SS Doric Passenger List - 30 July 1925


Front Cover, Third Class Passenger List for the SS Doric of the White Star-Dominion Line, Departing 30 July 1925 from Liverpool to Québec.

Front Cover, Third Class Passenger List for the SS Doric of the White Star-Dominion Line, Departing 30 July 1925 from Liverpool to Québec via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain S. Bolton. GGA Image ID # 1fc46b290d


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: S. Bolton, D.S.C., R.D. (Commr. R.N.R., Retd.), Commander
  2. Chief Engineer W. Relph
  3. Surgeon Robley Browne, 0.B.E. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Load.)
    (Surgeon-Capt. R.N., Retd.)
  4. Purser W. J. O'Hagan
  5. Chief Steward F. Carroll
  6. Chief Third Class Steward F. Hirst


List of Third Class Passengers

From Liverpool

  1. Allen, Miss J
  2. Archer, Mr. Joseph W
  3. Archer, Miss Ivey L
  4. Arney, Mr. Fred G
  5. Arney, Mrs. Alice M
  6. Barriball, Mr. John
  7. Bedding, Mrs. Mary P
  8. Bernadette, Miss Jean
  9. Biddies, Miss Edith
  10. Braithwaite, Mr. Wm
  11. Braithwaite, Mrs. Jessie
  12. Braithwaite, Miss Jessie
  13. Bridgeman, Mr. Fred
  14. Bridgeman, Mrs. B
  15. Bridgeman, Master Robt
  16. Bridgeman, Master T
  17. Brooks, Mr. Vincent D
  18. Brown, Miss H. L
  19. Burnside, Mrs. Mary
  20. Burnside, Miss Robina
  21. Carroll, Mr. Lovell C
  22. Charlton, Miss Marjorie J
  23. Christiuk. Mr. Theodore
  24. Clarke, Mr. John Henry
  25. Coussons, Mr. David
  26. Coussons, Mrs. Mary
  27. Coussons, Miss Polly
  28. Crompton, Mrs. Lucy
  29. Crompton, Master Ed
  30. Crompton, Master Wm
  31. Currie, Mr. Joseph
  32. Currie, Mr. Wm. James
  33. Darbin, Mr. Herbt. Wm
  34. Darby, Mr. R. Albert B
  35. Darby, Miss Ethel G
  36. Darby, Miss Zoe W
  37. Davies, Mrs. E
  38. Dickens, Mr. Charles
  39. Donaghy, Miss F. D
  40. Dormer, Mrs. Char. E
  41. Drew-Brook, Mrs. E. M
  42. Drinnan, Miss Margt. L
  43. Dunstan, Mr. Wm. J
  44. Edney, Mr. George A
  45. Elliott, Mrs. Florence E
  46. Elliott, Master L. W
  47. Elven, Mr. Nels
  48. Farquharson, Mr. Hugh
  49. Fisk, Dr. Walter M
  50. Fleming, Mr. James
  51. Fraser, Dr. James 0
  52. Gash, Mr. David
  53. Gash, Mrs. Alice
  54. Gash, Master Hedley
  55. Gash, Master Robert
  56. Gibb, Miss Grace G
  57. Giles, Mrs. Edith
  58. Glaister, Miss Edith M
  59. Green, Mrs. Emma
  60. Griffith, Mr. Francis W
  61. Griffiths, Mr. Wm. J
  62. Hall, Mr. Winston
  63. Hall, Mrs. S. Ruby
  64. Hall, Miss Evelyn L
  65. Hargraves, Mr. George
  66. Hart, Rev. E. Ives
  67. Hauchet, Mr. Walter E
  68. Hill, Miss Ethel
  69. Hines, Mrs. Bridget
  70. Hobson, Miss Caroline
  71. Hogle, Mr. Sampson L
  72. Hogle, Mrs
  73. Holme, Mr. Bryan R
  74. Hunt, Mrs. Victoria M
  75. Hunt, Miss Beatrice
  76. Hurley, Mr. John
  77. Hurley, Mrs. Ellen
  78. Hurley, Miss Rita
  79. Irving, Mrs. J
  80. Jenks, Miss Mildred
  81. Johansson, Miss Anna K
  82. Johnson, Mr. William
  83. ohnson, Mrs. Margaret
  84. Kennedy, Mr. Patrick
  85. Kennedy, Mr. Howard
  86. Kennedy, Miss S
  87. Kershaw, Mr. William
  88. King, Mr. Peter
  89. Larmour, Mr. David
  90. Lawton, Miss Ivy,May
  91. Leary, Miss Lois
  92. Leeson, Mrs. Lillian M
  93. Leeson, Miss Mary L
  94. Levison, Mr. Chas. R
  95. Long, Mr. Robert
  96. Mackenzie, Mr. John C
  97. Maguire, Mrs. Gertrude
  98. Maguire, Miss Margaret
  99. Martin, Mr. Charles
  100. Martin, Mrs. Emily E
  101. McCushin, Mr. John
  102. McDonald, Mr. James
  103. McFarland, Mr. Francis
  104. McFarland, Mrs. L. H
  105. McFarland, Miss E. J
  106. McKeown, Mr. J
  107. McKeown, Miss Mary
  108. McLennan, Mrs. Elsie
  109. McLennan, Master Donald
  110. McLennan, Miss Margt
  111. Mellor, Miss M. B
  112. Merrill, Miss Eva
  113. Miller, Mrs. Katherine J
  114. Monger, Miss Jess
  115. Moore, Mr. Wm. Joseph
  116. Morrell, Mrs. Eliza J
  117. Morrell, Master Douglas
  118. Mount, Mrs. Una E
  119. Mowat, Mrs. A
  120. Moyser, Mr. Percy
  121. Muir, Mr. James
  122. Muir, Mrs. Dora E
  123. Mulvey, Mrs. Margaret
  124. Murdoch, Mrs. Nora
  125. Naughton, Mr. Thomas
  126. Neilson, Mr. Nels C
  127. Nenur, Miss A
  128. Newman, Miss Helen
  129. O'Donnell, Miss Jean
  130. Park, Miss Agnes A
  131. Pelgrin, Mr. John
  132. Petersen, Mr. Rudolf
  133. Quayle, Mrs. Jessie L
  134. Ralph, Miss Mary
  135. Ramsey, Miss E. Jean
  136. Ramsey, Miss A. M
  137. Ramsey, Miss M. E
  138. Ridley, Mr. Thomas
  139. Ripley, Mrs. Clara
  140. Rose, Mrs. Emily
  141. Saunders, Mr. Leslie G
  142. Selvaac, Mr. John
  143. Shaw, Mr. Fred
  144. Shaw, Miss Doreen
  145. Sibbring, Mr. Alfred Ed
  146. Simms, Mrs. Emma
  147. Simonsen, Mr. Jorger
  148. Skells, Mr. John
  149. Smith, Mr. L. G
  150. Smith, Mr. Gilbert
  151. Smith, Mrs. Louisa
  152. Smith, Miss Esther
  153. Snodgrass, Dr. Boyd B
  154. Snodgrass, Mrs. Maude
  155. Snodgrass, Miss Emma
  156. Snook, Miss Isabella
  157. Stanley, Mrs. Margt. E
  158. Stewart, Mr. Thomas
  159. Stone, Mrs. Kate
  160. Stone, Master Samuel
  161. Suthons, Miss May
  162. Suthons, Miss Margaret
  163. Thomas, Mr. Philip
  164. Thomas, Mrs. Eleanor P
  165. Thomson, Mr. James
  166. Turcott, Mr. Frank
  167. Turnbull, Mrs. H. Grace
  168. Turnbull, Master Eric W
  169. Upham, Miss Marion
  170. Varnum, Mr. Chas. W
  171. Varnum, Mrs. Lulu L
  172. Varty, Mr. John W
  173. Varty, Mrs. Annie
  174. Walker, Mr. Chas
  175. White, Mr. Robert
  176. White, Mrs. Robert
  177. Whittaker, Mrs. Emily
  178. Whittaker, Miss Maud
  179. Wood, Mr. Frederick Wm
  180. Wood, Miss Iris
  181. Woollett, Mr. George L
  182. Woollett, Mrs. Selina W
  183. Yates, Mrs. Lily


From Queenstown

  1. Coughlan, Mr. William
  2. Finnegan, Mr. John
  3. Maloney, Miss Mary
  4. Marren, Mrs. Bridget
  5. Wallace, Mr. W
  6. Wallace, Mrs


General Information for Passengers


SS Regina and SS Doric of the White Star Dominion Line

SS Regina and SS Doric of the White Star Dominion Line. GGA Image ID # 1fc47ac027


  • Breakfast at 8:00 am
  • Luncheon at 12 Noon
  • Dinner at 6:00 pm

The Bar opens at 8:00 am and closes at 10:00 pm

Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:00 am

Smoking. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the Dining Saloon.

It is also desired that ladies should refrain from using the Smoking Room.

Seats at Table. Passengers should apply to the Chief Third Class Steward for reservation of seats.

Upper Berths.—Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.

The Purser's Office. Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconi-grams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.

None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

Charges Collected on Board. Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

Passengers' Addresses should be left at the Purser's Office, in order that any letters received after Passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.

Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs can be hired on application to the Chief Third Class Steward, at a charge of 2/6 (or 60 cents) each for the voyage.

Valuables. For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's Office, a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section N2 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

Exchange of Money. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, American and Canadian money, at rates which will be advised on application.

Travellers' Cheques, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices, of the Company. These Cheques are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

Baggage. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Chief Third Class Steward.

Wardrobe Trunks. Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size.

Dogs. Passengers are notified that dogs must be handed over to the care of the butcher.

Deck Games and Amusements. Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck.

Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Public Room Stewards.

Wireless Telegram Rates

This Steamer is fitted with Ararconi's system of Wireless Telegraphy
and also with Submarine Signalling Apparatus.

The Following Rates DO Not INCLUDE The Forwarding Charges BEYOND The Coast STATION, WHICH ARE Additional.

Every word in the address, text, and signature is counted. All charges must be prepaid and a receipt should be requested.

Long Range Wireless Service

This vessel is fitted with special long range wireless apparatus which will enable Passengers to communicate with their friends or business connections on shore at any time during the voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Wireless charge for messages directed through the long distance wireless stations at Devizes, England; Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, or Chatham, Mass., is 10d. per word.

The ship is constantly in touch with one or other of these stations.

Ship To Ship. The general rate for messages exchanged between British ships is 8d. per word. For messages exchanged with ships of other nationalities, the general rate is 80 per word, but as Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a Wireless ship charge with a minimum of 10 words, the charge for messages addressed to the vessels will be calculated as follows :—

  • For less than 10 words 3/6 plus a charge of 4d. per word.
  • For 10 words or more 8d. per word.

Special Rate Messages

Ocean Letters. The Marconi Company have inaugurated an "Ocean Letter" service by which messages may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel. For an " Ocean Letter " sent to a British ship controlled by the Marconi Company, the rate is (inclusive of wireless, postage and registration) 5s. for 20 words, plus 2d. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words. For an " Ocean Letter " sent to a foreign ship, the rate is 5/6 for the first 20 words, plus 21d. for each additional word, up to a maximum of 100 words. This class of message must contain full postal address.

Poste Radiotelegrams. These messages are accepted for transmission to a selected vessel for mailing on arrival in port. This service provides a most economical channel of communication with friends and relatives on shore when full rate facilities are not desired.

Poste Radiotelegrams should preferably be handed in during the early part of the voyage and should be addressed in a manner similar to the following example :—

Poste—New York Brown 2464 Quincy Avenue
Boston Majestic
Arriving Tuesday Well

The Inclusive cost of the above message would be 3/64.

For particulars regarding Wireless communications established or expected, please consult the Wireless notice board, where full Information is posted daily throughout the voyage.

Postal Information

High Seas Mail—On all British steamers British Postage Stamps and rates are used when mailing letters for European points, and such letters should be posted in the ship's letter box in the ordinary way.

The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival. Full particulars can be obtained at the Enquiry Office upon application.

for Letters Mailed in The United States

Rates on letters to points in the United States, Canada and British Colonies and to Great Britain and Ireland, two cents an ounce or fraction thereof.

The above rates apply to letters to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; the Bahamas, the Barbados, British Guiana, British Honduras, the Dominican Republic, the Dutch West Indies, the Leeward Islands, Newfoundland, Trinidad (including Tobago), New Zealand; and the Windward Islands (including Grenada, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, and St. Lucia).

Rates on letters to all other countries—five cents for the first ounce, and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction.

Rates on postal cards to all countries (except United States, Canada, Cuba, Mexico and Panama, one cent. to each)—two cents each; on return or reply cards, four cents each.

Canadian Postal Rates

Letters to points in Canada, United States and Mexico, three cents for the first ounce, two cents for each additional ounce (War Tax included); rates to points in Great Britain and all other places within the Empire, four cents for the first ounce, three cents for each additional ounce, (War Tax included); rates to other countries, ten cents for the first ounce, five cents for each additional ounce.

Postal Cards to points in Canada, Great Britain and all other places within the Empire, United States and Mexico, two cents each (War Tax included); rates to other countries six cents each.

Canadian Newspapers to points in Canada, Great Britain and certain places within the Empire, United States and Mexico, one cent for four ounces.

Printed Matter to points in Canada, United States and Mexico, one cent for two ounces; rates to other countries two cents for two ounces

Literature for the Blind to points in Canada, United States, Mexico and Newfoundland free; rates to all other countries one cent per lb.

Commercial Papers to all countries other than Canada, ten cents for the first ten ounces, two cents for every additional two ounces.

Samples to points in Canada, United States and Mexico, one cent per two ounces; rates to all other countries four cents for the first four ounces, two cents every additional.two ounces.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Registered Articles to points in Canada and all other countries, ten cents if requested at the time of posting the article, twenty cents if requested after posting the article.

Special Notice Round Trip Tourist Passengers

Passengers holding return tickets who are undecided about their Canadian and United States addresses should advise same to our nearest office in Canada or United States by mail or in person as soon as possible after arrival abroad. If this is done to by letter, please mention sailing on which you will return and accommodation reserved for you. to, All Passengers holding return tickets arerequested to communicate with our nearest Office at least a week in advance of their sailing from Canada or United States, so that necessary formalities may be arranged in connection with their return passage.


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