RMS Lapland Passenger List - 21 April 1920
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Lapland of the Red Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 21 April 1920 from Antwerp to New York via Southampton, Commanded by Captain J. Bradshaw. GGA Image ID # 13fff742ed
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: J. Bradshaw
- Surgeon : Dr Fernand Basecq
- Asst Surgeon : Dr Charles Wigny
- Purser: J. Caporin
- Assistant Purser : A. C. Astle
- Chief Steward: J. Van Damme
Second Class Passengers
- Adyl, Mrs. Gertrude
- Adyl, Master Geo
- Adyl, Master Edward
- Albrecht, Mr. Christ
- Altura, Mr. I
- Altura, Mrs. C. J
- Altura, Miss J
- Altura, Miss B
- Altura, Miss M
- Anderegg, Mr. Arth
- Asquith, Mr. Joseph
- Asquith, Mrs
- Bailey, Rev. G. W
- Ball, Miss Henriette
- Barnard, Mr. Arth
- Barnard, Miss
- Barrat, Mrs. Einiel
- Barret, Mrs. F
- Bastable, Mrs. Annie
- Bastable, Miss Annie
- Bastable, Miss Emma
- Bastable, Miss Kittie
- Bastable, Miss Hilda
- Bastable, Mr. James
- Bastable, Master Frank
- Batard, Mr. Aristide
- Batteur, Mrs
- Baumann, Mr. Karl
- Bauman, Mr. Arnd
- Beaver, Mr. Regind
- Bell, Mrs. Blanche
- Bellon, Mr. Eugen
- Bellon, Miss Amelie
- Beyen, Mr. Dirk J
- Bibby, Mr. Walter
- Bishop, Mr. Frank
- Blight, Mr. Thos. D
- Blight, Mrs. Alice
- Boynton, Mr. A. D
- Breggs, Mr. E
- Bride, Miss Annie
- Brown, Mr. WI"
- Bruynooghe, Miss Berthe
- Burkhalter, Mr. Johan
- Cabay, Miss Julia
- Calvert, Mrs. Sarah
- Campfield, Mr. Arthur Geo
- Campfield, Mrs
- Candies, Mrs. Charlotte
- Cardinal, Mr. Dora A
- Cardinal, Mr. Louis A
- Chambers, Miss Marg
- Champion, Mr. Arthur O
- Champion, Mrs. Mary E
- Clark, Mr. L
- Cock, Mr. Ernest
- Cockbend, Mr. Robert
- Colquhown, Miss Mary
- Cooper, Mrs. Violet
- Cornelis, Mrs. Celeste
- Cornelis, Mr. Richard
- Crook, Mrs. Louise M
- Crook, Miss Irene
- Dasseville, Mrs. Marie
- Dasseville, Mr. Michel De
- Bisschop, Mr. E. De
- Bisschop, Mrs. E. De
- Carne, Mrs
- De Geyter, Mrs. Marie
- Debut, Mrs. Ermeline
- Delezie, Mr. Achiel
- Delfosse, Mrs. Leonhardt
- Delhez, Mr. Jean
- Delhez, Mrs. Barbe
- De Mersemacker, Mr. G.
- Denham, Mr. F
- Denham, Mrs. Alice
- De Roover, Mrs. Melanie
- Desmet, Mr. Theophil
- De Vidts, Mrs
- De Vidts, Master Marcel
- De Vidts, Master Carlos
- De Waele, Mr. Adolf
- D'Hondt, Mrs. Marie
- D'Hondt, Mr. Leon
- D'Hondt, Mrs. Valere
- Dillon, Miss Vivian
- Dowell, Mr. W. R
- Duhammel, Mr. L. J
- Durrer, Mrs. Maria
- Durrer, Miss Cath
- Edward, Mr. John
- Ellis, Mr. R
- Elswyck, Mr. Marinus
- Emmett, Mrs. Gladys
- Evans, Mr. Harola
- Fairchild, Mr. George H. L
- Fairchild, Mrs. Grace
- Feifel, Mr. J. P
- Felperin, Mr. Jos
- Felperin, Mrs
- Felperin, Master Joult
- Felperin, Mr. Danniel
- Felperin, Mrs. Hetty
- Fey, Mr. Fried
- Fey, Mrs. Anna
- Finn, Mrs. Douglas
- Fist, Miss Fanny
- Fitzgerald, Mr. James
- Fitzgerald, Mrs. Jeannie
- Fitzgerald, Master Ronald
- Flear, Mr. John Th
- Foreman, Mr. Victor
- Franch, Mrs. Berthe
- Francis, Mrs. Violet
- Frey, Mr. Johannes
- Froehlich, Mr. Reinharl
- Froehlich, Mrs. Frida
- Froehlich, Miss Frida
- Froehlich, Master Reinhart
- Froehlich, Master Hedwig
- Frost, Mr. Leonhard
- Fryer, Mr. David
- Fuchs, Mr. Johann
- Fuhrer, Miss Emma
- Funcke, Mr. Emil
- Furner, Mr. Norman
- Futterer, Mr. Hugo
- Futterer, Mrs
- Gardner, Mrs. M
- Gardner, Miss A
- Gardner, Mr. Howd
- Giesen, Mr. Armand
- Ginter, Miss Marie
- Glorieux, Miss Philomene
- Goddard, Mr. F
- Godenne, Miss Marie
- Goodwins, Mr. Leslie
- Groves, Miss E. M
- Hadorn, Mr. Fritz
- Hamilton, Miss Jennie
- Hanskens, Mr. Frans
- Hanskens, Mrs. Sophie
- Hanskens, Master Albert
- Hart, Mrs. E. B
- Hart, Miss P. M
- Harvey, Mr. W
- Harvey, Airs Winip
- Harvey, Miss Kathleen
- Harvey, Miss Mary
- Hayes, Mr. Wm
- Hayes, Mr. F. B
- Hayes, Mrs. Fanny
- Hazeldon, Mr. Alb
- Hazeldon, Mrs. Elize
- Hazeldon, Master Henry
- Heard, Mr. Benjam
- Heard, Mr. Uriah
- Heard, Mr. Albert
- Heidema, Mr. Evert
- Heidema, Mr. Hendrik
- Heim, Mr. Jacq. Herry, Baronne
- Herry, Miss Nicole
- Herry, Miss Monique
- Hollywood, Miss Agnes
- Horton, Mr. Alfred
- Horton, Mrs
- Huber, Mrs. Anna
- Huber, Miss Magde
- Huber, Miss Rosa
- Hunter, Mr. John
- Hurliman, Mr. Bern
- Isaac, Mr. Archibald Ch. Th
- Isles, Miss Mary
- Jaeger, Mr. Rud
- Jiller, Rev. Thomas
- Jiller, Mrs
- Jiller, Master
- Joffe, Mrs. Marie
- Joffe, Mr. Herman
- Joffe, Miss Ada
- Joffe, Master Hyman
- Jofle, Miss Mittie
- Jung, Mrs. Julie
- Karlen, Mr. Friedr
- Keller, Mr. Leonard
- Kielemoes, Miss Marie
- King, Mrs. Alice M
- King, Miss Beatrice
- King, Master Albert
- Kloos, Mr. Adrian
- Knipa, Mr. B. T
- Knonen, Mr
- Konig, Dr Wilh
- Kopp, Mrs. Martha
- Kreiss, Miss K
- Kabler, Mr. Friedr
- Kuyken, Mr. F. W
- Kuyken, Mrs
- Kuyken, W. A
- Kuyken, F
- Kuyken, M
- Lapeyre-Douglas, Mr. Frk
- Layzell, Mr. John
- Leavett, Mr. Walter
- Leavett, Mr. Uriah
- Lee, Mr. Matthew
- Leeson, Miss Rachel
- Lehon, Mrs. Mary
- Lehon, Mrs. Mary R
- Lehon, Miss Gladys
- Lehon, Miss Ivy
- Le Sueur, Mrs. Muriel
- Le Sueur, Master John
- Libot, Mrs. Louise
- Lihon, Mr. Cliff' P
- Lihon, Mr. Peter O
- Lloyd, Mrs
- Lloyd, Infant
- Lockwood, Mrs. Dora
- Lockwood, Miss May
- Lockwood, Mr. Eric
- Lockwood, Mr. Denis
- Lowson, Miss Mary
- Lowson, Miss Leonora
- Lowson, Master M
- Loyens, Mr. Jos
- Loyens, Mrs. Marie
- Mc Adam, Mr. W
- Mc Bride, Miss Annie
- Maes, Mrs. Celine
- Maes, Mr. Henri
- Maes, Mr. Alfons
- Majerus, Mr. Michel
- Malloch, Mrs. Cath
- Malloch, Master Duncan
- Malloch, Master Francis
- Manger, Mr. Jos
- Manhire, Mrs. Beatrice
- Manhire, Mr. Fred
- Manser, Mr. Johan
- Markey, Mr. Albert
- Markey, Mrs
- Marshall, Mrs. Charlotte
- Martin, Mr. Emil
- Maslen, Mr. Fred
- Maslen, Mrs. E.
- Matzener, Mr. Johan
- Medinger, Miss Josephine
- Metzler, Mrs. Josephine
- Meylan, Mr. Albert
- Meylan, Mrs. Albert
- Meylan, Mrs. Mary
- Mizrahi, Mr. Jouvrob
- Mizrahi, Mrs. Sarah
- Mizrahi, Miss Sophia
- Monceau, Mr. Jean
- Monceau, Mrs. Blanche
- Monceau, Madeleine (Infant)
- Moncruff, Mr. Bryce
- Mosimann, Mr. Victor
- Moulhon, Mr. Henry
- Muncaster, Mrs. Martha
- Muncaster, Miss Marg
- Murdord, Mr. John
- Naftal, Mr. Nathan
- Nash, Mrs. C. A.
- Neall, Mr. Harry G.
- Neall, Mrs
- Neels, Mr. Gustave
- Neels, Mrs. Berthe
- Neels, Miss Louise
- Neels, Miss Nathalie
- Neville, Mrs. Jessie
- Neville, Miss Marthe
- Neville, Miss Nelly
- Neville, Mr. Edward
- Newman, Mrs. Elizab
- O'Rourke, Mr. Peter
- Palin, Mr. Douglas J.
- Palin, Mrs. Lydia
- Palin, Miss Carol G.
- Palin, Miss R
- Palin, Master W. C.
- Parkow, Mr
- Parrell, Mrs. Mabel
- Parsons, Mrs. Lilian G.
- Peporte, Miss Marie
- Predotta, Mr. Chas
- Predotta, Mrs. Emma
- Presslein, Mr. Cave
- Prins, Mrs. Antina
- Probst, Mrs. Marie
- Quick, Mrs. Emilie
- Quilter, Mr. Basil St.
- Rae, Mrs. Jeannie
- Rae, Miss G. Wilson
- Rayson, Mr. Russell
- Rapson, Mrs. Mary
- Raupert, Mrs. Annie
- Richer, Miss Leah
- Richey, Miss Ellen F.
- Rietkerke, Miss Marie A.
- Rietkerk, Mr. And
- Reyntjen, Mr. Franc
- Roberts, Mrs. M. J.
- Roberts, Miss Geraldine
- Rosenblum, Mr. Abraham
- Roth, Miss Maria
- Roussel, Mrs. Victorine
- Rowley, Mr. Thomas
- Ruegg, Mr. Anton
- Ruppert, Miss Marie
- Salas, Mrs. Marg
- Salas, Miss Marie
- Salas, Miss Germaine
- Salas, Miss Carmen (Infant)
- Salles, Mr. Alph
- Salles, Mrs
- Scheurer, Mr. Pierre
- Scheurer, Mrs
- Schlaginhaufen, Mr. Ernest
- Schlutter, Mr. H. A
- Scott, Mrs. Marg
- Scott, Miss Phyllis
- Segessenman, Mr. Hans
- Serners, Mr. Geo
- Serners, Mrs. Dorothy
- Serners, Mr. Jos
- Shapiro, Mr. Philip
- Short, Mr. Thomas
- Short, Mr. Leonard
- Signer, Mr. Johan
- Silverstein, Mr. Salomon
- Simon, Mrs. Marie
- Simon, Mr. Fernand
- Simon, Mr. Henri
- Simon, Miss Jeanne
- Skinner, Mr. John W
- Slade, Miss Gertrude
- Smeddle, Mrs. A. Fr
- Smeddle, Mr. Adr
- Smeddle, Mr. W.
- Smeddle, Mrs. Nellie
- Smeddle, Master Francis
- Smeddle, Miss Marion
- Smith, Miss E. L.
- Snook, Mr. Leo Jos
- Snook, Mrs. C. Sabina
- Snook, Miss Francis
- Snook, Miss Marjorie
- Solder, Mr. C. A. T.
- Solder, Mrs. A.
- Solder, Miss D.
- Solomon, Miss Myriam
- Solomon, Miss Sarah
- Solomon, Miss Rebecca
- South, Mr. Arth. E.
- Speybrouck, Mrs. Josephine
- Speybrouck, Miss Irma
- Speybrouck, Mr. Gustave
- Stahli, Mr. Melchior
- Stahli, Mrs
- Standing Miss W.
- Stauffer, Mr. Fred
- Steffen, Mr. Fritz
- Steiger, Mr. Johena
- Stettler, Mr. Ernest
- Streich, Mr. Herman
- Studer, Mr. Albert
- Sutter, Mrs. Helene
- Sutter, Mr. Ernst
- Sutter, Mr. Johan
- Sutter, Mr. Joseph
- Taylor, Mr. Geo Th
- Tobler, Mr. Chas
- Tschirky, Mr. Bern
- Van Cuyl, Mrs. Helene
- Van Cuyl, Mr. Kamiel
- Van den Berghe, Miss Clara
- Vandenbussche, Mrs. Emma
- Vandenbussche, Master Gerard
- Vandenbussche, Miss Marguerite
- Van de Pol, Mr. H.
- Van de Pol, Mrs
- Van de Pol, Miss J. M.
- Van de Pol, Master Jean
- Van de Pol, Master Johann
- Van de Pol, Miss G.
- Van de Pol, Master M.
- Vanderstraeten, Mr. Remy
- Van de Velde, Mr. Francois
- Van de Velde, Mrs. Valentine
- Van de Walle, Mrs. Helena
- Van de Walle, Miss Julia
- Van de Walle, Miss Marie
- Van Gastel, Mr. Joseph
- Vangenechten, Mr. Charles
- Van Hamme, Mrs. Marie
- Van Hees, Mr. Will
- Van Hees, Mrs. Marie
- Van Hees, Miss Anna
- Van Hees, Miss Josephine
- Van Meerendonck, Mr. Hubert
- Van Peteghem, Mrs. Cesarine
- Van Renterghem, Miss Yvonne
- Van Steenkiste, Mr. Hector
- Van Steenkiste, Mrs. Leonie
- Verbrugge, Mr. Johan
- Vrancken, Mr. Joseph
- Vrancken, Mrs.
- Waldvogel, Miss Regula
- Walker, Mr. Will
- Walker, Mr. Edmund
- Walker, Mrs.
- Walsh, Mrs. Mary
- Walsh, Miss Margeret
- Walsh, Miss Kathleen
- Walter, Mr. Henry
- Warren, Mr. W. J.
- Watkins, Mr. Roby
- Watson, Mr. Thomas
- Watson, Mrs. Oswald
- Watson, Mrs. Geo R.
- Watson, Miss Jeannette
- Watt, Mr. Alex
- Webster, Mr. Walter
- Wehrly, Mr. Jacq
- Welham, Mr. Percy
- Weltsch, Mr. Hans
- Weltsch, Mrs.
- Weltsch, Master Hans
- Weltsch, Master Werner
- Wenham, Mr. Edward
- Wenham, Mrs. Ellen
- Wein, Miss Anna
- Werkman, Mrs. Antic
- Werkman, Miss Albertine
- Werkman, Miss Fremina
- Werkman, Mr. Koens
- White, Master Leo
- White, Master Anthony
- White, Mrs. Nanez
- White, Miss Mabel
- White, Miss Mildred
- Wicks, Mrs. Marie
- Wicks, Miss Novah
- Willhouse, Mrs. Elvire
- Willocq, Mrs.
- Wilson, Miss Doreas
- Wilson-Rae, Miss Gr
- Wolfswinkel, Mrs. Jose
- Wolfswinkel, Mr. Willem
- Wright, Miss Blanche
- Wright, Miss Dora
- Wright, Miss Roslyn
- Yiller, Rev. Thomas
- Yiller, Mrs.
- Yiller, Mr. Stanley
- Zijp, Mr. I. A.
When returning to Europe, Engage Your Passage On One of The SPLENDID Steamers of The International Mercantile Marine Lines
- American Line
NewYork - Cherbourg - Southampton
Philadelphia - Liverpool
NewYork - Hamburg - Leyland Line
Boston - Liverpool - Red Star Line
NewYork - Southampton - Antwerp - White Star Line
NewYork - Cherbourg - Southampton
NewYork - Liverpool
Boston - Azores - Naples - Genoa - White Star- Dominion Line
Portland, Me. - Halifax, N. S. - Liverpool, (Winter)
Montreal - Quebec - Liverpool
Information for Passengers
Meals will be served as follows
1St Class :
- Breakfast . . . from 8 - 10:00 am
- Children table at 7-11:00 am
- Luncheon . . . at 1 pm
- Children table at 12 noon
- Dinner . . . at 7:00 pm
- Children table at 6:00 pm
- Nightmeal . . from 9 - 10 pm
Second Class
- Breakfast . from 8 - 9:00 am
- Dinner . . at 12 noon
- Supper . . . at 6:00 pm
The Bar closes at 11:00 pm Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11:00 pm and in the Smoking Rooms at 12 Midnight.
For seats at table First Class Passengers snould apply to the Second Steward, Second Class Passengers to the Second Class Steward.
Steamer Chairs and rugs can be rented on board by First Class Passengers at a charge of 15 Francs each.
Letters should be put in the Letter Boxes and Telegrams for dispatch on shore handed to the Purser or to the Saloon Waiter against receipt, latest 1 hour before arriving at Flushing or Quarantine Station. (Staten Island, N.Y.) or any port of call.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
The Chief Steward holds a complaint book at the disposal of the Passengers.
Marconigrams are accepted on board by the Purser and by the Saloon waiter.
First Class Passengers should apply to the bedroom waiter for electric fans, portable lamps, curling-tongs heater, and hot water kettles.
Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library and Saloons.
Library : Books may be obtained from 10-11:00 am and from 4-5:00 pm
An A.B.C. Code is at the Passengers' disposal in the Purser's Office where it may be consulted. Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies can be obtained from the Saloon Waiters.
New York Landing: Should the steamer arrive at the NewYork Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers may land if they wish to do so and have their baggage passed by the Customs authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so and have the whole of their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board over-night.
Upon landing at NewYork, and upon application to the uniformed representatives of the Railroads, who meet all arriving Red Star Line steamers, Railroad Tickets may be purchased, and baggage of First and Second Class Passengers may be checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, NewYork Central, Lehigh Valley, and connecting Railroads.
Valuables. — The Company will not be responsible for Money, Jewellery, and other Valuables of Passengers. Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their staterooms, but are recommended to hand same, sealed, and marked with the owner's name, to the Purser for deposit in his safe, but as no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising.
Letters may be addressed to the care of any of the Offices named below, and they will be retained until called tor, or forwarded according to instructions.
Back Cover, Red Star Line RMS Lapland Second Class Passenger List - 21 April 1920. GGA Image ID # 140043f05a