NDL Guide Through North & Central America - 1898

Souvenir of the North German Lloyd


Front Cover, North German Lloyd Guide Through North America - 1898

Front Cover, North German Lloyd Guide Through North America - 1898. GGA Image ID # 1e8c193d29


Publishers: J. Reichmann & Cantor. Berlin C, Neue Friedrichstr. 55. New-York, 81 Nassau Street.

This book includes the history of the North German Lloyd, Lavishly illustrated with numerous photographs.


The acknowledged usefulness of our European Guide, has induced us to publish a similar work for North America. In this first edition, the Dominion of Canada and Mexico have not yet been treated, but descriptions of Canada and the largest Spanish Republic, will be added.

In presenting our book to the public, we beg to say, that our aim is to furnish a concise work of reference for the use of travelers in the United States, containing hints and directions, which, we trust, may prove serviceable to persons, whose time is limited; the more so, as all the hotels, Inns etc., mentioned in our Guide, are perfectly reliable.

We hope, therefore, that tourists will not fail to make a practical use of the hook. The statistics have been taken from the last official Census Report of 1890. The alphabetical system has been strictly adhered to, treating every state for itself. Our sincere thanks are due for the cordial and valuable assistance we have received from the various societies, railway companies and to all those who have contributed to this work and actively aided us with information.

We also express our thanks to Mr. L. Viereck, who has written the chapter 011 Alaska.

We shall be grateful to have our attention called to any errors or inaccuracies, occurring in the book.

That our undertaking may contribute to the pleasure and profit of our readers and patrons, is the sincere wish of the publishers.

April 1898.
J. Reiehmann & Cantor.

Berlin Neue Friedrichstrasse 55.
New York 31 Nassau Street.



  1. The North German Lloyd S. S. Co. of Bremen.
  2. Table of Railway and Steamboat Fares.
  3. United States of America.
    • Alphabetical List of Places.
  4. Alphabetical List of Advertisers.


List of Ships Referenced in This Book


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