Great Passenger Ships of the World 1913-1923


Front Cover and Spine, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 2: 1913-1923 by Arnold Kludas, 1976.

Front Cover and Spine, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 2: 1913-1923 by Arnold Kludas, 1976. The Deutschland (1923), from a painting by Willy Stöwer Appears on the Cover. Translation of the German "Die Grossen Passagierschiffe der Welt" by Charles Hodges. GGA Image ID # 204386e2ef



The period 1913-1923 is dealt with in this second volume. Although it was only a decade, it was one of the most turbulent passenger ships in history. Competition to produce ever-larger vessels declined between leading North Atlantic shipping companies. For 20 years, the ships of the Imperator Class were the largest in the world.

The First World War had a devastating effect on the passenger ship industry. Many ships, including the Britannic and Statendam, intended as flagships of the British and Dutch merchant fleets, were sunk before ever embarking on passenger voyages.

With the reconstruction of passenger services at the war's end, other nations, such as Italy, entered the scene. At the same time, Germany, hitherto at the forefront, played a temporarily minor role.


From the Publisher

The five volumes in this outstanding series aim to present, for the first time in international maritime literature, a work covering all passenger ships to date of over 10,000 gross registered tons, with relevant technical and historical data, including photographs of the vessels.

Each vessel covered in this volume is described in detail: its builder, technical data, and accommodation, together with a brief history of its period in service, are given, fully supported by copious photographs.

Arnold Kludas, formerly a technical engineer in a significant Hamburg shipyard, has written numerous articles on maritime subjects and compiled fleet lists for some well-known shipping companies.

He has also worked in an advisory capacity for a German publishing firm specializing in maritime and nautical books. Now living in Hamburg, he has been heralded as a leading expert in his field with the original German publication of Great Passenger Ships of the World and, as The Nautical Magazine said when reviewing the first English-language volume in this series, he has produced one of the most important nautical histories to have recently appeared.



  • The Imperator-Class
  • Alsatian and Calgarian
  • The A-Class of Cunard Line
  • Express Steamers of the Cie Sudatlantique
  • Nippon Yusen Liners for the European Service
  • The Aquitania
  • Gelria and Tubantia
  • Frederik VIII
  • Cap Trafalgar and Cap Polonio
  • Union-Castle East Africa Liners
  • PSNC Liners
  • Patria and Providence
  • The Columbus-Class of North German Lloyd
  • The Tirpitz-Class of the Hamburg-America Line
  • British Emigrant Carriers
  • Porthos, Sphinx and Athos
  • Aberdeen Liner Euripides
  • Transylvania and Tuscania
  • Two Newly-built Ships for CGT
  • The Zeppelin
  • Missanabie and Metagama
  • P & O Liners
  • Statendam and Belgenland
  • Nederland Liners
  • Italian Passenger Ships
  • The Aotearoa
  • Duilio and Giulio Cesare
  • The Ormonde
  • Regina and Pittsburgh
  • Melita and Minnedosa
  • The Stavangerfjord
  • Atlantic Transport Liner Minnekahda
  • Lloyd Sabaudo Liners
  • Bibby Liner Yorkshire
  • The US Shipping Board 535 ft-Class
  • Four-funneled Liners of Union Castle
  • Anchor Liners
  • The US Shipping Board 502 ft-Class
  • The Scythia-Class of Cunard Line
  • The Ohio ex München
  • Canadian Pacific Liners
  • The New B-Class of P & O
  • Trasatlántica Liners
  • Six Purpose-built French Ships
  • Blue Funnel Liners
  • Vandyck and Voltaire
  • Cunard A-Liners
  • The Bay-Ships
  • The FI-Class of Nippon Yusen KK
  • Ellerman Liners
  • Sophocles and Diogenes
  • M-Ships of P&O
  • Antonio Delfino and Cap Norte
  • Athenia and Letitia
  • Dutch Passenger Ships
  • White Star Liner Doric
  • Thuringia and Westphalia
  • CGT Liners Cuba and De Grasse
  • München and Stuttgart
  • Stinnes Liner General Belgrano
  • The Ballin-Class
  • Minnewaska and Minnetonka
  • The Sierra-Class of North German Lloyd
  • Talma and Tilawa
  • Rotterdam Lloyd Liners
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index of Ships' Names


Previously Published

  • Volume 1 1858-1912
  • In preparation Volume 3 1924 - 1935
  • Volume 4 1936 - 1948
  • Volume 5 1949 to the present


Back Cover, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 2: 1913-1923 by Arnold Kludas, 1976. Ships Illustrated Include the Hamburg-America Line Imperator subsequently the Cunard Liner Berengaria (top) and the Sibajak. GGA Image ID #


Ships Referenced in Volume 2: 1913-1923 of Great Passenger Ships of the World


▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓

  1. Acapulco
  2. Achilles
  3. Admiral Hipper
  4. Admiral Scheer
  5. Admiral von Tirpitz
  6. Akaroa
  7. Alaunia 1913 and 1925
  8. Albania
  9. Albert Ballin
  10. Albertic
  11. Alfonso XIII
  12. Alkaid
  13. Alphard
  14. Alsatian
  15. American Legion
  16. Ammerland
  17. Amroth Castle
  18. Andania 1913 and 1921
  19. Annamite
  20. Antares
  21. Antenor
  22. Antigone
  23. Antonia
  24. Antonio Delfino
  25. Aotearoa
  26. Aquitania
  27. Aramis
  28. Arawa
  29. Argus
  30. Armin W. Leuschner
  31. Artifex
  32. Arundel Castle
  33. Ascania
  34. Asia
  35. Assuncion
  36. Athenia
  37. Athinai
  38. Athos
  39. Aurania 1917 and 1924
  40. Ausonia 1915 and 1921
  41. Avenger


▓▓▓ "B" ▓▓▓

  1. Bahia Castillo
  2. Balao
  3. Ballarat
  4. Balranald
  5. Baradine
  6. Barrabool
  7. Bay State
  8. Belfast
  9. Belgenland
  10. Belgic
  11. Bendigo
  12. Berengaria
  13. Berrien
  14. Bertice
  15. Bianca C.
  16. Bismarck
  17. Blenheim
  18. Blue Hen State
  19. Bonefish
  20. Brabantia
  21. La Bretagne
  22. Buckeye State


▓▓▓ "C" ▓▓▓

  1. C.M. Schwab
  2. Cabo de Buena Esperanza
  3. Cabo de Hornos
  4. Calchas
  5. Caledonia
  6. Calgarian
  7. Calgaric
  8. California 1920 and 1923
  9. Cameronia
  10. Cap Norte
  11. Cap Polonio
  12. Cap Trafalgar
  13. Capellini
  14. Captain Cook
  15. Carinthia
  16. Carmania
  17. Centennial State
  18. Chantilly
  19. Chenonceaux
  20. City of Nagpur
  21. City of Paris
  22. Colombo
  23. Columbia
  24. Columbus 1913 and 1922
  25. Compiègne
  26. Conte Rosso 1917 and 1921
  27. Conte Verde
  28. Courageous
  29. Creole State
  30. Cristóbal Colón
  31. Cuba


▓▓▓ "D" ▓▓▓

  1. De Grasse
  2. Der Deutsche
  3. Deutschland
  4. Diamond
  5. Diogenes
  6. Diomed
  7. Doric
  8. Dresden
  9. Duilio
  10. Dumont d'Urville


▓▓▓ "E" ▓▓▓

  1. Eber
  2. Eleonore Woermann
  3. Emily H. M. Weder
  4. Emperor of India
  5. Empire Brent
  6. Empire Clyde
  7. Empire Deben
  8. Empire Halladale
  9. Empire State
  10. Empire Trooper
  11. Empress of Australia 1913 and 1924
  12. Empress of Canada
  13. Empress of China
  14. Empress of France
  15. Esperance Bay 1921
  16. Esperance Bay 1921/36
  17. Esperia
  18. Euripides
  19. Europa 1922 and 1928


▓▓▓ "F" ▓▓▓

  1. Finback
  2. Flandria
  3. Flier
  4. Fontainebleau
  5. Forfar
  6. Formigny
  7. Franconia
  8. Frederik VIII
  9. Fushimi Maru


▓▓▓ "G" ▓▓▓

  1. Galicia
  2. Gallia
  3. Geele Zee
  4. Gelria
  5. General Artigas
  6. General Belgrano
  7. General Osorio
  8. General San Martin 1913
  9. General San Martin 1922
  10. General von Steuben
  11. Gergovia 20 Gerolstein
  12. Giulio Cesare
  13. Gloire
  14. Golden State
  15. Gradisca
  16. Granite State
  17. Groix


▓▓▓ "H" ▓▓▓

  1. Habana
  2. Hakone Maru
  3. Hakozaki Mam
  4. Hakusan Maru
  5. Hamburg
  6. Hansa
  7. Harris
  8. Haruna Maru
  9. Havelland
  10. Hawkeye State
  11. Hector
  12. Henry T. Allen
  13. Hindenburg
  14. Hobsons Bay
  15. Homeric
  16. Hoosier State
  17. Hororata
  18. Howard McCurdy
  19. Hugh L. Scott
  20. Hunter Ligget
  21. Husimi Maru
  22. Hyperion


▓▓▓ "I" ▓▓▓

  1. Ile de Cuba
  2. Imperator
  3. Indrapoera
  4. Iris
  5. Isis


▓▓▓ "J" ▓▓▓

  1. J. Franklin Bell
  2. Jamaique 1921
  3. Jamaïque 1922
  4. Jan Pieterszoon Coen
  5. Jervis Bay
  6. Johan de Witt
  7. Johann Heinrich Burchard
  8. Joseph T. Dickman
  9. Justicia


▓▓▓ "K" ▓▓▓

  1. Kachidoki Maru
  2. Kaisar-I-Hind
  3. Kashima Maru
  4. Kasima Maru
  5. Katori Maru
  6. Kenmore
  7. Kerguelen 1920
  8. Kerguelen 1922
  9. Keystone State
  10. Koda
  11. Konakry
  12. Kong Haakon


▓▓▓ "L" ▓▓▓

  1. Laconia
  2. Lafayette
  3. Lancastria
  4. Largs Bay
  5. Laurentic
  6. Leonard Wood
  7. Leonardo da Vinci
  8. Letitia
  9. Leviathan
  10. Liguria
  11. Limburgia
  12. Llandovery Castle
  13. Llanstephan Castle
  14. Lombardia
  15. Lone Star State
  16. Lutetia


▓▓▓ "M" ▓▓▓

  1. Mahana
  2. Majestic
  3. Maloja
  4. Manmasco
  5. Maria Pipa
  6. Mariadel Carmen
  7. Marigold
  8. Marne
  9. Massilia
  10. Mataroa
  11. Meduana
  12. Melanesien
  13. Melita
  14. Menelaus
  15. Merkur
  16. Metagama
  17. Metapedia
  18. Mexique
  19. Milbrook
  20. Minnedosa
  21. Minnekahda
  22. Minnetonka
  23. Minnewaska
  24. Missanabie
  25. Mobiloil
  26. Moldavia
  27. Mongolia
  28. Montcalm
  29. Montclare
  30. Monte Grappa
  31. Montmorency
  32. Montrose
  33. Mooltan
  34. Moreton Bay
  35. Mosella
  36. München 1920 and 1922


▓▓▓ "N" ▓▓▓

  1. Naldera
  2. Narkunda
  3. Nassau
  4. Nea Hellas
  5. Neptunia
  6. New York 1921 and 1926
  7. Nutmeg State


▓▓▓ "O" ▓▓▓

  1. Ohio
  2. Old North State
  3. Orbita
  4. Orca
  5. Orduña
  6. Ormeda
  7. Ormonde
  8. Ormuz
  9. Oropcsa
  10. Oroya


▓▓▓ "P" ▓▓▓

  1. Palmetto State
  2. Pampanito
  3. Pan America
  4. Panhandle State
  5. Papandajan
  6. Paris
  7. Patria
  8. Patrodus
  9. Peninsula State
  10. Pennland
  11. Perseus
  12. Philoctetes
  13. Piemonte
  14. Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft
  15. Pigeon
  16. Pine Tree State
  17. Pittsburgh
  18. Platino
  19. Porthos
  20. President Adams
  21. President Buchanan
  22. President Cleveland
  23. President Fillmore
  24. President Garfield
  25. President Grant 1920 and 1921
  26. President Harding
  27. President Harrison
  28. President Hayes
  29. President Jackson
  30. President Jefferson
  31. President Lincoln
  32. President Madison 1920 and 1921
  33. President McKinley
  34. President Monroe
  35. President Pierce 1920 and 1921
  36. President Polk
  37. President Quezon
  38. President Roosevelt
  39. President Taft 1920 and 1921
  40. President Taylor
  41. President Tyler
  42. President van Buren
  43. President Wilson
  44. Proteus
  45. Providence


▓▓▓ "R" ▓▓▓

  1. Ranger
  2. Refuge
  3. Regina
  4. Reliance
  5. Resolute
  6. Rimutaka
  7. Rode Zee
  8. Royal Sovereign


▓▓▓ "S" ▓▓▓

  1. S13
  2. Samaria
  3. San Gennaro
  4. Sardegna
  5. Sarpedon
  6. Schwaben
  7. Scythia
  8. Sea Girt
  9. Seadragon
  10. Sibajak
  11. Sierra Córdoba
  12. Sierra Morena
  13. Sierra Nevada
  14. Sierra Salvada
  15. Sierra Ventana
  16. Silver State
  17. Sisto
  18. Slamat
  19. Sophocles
  20. Southern Cross
  21. Sovietski Sojus
  22. Sphinx
  23. Statendam 1914 and 1924
  24. Stavangerfjord
  25. Steuben
  26. Stormont
  27. Stuttgart
  28. Subiaco
  29. Suffren
  30. Suwa Maru


▓▓▓ "T" ▓▓▓

  1. Talma
  2. Tamaroa
  3. Tarpon
  4. Tasker H. Bliss
  5. Thor
  6. Thuringia
  7. Tilawa
  8. Tirpitz
  9. Transylvania
  10. Tubantia
  11. Tunny
  12. Tuscaloosa
  13. Tuscania 1914 and 1921
  14. Twyford
  15. Tyndareus
  16. Tyrrhenia


▓▓▓ "U" ▓▓▓

  1. U19
  2. U29
  3. U30
  4. U35
  5. U37
  6. U38
  7. U45
  8. U46 1915
  9. U46 1938
  10. U60
  11. U63
  12. U65
  13. U69
  14. U75
  15. U86
  16. U96
  17. U99
  18. U107
  19. U130
  20. U156
  21. U506
  22. U507
  23. U635
  24. U1195
  25. UA
  26. UB13
  27. UB64
  28. UB67
  29. UB77
  30. UB87
  31. UB124
  32. Unique
  33. Upholder


▓▓▓ "V" ▓▓▓

  1. Vandyck
  2. Vaterland
  3. Veendam
  4. Venezuela
  5. Ville de Bruges
  6. Viñeta
  7. Volendam
  8. Voltaire


▓▓▓ "W" ▓▓▓

  1. Wajang
  2. Waroonga
  3. Watchman
  4. Wayland
  5. Wenatchee
  6. Western World
  7. Westernland
  8. Westphalia
  9. Wharton
  10. William O'Swald
  11. Williard A. Holbrook
  12. Windsor Castle
  13. Winrich von Kniprode
  14. Wolfe
  15. Wolverine State
  16. Wryneck


▓▓▓ "Y" ▓▓▓

  1. Yasaka Maru
  2. Yorkshire
  3. Yuri Dolgoruki


▓▓▓ "Z" ▓▓▓

  1. Zeilin
  2. Zeppelin


About the Author

Arnold Kludas, former technical engineer in a Hamburg shipyard and maritime adviser for a German publishing firm, is now working in the Deutsche Schiffahrtsmuseum, the equivalent of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

His meticulous research in authenticating and continually updating the entries of all the ships has resulted in the published English language volumes being received with high acclaim and praise.

In the words of Sea Breezes, 'this is a series well worth the trouble of translation - an excellent service to ship lovers and maritime historians.


Library of Congress Catalog Listing

  • Personal name: Kludas, Arnold.
  • Uniform title: Grossen Passagierschiffe der Welt.
  • English Main title: Great passenger ships of the world / [by] Arnold Kludas; translated [from the German] by Charles Hodges.
  • Published/Created: Cambridge: Stephens, 1975-1977.
  • Description: 5 v. ill.; 25 cm.
  • ISBN: 0850591740 (v. 1) :
  • LC Classification: VM381 .K5813
  • Contents: v. 1. 1858-1912.--v. 2. 1913-1923.--v. 3. 1924-1935.--4. 1936-1950.--v. 5. 1951-1976.
  • LC Subjects: Ocean liners. Passenger ships.
  • Notes: Translation of Die grossen Passagierschiffe der Welt. Includes indexes.
  • Bibliography: v. 1, p. 213.
  • LCCN: 76355859
  • Dewey class no.: 387.2/432
  • Language code: engger
  • National bib no.: GB75-31009 (v. 1)
  • Type of material: Book


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