SS Empress of Asia Passenger List - 20 April 1929
Front Cover, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List of the Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS), Departing Saturday, 20 April 1929, from Vancouver and Victoria to Manila via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, Commanded by Captain A. J. Hailey, R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 21750bc78f
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. J. Hailey, R.N.R.
- Staff Captain: M. Mayall, R.N.R.
- Chief Officer: A. V. R. Lovegrove, D.S.O., R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: J. Bald
- Purser: H. Pecknold
- Surgeon H. M. Macrae, M.D.:
- Chief Steward: F. Wright
First Class Passengers
- Alvarez, Mr. M.
- Barney, Mr. W. G.
- Barwick, Mr. C. J.
- Beebe, Mr. Geo. S.
- Beltz, Mr. E. W.
- Beltz, Mrs.
- Beltz, Mr. John
- Beltz, Mr. William
- Benjamin, Mr. J.
- Brownrigg, Mr. Oscar
- Clagett, Mrs. M. du H.
- Conant, Mrs. H. A. R.
- Curry, Mr. G.
- Fallis, Mrs. W. S.
- Giesel, Mr. A.
- Gowan, Rev. Vincent H
- Harbottle, Mr. R.
- Hellyer, Mr. Walter
- Hestness, Mr. H.
- Igo, Mr. N.
- Ingram, Mr. E. M. B., O.B.E.
- Iwaki, Mr. J.
- Koch, Mr. E. F.
- Koch, Mrs.
- Koch, Master David
- Koch, Master Theodore
- Kofferd, Rev. J. A.
- Kofferd, Mrs.
- Lachlan, Mr. F. P.
- Lagerberg, Mr. Sven
- Lee, Mr. V. C.
- Lockwood, Mr. L.
- Looney, Mr. J. L.
- Looney, Mrs.
- McDougall, Miss Helen
- McNicholl, Mrs. E.
- Milne, Mr. W. J.
- Milne, Mrs.
- Nagano, Mr. S.
- O’Brien, Mr. D. J.
- Orr, Mr. R. B.
- Palmer, Mrs. N. L.
- Persons, Mr. G.
- Pink, Mr. A. L.
- Pink, Mrs.
- Plimpton, Mr. Russell A.
- Priest, Mr. A. R.
- Robinson, Mr. George
- Robinson, Mrs.
- Roosa, Dr. Charles C.
- Roosa, Mrs.
- Roosa, Miss Elizabeth B.
- Roosa, Miss Mabel E.
- Rubien, Mr. J. Orville
- Saito, Mr. G. F.
- Sakamoto, Mr. F.
- Siegfried, Mr. Walter
- Stansfield, Mr. B. J.
- Sugden, Mrs. H. Sugden, Miss
- Sutherland, Mr. J. S
- Tanaka, Mr. T.
- Tanaka, Mrs.
- Thomson, Mr. J. L.
- Viau, Mr. Paul
- Winslow, Mr. C. C.
- Whitcomb, Mrs. M. Osgood
Second Class Passengers
- Aldea, Mr. Marcos H.
- Bardwill, Mr. T.
- Bing, Mr. Leong
- Chen, Mr. Albert
- Celina, Rev. Srs. Marie
- Corcoran, Mr. Albert T.
- Corcoran, Mrs.
- Corcoran, Mtr. Igor
- Crofoot, Mr. J. W.
- Crofoot, Mrs.
- Cuthbertson, Mr. James
- Cuthbertson, Mrs.
- Davenport, Mr. E. H.
- Elliott, Mr. H. F.
- Famille, Rev. Srs. Joseph De La Ste.
- Funahashi, Mr. J.
- Grehn, Miss G.
- Helene, Rev. Srs. Ste
- Hirschorn, Mr. M. J.
- Hirschorn, Mrs.
- Hoben, Mr. Lindsay
- Hoben, Mr. Edmund
- Honham, Mr. H. C.
- Ibalio, Mrs. L. L. and Infant
- Kobayashi, Mr. T.
- Lazarte, Mr. Aurelio
- Leong, Mrs. Tong Lin
- Leong, Mtr. Thomas
- Leung, Mr. B.
- Leung, Mrs.
- Leung, Mtr. M. L.
- Leung, Mtr. Y. P.
- Lim, Miss Lillian
- Lindsay, Mr. Thomas
- Lim, Mr. Tien Sung
- McPike, Miss May
- Matthews, Mr. Geo. H.
- Marie, Rev. Srs. Marguerite
- Mei, Mr. Chen Kuei
- Pechnikoff, Mr. L.
- Pih, Mr. M. Y.
- Pih, Mrs.
- Pih, Miss Pearl
- Quing, Mr. Quan
- Ren, Miss Cho
- Roberts, Rev. Waters Dewees
- Roberts, Miss Mary
- Sato, Mr. M.
- Sato, Mr. S.
- Skursky, Mrs. A. M.
- Skursky, Miss I.
- Sopojnikoff, Mr. G.
- Stewart-Moore, Mrs. I. I.
- Suen, Mr. San
- Tsang, Mr. D. B.
- Wheeler-Kither, Mr. J. H. P.
- Wheeler, Mrs. R. B.
- Wheeler, Miss E.
- Wheeler, Miss R.
- Yue, Mr. Chew Dat
- Yu, Mr. Hsiang Lin
- Yu, Mrs.
Information For Passengers
MAIL AND TELEGRAMS—Please inquire at Purser's office for your mail and telegrams.
CANADIAN PACIFIC TELEGRAPH connects with all points in Canada and all important points in the United States via the Postal Telegraph Company. Direct connection with Great Britain and Europe via Commercial and Imperial cables, and Australasia via British Pacific Cable.
WIRELESS MESSAGES—Rates obtainable from the Purser.
DECK CHAIRS may be rented—
Between Vancouver and Japan: $1.00
Between Vancouver and Shanghai: $1.50
Between Vancouver and Hong Kong: $1.50
Between Vancouver and Manila: $1.50
STEAMER RUGS may be rented:
Between Vancouver and Japanese ports: $2.00
Between Vancouver and Shanghai: $3.00
Between Vancouver and Hong Kong: $3.00
Between Vancouver and Manila: $3.00
RUGS are dry cleaned and placed in sanitary packages after each voyage.
LAUNDRY—For the convenience of passengers, laundries are maintained on all vessels. A laundry list may be obtained from the room steward.
VALUABLES—The Company will not be responsible for money, jewelry, or other valuables. Passengers are advised not to keep such articles in their state rooms but to hand them, sealed and marked with the owner's name, to the Purser for deposit in the safe. As no charge is made, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage.
BAGGAGE—The state rooms allow only handbags and trunks that fit underneath the berths. All large or heavy baggage containing articles required during the voyage should be placed in the baggage room and accessible daily.
THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free.
RESERVATION OF STEAMSHIP ACCOMMODATION—Passengers desiring accommodation on an early returning steamship are requested to contact the Canadian Pacific representative as soon as possible after disembarking. Those making a close connection at Hong Kong with steamers of connecting lines are advised to call the Canadian Pacific office on arrival at Yokohama to apply for the desired reservations.
PASSENGER LIST—Passengers who desire to forward a copy of this Passenger List to friends or relatives are requested to apply at the Purser's office, where additional copies may be obtained, with an envelope for mailing.
SUGGESTIONS—Passengers with any suggestions regarding service are requested to submit them to the Commander, Staff Captain, Purser, or Chief Steward promptly so that immediate attention may be given.
STAFF CAPTAINS have been appointed to the Empress of France, Empress of Russia, and Empress of Asia. They will give special attention to the comfort and convenience of the passengers. Passengers are cordially invited to submit suggestions to the Staff Captains that will improve the service.
SEATS AT TABLE—Passengers should make reservations of seats at the table through the Second Steward or Head Waiter in the Dining Saloon.
EMERGENCY STATIONS — Passengers are requested to consult the plans and directions in an alleyway.
International Meridian Line
The international date line is an imaginary line drawn through the Pacific Ocean at the 180th Meridian. It has been adopted by long years of practice. The 180th Meridian was probably selected because it is twelve hours from Greenwich and passes through the Pacific, far from most civilized countries.
Here, a traveler going east or west “changes date.” This is because for every 15 degrees traveled east or west, a person lengthens or shortens his day by one hour. This is because he moves with the sun when traveling west and in the opposite direction when going east.
For geographic reasons, the date line does not follow the 180th Meridian exactly. It runs in a northerly and southerly direction, separating the islands of the Pacific so that those on the east side have the same date as Canada and the United States, while those on the west side have the same date as Japan and Australia.
The date line passes through the Bering Strait, dividing America and Asia.
Special Notice
For the convenience of our patrons, ticket agents are now carried on all Trans-Pacific ships, including Vancouver and Yokohama, and return.
Kindly consult them regarding your return STEAMSHIPS, RAIL, SLEEPER, AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS.
Title Page and Listing of Senior Officers, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 21751dedb3
Canadian Pacific Trans-Pacific Sailing Schedule, Vancouver-Victoria-Yokohama-Kobe-Nagasaki-Shanghai-Hong Kong- Manilia-Hong Kong and Hong Kong-Shanghai-Nagasaki-Kobe-Yokohama-Victoria-Vancouver, from 30 March 1929 to 30 November 1929. Ships Included the Empress of Asia, Empress of Canada, Empress of France, and Empress of Russia. SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 2175566116
On all westbound sailings from Hong Kong February 24 until April 21, the Empresses remain at Manila five days. From May 9 until August 29 the Empresses remain at Manila one day. The Empresses remain in Japanese ports 6 to 12 hours; Shanghai 24 hours, according to tide.
Time on Shipboard, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID #
*Note—Seven Bells in these two Watches are struck 10 minutes earlier to allow the watch next for duty to have their breakfast and dinner respectively. One Bell is also struck at 3.45 and 7.45 a.m. and p.m., as warning to Watch below—i.e., off duty, to prepare to relieve the deck punctually at Eight Bells. The object of the Dog Watches is to change the hours on duty of the men, so that those who are on watch from 8 p.m. to midnight one day will shift to midnight to 4 a.m. on the next. It will be noted that the hours have an even number of Bells and the half hours an odd number.
Canadian Pacific Express Company Travellers' Cheques, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 217595dd37
TRAVELLERS’ CHEQUES GOOD THE WORLD OVER Canadian Pacific Express Travellers’ Cheques are world-wide currency. They are issued in convenient denominations, so that you need only carry a limited amount of the actual currency of the country in which travelling, and are payable in the United States in United States dollars, in other countries at the current buying rate for bankers’ cheques in New York. No personal identification required. Your countersignature on the cheque identifies you. They insure you against loss, are cashed by thousands of banks and all express companies, and accepted in payment of tickets and accounts by railway, steamship and sleeping-car companies, tourist agencies, first-class stores and hotels, wherever you happen to be, which insures you against delay and inconvenience.
Fleet List and Services, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 21764fbec1
TRANSATLANTIC SERVICES BETWEEN MONTREAL and QUEBEC Summer SAINT JOHN, N.B., Winter AND Liverpool Southampton Plymouth Glasgow Greenock Belfast Cobh (Queenstown) Cherbourg Antwerp and Hamburg. TRANSPACIFIC SERVICES BETWEEN VANCOUVER and VICTORIA AND Yokohama Kobe Nagasaki Shanghai Hong Kong and Manila. Canadian Pacific Line offers the largest, newest and fastest steamships on the Pacific Ocean.
Canadian Pacific Line Services to Europe and New Luxury Liner Empress of Britian, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 21768dbebe
TO EUROPE BY THE MIGHTY WATER BOULEVARD. TWO DAYS IN SHELTERED WATERS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE. ONLY FOUR DAYS OPEN SEA. 1,000 miles—one third the way—on the St. Lawrence. Then about four days only of open sea. Empress Express Steamships from Quebec to Southampton and Cherbourg. Also Cabin steamships—including the new Duchesses—from Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool, Southampton, Glasgow, Greenock, Belfast, Cobh (Queenstown), Plymouth, Cherbourg, Antwerp, and Hamburg. Book now for choice accommodations. Also Tourist Third Cabin. Comfortable surroundings, congenial travel associates and economical. The highest class of service maintained throughout all grades of accommodation. Enquire of the Purser or any Canadian Pacific Agent.
NEW LUXURY LINER EMPRESS OF BRITAIN Tonnage—40,000 Speed—24 knots. The Canadian Pacific Steamships have in course of construction at Clydebank, near Glasgow, Scotland, a magnificent steamship of 40,000 tons, which will be engaged in service between Quebec, Southampton and Cherbourg during 1931. The new ship will have de luxe accommodation hitherto not available. The ship will be named the Empress of Britain, and is expected to make the Atlantic crossing in five days.
Advertisement: 1929-1930 Seven Delightful Canadian Pacific Cruises Including Around the World on the Empress of Australia, South America-Africa on the Duchess of Atholl, Mediterranean on the Empress of Scotland and Empress of France, and West Indies-Panama on the Duchess of Bedford. SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 21769e3d4f
Back Cover, SS Empress of Asia First and Second Class Passenger List, 20 April 1929. GGA Image ID # 2176b2b04f
Passenger List Images Contributed by Chris Crofts, 2023-2024.