SS Pennland Archival Collection



Pennland (1870) Red Star Line

Sailed as the SS Pennland from 1881-1903.

Built by J. & G. Thomson, Ltd., Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland. (This shipbuilding yard is now known as John Brown & Co., Ltd.). Tonnage: 3,760. Dimensions: 361' x 41'. Propulsion: Single-screw, 13 knots. Compound engines. Masts and Funnels: Three masts and one funnel. Additional Features: Iron hull. Service: Antwerp-New York. Ownership Transfer: Transferred to the Liverpool-Philadelphia service of the American Line in 1895. Fate: Scrapped at Genoa in 1903. Previously Named: Algeria (1870-1881).


Pennland (1922) Red Star Line

Built by Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast, Ireland. Tonnage: 16,322. Dimensions: 575' x 67' (601' o.l.). Propulsion: Triple-screw, 16 knots. Triple expansion engines and one steam turbine. Masts and Funnels: Two masts and two funnels. Service: Antwerp-Southampton- New York. Sale of Ship: Liner was sold to Arnold Bernstein in 1935. Modifications: Converted to tourist class ship (538 passengers). Ownership Change: Resold to Holland-America Line about 1939. Fate: Bombed and sunk by German aircraft in the Gulf of Athens, April 25, 1941, while on way from Alexandria to Greece to evacuate British soldiers. Previous Name: Pittsburg (1925). Sister ship: Westernland.


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Passenger Manifest, Red Star Line SS Pennland 1926 Antwerp to Halifax and New York

1926-08-27 SS Pennland Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Red Star Line
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 27 August 1926
  • Route: Antwerp to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton
  • Commander: Captain William A. Morehouse


Front Cover, SS Pennland Passenger List - 27 July 1928

1928-07-27 SS Pennland Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Red Star Line
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 27 July 1928
  • Route: Antwerp to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton
  • Commander: Captain V. L. Making


Front Cover, Red Star Line SS Pennland Cabin Class Passenger List - 26 August 1932.

1932-08-26 SS Pennland Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Red Star Line
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 26 August 1932
  • Route: Antwerp to New York via Le Havre and Southampton
  • Commander: Captain V. L. Making


Front Cover, SS Pennland Passenger List - 24 August 1934

1934-08-24 SS Pennland Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Red Star Line
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 24 August 1934
  • Route: Antwerp to New York via Le Havre and Southampton
  • Commander: Captain H. Harvey


Front Cover, Red Star Line SS Pennland Cabin Class Passenger List - 5 September 1936.

1936-09-05 SS Pennland Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Red Star Line
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 5 September 1936
  • Route: Antwerp to New York via Southampton
  • Commander: Captain Walter Sengpiel


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Sailing Schedule, New York-Antwerp, from 6 February 1886 to 30 October 1886.

Red Star Line Sailing Schedule, 6 February 1886 to 30 October 1886

The SS Pennland, operated by Red Star Line, was scheduled for transatlantic voyages between 6 February 1886 and 30 October 1886.


Proposed Sailings, Red Star Line, Antwerp-Boulogne-Southampton-New York, from 2 July 1926 to 20 November 1926.

Proposed Sailings, Red Star Line, Antwerp-Boulogne-Southampton-New York, from 2 July 1926 to 20 November 1926. Ships Included the Belgenland, Lapland, Pennland, and Zeeland. RMS Belgenland Passenger List, 26 June 1926. GGA Image ID # 1df2ae7c61


Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg or Boulogne-New York, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Antwerp-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 20 January 1928 to 26 May 1928.

Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg or Boulogne-New York, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Antwerp-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 20 January 1928 to 26 May 1928. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska, and Pennland. The Minnetonka and Minnewaska Carry First-Class Passengers Only. The Mlnnekahda and Minnesota Carry Tourist Third Cabin Passengers Only. The Lapland and Pennland Carry Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passengers. The Arabic Carries Cabin and Third Class Passengers. RMS Baltic Cabin Class Passenger List, 3 March 1928. GGA Image ID # 20c291acec


Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 May 1928 to 1 December 1928.

Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 May 1928 to 1 December 1928. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, and Pennland. SS Doric Passenger List, 19 May 1928. GGA Image ID # 206d7f1302


Sailing Schedule, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Antwerp, and Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 8 June 1928 to 12 January 1929.

Sailing Schedule, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Antwerp, and Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 8 June 1928 to 12 January 1929. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, and Pennland. The «BELGENLAND» carries First, Second, Tourist Third Cabin and Third class passengers. The « LAPLAND » carries Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third class passengers. The «PENNLAND» and «ARABIC» carry Cabin and Third class passengers, and call at Halifax N.S. Canada Westbound. SS Lapland Passenger List, 31 August 1928. GGA Image ID # 1ebdf3d5f9


Sailing Schedule, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Antwerp, from 27 July 1929 to 8 March 1930.

Sailing Schedule, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Antwerp, from 27 July 1929 to 8 March 1930. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, and Pennland. RMS Arabic Passenger List, 16 August 1929. GGA Image ID # 1e4c1e8cbc


Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 2 November 1929 to 26 September 1930.

Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 2 November 1929 to 26 September 1930. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, Pennland, and Westernland. SS Lapland Passenger List, 2 November 1929. GGA Image ID # 1ebf3eb84f


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Front Cover, SS Lapland Abstract of Log, 3 July 1931.

Front Cover, SS Lapland Abstract of Log, 3 July 1931. From the Chris Crofts Collection. GGA Image ID # 213ab76001


Abstract of Log, Voyage 59 Westbound, from Antwerp to Halifax and New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, for the SS Pennland,

Abstract of Log, Voyage 59 Westbound, from Antwerp to Halifax and New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, for the SS Pennland, Commanded by Captain V. L. Making. From the Chris Crofts Collection. SS Lapland Abstract of Log, 3 July 1931. GGA Image ID # 213b0226a3


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Front Cover, Era of the Passenger Liner by Nicholas T. Cairis. Published by Pegasus Books Ltd., London, 1992.

Era of the Passenger Liner - 1992

The Gilded Era comes back to life as the reader relives the careers of stately ships and express greyhounds from immigrant ships to floating palaces. Scarce, large format book containing 288pp. Features photographs, statistics, and background of 280 passenger liners, each with a picture.


Front Cover and Spine, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 2: 1913-1923 by Arnold Kludas, 1976.

Great Passenger Ships of the World 1913-1923

The period 1913-1923 is dealt with in this second volume. Although it was only a decade, it was one of the most turbulent passenger ships in history. Competition to produce ever-larger vessels declined between leading North Atlantic shipping companies. For 20 years, the ships of the Imperator Class were the largest in the world.


Front Cover and Spine, Passenger Ships of the World, Past and Present by Eugene W. Smith, 1963.

Passenger Ships of the World - 1963

Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.


Front Cover, Pictorial Encyclopedia of Ocean Liners, 1860-1994 by William H Miller, Jr., 417 Photographs, 1995.

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Ocean Liners, 1860-1994

One of the most comprehensive pictorial references on ocean liners ever published, this superb chronicle by noted maritime historian William H. Miller, Jr., depicts and describes virtually every passenger ship of over 15,000 tons built between 1860 and the late 1900s.


Front Cover, Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships by William H. Miller, Jr., 2002.

Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships

Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships is a superbly illustrated volume that documents a long line of great ships--from "floating palaces" such as the Imperator (1913) and the Vaterland (1914) to such luxurious cruise ships as the Statendam (1957), Hamburg (1969), the remodeled Bremen (1990), and the new Deutschland (1998).


Front Cover: Picture History of the SS United States by William H. Miller, Jr.

Picture History of the SS United States

A comprehensive pictorial record of the SS United States that will appeal to maritime historians, this celebration of an American champion and centerpiece of national pride will also captivate ship lovers and anyone thrilled by sea travel.


Front Cover, The American Line: 1871-1902 by William Henry Flayhart III

The American Line: 1871-1902 (2000)

The American Tine tells the story of the first successful American steamship line after the Civil War to rival the great European transatlantic companies—an essential and glorious chapter in the history of the American Merchant Marine.


Front Cover and Spine Plus, The Atlantic Liners 1925-70 by Frederick Earl Emmons, 1972.

The Atlantic Liners 1925-1970

THE ATLANTIC LINERS will be cherished by all the millions of Americans who love the sea. Frederick Emmons sketches the histories of every ocean liner that sailed between the United States and Europe between 1925 and 1970.


Front Cover and Spine, The Red Star Line and International Mercantile Marine Company by Vernon Edmond William Finch, 1988.

The Red Star Line and the IMM

The Red Star Line, one of the oldest and best-known shipping lines ever to send ships out to sail the oceans, was founded in 1872 and liquidated in 1935.




"P" & "Q" Ships and Ocean Liners
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