SS Pennland Passenger List - 26 August 1932
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS Pennland of the Red Star Line, Departing Friday, 26 August 1932 from Antwerp to New York via Le Havre and Southampton, Commanded by Captain V. L. Making. GGA Image ID # 1404b3f546
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain V. L. MAKIN6
- Chief Engineer: A. WEBSTER
- Surgeon: L, BAYER, M. D.
- Asst. Surgeon: J. HELSMOORTEL
- Purser : L W BROWNRIG0
- Asst. Purser: H. P. WATSON
- Chief Steward: F. L. FRANCK
Cabin Passengers
- Abott, Miss Elizabeth
- Adams, Mrs. Hugh
- Adams, Miss Hazel
- Adams, Miss Jessie, C.
- Adye, Mr. E. E.
- Ames, Miss Adeline
- Anderson, Miss Amy
- Anderson, Miss Ruth
- Anderson, Miss Alice
- Anderson, Miss A. R.
- Andrews, Miss Ellen, D.
- Andrews, Miss M.
- Aretander, Miss Margaret
- Armand, Miss Louise
- Assarson, Miss Willy
- Atkinson, Miss Mary
- Atkinson, Miss Frances
- Bacher, Mrs.
- Byrl, F.
- Baker, Miss Florence, M.
- Balaban, Mr. Irving, J.
- Baldwin. Mr. Karl
- Barhyte, Miss Mary
- Barry, Miss Mary
- Barthy, Miss G.
- Battenfield, Mrs. Elizabeth
- Battenfield, Miss Elsie
- Bawn, Mr. Arthur, R.
- Beall, Miss Cornelia
- Becker, Mrs. Paul, A.
- Beckking, Miss Ruth
- Beebe. Mr. Charles
- Bell, Mr. Alfred
- Bell, Miss E.
- Belson, Miss Hannah
- Bergh, Miss May, A.
- Benson, Miss H.
- Berry, Mrs. Marie
- Birdsall, Mr. Lester
- Birdsall, Mrs
- Birmingham, Mrs. T. G.
- Bishop, Miss Miriam
- Blackburn, Miss Adaline
- Blain, Mrs. Robert
- Blain, Miss Eileen
- Blaney, Miss Margaret
- Bleecker, Mrs. Lucq
- Bley, Mrs. Sophie
- Bley, Miss Elsa
- Blodget, Mrs. L.
- Blodget, Mr. L. P.
- Blodget, Miss L. P.
- Blount, Miss Mina, L.
- Bluhm, Mrs. J. W.
- Bluhm, Master Robert
- Bluhm, Miss Elizabeth
- Bold, Miss M.
- Bordett, Mr. E. E.
- Bordett, Mrs. E. E.
- Boudreaux, Miss Maud
- Boyd, Miss Jean, A.
- Boyd, Miss Jean, M.
- Boyd, Miss Ely, M.
- Bradley, Miss Gertrude
- Brady, Miss Anne
- Brahdy, Mr. Joseph
- Brandt, Mr. Ralph
- Brandt, Mrs. Louise
- Breslan, Miss Faith
- Briscoe, Miss B. G.
- Brooks, Miss Rebecca
- Browde, Mrs. Bertha
- Browde, Miss Charlotte
- Brown, Miss Eliza
- Brown, Mrs. Dorothy
- Brownhill, Miss Mabel
- Broxholm, Mrs. Jennie
- Broxholm, Miss Florence
- Bruycre, Mrs. Joseph
- Bruyere, Miss Yvonne
- Bucher, Mr. Louis
- Bucher, Mrs. Louis
- Bull, Miss Harriet
- Bull, Miss Wilhelmina
- Bumstead, Mrs. C.
- Burdon, Miss Margaret
- Buswell, Miss Ruth
- Butterfield, Miss Frances
- Cady, Mr. Henry
- Cady, Mrs. Henry
- Calder, Mrs. Mary
- Cane, Miss Alice
- Cap, Mr. Edward
- Carroll, Miss Anne
- Caruth, Mrs. Winnifred
- Caskie, Prof. Edmund
- Cavenagh, Miss Bertha
- Cavanaugh, Miss Elizabeth
- Chaimas, Mr. Herbert
- Champion, Miss Jennie
- Champion, Dr. W. L.
- Cheifetz, Mrs. Sarah
- Cheifetz, Miss Lucienne
- Cheifetz, Miss Marguerite
- Childs, Miss Alice
- Chuptie, Mr. Einar
- Chuptie, Mrs. Einar
- Clark, Miss Mary, B.
- Clarke, Miss Helen
- Clarke, Mrs. L.
- Clayton, Miss Pansy
- Clayton, Miss Amelia
- Clemency Miss Henrietta
- Cluney, Mrs. Catherine
- Cluney, Miss Kay
- Cobb, Miss Lucille
- Colwell, Miss Mary
- Coburn, Mr. Charles, D.
- Coburn, Mrs. Ivah, W.
- Cord, Miss Lucille
- Coughlin, Mr. Edward
- Coughlin, Mrs. Antoinette
- Cox, Mr. Reavis
- Cox, Mrs. Reavis
- Cramer, Miss Mary, E.
- Crile, Miss Dorothea
- Crile, Miss D.
- Crowley, Mrs. Ada, F.
- Cutter, Miss Louise
- Dalton, Miss Eva, L.
- Davis, Miss Julia
- Davis, Miss Lillian
- Davis, Miss Marion
- Davis, Miss H.
- Davies, Mr. Colin
- Dawson, Miss Elizabeth
- Deaden, Mr. Charles
- Dearing, Mr. Chas., Ed.
- de Bethune, Miss Françoise
- de Bethune, Master André
- Degling, Miss Helen
- Dellzell, Miss Isadora
- de Montpellier, Mr. Gérard
- Dibbens, Miss Erma
- Dibbens, Rev. J. W.
- Donaldson, Miss Elisabeth
- Donnell, Mr. C. D.
- Donohue, Mrs. Mary, C.
- Drennan, Mrs. Mary
- Drew, Mr. Harry, A.
- Dudley, Miss Edith
- Duell, Miss Lillian
- Duffy, Miss Margaret
- Duffy, Miss Anna
- Duggan, Miss Ardis
- Duggan, Mrs. A. E.
- Dunton, Miss Effie
- Durr, Miss Lillian
- Eberhard, Mr. Henry
- Eberhard, Mrs. Henry
- Eberhard, Miss Janette
- Ednie, Miss Jean
- Edwardson, Miss H. J.
- Egeberg, Mrs. Lydia, B.
- Egeberg, Miss Anne, M.
- Evans, Miss Elizabeth, C.
- Eweson, Mr. S. W.
- Fernholz, Mr. Theodor, H. W.
- Fichandler, Mr. Alexander
- Fichandler, Mrs. Alexander
- Fielding, Mr. John
- Fitzmaurice, Mrs. Lillian
- Fitzmaurice, Miss Hildegard
- Fitzmaurice, Miss Ernestine
- Fitzimons, Miss Lillian
- Fligelman, Miss H.
- Flom, Prof. George, T.
- Flom, Mrs. George, T.
- Foley, Miss Orphelia
- Foote, Miss Emma
- Foote, Miss Hazel
- Foote, Mrs. Sadie
- Folk, Miss Sophie
- Foster, Mr. Frank
- Foster, Mrs. Frank
- Fox, Miss Anna
- Fox, Miss Geneviève
- Francisco, Miss H.
- Fraser, Miss E.
- Friedman, Mrs. Lena
- Friend, Mr. Albert
- Friend, Mrs. Florence, B.
- Fuchs, Miss E. T.
- Gaffney, Mr. Matheus
- Gaffney, Mrs. Matheus
- Gately, Miss Helene
- Gendell, Miss Grace
- Gerschitz, Mrs. Helena
- Getty, Miss Nancy
- Gibbons, Mrs. Sarah, M.
- Gibbons, Mrs. Dorothy, M
- Giersberg, Miss Kathryn
- Gillespie, Miss Elizabeth
- Glavin, Mr. James, E.
- Glendenning, Miss Gwendolyn
- Glick, Miss Rebecca
- Glinn, Mr. H. W.
- Glinn, Mrs. H. W.
- Glinn, Miss Virginia
- Goichman, Miss Anna
- Goldersleeve, Mr. Nelson
- Goldersleeve, Mrs. Mabel
- Graininger, Miss D. E.
- Greathead, Miss Alice
- Greenhalgh, Mrs. Leonore
- Greer, Miss Rebecca
- Griggs, Miss Mariha, E.
- Gross, Miss Mary
- Gould, Miss Mabel
- Guerlain, Miss Colette
- Gulliver, Miss Ethel, M.
- Haas. Dr. Alfred
- Haas, Mrs. Anna
- Hackett, Mrs. J.
- Hallenbeck, Mr. Kenneth
- Hamilton, Miss Mary
- Hancock, Miss Elizabeth
- Haney, Miss Marguerite
- Harpole, Mrs. Solange
- Harpole, Master John, L.
- Harris, Mrs. Edna
- Harrow, Mrs. Carolyn
- Hart, Mrs. A. S.
- Hayden, Miss Audrey
- Hechs, Mr. Louis
- Heck, Mr. Arthur
- Heck, Mrs. Regina
- Hegner, Miss Janette
- Helm, Miss N. Belle
- Henry, Mrs. J.
- Henry, Mr. J.
- Heuser, Mrs. Mae, C.
- Heuser, Miss Mary
- Heuser, Miss Helen
- Heuser, Mr. William
- Higgins, Miss Mabel
- Hill, Mrs. Wm.
- Himt, Miss Ruth
- Himwitch, Mr. Alfred
- Himwitch, Mrs. R.
- Hogan, Miss Jessie
- Holcomb, Miss Esther
- Holt, Miss Elizabeth
- Holzer, Mr. Joseph
- Hoopes, Miss Myram
- Hoopes, Miss Mary, T.
- Hord, Mrs. Nannie, R.
- Hord, Miss A. Lloyd
- Hord, Mr. Arnold, H.
- Hord, Mr. William, I.
- Hoskuis, Mrs. M. M.
- Hoskuis, Miss S. G.
- Howard, Mrs. Addie
- Howard, Miss Ethel
- Howe, Miss Dorothy
- Howe, Miss Katherine
- Howe, Miss Elizabeth
- Howes, Miss Anne
- Howes, Miss Hazel
- Howkes, Mr. A. W.
- Hoy, Miss Elizabeth, R.
- Hoyoux, Mr. Horace
- Hoyoux, Miss Jenny
- Hughes, Mr. John, A.
- Humphrey, Mrs, Harriet
- Hunt Miss Carrie
- Hurley, Miss Anne
- Huyett, Miss N.
- Hynes, Miss Katherina
- Ingram, Miss Christine, P.
- Irwin, Mr. Joseph
- Itten, Miss Frances
- Izard, Mrs. Gladys
- Izard, Miss Gertrude
- Jacoby, Mrs. Roxy, R.
- Jasey, Miss Madeleine
- John, Miss Caroline
- Johnson, Miss Enid
- Jordan, Miss Ellen
- Kane, Mr. Eduard
- Keane, Miss Anna, O.
- Keane, Mrs. Anna
- Kemp, Mrs. Mary
- Kieth, Mr. Anton
- Kilcain, Miss Marion
- Killoy, Miss Doriss, R.
- Kirby, Miss Margaret
- Kirlpatrick, Mrs. Harriet
- Kirk, Miss Mary, T.
- Kitzberger, Miss Betty
- Klein, Miss Edith, R.
- Klippart, Miss Josephine
- Klöppel, Miss Lillian
- Knott, Miss Ethel, M.
- Knox, Miss Mary, L.
- Koenig, Miss Menetta
- Kranz, Miss B. S.
- Kuhn, Miss Adelina
- Kuhn, Mrs. I.
- Laing, Mr. John
- Lane, Mr. George, E.
- Lane, Mrs. Lillian, S.
- Langdale, Mr. A. Barnett
- Langsam, Miss Rose
- Larsen, Miss Anna
- Lasplaces, Miss Anne
- Lattimore, Mrs. Suzanne
- Leahy, Mr. A. J.
- Leahy, Mrs.
- Leake, Mrs. Mary, E.
- Leavenworth, Prof. Clarence
- Leddy, Miss E. A.
- Lee, Miss Ruth, G.
- Legge, Mr. Leonei, K.
- Legge, Mrs. Dorothy, P.
- Leland, Miss E.
- Lent, Miss Rosamond, R.
- Lerner, Miss Sadie
- Letz, Mr. Hans
- Letz, Mrs. May, H.
- Letz, Master John
- Letz, Miss Mary, M.
- Letz, Miss Patricia
- Levett, Mr. Warren
- Lewyn, Miss Rosalind
- Lieber man, Dr. Max
- Lieberman, Mrs.
- Lieberman, Master Wan
- Lilly, Mr. Edward, P.
- Lisowski, Miss Winifred
- Littel, Mrs. Leayet, T.
- Loeb, Mr. Julius
- Logan, Mr. S. R.
- Logan, Mrs.
- Luckings, Miss Ella
- Luckings, Miss Alice
- Magnes, Miss Therese
- Magness, Miss Doris, O.
- Magnis, Miss Theresa
- Maitles, Miss Anne
- Manders, Mrs. C. E.
- Manzillo, Miss Enez
- Marshall, Mr. James, F.
- Marshall, Mrs. James F.
- Marshall, Dr. Otis
- Marshall, Mrs. Josephine
- Martin, Miss Annie
- Martin, Miss Mary
- Masone, Mrs. G.
- Masone, Mr. G.
- Maughan, Mr. E. H.
- Maxon, Miss Winifred
- McClain, Miss Mary, H.
- McCullough, Mrs. Ethel
- McDermott, Miss Ellen
- McDermott, Miss Joan
- McDermott, Mr. Bernard
- McDermott, Mrs. Geneviève
- McGear, Mr. Charles
- McGrotty, Miss Alice
- McIntyre, Miss Anne
- McIntyre, Mrs. D. R.
- McKenzie, Dr. M. S.
- McKenzie, Mrs.
- McKinley, Miss Annabelle
- McLester, Miss Frances
- Mead, Miss Belle
- Mead, Miss Helen
- Meek, Miss W. E.
- Meeker, Miss Emily
- Meinken, Miss Elizabeth
- Meinken, Miss Edna
- Merrow, Mrs. Rachel
- Meshel, Miss Catherine
- Miller Mrs. Winifred
- Miller, Mrs. E. A.
- Miller, Miss C. E.
- Mills, Miss Edith, W.
- Minor, Mrs. Edw., E.
- Minor, Miss Margaret
- Minor, Mr..Edw., E.
- Mitchell, Mrs. Mary
- Mitchell, Miss Madeline
- Mitchell, Miss Rose
- Modick, Mr. Emil
- Möller, Miss Charlotte
- Mongel, Miss R. M.
- Moore, Mr. Fred., A.
- Moore, Mrs. Vivian
- Moore, Mr. Lyman
- Morais, Mr. Herbert, M.
- Morgan, Miss Margaret
- Morris, Miss M. S.
- Morje, Miss Zerline
- Mowbray, Miss Hazel
- Muldrow, Dr. Robert
- Muldrow, Mrs. Robert
- Murray, Miss H.
- Nazare-Aga, Miss
- Neill, Mr. T. de Lancey
- Northacker, Mrs. Gladys
- Occhinero, Miss Elizabeth
- O’Connor, Miss Alice
- Orth, Miss M. C.
- Orth, Miss Isabel
- Osler, Miss A. E.
- Palley, Miss Lillian
- Palmer-Wood, Miss Rilla
- Palmer, Miss Hope
- Patterson, Miss Grace
- Paul, Miss Harriet
- Pecht, Miss Ida, M.
- Perkinson, Miss Mary, F.
- Perlman, Mrs. Rose
- Peyton, Miss O.
- Phelps, Miss Ruth
- Pitcher, Miss Margaret
- Planstiehl, Mrs. Carl
- Platt, Mr. Chester
- Platt, Mrs. Chester
- Poser, Mr. Maurice
- Pritchard, Mr. E. W.
- Pritchard, Mrs. E. W.
- Puckering, Miss J. M.
- Puckering, Miss G.
- Pugh, Mr. Harry
- Pugh, Mrs. Grace
- Quigg, Miss Helen, T.
- Rabinovitz, Miss B.
- Rach, Mrs. Paula
- Redmond, Mrs. H.
- Rêdmond, Dr. Henry
- Regan, Miss Mary
- Regan, Miss K. A.
- Regenbogen, Miss Blume
- Regnier, Mr. Ralph, J.
- Reilly, Mrs. Anna, M.
- Riordan, Mr. R.
- Rice, Miss Melanie
- Rich, Miss Grace
- Richards, Miss Mary
- Richardson, Miss Louise
- Rilrdan, Mr. R.
- Riordan, Miss Gertrude
- Rish, Mrs. Ben
- Rish, Miss Rebecca
- Robinson, Mrs. Lena, P.
- Robinson, Miss Florence
- Rogers, Miss Betty
- Rose, Miss Ella
- Rosenbaum, Mrs. Theresa
- Ross, Miss. J essie
- Ross, Miss May
- Rosselle, Mrs. Mayme, M.
- Rotberg, Miss Helen
- Rothholz, Miss Meta
- Ryan, Miss Gladys
- Ryelstrom, Miss Emma
- Sable, Miss Amelia
- Sackrider, Miss Harriett
- Saginar, Mr. Alexander
- Sainsbury, Miss Alice
- Sampson, Miss M.
- Sanders, Mr. E.
- Sanders, Mrs. E.
- Sanders, Miss B.
- Sands, Miss Eugenia
- Sappington, Miss Gertrude
- Sargent, Miss Jane, F.
- Schell, Miss Margaret
- Schiele, Miss Bertha
- Schmidt, Miss Elsa
- Schmidt, Mrs. Carl, P.
- Schoell, Miss
- Seeber, Miss Elizabeth
- Seed, Dr. Raymond
- Seed, Mr. Edward
- Seiden, Mr. John, Ch.
- Shankland, Miss Julia
- Shaw, Mrs. H.
- Shaw, Miss Estelle
- Sheehan, Miss Elizabeth
- Shoemaker, Mr. William
- Simon, Miss H.
- Simmons, Mr. Wm., H.
- Simmons, Mr.
- Skeath, Miss Catherine
- Smith, Miss Mary, E.
- Smith, Miss Alice
- Smith, Mr. N. S.
- Snell, Prof. Henry, B.
- Sommerfield, Miss Elsie
- Spate, Miss Lydia, M.
- Sperling, Miss Anita
- Springer, Mr. J. Herbert
- Standen, Miss Edith, A.
- Stevenson, Miss Margaret
- Stidworthy, Miss M. J.
- Stone, Mr. Donald
- Stone, Mrs.
- Stone, Mr. Calvin
- Strayer, Miss M. L.
- Strcîitz, Miss Hattie, M.
- Studley, Miss Clara
- Sullivan, Miss Alice, E.
- Surleau, Miss Helene
- Sutermeister, Mrs. P. A.
- Sutermeister, Miss Stella
- Suttan, Mr. Charles, R.
- Sweeney-Auerbach, Mrs. Marthe Leclère
- Sweeney, Master Hugh Leclère
- Tannar, Miss Virginia
- Taylor, Dr. Kenneth
- Taylor, Mrs. Kenneth
- Taylor, Miss Charlotte
- Taylor, Miss Lillian
- Taylor, Miss Marjorie
- Ten Eyck, Mrs. Lida
- Tepper, Miss Ruth
- Tepper, Mr. B.
- Thomas, Mrs. Pauline
- Thomas, Miss Jane, T.
- Thomas, Miss Barbara
- Thomas, Miss Geneviève
- Thomas, Mr. Evan
- Thomas, Mrs. Evan
- Tierney, Miss Leonore
- Toadvine, Rev. George, N.
- Tonsey, Mrs. Florence
- Underhill, Miss Eleanor
- Uphium, Mr. C. Kelton
- Vance, Mr. R. A.
- Vance, Mrs. R. A.
- Vance, Miss Caroline
- Van Cleve, Miss Eugenia
- Van Cleve, Miss Margaret
- Van Steenbergen, Mr. Frank
- Van Steenbergen, Mrs. Jean.
- Van Steenbergen, Mr. Albert
- Vigman, Miss Lena
- Visscher, Dr. J. Paul
- Visscher, Mrs. Grace
- Visscher, Master Paul
- Visscher, Miss Marileen
- Voelker, Miss Lillian
- von Nardroff, Mr. Ernest R
- von Nardroff, Mrs. Adelaide
- Voorhis, Dr. Anna, H.
- Vos, Miss Edna
- Watson, Miss Idelle
- Washburne, Mr. Carleton
- Way, Miss Eleanor
- Webb, Major
- Webb, Mrs.
- Weinstein, Mrs.
- Weller, Mrs. Harriet
- Weller, Miss Marion
- West, Miss Anne V.
- Wheeler, Miss Eleanor
- White, Miss Julia
- White, Miss Frances
- White, Miss Jane
- Wiebel, Miss Emma
- Wilcox, Miss Elizabeth, C.
- Wilcox, Miss Elizabeth
- Wiley, Miss Elizabeth
- Wilkinson, Mrs. Mabel
- Willard, Master
- Willard, Mr. Rudolph
- Willard, Mrs. Rudolph
- Willard, Miss Mary
- Willard, Miss Margaret
- Williamson Miss Ada C.
- Willson Mr. Howard
- Willson Mrs. Howard
- Wingard, Miss Mary
- Wolff, Miss Anna J.
- Wolfinson, Miss Lilly
- Wollrab, Mr. Henry, C.
- Wollrab, Mrs. Rose
- Wolmot, Miss Marjorie, S
- Wood, Miss Inez, K.
- Woodford, Miss Carrie R.
- Worrell, Mrs. F. H.
- Wright. Miss Vera
- Wulff, Mr. Ernest
- Wunder, Mrs. Adelaide
- Wyman Miss Lillian
- Yones, Miss Amaretta
- Young Miss Phyllis
- Young Mrs. Anna
- Ziegler, Miss Rose, W.
- Zimmerman Mr. William
Information for Passengers
The Bugle is sounded at 8. A. M.
When One Sitting
- BREAKFAST: 8:30 a. m.
- LUNCHEON: 1 p. m.
- DINNER: 7:30 p. m.
When Two Sittings
- BREAKFAST: 8 a. m. and 9 a. m.
- LUNCHEON: 12 Noon and 1:15 p. m.
- DINNER: 6:15 p. m. and 7:30 p m.
The Bar opens at 8 a. m. and closes at Midnight.
Lights are extinguished in the Dining Saloon, Lounge, Library and Smoking Room at Midnight.
Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11 a. m.
Seats at table. — Passengers should apply to the Second Steward for reservation of seats.
Upper Berths. — Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.
Precious stones or other similar articles of merchandise may not be taken as baggage but all passengers must deliver such goods to the Purser of the vessel upon which they arrive. Pursers are requested to deliver passengers a receipt for merchandise so delivered and place the goods in the safes aboard their vessels until a customs permit is presented to the Inspectors, ordering the goods into the U.S. appraiser’s stores for examination.
Valuables. — For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser’s Office, a Safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers.
A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisos of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.
Dangerous articles such as Fireworks, Matches, Gunpowder, Gasoline, Cartridges, Moving Picture Films, etc, must not on any account be enclosed in baggage.
The Purser’s Office. — Letters. Cables. Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.
None of the ship’s staff other than those on duty in the Purser’s Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for dispatch.
Charges collected on board. — Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.
Passengers' Mail. — On the steamer’s arrival passengers should enquire personally whether there is any mail for them, and before disembarking they are invited to leave their addresses at the Purser’s office in order that later dispatches may be redirected.
Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs and also Deck Chair Cushions can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of $ 1.00 each for the voyage.
Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Assistant Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be properly labelled and handed to the Baggage Master on the dock at New York and such articles will be stored entirely at owner’s risk. It is for passengers themselves to see that all of their baggage is passed by the U. S. Customs Authorities on landing at New York.
Automobiles. — Uncrated automobiles carried as baggage must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration which will facilitate Customs clearance.
New York arrival. — Baggage. — Should the steamer arrive at New York Wharf after 8 p.m., all passengers who have been passed by the U. S. Immigration Authorities may land or remain on board over night at their own option.
Those passengers who have been passed by the Immigration Authorities and desire to remain on board may have all their baggage passed by the U.S. customs that night or the following morning at their own option. No baggage will be passed before 8 a.m. the day following arrival. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board over-night.
Upon landing at New York, and upon application to the representatives of the Railroads, who meet all arriving Red Star Line steamers, railroad tickets may be purchased, and baggage of Passengers may be checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, New York Central, Erie, Lehigh Valley, Delaware and Lackawanna, Baltimore and Ohio, New York, New Haven and Hartford and connecting Railroads.
In the event of the steamer arriving at quarantine after the hours mentioned hereunder, passengers, other than United States Citizens, may be required by the U.S. Immigration Authorities to remain on board over night, and to have their passports examined the following morning :
- October to December inclusive 5.30 p.m.
- January to March inclusive 6.00 p.m.
- April to June inclusive 7.30 p.m.
- July to September inclusive 7.15 p.m
Breakfast will be served in the usual course.
Travelers' Checks, payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all principal offices of the company. These Checks are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers have no sufficient funds to enable them to cash these Checks except in a very limited amount.
Medical attendance. — The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness developed on the voyage, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
The Surgeon will be in attendance at the surgery for consultations at the following hours : 10 a. m. 6 p. m. 8.30 p.m.
The Surgeon will be available at all times in cases of urgency.
Sea Sickness. — While few persons suffer from this ailment the Red Star Line in their efforts to render every possible service, has adopted a device known as the « Ozonator » which has proven most satisfactory in relieving distressed passengers. Anyone requiring attention should see the Ship’s Surgeon who will arrange to give treatment.
A Gymnasium, fully equipped with modern appliances, is situated on the Promenade Deck and is open for exercise by Ladies, Gentlemen and children as follows :
- 6.— a. m. to 9.— a. m. for Gentlemen only ;
- 10.— a. m. to 12.— noon for Ladies only ;
- 12.— noon to 1.— p. m. for Ladies and Gentlemen
- 1.— p. m. to 3.30 p. m. for Children ;
- 3.30 p. m to 7.— p. m. for Ladies and Gentlemen.
No charge is made for the use of the appliances.
The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any accident whatever cause arising to any passenger using the Gymnasium.
A Children’s Playroom. Located on the Promenade Deck: this room is in charge of a trained attendant and has a large assortment of the latest games and devices for the amusement and enjoyment of children.
Exchange of money. — The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, Belgian, French and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.
Dogs and Cats. — Passengers are notified that dogs and cats must be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant, and are not allowed in the Staterooms or on the Passenger decks.
Dogs, cats and other animals carried as baggage to be landed at New York must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration.
Orchestra. — The steamer carries an orchestra of professional musicians which will play regularly throughout the voyage.
Deck Games and Amusements. — Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck under the charge of the Deck Steward.
Chess, Draughts. Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Lounge or Smoke-Room Stewards.
Library. — Books can be obtained on applying to the Lounge Steward.
Barber. — The Barber is authorized to make the following charges :
- Shaving $.15
- Haircutting .25
- Shampooing .20
- Singeing .15
- Face Massage .35
- Scalp Massage .23
- Tonic Dressing .05
- Manicure .73
Ladies' Hairdresser-Manicurist. (Coiffeur pour Dames- Manucure). Saloon located on B deck.
The services of our experienced Hairdresser and Manicurist are at the disposal of ladies in accordance with the following tariff :
- Hair Trimming $.25
- Singeing .25
- Cutting and Singeing .70
- Part Waving .75
- Waving and Curling 1.00
- Shampoo (ordinary) .60
- Shampoo (shingled hair) .35
- Facial Massage (hand) .35
- Facial Massage (Vibro) .60
- Scalp Massage .35
- Manicure .73
Writing Paper — Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library.
Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies are at passengers’ disposal at the Enquiry Office and in the Lounge.
Picture Postcards. — Picture Postcards of the steamer can be obtained on board gratis.
Public Telephones are on our New York Piers.
Landing Cards. — Before leaving the vessel the holder must present his or her Landing Card to the Immigration Officer for endorsement.
The Chief Steward holds a complaint book at the disposal of passengers.
This Tax may be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within 60 days (the time prescribed by U.S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.
It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger’® arrival in the United States.
Unless this regulation is complied with the Tax cannot be recovered.
Passengers, proceeding to the U.S. with the intention to stay in the States during a period exceeding 60 days, and make to this effect a declaration at the port of debarkation, will not be entitled to the reimbursement of the Head Tax, even if such passengers should leave the U.S. within the limit of 60 days.
Passengers, who desire to be reimbursed of the U.S. Head Tax, are politely requested to clearly indicate,on arrival at the debarkation port and also on the declaration form they have to fill in when booking passage,that it is not within their intention to prolong their sojourn in the U.S. over the 60 days.
This Steamer is fitted with Marconi system of Wireless Telegraphy and also with Submarine Signaling Apparatus.
The following rates do not include the forwarding charges beyond the coast station, which are additional. Every word in the address, text, and signature is counted. All charges must be prepaid and a receipt should be requested.
This vessel is fitted with special long range wireless apparatus which will enable passengers to communicate with their friends or business connections on shore at any time during the voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean.
The Wireless charge for messages directed through the Long Distance Wireless Station at Devizes, England is 10d. per word ; directed through Louisburg, Nova Scotia, or Chatham, Mass, is 9 d. per word.
The ship is constantly in touch with one or other of these stations.
Ship to Ship. — The general rate for messages exchanged between British ships is 8d. per word.
For messages exchanged with ships of other nationalities, the general rate is 8 1/2d. per word, but as Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a Wireless ship charge with a minimum of 10 words, the charge for messages addressed to the vessels will be calculated as follows :
- For less than 10 words: 3/6 plus a charge of 4 d. per word.
- For 10 words or more 8 1/2 d. per word.
Ocean Letters. — The Marconi Company have inaugurated an t Ocean Letter » service by which messages may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel.
For an « Ocean Letter » sent to a British ship controlled by the Marconi Company, the rate is (inclusive of wireless, postage and registration) 5 s. for 20 words, plus 2 d. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words. This class of message must contain full postal address.
Poste Radiotelegrams. — These messages are accepted for transmission to a selected vessel for mailing on arrival in port. This service provides a most economical channel of communication with friends and relatives on shore when full rate facilities are not desired.
Poste Radiotelegrams should preferably be handed in during the early part of the voyage and should be addressed in a manner similar to the following example :
Poste-New York Brown 2464 Quincy Avenue
Boston PENNLAND Arriving Tuesday Well
The inclusive cost of the above message would be 2/10
For particulars regarding Wireless communications established or expected, please consult the Wireless notice board, where full information is posted daily throughout the voyage.
From the Back Cover
Track Chart, Red Star Line SS Pennland Cabin Class Passenger List - 26 August 1932. GGA Image ID # 14054a8a00