SS Sophocles Passenger List - 13 August 1925

Front Cover, Aberdeen Line SS Sophocles First Class Passenger List Dated 1925-08-13.

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Sophocles of the Aberdeen Line, Departing Thursday, 13 August 1925 from the London to Brisbane via South Africa, Albany, Melbourne and Sydney, Commanded by Captain A. Ogilvy. GGA Image ID # 120f58ce2c


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander A. Ogilvy
  2. Chief Officer S. A. Payne
  3. Chief Engineer J. Gordon
  4. Surgeon P. J. D. O'Malley, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S
  5. Chief Steward and Acting Purser - A. G. Morriss

First Class Passengers


[M] Melbourne
[S] Sydney
[C] Capetown
[T] Tenerife
[B] Brisbane

  1. Commander H. T. BAILLIE-GROHMAN [M]
  3. Master T. P. BAILLIE-GROHMAN [M]
  4. Master M. BAILLIE-GROHMAN [M]
  5. Mr. L. E. Baxter [M]
  6. Mr. H. G. BEHAN [S]
  7. Mr. C. E. BOUNTON [M]
  8. Mr. R. C. L. BRANDON-KIRBY [C]
  9. Mrs. A. BRANDON-KIRBY [C]
  10. Mr. R. A. CHARLESWORTH [M]
  11. Miss M. E. CHOMLEY [C]
  12. Mr. H. 0. CHRIMES [C]
  13. Mrs. F. A. CLAYTON [C]
  14. Miss M. CLAYTON [C]
  15. Miss N C CLAYTON [C]
  16. Mr. J. D. COSENS [T]
  17. Miss M. T. COWIE [M]
  18. Lieutenant L. S. DALTON [M]
  19. Mr. H. DEVILLE [M]
  20. Miss C. J. DEVILLE [M]
  21. Mr. W. F. DUANE [S]
  22. Mrs. B. DUANE [S]
  23. Mr. A. EASTWOOD
  24. Mrs. M. EASTWOOD [C]
  25. Mr. L. M. FOGGIN, O.B.E. [C]
  26. Miss M. E. FOXON [C]
  27. Mr. J. W. P. George [M]
  28. Mrs. E. St. C. GIE [C]
  29. Master J. G. GIE [C]
  30. Miss B. J. GIE [C]
  31. Mr. J. W. GLASBY [S]
  32. Mr. H. C. GLASSOCK [C]
  33. Mrs. F. GLASSOCK [C]
  34. Commander D. T. Graham-Brown, R.N. [M]
  35. Mrs. W. G. Graham-Brown [M]
  36. Miss D. M. Graham-Brown [M]
  37. Master J. L. Graham-Brown [M]
  38. Miss B. L. M. HARE [C]
  39. Mr. W. S. HARMER [M]
  40. Mrs. F. HARMER [M]
  41. The LADY HEADLEY [M]
  42. Mrs. E. HEAP [C]
  43. Dr. M. HEYNS [C]
  44. Mrs. E. HEYNS [C]
  45. Mr. I HINDS [M]
  46. Mrs. C. HINDS [M]
  47. Master R. R. HINDS [M]
  48. Miss M. H. HINDS [M]
  49. Mrs. Lewis Jones [C]
  50. Mr. S. LAZARUS [C]
  51. Mrs. D. LAZARUS [C]
  52. Mr. R. LEITCH [S]
  53. Miss D. I. LENDON [M]
  54. Miss D. V. Leslie [M]
  55. Mr. R. A. LETTS [C]
  56. Mrs. E. LETTS [C]
  57. Miss E. C. LEWERS [S]
  58. Mr. B. C. LEWIS [M]
  59. Mrs. E. M. LEWIS [M]
  60. Miss J B T. Lord [C]
  61. Mrs. J. LOWEN [M]
  62. Master J. LOWEN [M]
  63. Miss A. LOWEN [M]
  64. Mr. E. H. LUKE [M]
  65. Mrs. Chas. H. MATTERSON [C]
  66. Mr. R. G. Mason [C]
  67. Miss K. O'Conner [M]
  68. Miss J O'Conner [M]
  69. Miss M. O'Conner [M]
  70. Mr. H. J. Palmer [S]
  71. Mr. F. S. Parsons [C]
  72. Mrs. J. I. Parsons [C]
  73. Mr. E. G. PELLY [C]
  74. Mrs. I. A. PELLY [C]
  75. Mr. J. L. Pettigrew [M]
  76. Mrs. M. D. Pettigrew and Infant [M]
  77. Miss N. QUILL [M]
  78. Mr. J. A. Roberts [M]
  79. Mrs. L. M. Roberts [M]
  80. Captain H. P. Robertson [T]
  81. Mr. G. B. ROCKE [S]
  82. Mr. C. Rosenberg [C]
  83. Mrs. H. Rosenberg [C]
  84. Mr. F. Rosenberg [C]
  85. Miss C. Rosenberg [C]
  86. Master C. Rosenberg [C]
  87. Mrs. L. E. Royston [C]
  88. Miss M. E. Royston [C]
  89. Miss V. S. Royston [C]
  90. Miss M. V. Russell [C]
  91. Miss M. D. Russell [C]
  92. Mr. G. P. Schoolar [A]
  93. Mrs. H. M. Schoolar [A]
  94. Miss J. M. Schoolar [A]
  95. Miss G. M. Schoolar [A]
  96. Miss Sylvia Scott [M]
  97. Miss L. L. SIEVERS [C]
  98. Mrs. M. SPAFFORD [C]
  99. Miss N. B. Stock [S]
  100. Mr. R. THEVENET [S]
  101. Mrs. Y. THEVENET [S]
  102. Master J. THEVENET [S]
  103. Mr. G. B. VASEY [M]
  104. Mrs. A. I. VASEY [M]
  105. Miss M. H. VASEY [M]
  106. Miss A. VENTURELLI [S]
  107. Mr. J. M. L. WARDLAW [B]
  108. Mr. A. Wingate [C]
  109. Mr. C. R. Wood [C]

Information For First Class Passengers

Meals.—Meals are served on board at the following hours:—

  • Tea, Coffee or Fruit in cabin, 6.30 am till 7:00 am
  • Breakfast 8:30 am
  • Luncheon 1:00 pm
  • Afternoon Tea 4:00 pm
  • Dinner 7:00 pm

Sandwiches, Coffee, &c., served in the Saloon and Café from 9:00 pm till 10:00 pm

Beef Tea, or Ices in hot weather, served on deck at 11:00 am

Children and Nurses.—Breakfast, 8:00 am Dinner, 12.30. Tea, 5.30. Children are not allowed in the Library or Lounge, and unless accompanied by Parents, are not allowed on the boat deck.

Seats at Table.—For seating arrangements application should be made to the Second Steward.

Bar Hours.—The Bar will be open at the following hours for the convenience of Passengers.

  • 10:00 am till 1:00 pm
  • 1.30 pm till 2:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm till 7:00 pm
  • 7.30 pm till 11:00 pm

Lights.—Lights are extinguished at the following hours :-

  • Dining Saloon, Library and Lounge, 11:00 pm
  • Smoking Room and Verandah Café, 11:00 pm

Smoking.—Smoking is not permitted in the Dining Saloon, Library or Cabins.

Baggage.—No packages of greater dimensions than 3 ft. long and 1 ft. 9 in. broad and 1 ft. 3 in. high will be allowed in the cabins.

Passengers' attention is called to the importance of having their baggage appropriately labeled and secured. Baggage days are arranged once every week, when Passengers can have access to the Baggage Room.

Deck Chairs.—Deck Chairs can be hired on application to the Chief Steward at the following charges :-

  • London or Australia to South Africa, 5s
  • London to Australia, 7s. 6d
  • Or vice versa

Valuables.—The Chief Steward is authorized to take charge of Valuables, placing them in the ship's safe and issuing an official receipt at the cost of 1 % (one per cent.) on declared value, with a minimum of is. No responsibility can be accepted by the Managers for Jewelery, Plate, Money, &c., unless it is so deposited with the Chief Steward.

Passengers are cautioned not to leave Valuables, &c., lying about the cabins or on the decks.

Library.—A good stock of books is carried on all the steamers, and are issued to the Passengers at certain specified hours (by the Second Steward). As no charge is made for the books, Passengers are earnestly requested to treat them with care and see that they are safely returned.

Postal Arrangements.—A post box is provided outside the Chief Steward's Office, where Passengers Can post letters, &c. Stamps and telegram forms can be obtained at the Chief Steward's Office, where all information in reference to postal rates can be obtained.

Postcards, &C.—Supplies of writing paper, post-cards, &c., are provided at the various writing tables.

Passengers' Addresses.—Before leaving the steamer Passengers are requested to provide the Chief Steward with the address at which they may be found, this being both a matter of convenience and a requirement of the Board of Trade.

Wireless Telegrams.—The Aberdeen Line vessels are each fitted with a powerful wireless apparatus. Full particulars regarding cost of dispatching messages can be obtained from the Chief Steward.

All messages for transmission are to be handed in to the Chief Steward, and must not be given to the Wireless Operator direct.

Surgeon.—The Surgeon is authorized to make a charge of five shillings for each visit to First-class Passengers for medical attendance. The Company supplies medicines free.

Barber.—The Barber is authorized to make the following charges for professional attendance upon Passengers :—

  • Shaving 6d
  • Haircutting (Gentlemen) 1/-
  • Haircutting (Ladies) 2/-
  • Shampooing (Gentlemen) 1/-
  • Shampooing (Ladies) 2/-

Ironing Room.—An Ironing Room has been set apart in each steamer for the convenience of lady Passengers. It is under the charge of the Stewardess to whom application must he made by those desiring to use it.

Divine Service.—Intimation regarding Divine Service will appear on the Notice Board every Sunday morning.

Time of Departure From Ports.—The time of the ship's departure from the various ports will be posted on the Notice Board at the Gangway on arrival and must be carefully noted by the Passengers.

The Company will not be responsible or delay the steamer in the case of any passenger who may go ashore and fail to re-embark by the time of departure posted at the Gangway.

Passengers' Fares, &c.—A list of fares, time-tables, and general information in reference to passenger bookings is published by the Company, and may be had on application at the Offices of the Company or any booking Agents.

Notices.—All information which may be of interest to Passengers is posted upon the ship's Notice Boards, such as the daily news, wireless messages, sports, arrangements, &c.

Deck Games.—The usual Deck Games are provided by the ship free of charge.

Pets.--Passengers wishing to carry Birds, Dogs, Cats or other animals must make special arrangements when booking, freight being charged for same. Under no circumstances will pets be allowed in any of the cabins.

Aberdeen Line - From - London and Plymouth - To - South Africa and Australia


  • Triple Screw SS Euripides 15,000 Tons
  • Triple Screw SS Demosthenes 11,500 Tons
  • Twin Screw SS Themistocles 11,500 Tons
  • Twin Screw SS Sophocles 12,500 Tons
  • Twin Screw SS Diogenes 12,500 Tons

Front and Back Cover, Aberdeen Line SS Sophocles First Class Passenger List Dated 1925-08-13.

Front and Back Cover, Aberdeen Line SS Sophocles First Class Passenger List Dated 1925-08-13. GGA Image ID # 120fb19c7e


Aberdeen Line Tours

Round The World Tours

FOR the convenience of passengers the * Aberdeen Line have concluded arrangements with other shipping companies whereby those wishing to visit various parts of the world can do so at fares which are considerably cheaper than if single tickets are taken from point to point.

Tours can be commenced from any main port en route, and break of journey can be made at any port and for any length of time provided the tour is completed within a period of two years.

Among the places embraced in these tours are the Canary Islands, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, Java, Singapore, China, Japan, Panama, Honolulu, etc.

The Management will be very pleased to give full details on application being made to them or any of their Agents.

Booklets can be obtained from the Chief Steward.

TOURS TO Victoria Falls through South Africa.

THE Aberdeen Line, by special arrangement with the S.A.R. and Rhodesian Railways, offers passengers from England or from Australia, combined sea and land tours to South Africa and Rhodesia at specially reduced inclusive rates, covering first class ocean and rail travel throughout, meals on dining cars, accommodation at best hotels, and motor-car trips to many places of interest en route. The tours are unusually well organized and complete.

Under these inclusive arrangements the traveler is relieved of all worry as regards his itinerary— everything being planned and arranged for before the journey is begun.

Hotel accommodation and sleeping car reservations, etc., are all made in advance by the Company’s agents in South Africa.

The tours are for independent travel by one or more persons, without the necessity of a guide or conductor, and are specially designed to fit in with the steamship schedules. The printed itineraries have been carefully mapped out to afford the most interesting and pleasurable journey possible in the time allotted, and without haste or fatigue.

Full particulars can be obtained from the Managers:

GEO. THOMPSON & Co.. Ltd., 7, Billiter Square, E.C. 3, or from any of the Company's Agents.

Booklets can be obtained from the Chief Steward.

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