SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953
Front Cover of a First Class and Tourist Passenger List from the SS Empress of Scotland of the Canadian Pacific Line, Departing Wednesday, 21 January 1953 from Southampton to Halifax and New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain C. E. Duggan, R.D., A.D.C., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 11c6cb31a2
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: C. E. Duggan, R.D., A.D.C., R.N.R.
- Staff Commander: W. S. w. Main, R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Officer: B. Ford, R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: J. N. Thomson, O.B.E.
- Surgeon: J. Prendergast, M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O., B.Sc., B.A., B.Litt.
- Purser: H. F. Norman-Hill
- Second Purser: R. Pitt-Brooke
- Chief Steward: W. H. Blease
- Second Steward: O. Jones
- Rail Traffic Representative: A. G. Murray
First Class Passengers
- Mr. N. H. M. Anderson, Sutton, Surrey
- Mr. G. M. Bell. Auchterardcr, Perthshire
- Mr. B. Beutel, Montreal
- Mrs. Beutel, Montreal
- Mrs. M. Boyle. St. Louis. Mo.
- Major L. J. Brown, Ottawa, Ont.
- Lt. M. C. Colcleugh, Vancouver, B.C
- C.P.O. R. P. Collins,
- Mrs. J. Collins,
- Miss P. Collins.
- Lieut. F. J. Dayton
- Mrs. E. Dayton
- Infant Dayton
- Mr. R. H. Fetherston, London
- Mrs. Fetherston, London
- Mr. K. Gabler, Alton, Hants.
- Wing Cdr. L. A. Hall. Montreal
- Mrs. Hall, Montreal
- Mr. John W. Inglis, London
- Capt. C. B. Jarvis.
- Lieut. M. R. Kent. Halifax. N.S.
- Mr. R. L. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
- Mrs. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
- Miss C. L. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
- Consul Dr. Jur. R. Kunisch, Frankfurt
- Lt. R. F. R. Livesey, Vancouver, B.C.
- Mr. J. McLachlan. Southampton
- Mrs. J. G. McLachlan. Southampton
- Lieut. J. D. Medhurst.
- Mr. E. J. Neville, Ottawa
- Miss Jean Park. Greensboro, N.C.
- Miss Ann Patteson. London
- Mr. Richard Pearson, Ottawa
- F/L D. E. Ryder
- Mrs. Christine Scrymgeour, San Francisco, Cal.
- Mr. M. Segal, Montreal
- Mrs. Segal. Montreal
- Mr. E. S. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Mrs. E. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Mstr. S. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Miss R. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Miss Y. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Miss J. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Miss G. Shahrabani, Bangkok
- Lieut. D. H. P. Shaw, Dartmouth, N.S.
- Mrs. Shaw, Dartmouth. N.S.
- Mr. W. Rogers Simpson, Glasgow
- Mr. G. Tannvik, Oslo
- Mrs. K. E. Walker, Vancouver
- Miss S. Warner, Cliftonville, Kent
- Mrs. J. K. Wenham. Godaiming. Surrey
- Miss I. P. E. Wenham, Godaiming, Surrey
- Mrs. M. Wilcox, Stockport
Back Cover, SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953. GGA Image ID # 11c77548e5
Tourist Class Passengers
- Mr. George Agapiou, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mrs. Agapiou, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mrs. A. C. Ajdukiewicz, Dunnville, Ont.
- Miss J. M. Ajdukiewicz, Dunnville, Ont.
- Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Brantford, Ont.
- Mr. S. W. Arnold. London
- Mr. M. S. Athanassiades, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Dr. L. Atkinson, London
- Miss S. Ballard, Bristol
- Miss V. Bathe, Eastleigh. Hants.
- P.O. R. H. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
- Mrs. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
- Mstr. I. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
- Mstr. T. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
- Miss N. Bell. Stratford, Ont.
- Miss M. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
- Mr. Bryan E. Bell, Haverfordwest, Wales
- Mr. J. G. Beresford. Mortimer, Berks.
- Mrs. L. M. Bird, London
- Mstr. J. C. Bird, London
- Mr. Anton Bisig, Einsiedeln/SZ., Switzerland
- Mr. P. A. Bissonnette, Montreal
- Mrs. D. L. Blaylock, Nottingham, Eng.
- Mr. A. T. Bourke, Major, Sask.
- Mr. R. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
- Mrs. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
- Miss J. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
- Prof. Harold J. Brodie. Bloomington, Ind.
- Mrs. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
- Miss Anne H. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
- Miss Phyllis E. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
- Miss Diana Brooksbank, Toronto
- Miss B. Browne, Louisburgh. Co. Mayo
- Miss G. Bugby. Kettering, Northants.
- Mrs. A. C. Bullen, London
- Mrs. A. Burgess. Lancing, Sussex
- Miss R. Burgess. Lancing. Sussex
- Mstr. A. Burgess, Lancing. Sussex
- Mr. W. Cairns, London
- Mrs. Cairns, London
- Miss S. B. Cairns, London
- Mstr. P. D. Cairns, London
- Mr. David Campbell, Glasgow
- Mr. F. Carey, Copthorne, Eng.
- Mr. Carter. Lancing, Sussex
- Mrs. L. Carter, Lancing, Sussex
- Miss L. C. Carter, Lancing, Sussex
- Mrs. Sylvia M. Cartwright, Penarth, Glam.
- Mrs. I. Churlish
- Mstr. S. Churlish
- Miss E. Clarke, Belfast
- Mr. Alex Corbett, Greenock
- Mr. R. Corden, Vancouver. B.C.
- Mrs. Sarah Corr, Greenock
- Miss M. Crichton, Glasgow
- Mr. M. F. Cunningham, Waverly, N.Y.
- Mrs. Cunningham, Waverly, N.Y.
- Mr. C. J. Davies.
- Mrs. P. F. Dawson, Chatham. Ontario
- Miss A. Dawson, Chatham, Ontario
- P.O. E. W. Deir. Dartmouth. N.S.
- Mrs. Deir, Dartmouth, N.S.
- Mstr. C. Deir. Dartmouth, N.S.
- Mr. L. Dilevko. Cardiff
- Mr. Thomas Dodds, Calgary, Alts.
- Miss, I. Donaldson, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire
- Mrs. J. Donnelly, Troon. Ayrshire
- Mstr. J. J. Donelly, Troon. Ayrshire
- Mstr. D. C. Donnelly, Troon, Ayrshire
- Mrs. Edna E. M. Dykstra, Moose Jaw, Sask.
- Miss G. Easterbrook, Torquay
- Miss M. M. Faull
- Mr. Peter Fennch, Wilkie. Sask.
- Mr. D. W. Freeman, Canterbury
- Mr. J. Gallon, Toronto, Ont.
- Mr. W. J. Galloway, Glasgow
- Mrs. Galloway, Glasgow
- Miss A. H. Galloway, Glasgow
- Mr. R. Gavito, Brownsville, Texas
- Mr. C. R. Glasbey, Brighouse. Yorks.
- Mr. Arnold Glessing, Wilkie, Sask.
- Mr. H. Golde, London
- Mrs. Golde, London
- Mstr. J. F. Golde, London
- Mrs. S. Gordey, Edmonton, Alta.
- Mr. John Graham, Glasgow
- Miss E. Grichtine, Leukerbad, Switzerland
- Mr. Z. Grzegorowski, Porthcawl, Glam.
- Mrs. Emilie Guignard, Geneva
- Mrs. I. Guymer. Wawa, Ont.
- Mstr. P. J. Guymer, Wawa, Ont.
- Mr. Charles Haefelfinger, Geneva
- Mrs. Haefelfinger, Geneva
- Mr. Stephanos Halatsis. Nevers, France
- Mrs. Madeleine Halatsis, Nevers, France
- Mstr. Theodore Halatsis, Nevers, France
- Mstr. Michel Halatsis. Nevers, France
- Mr. D. Halil, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mrs. Halil, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mr. Walter Hamilton, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire
- Mr. J. Hardy. Whitehaven, Lancs.
- Mrs. P. Hargrave. North Battleford, Sask.
- Miss A. Hargrave, North Battleford, Sask.
- Mstr. G. Hargrave, North Battleford, Sask.
- Mr. L. W. Harrop, Southsea
- Mrs. Harrop, Portsmouth
- Mr. O. J. Haste, Chard, Somerset
- Mrs. Haste, Chard, Somerset
- Mstr. M. J. Haste. Chard, Somerset
- Mrs. A. M. Hayward. Victoria. B.C.
- Miss A. V. Hayward, Victoria B.C.
- Mstr. B. L Hayward. Victoria B.C.
- Miss M. A. Hewltson, Leamington Spa
- Mrs. M. R. Hickey, London
- Mr. E. A. Hill, Oxford
- Mrs. K. E. Hobson, Vanderhof, B.C.
- Mr. H. E. Horner. London
- Rev. E. P. Howard, New York City
- Mrs. Howard. New York City
- Mrs. Joan Howell, Maesteg, Glam.
- Mr. I. Hrynysxyn, Rushden, Northants.
- Mr. H. J. Hughes, Birmingham
- Mrs. Hughes, Birmingham
- Mr. H. S. Hughes. Victoria. B.C.
- Mrs. Hughes, Victoria, B.C.
- Mr. V. Iemmolo, Issy-les-Moullneaux (Seine)
- Mr. J. Irvine, Belfast
- Mr. Antoine Jamicic, Zagreb
- Mrs. Jamicic. Zagreb
- Miss Katice Jamicic. Zagreb
- Miss Nada Jamicic, Zagreb
- Mr. Juras Jelich, Zagreb
- Mrs. Ana Jelich, Zagreb
- Miss Mariana Jelich, Zagreb
- Miss Shcena R. Jenner, Johnston, Renfrewshire
- Mr. H. J. Johnson, London
- Mrs. B. J. Johnson, Chertsey, Surrey
- Miss V. A. Johnson, Chertsey, Surrey
- Mr. N. E. C. Johnson, London
- Mrs. N. J. Jones, Stourport-on-Severn
- Mstr. T. E. Jones. Stourport-on-Severn
- Mstr. N. Jones, Stourport-on-Severn
- Mr. T. Jones, Taliesin, Cardiganshire
- P.O. S. H. Jones, Dartmouth, N.S.
- Mrs. Jones, Dartmouth. N.S.
- Mrs. G. Jones, Leamington Spa
- Miss S. B. Jones, Leamington Spa
- Mstr. S. W. Jones. Leamington Spa
- Mr. Eric Jorgensen, Swift Current, Sask.
- Mr. B. J. Keene, Uxbridge. Middlesex
- Mr. L. D. Kcr, Blctchley, Bucks.
- Mr. G. G. Kinloch, London
- Mrs. A. W. Kürschner, London
- Miss A. E. Kürschner, London
- Mr. T. J. B. Lang, Totton, Hants.
- Miss J. Langton, Southsea
- Mrs. A. Lapwood, Bienne, Switzerland
- Mr. J. H. Leavey, Exeter
- Mr. P. H. Letertre, Equeurdreville (Manche)
- Mr. G. G. Levy, London
- Mrs. Levy, London
- Miss M. V. Lewis London
- Mr. Vernon Livengood, Fort Hill, Pa.
- Mrs. Livengood, Fort Hill, Pa.
- Mrs. M. W. Lockyer, Poole, Dorset
- Mr. F. Longley, Edgware, Middlesex
- Miss A. McGregor. Old Kirkpatrick, Dumbartonshire
- Miss Sheila Mcllwraith, Winnipeg. Man.
- Mr. T. M. McNeil. Glasgow
- Miss A. Majolier, London
- Mr. Cecil Mallon. Ballymena. Co. Antrim
- Mr. J. Martinek, Vancouver, B.C.
- Mr. A. B. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
- Mrs. Maslin. Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
- Miss J. E. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
- Mstr. M. J. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
- Mr. H. Maynard. Toronto
- Mr. K. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
- Mrs. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
- Miss C. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
- Miss S. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
- Mr. Raphael Milberg, Grenoble, France
- Mr. W. Moody, London
- Mrs. Moody, London
- Mr. D. Moody, London
- Mr. D. W. Morcombe, London
- Mrs. M. Muir, Falkirk
- Miss M. Muir, Falkirk
- Mr. David Munro, Stenhousemuir, Scotland
- Mr. G. A. Newman, London
- Mr. J. R. Newport, Welling, Kent
- Mrs. Newport, Welling, Kent
- Miss S. E. Newport, Welling, Kent
- Mstr. J. R. Newport, Welling, Kent
- Mstr. K. Newport. Welling, Kent
- Mr. M. P. Nicolaou. Nicosia, Cyprus
- Mr. E. Nielsen, Gorlev, Denmark
- Mr. Thomas P. Noonan, Toronto, Ont.
- Mr. B. H. Parker. Milford. Surrey
- Mr. G. Petrie, Glasgow
- Mr. F. G. Phillips, Plymouth
- Miss Klio G. Pieridou, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Miss M. A. Pook, Portsmouth
- Mr. Guy Praine, Southampton
- Miss Doris Raymond, Lightwater, Surrey
- Mr. B. M. Read, Cambridge
- Mrs. Read, Cambridge
- Miss Elizabeth C. Reid, Toronto
- Mrs. Isabella Reid, Toronto
- Miss Helen Reid, Edinburgh
- Mr. H. Reynolds, London
- Mrs. P. Rignall, Aberystwyth
- Miss I. M. Rignall, Aberystwyth
- Miss M. Ritchie. London
- Mr. R. Ross. Galt, Ont.
- Mrs. G. Ruggles. Broughton, Northants
- Mr. N. Rybkowskl, Haifa
- Miss R. B. Salisbury
- Mr. V. L. Scott, Tiverton, Devon
- Mr. J. S. Skinner, Aberdeen
- Miss P. Snowley, Godaiming, Surrey
- Mrs. J. J. Somerville, Glasgow
- Mr. W. H. Southall, Hayes. Middlesex
- Mrs. M. Stapleford
- Mstr. D. Stapleford
- Mr. Gedalia Szwarcbard, Paris
- Mrs. Natalia Szwarcbard, Paris
- Mr. A. M. Tanner, Portsmouth
- Mrs. M E. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
- Miss E. A. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
- Miss S. M. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
- Mr. A. H. Topple, Toronto
- Mrs. M. E. D. Tricker, Augusta, Me.
- Mrs. Ann Upton, Detroit, Mich.
- Mr. B. Vaughan.Woolston. Hants.
- Miss Denise Venries, Paris
- Miss V. Walton, London
- Miss S. Walton. London
- Mr. W. A. Wav, Exeter
- Mr. R. C. Weeden, Wealdstone, Middlesex
- Mrs. L. M. Williams, Ynysybwl, Glam.
- Mr. B. C. Wilson. Edinburgh
- Mrs. Wilson, Edinburgh
- Miss H. Wilson, Edinburgh
- Mr. George H Wilson, Blackpool
- Mrs. M. Wirth, Kingston, Surrey
- Mr. J. M. Witham. Liverpool
- Mr. D. W. Woodward-Smith, Chertsey, Surrey
- Miss Joan M. Wright, Tiverton, Devon