SS Duchess of Bedford Passenger List - 14 October 1932
Front Cover of a Cabin and Tourist Class Passenger List for the SS Duchess of Bedford of the Canadian Pacific Line (CPOS), Departing 14 October 1932 from Liverpool to Québec and Montréal via Belfast and Greenock, Commanded by Captain H. Sibbons. GGA Image ID # 173a941f86
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain H. Sibbons, R.N.R., Commander
- Chief Officer C. Richardson
- Chief Engineer W. H. Vine
- Purser Graham Crawford
- Surgeon J. J. Benny, M.D., C.M
- Chief Steward T. H. Harrison
- Rail Traffic Representative R. A. Pattison
Office on A Deck Entrance Hall
List of Cabin Passengers
- Ballantyne, Dr. P. M
- Birks, Mr. G. F
- Buchman, Dr. F. W. D
- Burley, Mr. F. R
- Burley, Mrs
- Burrell, Major H. P., M.C
- Hague, Mr. R. C
- Hardy, Mr. C. H
- Harris, Mr. J. W. A
- Hervey, Mrs. E. A
- Holbrook, Rev. H. F
- Hunter, Mr. O. S
- Clink, Mr. J
- Clink, Mrs
- Colville, Mr. E. C
- Compton, Mr. J
- Cook, Mr. A. E
- Cook, Mrs
- Cooper, Miss E. S
- Cooper, Miss C
- Cove, Mr. V. D
- Knight, Mr. C
- Knight, Mrs
- Laing, Mrs. K. E. M
- Liddell, Mrs. A
- Davies, Mr. W. H
- Davies, Mrs
- Dees, Mr. W
- Dukes, Mr. C., J.P
- Dukes, Mrs
- Elwell, Mr. C. R. V
- Elwell, Mrs
- Evans, Mrs. E. B. A
- Evans, Miss R. A
- Evans, Miss D. A
- Evans, Miss L. M. J
- Macdonald, Mr. R. J
- Macdonald, Mrs
- Magee, Col. R. Boyd
- Matton, Dr. J
- Matton, Mrs
- McCoubrey, Mr. J. M
- McCoubrey, Mrs
- McKay, Miss S
- McNeilly, Miss L
- McNeilly, Miss M
- McTubbs, Mr. Wm
- Moffat, Mr. T. L
- Murdoch, Mrs. C
- Murray, Mr. D. S
- Murray, Mrs
- Murray, Miss H
- Murray, Miss M. A
- Field, Mr. H
- Field, Mstr H
- Naylor, Mr. J
- Naylor, Mrs
- Naylor, Miss E
- Giffel, Mr. J
- Gill, Mr. Paul
- Goudie, Mr. R
- Graham, Miss E. M
- Green, Mr. Dennis
- Groome, Mr. S
- Grubb, Miss V
- Paton, Mr. G. C
- Paton, Mr. J. S
- Payne, Mr. H
- Pozer, Mr. P. G
- Pozer, Mrs
- Quas-Cohen, Mr. P. M
- Turner, Miss S. M
- Tweddle, Mr. J. M
- Riach, Mr. G
- Riach, Mrs
- Ross, Mr. John
- Ross, Mr. H
- Ryder, Mr. R. D. G
- Ward, Mr. J. T
- Weaver-Bridgman, Mrs. M. L
- Wigzell, Mr. H. K
- Sheahan, Mr. M. J
- Smith, Mr. R. Morton
- Zeegers, Mr. G
List of Tourist Passengers
- Adam, Mrs. A
- Avison, Mrs. C. A
- Bainbridge, Miss J
- Barnes, Mr. H. H
- Bell, Mrs. A. W
- Bennett, Miss R
- Boardman, Mrs. S. A
- Brown, Dr. T. M., M.D
- Bryce, Miss A. P
- Carr, Miss J. W
- Chard, Miss E. J. M
- Cheyne, Mrs. A. M
- Clark, Mrs. M
- Clark, Mrs. A
- Clarkson, Miss M
- Cleasby, Mr. D
- Clemann, Mrs. E. M
- Clemann, Mstr E. W
- Colwell, Mrs. E
- Corelli, Mrs. E. F
- CoreIli, Miss H. M. E
- Cowburn, Mrs. T
- Cox, Miss M. F
- Crafer, Miss M. A
- Cridland, Mrs. R
- Crossfield, Mr. J. S
- Cummer, Mrs. S. A
- Fairhead, Mrs. B. B
- Faulds, Mr. A. R
- Flint, Mrs. E. A
- Forteath, Mr. S
- Fyfe, Mr. D
- Gardner, Miss J. R
- Glen, Miss G. G
- Glover, Mrs. N. L
- Gosling, Mstr P
- Greenwood, Mrs. M
- Greenwood, Mrs. A. E
- Grimshaw, Mrs. A. V
- Hakin, Mr. W. A
- Hakin, Mrs
- Hall, Mr. G
- Hall, Mrs. K. A
- Hardie, Mrs. E
- Harvest, Mr. C. H. D
- Henderson, Mrs. M
- Henderson, Mrs. R. M
- Henderson, Mstr R. J
- Hicks, Rev. W. C
- Hicks, Mr. R. O
- Hillary, Mr. G. W
- Holman, Mrs. K. E
- Holme, Mr. R
- Hood, Miss L
- Hughes, Mrs. E. C
- Hutchinson, Mrs. A. M
- Dawson, Mrs. J. O. J
- Dawson, Miss J. 0
- de Noort, Miss J
- Jackson, Mrs. H
- Dickson, Miss E. M
- Jackson, Mstr C. S
- Dickson, Miss A. D
- Jenkinson, Miss M
- Drew, Mrs. A. B
- Jones, Mrs. B
- Drury-Lowe, Vice-Admiral Sidney R
- Jones, Miss C
- Jordan, Mrs. S. A
- Elliott, Mrs. E. H
- Elliott, Mstr F. M
- Elliott, Miss D. E
- Elliston, Mr. F. A. W
- Ewing, Miss A
- Kennedy, Miss M
- Kerr, Mrs. J
- Kerr, Mrs. I
- Kiddell, Mr. M
- Langton, Mr. J
- Lawson, Mr. A
- Leaver, Mr. A
- Leaver, Mrs
- Leaver, Miss A
- Lee, Miss E
- Lees, Mrs. M
- Lees, Miss J
- Mackay, Mr. D
- MacMillan, Dr
- MacMillan, Mrs
- Marjoriebanks, Mr
- Martin, Mr. H
- Martin, Mrs
- Martin, Mr. A
- Martin, Mrs. E
- Marvin, Rev. G. W
- Marvin, Mrs
- McConnachie, Mrs. A
- Medlicott, Mr. E
- Mellor, Mr. R
- Menary, Miss A. J
- Menzies, Miss J
- Milne, Mrs. J. G
- Milne, Miss M. G
- Mitchell, Mrs. S
- Morton, Miss L
- Morton, Miss J
- Motroni, Mr. A
- Murray, Mr. P. E
- Murray, Mrs
- Murray, Mrs. B. H
- Nairn, Miss I
- Newton, Mrs. E
- Nicol, Mrs. A
- Palmer, Mrs. M. F
- Paul, Mrs. A. M. and Infant
- Pearsall, Miss I. L
- Peebles, Mr. W
- Percival, Mrs. E
- Poole, Miss M
- Quick, Mr. W
- Reld, Mrs. E
- Richardson, Mr. R. B. N
- Roberts, Mrs. E. E
- Robinson, Miss H. A
- Rogers, Mrs. F. H
- Ross, Mr. M. K
- Roy, Mr. L
- Ryder, Miss E. A
- Ryder, Mrs. R
- Saunders, Mr. A
- Saunders, Miss E
- Savin, Mr. H. B
- Scoular, Mrs. J
- Scoular, Miss J
- Senior, Mr. G
- Sheffield, Mrs. J. L
- Sheldon, Mrs. E. G
- Sheldon, Miss W. J
- Shields, Mr. J. T
- Shields, Mrs
- Shields, Mstr F. G
- Shields, Mstr S
- Simons, Mrs. E
- Simpson, Mrs. B. M
- Small, Mrs. H. M
- Smith, Mr. F
- Spence, Miss J. E. E
- Spencer, Mr. C
- Spencer, Mrs
- Staples, Mr. G. L
- Thomas, Mrs. K
- Thompson, Mrs. R
- Thomson, Miss E. E
- Thwaites, Miss T
- Turner, Mr. R
- Urquhart, Mrs. J
- Van der Velde, Mrs. H. J
- Van Heeckeren, Baroness Lily
- Vaughan, Mr. B
- Vaughan, Mrs
- Viney, Rev. H. von
- Cramon, Mrs
- Watson, Mrs. M
- Watson, Miss V
- Watson, Miss L
- Watt, Mr. J
- Watts, Mrs. I
- Whitehouse, Mrs. A
- Whitehouse, Miss M. J
- Williamson, Mr. L. P
- Williamson, Mrs
- Williamson, Mstr D. A
- Wilson, Mrs. E. M
- Wilson, Miss M. E
- Wilson, Mr. R
- Wilson, Mrs
- Wilson, Miss M. M
- Wiltshire, Mrs. C
- Winter, Miss R
- Wood, Mr. G
- Wood, Mr. L
- Wood, Miss L
- Yates, Mr. B. L
Track Chart Included With the SS Duchess of Bedford Passenger List of 14 October 1932. GGA Image ID # 173a76f40d
Information for Passengers
Information Bureau is at your service.
Breakfast Bugle will not be sounded when only one sitting. Passengers should inform Bedroom Steward when they wish to be called.
Bugle is sounded thirty minutes before dinner.
Valuables and Money may be placed in the Purser's safe. Envelopes are provided which Passengers will seal and sign. As no charge is made, the Company assumes no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising.
Change of Accommodation—Passengers who desire a transfer of accommodation should apply to the Purser, who alone is authorized to make changes. If higher graded accommodation is desired the difference in fare must be paid.
Deck Chairs, Rugs and Cushions (with loose covers) may be rented on board for the voyage.
Deck Games—Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard and other deck games will be furnished by the Deck Steward or Deck Sailor.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, obtainable from Public Room Stewards.
Books of Fiction and Reference are obtainable from the Library. Books lost by Passengers must be paid for.
Stenographer—An experienced stenographer is available to undertake work for Passengers. Apply to Information Bureau for rates.
Boots and Shoes will be cleaned if left outside Stateroom.
Life Belts are in all staterooms. Bedroom Steward will explain method of attachment.
Emergency Stations—Passengers are requested to consult plans and directions in alleyway.
The Surgeon Is authorized to make customary charges for his services, subject to the approval of the Commander.
Nurses—The service of trained and qualified hospital nurses, under the direction of the Surgeon, may be obtained.
Divine Service—Divine Service in Dining Saloon at 10-45 am Sunday.
Altars are carried for the religious services of Holy Mass and Holy Communion.
Stamps—Stamps are on sale in the Shop. English or Canadian postage stamps may be used for mall posted at sea.
Money Exchange—Purser exchanges a limited amount of Currency. Travellers' Cheques cashed and sold at the Purser's Office.
Passports—Passengers traveling to or through the United States are requested to call at Purser's Office with their passports as soon as possible.
U.S. Head Tax—Provided temporary visitors to, or Passengers in transit through the United States of America, leave the U.S.A. within sixty days of date of entry, amount of Head Tax deposited with the Canadian Pacific will be refunded at the European office of the Company, upon presentation of alien in transit form 514, duly completed and certified.
It is also necessary that they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector at the port of landing that they are leaving the United States within sixty days, and they should apply to him for certificate form 514, without which no refund of U.S. Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. authorities.
Baggage—Trunks which Passengers do not require in their staterooms during the voyage may be stored in the baggage room. Baggage will be grouped alphabetically in the Customs Shed on arrival at Canadianlport, and Passengers must attend personally to Customs examination.
Baggage Delivery—Passengers for Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Victoria, and the larger cities in the United States, may have their baggage checked through to any residence, hotel, steamship dock or railway depot in such cities; this is a convenience. The transfer charge is collected by the Baggage Agent at the time of checking or registering baggage.
Baggage Labels and Tags may be obtained upon application to the ship's Baggage Master.
Baggage Insurance—Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket. Baggage insurance can be arranged at any of the Company's offices or at Rail Traffic Office on board.
Mail, Cables and Wireless Telegrams—Passengers are urgently requested to enquire for mail, etc., at the Information Bureau.
Mail, cables and wireless messages are received at the Information Bureau for despatch. Cablegrams and telegrams should be handed in an hoar before arrival at any port of call.
None of the ship's employees, other than those on duty in the Information Bureau, are authorized to accept letters, cables and telegrams for despatch while the ship is at sea.
Passengers are invited to leave their addresses at the Information Bureau, so that all undelivered mail, telegrams, etc., may be forwarded. Mail matter may be sent in care of any Canadian Pacific Office—see list on last pages.
Passengers are requested to note that the Company do not undertake to accept delivery of parcels in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, if the value of the contents is to be paid on delivery, unless prior arrangements are made with the Company for the amount to be paid.
Return Atlantic Passage—The Rail Traffic Office is equipped to furnish full information concerning sailings and bookings on Canadian Pacific Steamships. Reservations should be secured and deposits to cover will be received.
Suggestions—The Canadian Pacific invite suggestions for improvement of the service. Passengers are requested to make suggestions to the Commander, Purser or Chief Steward promptly so that immediate attention may be given.
Department of Colonization and Development
The Canadian Pacific Railway has established a Bureau of Canadian information as a branch of its Department of Colonization and Development, with the object of disseminating reliable and up-to-date information as to agricultural and industrial openings in all parts of Canada.
Western Canada Farm Lands
The Company has yet for sale several million acres of choice farm lands in Western Canada, at low prices and on long terms of payment. In certain districts lands will be sold without settlement restrictions, but the Company is prepared to grant special concessions, to those who will settle upon and develop their farms.
Eastern Canada Farm Lands
Lists of selected improved farms, available for settlement in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, with the names and addresses of their owners, may be obtained on application at any office of the Department.
Industrial Investigation and Research
Investigations, looking to the utilization of undeveloped natural resources and waste products and new industrial processes, are being carried on by the Research Section of the Department. Inquiries as to promising fields for investigation in this connection are invited.
Industrial Openings
Reliable information as to sites for new industries in all parts of Canada, and of special business openings in the growing towns and cities along the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway in both Eastern and Western Canada, will be gladly furnished on request.
Canadian Intelligence Service
Well equipped Canadian reference libraries have been established by the Department at Montreal, New York, Chicago, and London, England. These libraries contain the fullest information on all matters relating to Canada and her undeveloped resources, and are kept supplied with the latest information pertaining to new developments through the medium of a news service organized through the co-operation of the other departments of the Company's service. The information on hand in these libraries is available without charge to those interested, and inquiries addressed to any office of the Department will receive prompt attention.
Further information and particulars can be obtained from the Department of Colonization and Development, Canadian Pacific Railway, which maintains offices at Windsor Street Station, Montreal, P.Q., Winnipeg, Man., Calgary, Alta., and London, Eng.
World's Greatest Travel System
UNDER One Management
CONTROLS Canadian Pacific Express Company
Through Connections—Europe, Canada, Orient—
over 12,500 miles straightway—Canadian Pacific all the way
Railway Services—Mileage operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway-21,134, including 5,079 miles of affiliated lines in the United States. Serving all the important industrial, commercial and agricultural sections of Canada, as well as many parts of the United States. It reaches large cities, famous historic spots, wonderful vacation and sporting resorts, and some of the most magnificent scenery in the world.
Steamship Services—Over 30,000 miles-70 steamships. Gross tonnage of vessels in service and building over 511,418. Two passenger fleets —across the Atlantic, and also to Bermuda, and across the Pacific to japan, China and Manila. Connection at Vancouver and Victoria with Canadian-Australasian Line to New Zealand and Australia. Inland and coastal steamships on the Great Lakes, Pacific Coast and Atlantic Coast.
Cruise Services—Annual Cruises Round theWorld,to the Mediterranean and to the West Indies.
Bermuda—Winter and Spring Service, New York to Bermuda.
Hotels-17 conveniently located from coast to coast. 15 Chalet-Bungalow Camps and Rest Houses at convenient locations for tourists and sportsmen.
Telegraph System—Over 223,035 miles of wires and 332 miles of cables, extending the entire length of railway and reaching as well, every point of importance away from it.
Express System — World-wide merchandise and financial service. 32,593 miles-7,834 offices and correspondents.
Colonization — Canadian Pacific land-settlement policies coupled with the large acreage of fertile agricultural land still for sale in the West, are helping to develop a richer and greater Canada.
Industrial Department —Manufacturers, wholesalers and others who contemplate opening branch factories in Canada can secure from this department full information regarding sites, industries, available buildings, power rates, etc.
Canadian Pacific;
Customs Regulations - Canada
Residents of Canada—Are required to declare to the Customs Officer at the Port of Landing in Canada, all articles purchased or obtained abroad whether as gifts or otherwise. Failure to declare goods leaves same liable to seizure.
All goods, whether liable to duty or not, are required to be presented for Customs examination, and Passengers are warned when in doubt as to whether or not an article is liable' to duty, it should be produced for examination by the Customs Officer.
Tourists' Outfits.—" Temporary Admission—Persons visiting Canada for a limited period of time, for health or pleasure, may bring with them such articles of tourists' outfits or sportsmen's equipment as they may require while in Canada for their own use and not for gain or hire, upon reporting same to the Customs Officer at the Canadian frontier port of entry, subjectito departmental regulations."
The Customs Officer may require all packages of baggage to be opened for his examination; and responsibility for opening, unpacking and repacking the packages rests with the passenger or his agent.
Bribery—Any person giving, offering or promising any bribe, recompense, reward or tip to an Officer is liable to severe penalties.
Through Baggage—Passengers en route to destinations outside of Canada may have their checked baggage forwarded " In Bond " to a frontier port under Customs Manifest without examination of same by a Customs Officer.
Samples—Such as carried by commercial travelers, are required to be delivered to the Customs Officer for entry purposes, and invoice or statement in detail showing the price,—wholesale, of each sample as sold for home consumption, such invoice or statement should be attested to by the traveller.
Settlers' Effects—Free, if actually in use for six months before removal to Canada, but are required to be produced upon landing to Customs Officer for examination and entry.
United States
United States Customs Inspectors are located at Canadian Atlantic Ports, but they are not permitted to collect duties; therefore, in order to avoid complications and payment of duties to the Canadian Customs, citizens of the United States returning from Europe should pack all new goods purchased or otherwise acquired abroad in one or more receptacles which may be checked at destination and forwarded in bond.
Customs Regulations - United States
All checked baggage not containing dutiable articles, or new goods in excess of the exemption to which the owners may be entitled, will be examined and passed bythe United States Customs Inspectors, and will not be subject to re-examination at the United States frontier or at destination.
Baggage checked to destinations in the United States is not examined by the Canadian Customs.
Baggage carried by Passengers by hand, which should not contain dutiable articles, will be examined by the Canadian Customs at the landing port, and by the United States Customs Inspectors on the train at the United States border.
Passengers destined to the United States will be issued by the Purser on the voyage a form of United States Customs Baggage Declaration which must be completed in duplicate and presented to the United States Customs Inspector at the time of Customs examination. All values must be shown in United States currency.
Returning residents of the United States must declare all articles acquired abroad, in their baggage or on their persons, whether by purchase, by gift, or otherwise, and whether dutiable or free of duty. Exemption, however, will be allowed by Customs Officers of articles aggregating not over $100 in value, if suitable for personal or household use or as souvenirs or curios, and whether intended for the personal use of the Passengers or as gifts or presents to others, provided the articles are not bought on commission for another person nor intended for sale. Articles so exempt from duty must, nevertheless, be declared.
Each member of the family is entitled to the exemption of $100 for articles purchased abroad, and when a husband and wife and minor and dependent children are traveling together the articles included within such exemption may be grouped and allowance made without regard to which member they belong. articles acquired abroad shipped from port of landing to destinations in the United States by express, should be declared to the United States Customs Inspector in charge at port of Landing, and also to the Inspector on the train at the United States border, in order to secure duty exemption to which owner may be entitled.
Non-residents of the United States destined to that country must declare all articles in their baggage or on their persons which do not constitute wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, or similar personal effects, WHETHER INTENDED for Their PerSONAL USE or for OTHERS. THEY MUST Also DECLARE all articles of wearing apparel, jewellery, and other articles of personal adornment, toilet articles and similar effects WHEN Not OWNED By THEM, or when intended for Other Persons or for SALE.
Professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation or employment, in the actual possession of persons emigrating to the United States, owned and used by them abroad, are admitted free of duty.
Canadian Pacific Express Company
Forwards Merchandise, Money
To ALL PARTS of The World.
Issues Money Orders, Foreign Cheques and Travellers' Cheques, PAYABLE EVERYWHERE
Canadian Pacific Express Travellers' Cheques are world-wide currency. They are issued in convenient denomination, so that you need only carry a limited amount of the actual currency of the country in which traveling, and are payable in the United States in United States dollars, in other countries at the current buying rate for bankers' cheques in New York. No personal identification required. Your counter-signature on the cheque identifies you.
They insure you against loss, are cashed by thousands of banks and all express companies, and accepted In payment of tickets and accounts by railway, steamship and sleeping-car companies, tourist agencies, first-class stores and hotels, wherever you happen to be, which insures you against delay and inconvenience.
For sale by all Canadian Pacific Agents and by Pursers on Shipboard.
Canadian Pacific Railway
Located on A Deck, Entrance Hall
Travel Information is always at your service. Will Passengers kindly present Train Tickets to be VALIDATED or STAMPED.
Rail Orders should be exchanged for train tickets.
Train tickets on sale to all destinations in Canada and the United States.
Tentative requests for Sleeping Car Reservations may be made early during the voyage, and tickets for same will be On SALE after ship has passed Quebec.