Kobe, Japan Passenger Lists 1926 - 1934
Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Kobe, Japan. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.
In many respects the most charming city in the whole of Japan, Kobe, the third largest City in the Empire of Japan, has today a population of over 658,000. Its foreign trade exceeds that of any other place in the empire.
1926-09-30 SS President Van Buren Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Dollar Steamship Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
- Date of Departure: 30 September 1926
- Route: New York to Marseilles via Havana, Cristobal, Balbao, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manilla, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Port Said and Alexandria
- Commander: Captain M. Ridley
1929-04-20 Empress of Asia Passenger List
Steamship Line: Canadian Pacific Line
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 20 April 1929
Route: Vancouver and Victoria to Manila via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai, and Hong Kong
Commander: Captain A. J. Hailey, R.N.R.
1930-06-12 SS Empress of Canada Passenger List
Steamship Line: Canadian Pacific Line
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 12 June 1930
Route: Vancouver and Victoria to Manila via Honolulu, Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, and Hong Kong
Commander: Captain A. J. Hailey, R.N.R.
1934-09-18 SS President Jackson Passenger List
- Steamship Line: American Mail Line
- Class of Passengers: Not Stated
- Date of Departure: 18 September 1934
- Route: Kobe to Seattle via Yokohama
- Commander: Captain M. M. Jensen, U.S.N.R
Kobe faces south and owes much of its popularity to the dryness and purity of its air; for it is the healthiest city in Japan. It is, too, conveniently situated as a centre for excursions to many places of supreme interest, for instance, to the famous Inland Sea, Kyoto, Lake Biwa, etc.
Previous to its being opened, in 1863, to foreign trade, Kobe was little more than a suburb of Hyogo; but its advance since then has been extraordinary, and it now stands in the first rank among the great ports of the East. For the city of Osaka, a manufacturing centre, it is the natural outlet, and between the two is to be found a large and representative body of the Japanese manufacturing industry.
The central position of Kobe is responsible for its rapid growth. By rail it is less than an hour's journey from Osaka, three hours from Kyoto, 10 hours from Tokyo and Yokohama and Moji, 14 hours from Nagasaki. By steamer it is in easy touch with the entire world. [1]
[1] Official Guide to World Ports, 11th Edition, 1923. Page 95