Jaffa, Israel Passenger Lists 1932

Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Jaffa, Israel. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.

The Port of Jaffa (Hebrew: נמל יפו‎, Nemal Yafo) is an ancient port on the Mediterranean Sea, located in Old Jaffa, Israel. It serves as a fishing and yacht harbor, and a tourism destination. It offers a variety of culture and food options, including restaurants where fresh fish and seafood is served.

1932-06-28 Passenger List for SS Exeter

1932-06-28 SS Exeter Passenger List

  • Class of Passengers: One
  • Date of Departure: 28 June 1932
  • Route: New York to Alexandria via Gibraltar, Marseilles, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut, and Naples
  • Commander: Captain C.C. Decker


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GG Archives


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