SS Empress of Australia Passenger List - 24 August 1937
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Empress of Australia of the Canadian Pacific Line (CPOS), Departing 24 August 1937 from Southampton to Quebec via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. G. Busk-Wood. GGA Image ID # 173d681eda
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain W. G. Busk-Wood, R.D., R.N.R
- Chief Officer W. Stanfield, R.N.R
- Chief Engineer J. T. Kelly
- Purser J. W. Bartlet
- Surgeon E. F. D. Owen, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P
- Chief Steward J. S. Herring
- Rail Traffic Representative R. A. Paulson
Office on "A" Deck, Amidships
List of Cabin Passengers
- Mrs. E. M. P. Armstrong-Dash
- Mr. A. Ashton
- Mrs. Ashton
- Miss Helen Ashton
- Master Derek Ashton
- Miss Gladys M. Banfill
- Rev. Dr. A. J. Gaynor Banks
- Miss Marjorie M. Begg
- Mrs. Joseph P. Beranger
- Miss Barbara Beranger
- Major C. A. Boone
- Mrs. Boone
- Miss Diana B. Boone
- Miss Jocelyn D. Boone
- Mrs. Dorothy C. Booth
- Mrs. Thomas Bresnahan
- Mr. M. Bryan
- Mrs. John F. Cleeves
- Mrs. Alan Cockeram
- Miss Elizabeth Cockeram
- Mr. Sidney J. Cohen
- Mrs. Cohen
- Master Gordon D. Cohen and Nurse
- Dr. Edwin J. Cohn
- Mrs. Cohn
- Miss Myrtle Collier
- Miss Josephine Collier
- Mr. T. G. Conoley
- Dr. P. Cottendt
- Mrs. Duncan Coulson
- Mrs. Alfred Cowles
- Mr. R. W. Craig, K.C
- Mr. O. C. Croy
- Mrs. Croy
- Mr. Michael F. Cudahy
- Mr. A. C. Cummings
- Mrs. T. S. Darling
- Mr. Horace S. Davis
- Miss Elizabeth S. Dixon
- Major C. E. Dowding
- Mrs. Dowding
- Mr. W. T. C. Dowding
- Mr. R. B. Dowding
- Miss Gertrude Doyle
- Mr. Randolph L. Eddy
- Mrs. Eddy
- Miss Grace B. Eddy
- Mr. Robert P. Eddy
- Mrs. William S. Edwards
- Miss Jean Edwards
- Miss Edith A. Edwards
- Mr. William R. Eunson
- Mrs. Eunson
- Miss Marjorie Eunson
- Mr. E. Evelyn
- Capt. Arthur Farquhar
- Mrs. Frances Darlington Faxon
- Miss Frances Darlington Faxon
- Miss Ada S. P. Fitt
- Miss Louise Fowids
- Miss Grace Fowids
- Mr. Allan J. Fraser
- Miss Helen J. Fredericks
- Mr. Gant Gaither, Jr.
- Miss Jane L. Gaither
- Mr. F. W. Gamble
- Mrs. Gamble
- Dr. R. Gauducheau
- Mrs. Gauducheau
- Dr. Paul Gibert
- Mrs. W. H. Goodwin
- Dr. T. W. Grindley
- Mrs. Grindley
- Dr. Roy L. Grogan
- Mrs. Grogan
- Miss Laura Lee Grogan
- Mrs. St. John Guble
- Mrs. K. S. Hall
- Mr. B. D. Hamilton
- Mrs. Hamilton
- Mr. E. Harwood
- Mrs. C. Heubach
- Miss Jean Heubach
- Miss Elizabeth Heubach
- Miss Doris Heubach
- Mr. Percy E. Hopkins
- Mrs. Hopkins
- Engr.-Capt. W. Cecil Horton, R.N. (Ret'd.)
- Mrs. Horton
- Mr. Campbell M. Hunter, O.B.E
- Mrs. Hunter
- Mr. J. S. Jeffries
- Mrs. Jeffries
- Mr. Alfred Jephcott
- Miss N. M. Jones
- Mr. Ernest G. King
- Mr. W. H. Lamont
- Mrs. Lamont
- Mr. D. H. L. Lamont
- Mrs. Langenbacher De Foulschie
- Miss Ethel Lawrie
- Miss J. G. Lawrie
- Mr. Michel Legraye
- Mr. E. G. Lloyd
- Mr. Samuel Logan
- Mr. Marcel Louis
- Mrs. Louis
- Miss Andree Louis
- Mr. John Lyle
- Mrs. Lyle
- Mr. William MacBain
- Mrs. Roy M. McClenahan
- Mrs. J. E. McConnell
- Rev. Dr. R. B. McElheran
- Miss Kathryn McGough
- Miss Rosa McGough
- Dr. F. D. McKenty
- Mrs. J. A. McNeil
- Mr. R. J. McNicol
- Mr. A. D. MacTier
- Mrs. MacTier
- Miss Helen G. Mank
- Miss Edith W. Mank
- Mr. Wallace A. Mannheimer
- Mrs. Mannheimer
- Mr. Abbott C. Martin
- Mr. A. S. Mathers
- Mrs. Mathers
- Prof. E. H. Mensel
- Mrs. Mensel
- Mrs. A. B. Mickles
- Miss M. M. Mickles
- Mr. P. G. Might
- Mrs. Might
- Mrs. Maude A. Muller
- Mr. H. E. Mussett
- Mr. Jean Nolin
- Mr. Charles O'Hara
- Lt.-Col. E. A. Olver, D.S.O., V.D
- Mrs. Olver
- Mrs. J. N. Osburn
- Miss Ann Osburn
- Prof. Norman J. Padelford
- Sir Edward Peacock, G.C.V.O
- Mr. R. L. Peek
- Mrs. Peek
- Miss E. Peek
- Mr. Clarence M. Pitts
- Mrs. Pitts
- Miss Grace Powell
- Mrs. W. S. Pratt
- Mr. E. J. Probeck
- Mrs. Probeck
- Mr. Harlow C. Richardson
- Mr. Jean Rinfret
- The Very Rev. Richard Roberts, D.D
- Mrs. Roberts
- Mr. Arthur C. Sanderson
- Mrs. Sanderson
- Miss Agnes Savage
- Mrs. John D. H. Schulz
- Miss Melvina E. Schulz
- Miss Doris Scott
- Mr. Robert W. Sherwin
- Miss Constance Sherwin
- Mr. Robert P. Sherwin
- Miss Emily M. Simmons
- Mrs. James I. Simpson
- Mr. Norman M. Simpson
- Mrs. F. Murray Smith
- Miss Joan Murray Smith
- Mr. Nathaniel W. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mr. Horace Stansbury
- Mrs. Stansbury
- Miss Alice May Stansbury
- Miss Marie Stansbury
- Miss Lois Stansbury
- Mr. H. L. Stimson
- Miss Ann B. Stimson
- Mr. William St. Pierre
- Mrs. St. Pierre
- Dr. John H. Strong
- Miss Irene Stuart
- Miss Iris Stuart
- Miss Frances L. Swain
- Miss Agnes Swinarton
- Mrs. Wm. Howard Taft
- Mr. W. A. Tanner
- Mrs. George H. Tregarneth
- Mr. Frank P. Turville
- Miss Dorothy Turville
- Mr. A. L. Underhill
- Mrs. Underhill
- Mr. Isaac R. Wagner
- Mrs. Wagner
- Mr. R. B. Webberley
- Mrs. Webberley
- Mr. R. M. Webster
- Mrs. C. W. Whittle
- Miss Nora Whittle
- Mr. O. H. Williams
- Mrs. Williams
- Mrs. R. J. Withers
List of Passenger Members of The United WARDS' CLUB of The City of London
- Mr. R. Stiles Allen, J.P.
- Mr. James Austin
- Mrs. Austin
- Mr. D. J. R. Austin
- Mr. F. J. Baker
- Rev. F. C. Baker
- Mrs. H. H. Barritt
- Mr. E. G. W. Bearman
- Mr. W. C. Brett, C.C
- Mrs. Brett
- Mr. E. G. Brown
- Mrs. Brown
- Miss R. Brown
- Mr. M. S. Bryant
- Mr. R. W. Buckingham
- Mrs. R. W. Buckingham
- Mrs. Florence Butler
- Mr. F. G. Carpenter
- Mrs. G. Russell Chapman
- Mr. Frederick H. W. Church, C.C
- Mrs. Church
- Mr. P. R. Clarke
- Mr. J. G. Cook
- Mrs. Cook
- Mr. C. S. Cooper, J.P
- Mr. H. W. Cousins
- Mrs. Cousins
- Mr. L. V. Cousins
- Mr. R. A. Cuthbertson
- Mrs. Cuthbertson
- Mrs. E. P. Darnell
- Mr. R. G. Dawes
- Mrs. Dawes
- Col., Alderman & Sheriff-Elect R. W. Eaton, T.D
- Mrs. Eaton
- Mr. T. W. Esland
- Mrs. Esland
- Miss I. M. Evans
- Mr. C. Roland Field
- Mr. A. Galloway, C.C
- Mrs. Galloway
- Mrs. C. Gardner
- Miss E. M. Glenn
- Miss Mary Glenn
- Mr. G. F. Glenn
- Mr. A. M. Goldney, C.C
- Mrs. Goldney
- Mrs. M. A. Graham
- Mr. A. P. Griggs, J.P
- Mrs. Griggs
- Mr. Walter G. Hislop, C.C
- Mrs. Hislop
- Mr. G. E. W. Huckle
- Mrs. Huckle
- Mrs. A. F. Hughes
- Mr. John Joy, J.P
- Mrs. Joy
- Mr. A. G. Kemsley
- Mrs. Kemsley
- Miss D. M. Langworthy
- Mr. F. Leigh-Pollitt
- Mrs. Leigh-Pollitt
- Miss Y. M. Leigh-Pollitt
- Mr. W. Leuw, C.C
- Mrs. Leuw
- Mr. H. M. LyeIl
- Miss I. A. Maltby
- Mr. R. Me[drum, C.C
- Mrs. Meldrum Mr. T. D. Metcalfe
- Mrs. Metcalfe
- Miss J. A. Moore
- Mr. J. Temple Moore
- Mr. J. H. Morton
- Mr. P. H. Newson-Smith
- Mrs. M. A. Norton
- Miss M. E. Norton
- Miss M. M. Norton
- Mrs. Grace Ostler
- Mr. George Palmer
- Mrs. W. McD. Park
- Mr. J. H. Payton
- Miss E. M. Payton
- Mr. H. J. Pearce
- Mr. A. E. Pearson
- Mrs. Pearson
- Mr. H. M. Piper
- Mr. L. H. Pond, M.A. (Cantab.)
- Mrs. Pond
- Miss Ponsonby
- Mr. A. Pragnell, C.C
- Mrs. Pragnell
- Mr. W. J. Purser
- Mr. P. K. Reynolds
- Mr. Walter Rose
- Mrs. Rose
- Mr. M. Salm
- Mrs. Salm
- Miss A. M. Scott
- Mr. Harry R. Selley, J.P., M.P
- Mr. Harry W. Selley
- Mr. R. R. Sinclair
- Mr. S. H. H. Sinclair
- Mr. F. Hugh Smith
- Mr. Henry H. Sturges, C.C
- Mrs. Sturges
- Mr. J. A. Taylor
- Mrs. Taylor
- Mrs. T. Throup
- Mr. W. E. P. Topping
- Mrs. Topping
- Mrs. H. W. Wainwright
- Mr. Edward Wates
- Mrs. Wates
- Miss J. M. Wates
- Mrs. B. A. Waugh
- Mr. W. H. Whittaker
- Mrs. Whittaker
- Mr. Sydney Wood
- Mrs. Wood
- Mr. W. Woodhead
- Mrs. Woodhead
- Mr. A. W. Woolland
- Mrs. Woolland
- Mr. Alfred E. Wright
- Mrs. Wright
- Mr. S. H. R. Wright
- Mr. H. L. Yates
- Mrs. Yates
Canadian Pacific Line Atlantic Track Chart with Approximate Distance and Unused Abstract of Log. Included in the 24 August 1937 SS Empress of Australia Passenger List. GGA Image ID # 173d68aee6
Passenger Information
Information Bureau is at your service.
Meals—Breakfast—Breakfast is not served in Dining Saloon after 10:00 am Breakfast chimes will not be sounded when only one sitting. Passengers should notify Bedroom Steward when they wish to be called.
Table Seat Numbers—Passengers obtain table seat numbers from Second Steward or Head Waiter in the Dining Saloon.
Afternoon Tea is served at 4:00 pm on Deck and in all Public Rooms; children served in the Dining Saloon.
Chimes will be sounded thirty minutes before dinner.
Smoking—For the general convenience of Passengers smoking should be confined to the Smoking Room, Lounge and Card Room. It is not permitted in the Drawing Room.
Children are not entitled to table seats at meal hours for adults unless paying adult fare.
Orchestra at Luncheon, Dinner and for dancing in the evening.
Private Dinners—Passengers who desire to arrange private dinner parties should apply to the Chief Steward or Head Waiter. No charge is made for this service.
Baths— Arrange with Bedroom Steward time desired.
Valuables and Money.—In their own interests Passengers are adv sed not to leave articles of jewelry or other valuables lying a bout.
For the convenience of Passengers the Purser will receive articles of value or money for custody in a special envelope provided for this purpose, which will be sealed in the presence of the passenger. A receipt will be given, but as no charge is made for this facility the Company accepts no liability whatsoever.
Payments—Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form for any payments made on board for additional passage money, rugs, chairs, etc.
Change of Accommodation—Passengers who desire a transfer of accommodation should apply to the Purser, who alone is authorized to make changes. If higher graded accommodation is desired the "difference in fare must be paid, as the Purser is not permitted to deviate from the Company's tariffs.
Deck Chairs rented at $1.50 each; Rug; $1.50 each; Cushions $0.50 each. Apply to Deck Steward.
The Shop—The Shop is situated on "B" Deck, in the Entrance Hall. Jewellery, Dress Goods, Confectionery, Photographic Films, etc., are on sale. A wide range of Fancy Dress Costumes is available for sale or hire.
Library Steward sells stamps and provides stationery, telegraph forms, books of reference and railway time tables.
Stamps—Stamps are on sale in The Shop, Library and Bureau. English, Canadian and American postage stamps may be used for mail posted at sea.
Books of Fiction and Reference are obtainable from the Library. Books lost by Passengers must be paid for.
Stenographer—An experienced Stenographer is available to undertake work for Passengers. Apply to Information Bureau for rates.
Surgeon—The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges for his services, subject to the approval of the Commander.
Nurses—The services of trained and qualified Hospital Nurses under the direction of the Surgeon, may be obtained.
Rail Ticket Office—To facilitate landing arrangements, all Passengers should call at the Rail Ticket Office on board for railway tickets and sleeping car reservations.
Return Atlantic Passage—The Rail Traffic Representative is equipped to furnish full information concerning sailings and bookings on Canadian Pacific Steamships. Reservations should be secured from him and deposits to cover will be received.
Divine Service—Divine Service in Dining Saloon at 10:45 am am, Sunday. Altars are carried for Holy Mass and for the celebration of Holy Communion.
Money Exchanged—Money can be exchanged, advances made on Letters of Credit, Travellers' Cheques cashed and on sale at the Purser's Office.
Cheques—Passengers are respectfully advised that the Purser has no authority to accept private cheques in payment of accounts, or for exchange.
Wireless Telegrams—Information and rates furnished at Purser's Bureau. The ship is fitted with wireless installation permitting communication with both sides of the Atlantic at any time during the voyage. Attention is drawn to special facilities for cheap rates for ocean "poste" and ocean letters.
Mail, Cables and Wireless Telegrams—Passengers are requested to enquire for mail at the Information Bureau.
Mail, cables and wireless messages are received at the Information Bureau for despatch. Cablegrams and telegrams should be handed in an hour before arrival at any port of call.
None of the ship's employees, other than those on duty in the Information Bureau, are authorized to accept letters, cables and telegrams for despatch while the ship is at sea.
Passengers are invited to leave their addresses at the Information Bureau, so that all undelivered mail, telegrams, etc., may be forwarded. Mail matter may be sent in care of any Canadian Pacific office—see list at end.
Passengers are requested to note that the Company do not undertake to accept delivery of parcels in Great Britain and Ireland if the value of the contents is to be paid on delivery, unless prior arrangements are made with the Company for the amount to be paid.
Lifebelts are in State-Rooms; Bedroom Steward will explain method of attachment.
Emergency Stations—An exercise will be carried out the day after sailing, weather permitting. Passengers will don lifebelts and proceed to Muster Station, in accordance with arrow direction signs and framed plans in alleyways.
Deck Games—Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard and other Deck Games will be furnished by Deck Sailor or the Deck Steward. Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc" obtainable from Public Room Stewards.
Gymnasium—A fully equipped Gymnasium is on the Promenade Deck. Entrance by Stairway adjoining Smoking Room on Promenade Deck.
Swimming Pool—Hours : Gentlemen only-6.30 am till 9.30 am Ladies only-10.00 am till 1.00 pm Mixed Bathing-2.00 p.m: till 5.00 pm Gentlemen only-5.00 pm till 7:00 pm
Passports—Passengers to or through the United States are requested to call at Purser's Office with their passports as soon as possible.
Baggage—Baggage will be grouped alphabetically in the Customs Shed on arrival, and Passengers must attend personally to Customs examinations.
Baggage Insurance—Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket. Baggage insurance can be arranged at any of the Company's offices or through the Purser's Office on board.
United States Head Tax—In order to obtain refund of United States Head Tax, temporary visitors to, or Passengers in transit through, the United States, who intend to leave the United States within sixty days from their date of entry, must give this information on the U.S. Declaration Form completed at time of booking.
It is also necessary that they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector at the port of landing that they are leaving the United States within sixty days, and they should apply to him for certificate form 514, without which no refund of U.S. Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. authorities.
French speaking StafF—For,the convenience of French speaking Passengers the Ship's Company includes Stenographers, Stewards, and Stewardesses, who are conversant with the French Language.
These may be distinguished as follows :-
- Stenographers—Red shoulder tabs on dress
- Table Stewards—Red collar on their uniform jackets instead of a blue collar
- Bedroom Stewards—Red collar fitted to their white jackets
- Stewardesses—Red turn back on cap
Suggestions—Passengers having any suggestions or complaints to make regarding service are requested to submit them to the Commander, Purser or Chief Steward promptly, so that immediate attention may be given.
Three ATTRACTIVE Cruises
Empress of Australia
From Southampton, September 25, 1937.-25 days. Philippeville —Athens — Rhodes — Haifa — Port Said= Naples.
Duchess of Richmond
From Southampton, January 22, 1938.-49 days.
Madeira—Trinidad—St. Vincent—Guadeloupe—Cristobal (for Panama Canal)—Jamaica—Cuba—Florida—Bahamas —St. Kitts—Dominica— Barbados—Las Palmas.
Duchess of Atholl
From Liverpool, February 17, 1938.-33 days.
Barbados — Trinidad — Jamaica — Cuba—Florida — Las Palmas.
Customs Notice To Passengers - Canada
General —All baggage is subject to examination and non-resident Passengers are required to declare to the Customs Officer at port of landing all articles which do not constitute wearing apparel:, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles or similar personal effects, in their baggage, or on their persons, whether intended for their personal use or lor others.
Passengers are warned when in doubt as to whether or not an article is liable to duty, it should be produced for examination by the Customs Officer.
Residents of Canada must declare all articles acquired abroad, contained in their baggage, or on their persons, whether intended for personal or household use, or as souvenirs or gifts. Exemption will be allowed by Customs Officers of such articles to the extent of $100.00 in value for each person, provided they are not b%ght on commission or as an accommodation for other persons or for sale, subject to the following requirements:-
- A declaration form supplied by the Purser must be completed by each returning Canadian citizen, enumerating all a'rticles . acquired abroad on which it is the intention to claim exemp- • tion. In the case of a family traveling together each member • must complete a separate declaration
- The declaration must be completed in duplicate
- A declaration need not be completed unless the total value of the goods upon which exemption is to be claimed exceeds $5.00
- Important. For convenience, all new goods on which exemption is to be claimed should be packed in one receptacle, preferably a heavy piece of baggage, to be checked
- All values should be shown in Canadian currency
- Declaration should be completed prior to arrival of ship at Quebec or Montreal, and handed to Officer at time of Customs inspection
Tourists' Outfits —Temporary Admission—Persons visiting Canada for a limited period of time, for health or pleasure, may bring with them such articles of tourists' outfits or sportsmen's equipment, as they may require while in Canada for their own use and not for gain or hire, upon reporting same to the Customs Officer at the Canadian frontier port of entry, subject to departmental regulations.
Bribery—Any person giving, offering or promising any bribe, recompense, reward or tip to an Officer is liable to severe penalties.
Through. Baggage—Passengers en route to destinations in Canada may have their checked baggage forwarded " In Bond " to a frontier port under Customs Manifest without examination of same by a Customs Officer.
Samples (such as carried by commercial travelers) are required to be delivererd to the Customs Officer for entry purpose, and invoice or statement in detail showing the price—wholesale—of each sample as sold for home consumption. Such invoice or statement should be attested to by the traveller.
Settlers Effects.—Free, if actually in use for six months before removal to Canada, but are required to be produced upon landing to Customs Officer for examination and entry.
Customs Notice To Passengers - United States
United States Customs Inspectors are located at Canadian Atlantic Ports; but they are not permitted to collect duties; therefore, in order to avoid complications and payment of duties to the Canadian Customs, citizens of the United States returning from Europe should pack all new goods purchased or otherwise acquired abroad in one or more receptacles which may be checked to destination and forwarded in bond.
All checked baggage not containing dutiable articles, or new goods in excess of the exemption to which the owners may be entitled, will be examined and passed by the United States Customs Inspectors, and will not be subject to re-examination at the United States frontier or at destination.
Baggage checked to destinations in the United States is not examined by the Canadian Customs.
Baggage carried by Passengers by hand, which should not contain dutiable articles, will be examined by the Canadian Customs at the landing port, and by the United States Customs Inspectors on the train at the United States border.
Passengers destined t) the United States will be issuea by the Purser on the voyage a form of United States Customs Baggage Declaration, which must be completed in duplicate and presented to the United States Customs Inspector at the time of Customs examination. All values must be shown in United States currency.
Returning residents of the United States must declare all articles acquired abroad, in their baggage or on their persons, whether by purchase, by gift or otherwise, and whether dutiable or free of duty. Exemption, however, will be allowed by Customs Officers of articles aggregating not over $100 in value, if suitable for personal or household use or as souvenirs or curios, and whether intended for the personal use of the Passengers or as gifts or presents to others, provided the articles are not bought on commission for another person nor intended for sale. Articles so exempt from duty must, nevertheless, be declared. Each member of the family is entitled to the exemption of $100 for articles purchased abroad, and when a husband and wife and minor and dependent children are traveling together the articles included within such exemption may be grouped and allowance made without regard to which member they belong.
Non-residents of the United States destined to that country must declare all articles in their baggage or on their persons which do not Constitute wearing appare', articles of- personal adornment, toilet articles or similar personal effects, whether intended for their personal use or For others.
They must also declare all articles of wearing apparel, jewellery and Other articles of personal adornment, toilet articles and similar effects, when not owned by them, or when intended For other persons or for sale.
Professional books, implements instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment, in the actual possession of persons emigrating to the .United States, owned and used by them abroad, are admitted free of'duti.
Canadian Pacific Express Company
Forwards Merchandise, Money
To ALL PARTS of The World
Issues Money Orders, Foreign Cheques and
Travellers' Cheques, PAYABLE EVERYWHERE
Canadian Pacific Express Travellers' Cheques are spendable everywhere. They are issued in Canadian and United States Dollars in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, and in Sterling in denominations of R2, g5, g10 and g20.
No personal identification is required—your counter-signature on the cheque identifies you.
They insure you against loss, are cashed by thousands of banks and all express companies, and accepted in payment of tickets and accounts by railway, steamship and sleeping-car companies, tourist agencies, First-class stores and hotels, wherever you happen to be, which insures you against delay and inconvenience.
For sale by all Canadian Pacific. Agents and by Pursers on shipboard.
Make Your NEXT Trip To The
Australia and New Zealand
One of New Zealand's Friendly Natives
Sail away on the Sunshine Route to these countries of contrast . .. where winter is summer .. . where primitive aborigines live almost next door to tall modern cities .. . and where life is young and vigorous and full of beauty.
The modernized Aorangi and her comfortable running mate, Niagara, of the Canadian Australasian Line, sail from Vancouver and Victoria via Hawaii and the Fiji Islands. Then on to New Zealand and Australia. First and Cabin Class. Also low-cost Third Class. Ask about all-expense tours to New Zealand and Australia.
Details from Your Travel AGENT
Department of IMMIGRATION and Colonization
The Canadian Pacific Railway has established a Bureau of Canadian Information for the dissemination of reliable information on phases of industrial and agricultural development in Canada. Libraries are maintained at Montreal, London and Chicago. No charge or obligation attaches to this service and business organizations are invited to make use of it.
Western Canada Farm Lands
The Company has yet for sale several million acres of farm lands in Western Canada, at low prices and on long terms of payment.
Eastern Canada Farm Lands
Lists of selected improved farms, available for settlement in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, with the names and addresses of their owners, may be obtained on application at any office of the Department.
Canada Colonization ASSOCIATION
The-Canada Co!onization Association is maintained as a subsidiary by the Department to be of service to new settlers in aiding them to obtain on easy terms fully or partially improved, privately owned farms. Head Office, 460, Main Street, Winnipeg.
Further information and particulars can be obtained from the Department of Immigration and Colonization, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal, P.Q.; London, England; and Chicago, U.S.A.
Industrial Department
Manufacturers, wholesalers and others who are thinking of opening branch factories in Canada to take care of Canadian and export business, can secure from this Department full information in connection with locations for new industries, warehouse sites with sidings, empty factories available, labour costs, electric power rates, etc. Interesting pamphlets on business and industrial opportunities in Western Canada will be forwarded on request.
Industrial Department offices are maintained at Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and London, Eng.
Distances VISIBLE at Sea
At an elevation of 5 feet, one can see 2'6 nautical miles; at 20 feet 51 miles; at 35 feet, 6'8 miles; at 50 feet, 8'2 miles; at 75 feet. 9'9 miles and at 100 feet, 11'5 miles.
If the steam from a ship's whistle is seen and ten seconds elapse before the sound is heard, she is just 21-1, miles off. If one second elapses, she is distant slightly more than one-fifth of a mile; if five seconds, a little more than 1 mile; if twenty seconds, 4,!,' miles.
Point the hour hand of the watch to the sun, and south is exactly half-way between the hour hand and the XII on the watch; e.g., assuming it is 9 o'clock, point the hour hana (indicating 9) to the sun, and the point half-way between X and XI is due south; or assume that it is 4 o'clock, point the hour hand to the sun and the figures II indicate south.
There are three kinds of measurements of ships by tonnage—Gross tonnage, Net tonnage and Displacement tonnage.
Gross tonnage is the total internal capacity below the upper deck, and also of all enclosed deck houses above it, measured in tons of 100 cubic feet. For example— 4,250,000 cubic feet equal 42,500 Gross tons.
Net tonnage is obtained by subtracting from the Gross tonnage all spaces used for the accommodation of the officers and crew, for gear necessary for the working of the ship, and for the machinery, including boilers and engines.
Displacement tonnage is the total weight of water displaced by a ship when loaded to its utmost capacity.
Knots and Miles The statute mile is 5,280 feet.
The nautical mile is 6,082'66 feet. The number of feet in a nautical mile is arrived at thus : the circumference of the earth is divided into 360 degrees, each de4ree containing 60 nautical miles 1 • or 21,600 (360 x 60) nautical miles to the earth's circumference; 21,600 divided into 131,385,456—the number of feet in the earth's circumference—gives 6,082'66 feet—the length of a nautical mile.
The " knot " is a rate of speed indicating one nautical mile per hour.
6 feet— 1 fathom. 10 cables-1 nautical mile.
600 feet-1 cable. 1 nautical mile-1'15 statute mile.