SS Corsican Passenger List - 24 June 1922


Front Cover of Cabin Passenger List from the SS Corsican of the Canadian Pacific Line. The Ship Departed Saturday, 24 June 1922 from Montréal to Glasgow.

Original Passenger Signed the this Colorful Watercolor of a St. Lawrence River Scene Displyed on the Front Cover of Cabin Passenger List from the SS Corsican of the Canadian Pacific Line. The Ship Departed Saturday, 24 June 1922 from Montréal to Glasgow, Commanded by Captain W. Davidson. GGA Image ID # 158270207b


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: W. DAVIDSON
  2. Chief Officer:  G. H. WOODWARD
  3. Chief Engineer:  A. GILLESPIE
  4. Purser: J. SMELLIE
  5. Surgeon: R. T. GIBSON
  6. Chief Steward:  R. YATES


Cabin Passengers

  1. Adrain, Mrs. W. K.
  2. Arbuckle, Mr. J.
  3. Arbuckle, Mrs.
  4. Arbuckle, Jr., Mr. J.
  5. Arbuckle, Master Douglas
  6. Arbuckle, Miss Katie
  7. Arkle, Mr. T. A.
  8. Atwood, Miss Marion
  9. Atwood, Miss R. Anita
  10. Avery, Miss Ottilie.
  11. Avery, Miss Barbon
  12. Baker, Mrs. M. H.
  13. Banks, Mrs. Mary
  14. Barr, Mrs. J.      
  15. Barr, Miss M.
  16. Bates, Miss Barbara
  17. Beale, Mr. H. A.
  18. Beckington, Miss Lulu
  19. Beckington, Miss Oliver
  20. Bender, Miss Margaret
  21. Blackwood, Miss R.
  22. Boyce, Miss Mildred
  23. Braden, Miss Hortense
  24. Brady, Mrs. James
  25. Brann, Mr. H. L.
  26. Brame, Mrs. J. T.
  27. Brewer, Miss L. S.        
  28. Brewster, Miss A. Marion
  29. Brickley, Miss Emma E.
  30. Brinsmade, Miss Eleanor
  31. Bristane, Miss Millie     
  32. Bristane, Miss M .
  33. Brodhead, Jr, Mr. Elber N.
  34. Brodhead, Mrs. Edith R.
  35. Brodhead, Miss Mary G.
  36. Brodhead, Miss Gertrude R.
  37. Brodie, Mr. Jas  
  38. Brodie, Mrs.       
  39. Brodie, Master Ian
  40. Brodie, Miss H. J.         
  41. Brodie, Miss Eleanor
  42. Brown, Miss L. Caroline
  43. Brown, Mr. C. B.
  44. Brown, Mrs.       
  45. Brown, Mrs. Laura H.
  46. Brown, Miss Mary        
  47. Brown, Mr. W. D.         
  48. Brown, Miss Margaret.
  49. Buchan, Mr. G.  
  50. Buchan, Mrs.     
  51. Burpee, Mrs. Mabel M.
  52. Cantamessa, Mrs. B.
  53. Cantamessa, Miss Jane
  54. Cantamessa, Master Joseph
  55. Cassidy, Miss Laura
  56. Cave, Mrs. Sallie B.
  57. Chalmers, Mrs. L. M.
  58. Clark, Mr. Ernest R.
  59. Clark, Miss Caroline
  60. Clark, Miss Marie
  61. Coleman, Miss Helen
  62. Connor, Miss Ruth
  63. Cragg, Miss Maude E
  64. Crance, Mrs. Thos.
  65. Crombie, Mr. James
  66. Crombie, Mrs.   
  67. Crowdy, Mr. George
  68. Davidson, Miss Ruth
  69. Davidson, Miss Alexandra
  70. Dole, Mr. Robert
  71. Dudley, Miss G. 
  72. Durfee, Miss Winifred
  73. Dye, Mrs. A.      
  74. Eby, Miss Ottie V.
  75. Eddy, Miss Priscilla
  76. Eddy, Miss Elizabeth
  77. Elliott, Miss L.    
  78. Esplin, Mr. Robert
  79. Esplin, Mrs.       
  80. Esplin, Master John
  81. Ferguson, Miss J.        
  82. Field, Mr. Thomas
  83. Field, Mrs .
  84. Field, Mrs. A.     
  85. Field, Miss Alice
  86. Field, Master Stewart
  87. Fisherdick, Miss Florence
  88. Fisher, Mrs. E    
  89. Fitch, Miss Phyllis
  90. Gage, Mr. W. L.
  91. Gage, Mrs.        
  92. Gage, Miss H.   
  93. Gallagher, Mr. John     
  94. Giles, Miss Catherine
  95. Goodlet, Miss E. A.      
  96. Goodwin, Major L. F.
  97. Gordon, Mr. John S.    
  98. Gordon, Mrs.     
  99. Gould, Miss Mary P.
  100. G rann is, Mr. Robert         
  101. Grant, Mrs. N.         
  102. Grant, Miss U. W.   
  103. Grant, Miss Teresa 
  104. Griest, Miss Mary .
  105. IHafey, Miss Nora A.
  106. Halland, Miss C. Allison
  107. Hall, Mr. Arnold       
  108. Hammond, Mrs. Victor
  109. Hammond, Miss Emma Z.
  110. Hammonds, Miss Jewell
  111. Hart, Miss Emma J.
  112. Hayden, Miss Josephine.
  113. Heath, Miss Mary   
  114. Heavilon, Miss        
  115. Heavlin, Miss Mary 
  116. Hector, Miss Edna
  117. Heist, Mr. John       
  118. Heist, Mrs.
  119. Heist, Mr. Robert
  120. Heist, Mr. John       
  121. Helstrom, Miss Beulah F.
  122. Henderson, Miss I. B. and Infant
  123. Herbertson, Mr. H.  
  124. Herbertson, Mrs.
  125. Herman, Dr. George F.          
  126. Herman, Mrs.
  127. Heubeck, Miss Charlotta
  128. Hillman, Miss
  129. Hill, Mrs. A. F           .
  130. Hinckle, Miss Wave
  131. Hollebaugh, Miss Anne
  132. Holmes, Jr. Mr. U. T.
  133. Holmes, Jr. Mrs.     
  134. Holton, Miss Sallie K.
  135. Hood, Miss Grace   
  136. Houston, Mr. Andrew C.
  137. Houston, Mrs .
  138. Houston, Mr. Samuel C.
  139. Houston, Miss Mary Mc.
  140. Howard, Miss Katherine
  141. Howe, Mr. E.
  142. Howe, Mrs.  
  143. Hughes, Mrs. Harry
  144. Hughes, Miss Margaret
  145. Hull, Miss Edna D.
  146. Hunter, Miss Maude
  147. Hunter, Miss Mabel
  148. Hunter, Mrs. C.       
  149. Hunter, Mr. J. H.     
  150. Hunter, Mr. W. G.   
  151. Hunt, Miss A. M.     
  152. Hyde, Miss Alice
  153. Iddon, Mr. T.
  154. Inrig, Mr. James      
  155. Inrig, Mrs.     
  156. Jackson, Mrs. Elizabeth
  157. Jenkidson, Mr. A. P.
  158. Jenny, Miss Irma    
  159. Jensen, Miss Emma          
  160. Johnson, Mr. A. 0.  
  161. Johnson, Mrs.         
  162. Johnson, Miss Jessie        
  163. Johnson, Miss Helen         
  164. Jones, Miss E. M.
  165. Jones, Miss Lilias E .
  166. Jones, Mr. Silas      
  167. Jones, Mrs.
  168. Kerr, Miss Agnes    
  169. Kennedy, Mr. John 
  170. Kilton, Miss Dorothy
  171. Kimball, Miss Louise M.
  172. Kirtland, Miss Cornelia
  173. Kitchen, Mr. James 
  174. Kitchen, Mrs.
  175. Kitchen, Miss Majorie E.
  176. Knapp, Miss Margaret C
  177. Knight, Miss Dorothy
  178. Kuse, Miss Nellie
  179. Laing, Miss C. M.    
  180. Larkin, Miss Jessie 
  181. Lawson, Mr. Alexander
  182. Lawless, Miss Elizabeth
  183. LeMay, Miss Elizabeth
  184. Lewis, Miss Eleanor C.
  185. Lewke, Mr. O. W.    
  186. Lewke, Miss Bernice         
  187. Ling, Miss Justine   
  188. Long, Mrs. Joe A.   
  189. Lowe, Mrs. C .
  190. Lowell, Mrs. Cora J  .
  191. MacLean, Mr, J.n
  192. MacLean, Mrs.
  193. MacLean, Miss J.
  194. MacLuckie, Mr. E. D .
  195. Maddox, Miss K.     
  196. Malone, Mrs. M.      
  197. Martin, Mr. John T. W.
  198. Mason, Mr. W. A.    
  199. Mason, Mrs.
  200. Maxwell, Miss Harriet
  201. McAlpine, Miss W. B.
  202. McCreery, Mrs. C. S.         
  203. McConnell, Miss M.
  204. McElroy, Mrs. Lou R.
  205. McFadden, Mrs. M.
  206. Mcllroy, Mr. J. A. B.
  207. McKay, Mrs. A.       
  208. McKenzie, Miss Mary Lou
  209. McMillan, Mrs. E.    
  210. McMillan, Mrs. J. F.
  211. McMillan, Miss Reta
  212. McMillan, Master Stewart
  213. McShane, Mr. W. J.
  214. McShane, Mr.         
  215. McShane, Miss Lauretta
  216. McShane, Miss Mary
  217. McShane, Mr. James K .
  218. Merson, Mrs. G. O.
  219. Monroe, Prof. R. E.
  220. Miller. Miss Sarah
  221. Moir, Mrs. Maud A .
  222. More, Mrs. W. B.
  223. More, Miss Margaret
  224. Morehouse, Miss Dorothy
  225. Moscrip, Miss Virginia
  226. Moscrip, Mrs. I.ydia B.
  227. Muir, Mr. John
  228. Murray, Miss N. J.
  229. Nelligan, Miss Mary
  230. Newton, Mrs. Mary D.
  231. Newton, Mr. John
  232. Newton, Dr. Margaret
  233. Newton, Miss D.     
  234. Nichols, Mrs. Pauline H.
  235. Nichols, Mr. I.orrel B.
  236. Notestein, Professor Wallace
  237. Notstein, Miss L. L.
  238. Nuttel, Miss Catherine
  239. O’Brien, Mrs. Hattie E.
  240. O’Dell, Mr. H. N .
  241. O'Dell, Mrs.  
  242. O’Neill, Mrs. Margaret
  243. Orsmayer, Mrs. L. C.         
  244. Orstmayer, M. D. Miss M.
  245. Parker, Miss Joyce 
  246. Paterson, Mr. John
  247. Paterson, Mrs. John
  248. Pendleton, Miss E. I .
  249. Penick, Miss Mary  
  250. Perry, Mrs. Bliss
  251. Perry, Miss Margaret
  252. Pletcher, Miss Dorothy
  253. Plinpton, Prof. G. L.
  254. Porter, Miss Alma
  255. Potter, Miss Louise C.
  256. Potter, Mr. C. C
  257. Potter, Mrs.
  258. Prescott, Mr. Edward I.
  259. Prescott, Mrs .
  260. Price, Mr. H. V.       
  261. Pritchard, Mr. J. J.
  262. Pritchard, Mrs.        
  263. Pritchett, Miss Erna
  264. Rankine, Miss E. V 
  265. Raymond, Miss Florence
  266. Redfield, Miss Alice I.
  267. Reeder, Mr. Roscoe G.
  268. Ritter, Mrs. Sophia  
  269. Rorke, Miss N.        
  270. Rorke, Miss C.        
  271. Roughton, Rev. Gervaise
  272. Roughton, Mrs.       
  273. Rugg, Mrs. F. A.     
  274. Sale, Mrs. Clara C. 
  275. Sale, Miss Margaret L.
  276. Sanderson, Miss L.
  277. Schwarzwaelder, Miss Katherine
  278. Schiefflin, Miss Laura
  279. Shank, Miss Dorothy
  280. Shiels, Mrs. E. H.    
  281. Shiels, Master A. T.
  282. Shouse, Mrs. A. F.  
  283. Simpson, Mr. William
  284. Simpson, Mrs.         
  285. Slayton, Mrs. Louise
  286. Smart, Mrs. Agnes M.
  287. Snow, Miss Elizabeth L.
  288. Snow, Mr. Jos. H.   
  289. Snow, Mrs. Jos. H. 
  290. Spiers, Mrs. C. C.   
  291. Spiers, Miss M. A.
  292. Sprague, Miss Mabelle
  293. Spruill, Miss Eleanor
  294. Squire, Miss Lucy B.
  295. Stephenson, Mr. William R.
  296. Stephenson, Jr., Mr. John A.
  297. Stevens, Miss D. K.
  298. Stocking, Mrs. George G.
  299. Stockwell, Dr. Wm. M .
  300. Stockwell, Mrs.       
  301. Stockwell, Miss Betty
  302. Stockwell, Master David P.
  303. Storr, Miss Julia
  304. Stratton, Mrs. W. B.
  305. Stratton, Miss Roberta
  306. Straus, Mr. Robert  
  307. Straus, Mr. James  
  308. Strauss, Mr. W. H.  
  309. Strauss, Mrs.
  310. Suess, Miss A. Louise.
  311. Thayer, Miss M.      
  312. Thompson, Mr. W.  
  313. Thompson, Mrs.     
  314. Thomson, Mr. John
  315. Thomson, Mrs.        
  316. Thomson, Miss Lillian
  317. Thom, Miss J .
  318. Tolson, Mrs. G. U.  
  319. Trann, Mr. J. T.       
  320. Trann, Mrs.  
  321. Van Buskirk, Miss Anna
  322. Verriest, Mr. Leon   
  323. Verriest, Mrs.
  324. Vought, Miss Harriet
  325. Walker, Miss M.      
  326. Wampler, Miss Lydia
  327. Washington, Mr. S. W.
  328. Washington, Mrs    
  329. Washington, Mr. J. A.
  330. Watts, Mr. George B.
  331. Watts, Mrs.
  332. Weaver, Rev. Clifford S.
  333. Weaver, Mrs.
  334. Wells, Mr. Frank M.
  335. Wells, Mrs.   
  336. Welch, Miss Elizabeth
  337. Werner, Mrs. Katie
  338. Wild, Miss Elizabeth
  339. Willcox, Professor W. F
  340. Willcox, Mrs.
  341. Willcox, Miss May G.
  342. Willcox, Mr. Bertram
  343. Willcox, Mr. Alanson W
  344. Willcox, Mr. William B.
  345. Williams, Miss Ruth
  346. Williams, Miss Margaret R.
  347. Williams, Miss Bernice
  348. Williams, Mr. H. K.
  349. Williams, Mrs.         
  350. Williams, Mr. Thomas
  351. Williams, Miss Margaret
  352. Willis, Mrs. D. V.     
  353. Wilson, Mr. H. S.    
  354. Wood, Mr. Thomas H.
  355. Woolev, Mr. George
  356. Wooley, Mrs.
  357. Wright, Miss Ida      
  358. Zimmer, Miss Maude


Information for Passengers

Purser and Assistant Pursers are always in attendance at the Bureau to deal with enquiries and matters affecting the comfort or interest of passengers.  It is desired that passengers having cause for complaint will take the opportunity to report the matter, in order that it may be dealt with immediately.

Passengers will appreciate that the Management cannot deal satisfactorily with complaints unless these can he investigated on the spot. The Canadian Pacific invite suggestions for improvements.

Meal Times

When One Sitting Only

  • Breakfast: 8.30 am
  • Luncheon: 1.30 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00 pm

When Two Sittings

  • Breakfast: 8:00 am and 9.00 am
  • Luncheon: 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm
  • Dinner: 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm

Breakfast will not be served in the dining room after 10:00 am

Seats at Dinner arranged by Second Steward.

Children must dine at first sitting.

Afternoon tea will be served at 4.00 p. m. on Deck and in all Public Rooms, but children will be served in the Dining Saloon.

Lights are extinguished in Saloon at 11:00 pm., Music Room and Drawing Room at 11.30 p.m. and Smoke Room at midnight, Bar closes at 11:00 pm.

Divine service in Saloon at 10:30 am Sunday.

Steamer Rugs rented at $1.50 each for the voyage, on application to the Deck Steward.

Deck chairs for hire, $1.50

British Railway Time Tables will be found in the Library or Drawing Room.

Representatives meet all steamships to give passengers information and assistance.

CANADIAN PACIFIC TELEGRAPH connects with all points in Canada, and all important points in the United States via the Postal Telegraph Company. Direct connection with Great Britain and Europe via Commercial and Imperial cables, and Australasia via British Pacific Cable.

Wireless Telegrams. Steamships are equipped with Marconi Wireless System.  Information can be obtained from the Purser.

Valuables. A safe is provided in the office of the Purser, in which passengers may deposit money and valuables for safe keeping during the voyage, free of charge. Envelopes will be provided to be sealed and signed by the passenger. As no charge is made for this service the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising.

Money Exchanged. The Purser is authorized, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of Canadian and American money into English Currency.

Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided by the Surgeon.

BRITISH IMMIGRATION EXAMINATION- Every passenger is required to complete a Declaration which must be delivered to the Purser or Bedroom Steward immediately on embarkation. This is required for manifesting purposes.

Handbags and Trunks which will fit underneath the berths will be allowed in the cabins, and no other. Passengers are requested to write their name and European address on the back of baggage checks and hand them to the Baggage Master as soon as possible after sailing. They must claim their own baggage in the Customs Baggage Examining Room at port of disembarkation, where it is placed under initial letters.

Letters & Telegrams for passengers are brought on board at the ports and placed in alphabetical order in the letter case. To facilitate the delivery of letters and telegrams which may reach the Company after passengers disembark, they are invited to leave their address with the Purser, so that letters may be forwarded. When posting letters at sea, British or Canadian postage stamps may be used. These can be obtained from the Steward in the Drawing Room. Letter box will be closed one hour before arrival in port.


Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Passenger List Collection - GG Archives

Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Passenger Lists

Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Ship Archival Collections

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