SS Canada Passenger List - 18 September 1925
Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the SS Canada of the White Star-Dominion Line, Departing 18 September 1925 from Liverpool to Québec and Montréal via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain T. Jones.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: T. JONES
- Chief Engineer: H. TUDOR
- Surgeon: A. H. RHODES, M.B„ M.D. (Dub.)
- Purser: E. W. LANCASTER, R.D., R.N.R
- Chief Steward: A. M. BRICKNELL
Cabin Passengers
- Mr. H. R. Adams
- Mrs. Adams
- Mr. H. N. Babcock
- Mrs. A. Baxter
- Master F. Baxter
- Master Fredk. Baxter
- Miss K. Baxter
- Mrs. M. L. Bennett
- Mr. W. Birnie
- Mrs. Birnie
- Miss J. T. Black
- Mrs. G. Bolduc
- Master H. Bolduc
- Master Allan Bolduc
- Mr. George Mc.K Brewer
- Miss E. M. Brown
- Miss L. L. Brown
- Mrs. G. Bruyns
- Miss M. J. Bruyns
- Master F. M. Bruyns
- Mrs. M. L. Burnup
- Miss M. Busby
- Miss M. F. Card
- Miss J. M. Card
- Miss E. Cunninghame
- Rev. S. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Miss M. M. Davies
- Mr. R. Deans
- Mrs. Deans
- Miss L. Dent
- Mrs. G. Donald
- Mrs. Wm. Douglas
- Mrs. M. Fewson
- Miss D. Fewson
- Mrs. N. Grimshaw
- Mr. G. S. Hanmore
- Mr. J. C. Hardy
- Mr. J. E. Hedderley
- Miss R. Hedderley
- Mr. T. G. Henderson
- Mr. W. Hobbs-Webber
- Mrs. Hobbs-Webber
- Miss G. Hobbs-Webber
- Mrs. A. C. Hogle
- Mr. J. H. Hudson
- Mrs. Hudson
- Mrs. Chas. Hv. Jackson
- Master S. Jackson
- Mrs. E. Jefferies
- Mr. T. Johansen
- Mrs. Johansen
- Miss M. Kennedy
- Mrs. J. Kostyniuk
- Mr. A. J. S. Langley
- Mrs. A. Lill
- Mrs. C. Maitland-Kirwan
- Mrs. E. E. Mathieson
- Master D. Mathieson
- Miss B. Mathieson
- Miss E. Mays
- Miss S. A. Mays
- Miss I. Mclnnes
- Miss K. Mercer
- Prof. Alexander B. J. Moore
- Miss J. Murray
- Rev. D. J. Neugeuritz
- Mrs. A. G. Orrell
- Miss S. Orrell
- Master D. J. Orrell
- Mr. S. H. W. Palmer
- Mrs. Palmer
- Master L. T. Palmer
- Miss I. P. Palmer
- Mrs. V. B. Paterson
- Mr. A. H. Pottier
- Miss A. Pugh
- Miss J. T. Ramsey
- Miss M. Rooke
- Mrs. K. Russell
- Prof. B. K. Sandwell
- Mrs. Sandwell
- Miss J. Spence
- Miss D. E. M. Strangman
- Mrs. E. Sugden
- Mr. F. W. Taussig
- Miss C. C. Taussig
- Miss H. B. Taussig
- Miss D. Tennant
- Miss E. Tonks
- Dr. E. P. Troy
- Mrs. A. Vanstone
- Miss J. R. Vanstone
- Mr. George Wainwright
- Mrs. Wainwright
- Mr. John Austin Walker
- Mrs. M. A. Walker
- Miss H. A. Webb
- Mrs. J. Wherry
- Mr. Thos. Williams
- Miss L. E. Wilson
- Mr. E. Wood
- Mrs. Sarah Jane Yarnell
- Miss Florence Mary Hewlett Yarnell
- Master Victor Robert Hewlett Yarnell
Corrections to List of Cabin Passengers
Not on Board
- Mr A. J. S. Langley
- Mrs. A. G. Orrell
- Miss S. Orrell
- Master D. J. Orrell
- Mr D. M. Beresford
- Mr A. B. A. Evans
- Rev G. de Foldessy-Fisher
- Mr J. S. R. Pemberton
Embarked Liverpool |
103 |
130 |
233 |
Embarked Queenstown |
2 |
14 |
16 |
Total |
105 |
144 |
249 |
Information for Cabin Passengers
BREAKFAST | 8:00 am | 7.30 am and 8:30 am |
LUNCHEON | 1:00 pm | 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm |
DINNER | 7:00 pm | 6:00 pm and 7.15:00 pm |
The Bar opens at 8:00 am, and closes at 11:00 pm
Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm, Library and Smoking Room at 11:30 pm
Divine Service will be held in the Saloon on Sunday at 11:00 am
CONDUCTRESS. The ship’s Conductress (Mrs. L. Goodlife) is willing to interview any ladies traveling alone, and would be pleased to be of any service during the voyage or on arrival in port.
SMOKING is strictly prohibited in any of the Staterooms, Library or Dining Saloon.
SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward.
MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness developed on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
The surgeon will be in attendance at the surgery for consultations at the following hours:
10:00 am 6:00 pm 8:30 pm
The surgeon will be available at all times in cases of urgency.
LETTERS, &C., FOR PASSENGERS will be brought on board before the passengers land. Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before disembarking and they are invited to leave their addresses with the Saloon Steward for any later despatches to be re-directed. Postage Stamps may be obtained from the Saloon Steward, to whom letters, telegrams, cablegrams and Marconi messages should be handed for despatch.
CHARGES PAID ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company’s Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, or Freight, Marconigram, Cablegram, etc., charges paid on board.
LIBRARY. Books can be obtained on applying to the Library Steward.
DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application at a charge of 6/6 ($1.50) each for the voyage.
VALUABLES. For the convenience of passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser’s Office a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by passengers.
A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.
EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, Canadian and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.
BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship’s Baggage Master on board. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which Passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company should be appropriately labeled and handed to the Baggage Master on the Wharf at Port of Landing, and such articles will be stored entirely at owners’ risk. It is for passengers themselves to see all their Baggage is passed by the Customs Authorities on landing.
DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board at Port of Embarkation.
TRAVELLERS’ CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the Company. These Cheques are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same except to a very limited amount.
DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck under the charge of a Quartermaster.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Saloon Steward.
PASSENGERS’ QUARTERS. Cabin passengers are not allowed to enter Third Class compartments, or vice versa, as complications might arise under the Quarantine Regulations.
BARBER. The Barber is authorized to make the following charges:-
Ladies | Men | ||||||
Service | s. | d. | USD | Service | s. | d. | USD |
Hair Trimming | 1 | 0 | $0.25 | Haircutting | 1 | 0 | $0.25 |
Singeing | 1 | 0 | $0.25 | Shaving | 0 | 9 | $0.18 |
Shampooing | 4 | 0 | $0.95 | Singeing | 0 | 9 | $0.18 |
Face Massage | 2 | 6 | $0.60 | Shampoo (Wet) | 0 | 9 | $0.18 |
Scalp Massage | 2 | 0 | $0.50 | Face Massage | 1 | 6 | $0.35 |
Part Waving | 3 | 0 | $0.70 | Scalp Massage | 1 | 0 | $0.25 |
Waving and Dressing | 6 | 0 | $1.45 | Tonic Dressing | 0 | 3 | $0.06 |
The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account.
PICTURE POSTCARDS. Picture Postcards of the steamer can be obtained gratis on application on board.
HIGH SEAS MAIL.—On all British Steamers British Postage Stamps and rates are used when mailing letters for European points, and such letters should be posted in the ship’s letter box in the ordinary way.
The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival. Full particulars can be obtained at the Enquiry Office upon application.
This vessel is fitted with special long range wireless apparatus which will enable passengers to communicate with their friends or business connections on shore at any time during the voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean
OCEAN LETTERS. The Marconi Company have inaugurated an “Ocean Letter” service by which messages may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel.
POSTE RADIOTELEGRAMS. These messages are accepted for transmission to a selected vessel for mailing on arrival in port. This service provides a most economical channel of communication with friends and relatives on shore when full rate facilities are not desired.
TIME ON SHIPBOARD. On the voyage from Europe, owing to the alteration in time as the ship proceeds Westward, it is necessary to put the clock back every 24 hours. The alteration in time is made at about midnight, and the clock is usually put back from 35 to 45 minutes on each occasion, the exact amount of time depending upon the distance the ship is estimated to make by noon the next day. During the first 24 hours, however, owing to the change from Mean Time to Apparent Time, the alteration is likely to be considerably more than 45 minutes, especially while Summer Time is in use.
The “CANADA” carries an Orchestra of skilled musicians, which will play daily as follows :—*
In the main Companionway, 1 1 am to 12 noon 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm After Dinner
RETURN ACCOMMODATION For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from the United States or Canada to Europe and who have not yet made the necessary reservations, the Purser will be pleased to radio New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Montreal Office, for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will, consequently, save them time and trouble after landing.
TELEPHONING FACILITIES FOR PASSENGERS AT MONTREAL For the convenience of passengers arrangements have been made with the Bell Telephone Company for booths to be placed on the Wharf at Montreal; and the further facility has been arranged of having a portable extension telephone placed on board steamer immediately on arrival, thus enabling passengers to secure telephonic communication before landing.
LANDING ARRANGEMENTS AT MONTREAL Should the steamer arrive at the Montreal wharf after 8:00 pm., passengers may land, if they wish to do so, and have their hand baggage passed by the Customs Authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so and have the whole of their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o’clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.
UPPER BERTHS Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the steward or stewardess.
WARDROBE TRUNKS Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of wardrobe trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. They are therefore recommended to use steamer trunks in preference.