mrs. M. E. Heath
  203. Mr. & Mrs. S. Heath & child
  204. Mr. J. Henderson, R.N
  205. Lt. (A) M. W. Henley, D.S.C., R.N
  206. Mr. & Mrs. W. Hickman
  207. S/O L. A. Hicks & child
  208. Miss J. L. Hicks
  209. Mrs. A. M. Hill
  210. Miss B. H. Hill
  211. Mr. & Mrs. M. Hinchcliff
  212. Miss A. L. Hinchcliff
  213. Master J. E. M. Hinchcliff
  214. Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Hirst
  215. Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Hitch
  216. Miss A. B. de P. Hitchcock
  217. Miss R. J. Hobbs
  218. Mrs. B. M. Hodgkinson
  219. Miss J. P. Hodgkinson
  220. Miss J. A. Hodgkinson
  221. Mr. & Mrs. G. P. Hodgson
  222. Mr. D. J. L. Hodgson
  223. Lt. Col. & Mrs. Hodson and child
  224. Miss M. W. Hodson
  225. Master C. R. Hodson
  226. Mr. & Mrs. I. F. Hopkins
  227. Mr. I. A. Hopkins
  228. Miss P. P. Hopkins
  229. Mr. H. J. Hopkins, D.F.C
  230. Mrs. Hopkins & child
  231. Master B. H. Hopkins
  232. Master D. C. Hopkins
  233. Mr. & Mrs. B. Hordern
  234. Mrs. J. M. Hoskins
  235. Mrs. E. Howard
  236. Miss J. W. Howell-Griffith
  237. Mrs. V. M. Howes
  238. Lt. D. D. Howson, R.N
  239. Mrs. Howson
  240. Mrs. R. M. Huggins
  241. Miss V. Hurley
  242. Mr. J. C. lonides
  243. Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Jackson
  244. Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Johnson & child
  245. Master B. S. Johnson
  246. Lt.-Col. R. B. Johnson, D.S.O
  247. Miss C. Johnston
  248. Mrs. E. F. Jowett
  249. Mrs. i. Julius
  250. Miss R. L. Julius
  251. Mr. & Mrs. S. G. Kelsey
  252. Mr. P. J. Kenney-Herbert
  253. Mr. & Mrs. L. C. St. A. Key
  254. Miss J. E. Key
  255. Miss K. Key
  256. Master J. G. Key
  257. Lt.-Col. & Mrs. R. G. M. King
  258. Miss S. P. King
  259. Master P. M. King
  260. Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Kingston
  261. Lt. P. Kirby
  262. Lt.-Cdr. (P) D. W. Kirke, R.N
  263. Mrs. Kirke
  264. Master M. D. St. G. Kirke
  265. Mr. & Mrs. H. Kirman
  266. Lt. D. D. Knight, D.S.C., R.N
  267. Mrs. Knight
  268. Miss M. Lagoe
  269. Mrs. M. A. Lange
  270. Mr. F. E. Langley
  271. Mr. D. M. Larson-Parker
  272. Miss F. L. Lea
  273. Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Leason
  274. Mrs. G. D. Lewis
  275. Miss H. R. Lewis
  276. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. L. Lippmann
  277. Mrs. M. N. G. Loader
  278. Mr. H. I. Lock
  279. Mrs. A. R. Logan
  280. Miss F. I. Loke
  281. Miss M. F. Looker
  282. Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Loram
  283. Mrs. V. M. L. Lyon
  284. Mrs. E. M. MacArthur-Onslow
  285. Miss D. MacArthur-Onslow
  286. Mr. D. I. MacArthur-Onslow
  287. Mr. E. MacArthur-Onslow
  288. Mr. N. G. MacArthur-Onslow
  289. Mrs. V. E. Mack
  290. Miss D. Mackenzie
  291. Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Mackenzie
  292. Mr. H. P. Mackenzie
  293. Master J. D. F. Mackenzie
  294. Mr. M. F. Mackenzie
  295. Mr. A. MacNicol
  296. Rev. & Mrs. J. D. A. MacNicol & child
  297. Rr./Adml.(S) Sir Eldon Manisty, K.C.B., C.M.G
  298. Lady Manisty
  299. Mrs. C. J. Marigold
  300. Miss B. C. Marriott
  301. Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Marshall
  302. Mr. D. J. Marshall
  303. Miss S. P. Marshall
  304. Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Marshall
  305. Hon. Norman Martin
  306. Mrs. Martin
  307. Mrs. G. Mason
  308. Mr. J. Mathieson
  309. Rev. & Mrs. H. C. Matthew
  310. Miss M. McCaughey
  311. Mr. W. McClelland, C.B.,O.B.E
  312. Mrs. H. S. McKay
  313. Mrs. C. A. McKenzie
  314. Mr. & Mrs. E. S. McLaren
  315. Mr. H. L. McMichael
  316. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. McNamara
  317. Mrs. F. K. Miles
  318. Mrs. Clive Miller
  319. Mrs. D. H. Mitchell
  320. Miss J. D. Mitchell
  321. Mrs. K. Mitman
  322. Miss E. E. Moir
  323. Mr. & Mrs. G. Moore
  324. Miss M. B. Monie
  325. Mr. T. J. Moses
  326. Mr. G. H. Mower
  327. Mr. T. Mulcair
  328. Mrs. E. M. Murray
  329. Mrs. J. E. Murray
  330. Miss S. Newman
  331. Most Revd. Dr. J. F. Norton
  332. Rev. T. M. O’Rourke
  333. Lt.(L) T. Orr, R.N
  334. Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Service
  335. Mrs. Orr M Miss H. A. Service
  336. Mr. H. Palmer
  337. Mrs. B. L. Shackell
  338. Dr. Inez J. Parer
  339. Miss C. B. Shackell
  340. Mrs. A. F. Partridge
  341. Miss V. L. Shackell
  342. Mrs. H. Peace
  343. Miss F. W. Shakespear
  344. Lt.(S) L. deN.W. Penn-Gaskell, R.N
  345. Miss J. R. M. T. Shambrook
  346. Mr. R. A. Shaw
  347. Hon. Rowena F. Phillips
  348. Mrs. B. Sheehan
  349. Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Poole
  350. Miss P. A. Sheehan
  351. Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Pott
  352. Miss S. M. Sheehan
  353. Mr. B. W. Preston, M.B.E
  354. Mr. & Mrs. H. O. Sheller
  355. Mrs. Preston
  356. Mr. C. S. C. Sheller
  357. Lt.(S) G. W. J. Pugh, R.N
  358. Mr. A. J. M. Shepherd
  359. Mrs. Pugh S Mr. F. Simonett
  360. Mrs. L. M. Rae
  361. Mrs. Simonett, M.B.E
  362. Mr. & Mrs. S. Ralph
  363. Mrs. E. V. Skarratt
  364. Master C. C. Ralph
  365. Mr. W. R. Slade
  366. Dr. & Mrs. G. E. Ranawake
  367. Mr. H. M. Slater
  368. Master K. R. Ranawake
  369. Mr. R. W. Smith
  370. Mrs. S. M. Reece
  371. Mr. & Mrs. G. Speak
  372. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Reynolds and child
  373. Mr. E. E. Spencer
  374. Mrs. 1. Steele
  375. Miss O. C. Rhodes
  376. Mrs. C. K. Stevenson
  377. Mrs. B. M. Robb
  378. Mrs. F. E. Stewart-Lee
  379. Miss R. M. Robb
  380. Miss A. Stokes
  381. Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Roberts
  382. Mr. C. J. Stopford
  383. Mrs. Duncan Robertson
  384. Mr. & Mrs. B. Stricke
  385. Mr. N. Robson
  386. Mr. J. Studer
  387. Mrs. L. M. Rockett
  388. Miss J. E. Sumner
  389. Mr. J. A. Roddick
  390. Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Sydney-Smith
  391. Mr. T. J. Rogers
  392. Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Tappenden
  393. Rt. Hon. Lord Rotherwick
  394. Miss J. C. Tappenden
  395. Lady Rotherwick
  396. Miss R. H. Tappenden
  397. Lt.(A) J. R. Routley, R.N
  398. Miss M. L. Taylor
  399. Mrs. E. D. Sargeaunt
  400. Mr. S. G. Taylor
  401. Miss E. M. Savage
  402. Mr. & Mrs. N. Temperley
  403. Lt.-Genl. S. G. Savige, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C
  404. Miss M. Tettmar
  405. Miss M. G. Thompson
  406. Mr. & Mrs. D. Schaffer
  407. Miss N. Thompson
  408. Mr. A. Schofield
  409. Mr. D. Vernon Tomson, M.C
  410. Mr. & Mrs. G. P. Schoolar
  411. Mrs. J. Turnbull
  412. Mr. G. G. Scott
  413. Miss R. Turnbull
  414. F/Lt. W. H. Scott
  415. Mr. D. Turnbull
  416. Miss C. 1. V. Seedhouse
  417. Mrs. E. M. P. Usher
  418. Mr. G. Senior
  419. Master P. J. S. Usher
  420. Miss D. R. Vernon
  421. Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Waine
  422. Capt. & Mrs. G. D. Wallace
  423. Air/Cd re. A. L. Walters, C.B.E., A.F.C
  424. Miss E. Ward
  425. Miss B. I. Watt
  426. Lady Weeks
  427. Miss P. R. Weeks
  428. Miss V. D. Weeks
  429. Miss H. E. Weissberger
  430. Brig. H. Wells, C.B.E., D.S.O
  431. Mrs. Wells
  432. Miss S. Whelan
  433. Capt. C. W. E. Whish, R.N. (Retd.)
  434. Mrs. Whish
  435. Mr. A. R. Wilkins
  436. Miss L. G. Williams
  437. Lt.-Cdr. R. L. Williams, R.A.N
  438. Mrs. Williams
  439. Mr. & Mrs. F. J. E. Willis
  440. W.S.O. C. Wilding, R.N
  441. Mrs. B. D. Wilding & child
  442. Mrs. K. C. Wilson
  443. Miss C. M. Wilson
  444. Col. The Rt. Hon. Sir Leslie Wilson, G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., D.S.O
  445. Lady Wilson
  446. Dr. Lindsay Wilson, B.A., M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M
  447. Miss C. W. Winter
  448. Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Woodruff
  449. Mr. & Mrs. G. Worssam
  450. Mr. C. E. Worthington, C. B.E., J.P
  451. Mrs. Worthington
  452. Miss M. L. Worthington
  453. Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Wortley
  454. Miss E. W. Wortley
  455. Lt. W. G. Wright, R.A.N
  456. Mrs. Wright
  457. Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Wyer
  458. Mrs. C. Youngman


General Information For Passengers

The following notes will help to answer many of the questions that a passenger might wish to ask. All cash amounts are expressed in Sterling unless otherwise indicated.

Where To Make Enquiries And Complaints

Questions which your Steward cannot answer should be referred to the Purser's Office which is open at the times shown on the special information card placed in all cabins.

The Purser and his assistants are in charge of all the cabins, meals and service throughout the ship. If you are dissatisfied about anything that cannot at once be put right by a Steward you should refer the matter I# the Purser, or in serious cases to the Captain, so that it can be looked into at once and, if possible, put right. If the question cannot be dealt with on the spot, the ship's authorities will at any rate have the details of your criticism, so that they can report and discuss it with the Company's officials in London or Australia.


The Purser is not authorized to accept ordinary cheques. As the supply of money on board is limited, he can, in general, only accept travelers’ cheques and drafts under letters of credit in payment of accounts due to the ship. If he has sufficient money available, however, he may cash them for a reasonable amount.


Passengers are strongly recommended to entrust cash, jewelry, etc., to the Purser.
In return for a charge of 5 - per £100 value for the voyage to or from Egypt or 10/- per £100 value for a voyage to or from more distant ports, the Purser will issue a receipt and the Company will accept responsibility for safe custody.

Alternatively the Purser will accept a sealed package without making a charge and will issue a receipt, but in this case neither he nor the Company can accept any responsibility for the deposit.


The Surgeon will be in attendance in the Surgery at the hours stated on the information card and the ship's notice board, and is always available in emergency. He is authorized to charge 10 - Sterling per visit, which charge includes medicines. In ships where an X-Ray apparatus is carried the Surgeon is authorized to charge 2 gns. Sterling per X-Ray. A trained hospital nurse is available under the direction of the ship's Surgeon. Passengers are warned of the danger of contracting chills by sleeping in the direct draught of a blower or fan or by sitting under a fan when heated by playing games, etc.

If good health is to be maintained in hot weather the amount of salt normally taken must be increased substantially since a great deal of it is lost through perspiration. Unless this is replaced, it leads to tiredness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness headache and a general feeling of being run down. This can be avoided either by increasing the amount of table salt eaten with meals or by dissolving salt tablets in drinking water. These latter are not unpleasant in flavor and may be purchased from the Ship's shop.

When ashore at ports in hot climates passengers are advised to avoid Water or Milk that has not been boiled or sterilized, uncooked Vegetables, Salads, and soft Fruits unless the protective skin is peeled before eating.


Dining Saloon
Any modification of the times stated on the Seating Card given to passengers at the beginning of the voyage will be posted on the ship's notice board. This Seating Card offers to each passenger a reserved seat in the Dining Saloon. The Head Waiter will endeavor to meet the wishes of those who desire to change their seats at meals. There are no fixed seats for breakfast. A light breakfast, consisting of tea or coffee, rolls, butter, jam or marmalade, and fruit, can be served in cabins, from 8 to 9.30 am

Smoking is not allowed in the Dining Saloon. Passengers may arrange for visitors to the ship to have meals with them on board provided accommodation is available. All arrangements should be made with the Head Waiter.

Visitors to the ship will be charged as follows:

Sterling Australian
Light Breakfast v- 2/6
Breakfast 3/6 4/6
Luncheon 5/- 6/-
Tea V- 2/6
Dinner 7/6 9/6


In Orion there is a Restaurant in addition to the Main Dining Saloon, where a more elaborate menu is provided, and special dishes can be ordered for a moderate extra charge. Full details are given in the special Restaurant Leaflet.

Wine Service

In order to obtain the most efficient service of wine, passengers are invited to order their wines in advance at a previous meal.

Payments for drinks must be made in cash at all times except at meals, when they may be signed for. An account of these will be rendered weekly. For those who do not wish to carry loose cash, coupon books are on sale at the bars. Unexpended coupons are redeemable at the Purser s Office at the end of the voyage.

On the Australian Coast the prices of all Wines, Tobaccos, etc., (except those of Australian origin) are raised on account of the Australian Customs tariff.


Parents are invited to discuss their children's food requirements with the Chief Steward, who will do everything possible to meet their wishes. A Children’s Hostess and a Nursery Stewardess are carried who will organize games, etc., to keep children amused for several hours a day while the ship is at sea. They cannot, however, take responsibility for the care of individual children, nor is it part of their duty to take care of children continuously throughout the day, nor while their parents are ashore.

Children are not allowed in the public rooms unless accompanied by an adult who will see that they do not disturb other passengers.

Deck Chairs

These are provided free.


The ship's laundry is capable of dealing with only a very limited amount of passengers' personal linen. The Bedroom Stewards can give particulars.

Electric Irons

Electric irons are provided free on application to the Cabin Steward and special facilities are provided for ironing. Owing to the danger of fire if irons of the wrong voltage are used, passengers must not use their own irons without first having them approved by the Chief Engineer; this is done through the Purser's Office. Approval must be obtained in the same way before any other electrical equipment is used.

A limited number of plug adaptors are available for use with electric razors. These may be obtained on application to the Cabin Steward.


A library is available, free of charge, and is open daily at the following times10—11:00 am, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Passengers are responsible for the safe return of books borrowed, and are liable to the following charges for lost books:- Novels 7/6, Other Books 10/-.

Wireless News

Copies of the Wireless Press messages received at sea are placed in the public rooms.

Hairdressing and Shop

The Hairdressing Saloon is provided with a staff of competent hairdressers. Ladies should make advance appointments.

In the shop every endeavor is made to supply the needs of passengers at reasonable prices and there is a large and varied stock suitable for presents or sports prizes. On the Australian Coast the prices of all articles (except those of Australian origin) are raised on account of the Australian Customs tariff.

Regulations On Board

The regulations on board are devised for the safety and comfort of passengers as a whole, and passengers are asked to assist in seeing them carried out. Passengers are asked to avoid causing any undue noise, particularly on “C” Promenade Deck and in all Passenger alleyways during the night and the early afternoon. If this can be done it means greatly increased comfort for everybody.

Gramophones, Wireless Sets, Etc.

Private gramophones and musical instruments including portable wireless sets must not at any time be played in cabin accommodation or public rooms, since this disturbs other passengers. They may only be played on portions of the deck described in notices displayed on board.


Delivery: On arrival at each port, letters and telegrams will be handed to passengers at the letter bureau. Wireless messages will be delivered direct to cabins. Passengers to whom parcels and registered letters are addressed are notified by the Purser.

Posting: Letters placed in the ship's letter box at sea are posted at the next port of call. The latest hour for posting will be stated on the letter box. Passengers should apply at the Letter Bureau for information regarding postal facilities.

Parcels and Registered letters cannot be accepted for posting on board.

Stamps: These can be obtained from the Letter Bureau.


Wireless messages for dispatch should be handed in at the Wireless Office on the boat deck, where full particulars of charges can be obtained. Messages cannot be dispatched while the ship is in port. Bentley's Code is available in the Purser's Office.


Baggage enquiries should be made at the Purser's Office. For the days and hours at which baggage marked “Wanted” is accessible, see information card. To avoid delays and damage from unnecessary handling, passengers are particularly requested to notify the baggage master of any packages which they will not need until the end of the voyage, and which can, therefore, be safely stowed where they will not be constantly disturbed.

Sports and Entertainments

Any Lady or Gentleman willing to assist with the Sports and Entertainments is requested to notify the Purser as soon as possible so that a Sports Committee may be formed.
Positions of the Sports and Entertainments Notice Boards will be found in the information card.


Full particulars of the program to be carried out at each port are posted on the ship's notice board at least 24 hours before arrival. An approximate arrival and departure time is given, but in their own interests passengers are advised always to read the final Sailing Notice before they leave the ship. These Sailing Notices are posted at all gangways and on the ship's notice board shortly after arrival in port and before passengers disembark. Ship's time must always be observed in port.

Extension of Journey

A passenger who wishes to continue his voyage beyond the port to which he has booked must notify the Purser as soon as possible before arrival and, if accommodation is available, pay the difference in fare to the Purser.

Time Tables, Etc.

The Purser has Railway and Airways Timetables and Telephone Directories for the information of passengers. Although every endeavor is made to provide up-to-date copies, the Company cannot accept responsibility for inaccuracies.


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