RMS Lapland Passenger List - 21 April 1920

Front Cover, Red Star Line RMS Lapland Second Class Passenger List - 21 April 1920.

Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Lapland of the Red Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 21 April 1920 from Antwerp to New York via Southampton, Commanded by Captain J. Bradshaw. GGA Image ID # 13fff742ed


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. Bradshaw
  2. Surgeon : Dr Fernand Basecq
  3. Asst Surgeon : Dr Charles Wigny
  4. Purser: J. Caporin
  5. Assistant Purser : A. C. Astle
  6. Chief Steward: J. Van Damme


Second Class Passengers

  1. Adyl, Mrs. Gertrude
  2. Adyl, Master Geo
  3. Adyl, Master Edward
  4. Albrecht, Mr. Christ
  5. Altura, Mr. I
  6. Altura, Mrs. C. J
  7. Altura, Miss J
  8. Altura, Miss B
  9. Altura, Miss M
  10. Anderegg, Mr. Arth
  11. Asquith, Mr. Joseph
  12. Asquith, Mrs
  13. Bailey, Rev. G. W
  14. Ball, Miss Henriette
  15. Barnard, Mr. Arth
  16. Barnard, Miss
  17. Barrat, Mrs. Einiel
  18. Barret, Mrs. F
  19. Bastable, Mrs. Annie
  20. Bastable, Miss Annie
  21. Bastable, Miss Emma
  22. Bastable, Miss Kittie
  23. Bastable, Miss Hilda
  24. Bastable, Mr. James
  25. Bastable, Master Frank
  26. Batard, Mr. Aristide
  27. Batteur, Mrs
  28. Baumann, Mr. Karl
  29. Bauman, Mr. Arnd
  30. Beaver, Mr. Regind
  31. Bell, Mrs. Blanche
  32. Bellon, Mr. Eugen
  33. Bellon, Miss Amelie
  34. Beyen, Mr. Dirk J
  35. Bibby, Mr. Walter
  36. Bishop, Mr. Frank
  37. Blight, Mr. Thos. D
  38. Blight, Mrs. Alice
  39. Boynton, Mr. A. D
  40. Breggs, Mr. E
  41. Bride, Miss Annie
  42. Brown, Mr. WI"
  43. Bruynooghe, Miss Berthe
  44. Burkhalter, Mr. Johan
  45. Cabay, Miss Julia
  46. Calvert, Mrs. Sarah
  47. Campfield, Mr. Arthur Geo
  48. Campfield, Mrs
  49. Candies, Mrs. Charlotte
  50. Cardinal, Mr. Dora A
  51. Cardinal, Mr. Louis A
  52. Chambers, Miss Marg
  53. Champion, Mr. Arthur O
  54. Champion, Mrs. Mary E
  55. Clark, Mr. L
  56. Cock, Mr. Ernest
  57. Cockbend, Mr. Robert
  58. Colquhown, Miss Mary
  59. Cooper, Mrs. Violet
  60. Cornelis, Mrs. Celeste
  61. Cornelis, Mr. Richard
  62. Crook, Mrs. Louise M
  63. Crook, Miss Irene
  64. Dasseville, Mrs. Marie
  65. Dasseville, Mr. Michel De
  66. Bisschop, Mr. E. De
  67. Bisschop, Mrs. E. De
  68. Carne, Mrs
  69. De Geyter, Mrs. Marie
  70. Debut, Mrs. Ermeline
  71. Delezie, Mr. Achiel
  72. Delfosse, Mrs. Leonhardt
  73. Delhez, Mr. Jean
  74. Delhez, Mrs. Barbe
  75. De Mersemacker, Mr. G.
  76. Denham, Mr. F
  77. Denham, Mrs. Alice
  78. De Roover, Mrs. Melanie
  79. Desmet, Mr. Theophil
  80. De Vidts, Mrs
  81. De Vidts, Master Marcel
  82. De Vidts, Master Carlos
  83. De Waele, Mr. Adolf
  84. D'Hondt, Mrs. Marie
  85. D'Hondt, Mr. Leon
  86. D'Hondt, Mrs. Valere
  87. Dillon, Miss Vivian
  88. Dowell, Mr. W. R
  89. Duhammel, Mr. L. J
  90. Durrer, Mrs. Maria
  91. Durrer, Miss Cath
  92. Edward, Mr. John
  93. Ellis, Mr. R
  94. Elswyck, Mr. Marinus
  95. Emmett, Mrs. Gladys
  96. Evans, Mr. Harola
  97. Fairchild, Mr. George H. L
  98. Fairchild, Mrs. Grace
  99. Feifel, Mr. J. P
  100. Felperin, Mr. Jos
  101. Felperin, Mrs
  102. Felperin, Master Joult
  103. Felperin, Mr. Danniel
  104. Felperin, Mrs. Hetty
  105. Fey, Mr. Fried
  106. Fey, Mrs. Anna
  107. Finn, Mrs. Douglas
  108. Fist, Miss Fanny
  109. Fitzgerald, Mr. James
  110. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Jeannie
  111. Fitzgerald, Master Ronald
  112. Flear, Mr. John Th
  113. Foreman, Mr. Victor
  114. Franch, Mrs. Berthe
  115. Francis, Mrs. Violet
  116. Frey, Mr. Johannes
  117. Froehlich, Mr. Reinharl
  118. Froehlich, Mrs. Frida
  119. Froehlich, Miss Frida
  120. Froehlich, Master Reinhart
  121. Froehlich, Master Hedwig
  122. Frost, Mr. Leonhard
  123. Fryer, Mr. David
  124. Fuchs, Mr. Johann
  125. Fuhrer, Miss Emma
  126. Funcke, Mr. Emil
  127. Furner, Mr. Norman
  128. Futterer, Mr. Hugo
  129. Futterer, Mrs
  130. Gardner, Mrs. M
  131. Gardner, Miss A
  132. Gardner, Mr. Howd
  133. Giesen, Mr. Armand
  134. Ginter, Miss Marie
  135. Glorieux, Miss Philomene
  136. Goddard, Mr. F
  137. Godenne, Miss Marie
  138. Goodwins, Mr. Leslie
  139. Groves, Miss E. M
  140. Hadorn, Mr. Fritz
  141. Hamilton, Miss Jennie
  142. Hanskens, Mr. Frans
  143. Hanskens, Mrs. Sophie
  144. Hanskens, Master Albert
  145. Hart, Mrs. E. B
  146. Hart, Miss P. M
  147. Harvey, Mr. W
  148. Harvey, Airs Winip
  149. Harvey, Miss Kathleen
  150. Harvey, Miss Mary
  151. Hayes, Mr. Wm
  152. Hayes, Mr. F. B
  153. Hayes, Mrs. Fanny
  154. Hazeldon, Mr. Alb
  155. Hazeldon, Mrs. Elize
  156. Hazeldon, Master Henry
  157. Heard, Mr. Benjam
  158. Heard, Mr. Uriah
  159. Heard, Mr. Albert
  160. Heidema, Mr. Evert
  161. Heidema, Mr. Hendrik
  162. Heim, Mr. Jacq. Herry, Baronne
  163. Herry, Miss Nicole
  164. Herry, Miss Monique
  165. Hollywood, Miss Agnes
  166. Horton, Mr. Alfred
  167. Horton, Mrs
  168. Huber, Mrs. Anna
  169. Huber, Miss Magde
  170. Huber, Miss Rosa
  171. Hunter, Mr. John
  172. Hurliman, Mr. Bern
  173. Isaac, Mr. Archibald Ch. Th
  174. Isles, Miss Mary
  175. Jaeger, Mr. Rud
  176. Jiller, Rev. Thomas
  177. Jiller, Mrs
  178. Jiller, Master
  179. Joffe, Mrs. Marie
  180. Joffe, Mr. Herman
  181. Joffe, Miss Ada
  182. Joffe, Master Hyman
  183. Jofle, Miss Mittie
  184. Jung, Mrs. Julie
  185. Karlen, Mr. Friedr
  186. Keller, Mr. Leonard
  187. Kielemoes, Miss Marie
  188. King, Mrs. Alice M
  189. King, Miss Beatrice
  190. King, Master Albert
  191. Kloos, Mr. Adrian
  192. Knipa, Mr. B. T
  193. Knonen, Mr
  194. Konig, Dr Wilh
  195. Kopp, Mrs. Martha
  196. Kreiss, Miss K
  197. Kabler, Mr. Friedr
  198. Kuyken, Mr. F. W
  199. Kuyken, Mrs
  200. Kuyken, W. A
  201. Kuyken, F
  202. Kuyken, M
  203. Lapeyre-Douglas, Mr. Frk
  204. Layzell, Mr. John
  205. Leavett, Mr. Walter
  206. Leavett, Mr. Uriah
  207. Lee, Mr. Matthew
  208. Leeson, Miss Rachel
  209. Lehon, Mrs. Mary
  210. Lehon, Mrs. Mary R
  211. Lehon, Miss Gladys
  212. Lehon, Miss Ivy
  213. Le Sueur, Mrs. Muriel
  214. Le Sueur, Master John
  215. Libot, Mrs. Louise
  216. Lihon, Mr. Cliff' P
  217. Lihon, Mr. Peter O
  218. Lloyd, Mrs
  219. Lloyd, Infant
  220. Lockwood, Mrs. Dora
  221. Lockwood, Miss May
  222. Lockwood, Mr. Eric
  223. Lockwood, Mr. Denis
  224. Lowson, Miss Mary
  225. Lowson, Miss Leonora
  226. Lowson, Master M
  227. Loyens, Mr. Jos
  228. Loyens, Mrs. Marie
  229. Mc Adam, Mr. W
  230. Mc Bride, Miss Annie
  231. Maes, Mrs. Celine
  232. Maes, Mr. Henri
  233. Maes, Mr. Alfons
  234. Majerus, Mr. Michel
  235. Malloch, Mrs. Cath
  236. Malloch, Master Duncan
  237. Malloch, Master Francis
  238. Manger, Mr. Jos
  239. Manhire, Mrs. Beatrice
  240. Manhire, Mr. Fred
  241. Manser, Mr. Johan
  242. Markey, Mr. Albert
  243. Markey, Mrs
  244. Marshall, Mrs. Charlotte
  245. Martin, Mr. Emil
  246. Maslen, Mr. Fred
  247. Maslen, Mrs. E.
  248. Matzener, Mr. Johan
  249. Medinger, Miss Josephine
  250. Metzler, Mrs. Josephine
  251. Meylan, Mr. Albert
  252. Meylan, Mrs. Albert
  253. Meylan, Mrs. Mary
  254. Mizrahi, Mr. Jouvrob
  255. Mizrahi, Mrs. Sarah
  256. Mizrahi, Miss Sophia
  257. Monceau, Mr. Jean
  258. Monceau, Mrs. Blanche
  259. Monceau, Madeleine (Infant)
  260. Moncruff, Mr. Bryce
  261. Mosimann, Mr. Victor
  262. Moulhon, Mr. Henry
  263. Muncaster, Mrs. Martha
  264. Muncaster, Miss Marg
  265. Murdord, Mr. John
  266. Naftal, Mr. Nathan
  267. Nash, Mrs. C. A.
  268. Neall, Mr. Harry G.
  269. Neall, Mrs
  270. Neels, Mr. Gustave
  271. Neels, Mrs. Berthe
  272. Neels, Miss Louise
  273. Neels, Miss Nathalie
  274. Neville, Mrs. Jessie
  275. Neville, Miss Marthe
  276. Neville, Miss Nelly
  277. Neville, Mr. Edward
  278. Newman, Mrs. Elizab
  279. O'Rourke, Mr. Peter
  280. Palin, Mr. Douglas J.
  281. Palin, Mrs. Lydia
  282. Palin, Miss Carol G.
  283. Palin, Miss R
  284. Palin, Master W. C.
  285. Parkow, Mr
  286. Parrell, Mrs. Mabel
  287. Parsons, Mrs. Lilian G.
  288. Peporte, Miss Marie
  289. Predotta, Mr. Chas
  290. Predotta, Mrs. Emma
  291. Presslein, Mr. Cave
  292. Prins, Mrs. Antina
  293. Probst, Mrs. Marie
  294. Quick, Mrs. Emilie
  295. Quilter, Mr. Basil St.
  296. Rae, Mrs. Jeannie
  297. Rae, Miss G. Wilson
  298. Rayson, Mr. Russell
  299. Rapson, Mrs. Mary
  300. Raupert, Mrs. Annie
  301. Richer, Miss Leah
  302. Richey, Miss Ellen F.
  303. Rietkerke, Miss Marie A.
  304. Rietkerk, Mr. And
  305. Reyntjen, Mr. Franc
  306. Roberts, Mrs. M. J.
  307. Roberts, Miss Geraldine
  308. Rosenblum, Mr. Abraham
  309. Roth, Miss Maria
  310. Roussel, Mrs. Victorine
  311. Rowley, Mr. Thomas
  312. Ruegg, Mr. Anton
  313. Ruppert, Miss Marie
  314. Salas, Mrs. Marg
  315. Salas, Miss Marie
  316. Salas, Miss Germaine
  317. Salas, Miss Carmen (Infant)
  318. Salles, Mr. Alph
  319. Salles, Mrs
  320. Scheurer, Mr. Pierre
  321. Scheurer, Mrs
  322. Schlaginhaufen, Mr. Ernest
  323. Schlutter, Mr. H. A
  324. Scott, Mrs. Marg
  325. Scott, Miss Phyllis
  326. Segessenman, Mr. Hans
  327. Serners, Mr. Geo
  328. Serners, Mrs. Dorothy
  329. Serners, Mr. Jos
  330. Shapiro, Mr. Philip
  331. Short, Mr. Thomas
  332. Short, Mr. Leonard
  333. Signer, Mr. Johan
  334. Silverstein, Mr. Salomon
  335. Simon, Mrs. Marie
  336. Simon, Mr. Fernand
  337. Simon, Mr. Henri
  338. Simon, Miss Jeanne
  339. Skinner, Mr. John W
  340. Slade, Miss Gertrude
  341. Smeddle, Mrs. A. Fr
  342. Smeddle, Mr. Adr
  343. Smeddle, Mr. W.
  344. Smeddle, Mrs. Nellie
  345. Smeddle, Master Francis
  346. Smeddle, Miss Marion
  347. Smith, Miss E. L.
  348. Snook, Mr. Leo Jos
  349. Snook, Mrs. C. Sabina
  350. Snook, Miss Francis
  351. Snook, Miss Marjorie
  352. Solder, Mr. C. A. T.
  353. Solder, Mrs. A.
  354. Solder, Miss D.
  355. Solomon, Miss Myriam
  356. Solomon, Miss Sarah
  357. Solomon, Miss Rebecca
  358. South, Mr. Arth. E.
  359. Speybrouck, Mrs. Josephine
  360. Speybrouck, Miss Irma
  361. Speybrouck, Mr. Gustave
  362. Stahli, Mr. Melchior
  363. Stahli, Mrs
  364. Standing Miss W.
  365. Stauffer, Mr. Fred
  366. Steffen, Mr. Fritz
  367. Steiger, Mr. Johena
  368. Stettler, Mr. Ernest
  369. Streich, Mr. Herman
  370. Studer, Mr. Albert
  371. Sutter, Mrs. Helene
  372. Sutter, Mr. Ernst
  373. Sutter, Mr. Johan
  374. Sutter, Mr. Joseph
  375. Taylor, Mr. Geo Th
  376. Tobler, Mr. Chas
  377. Tschirky, Mr. Bern
  378. Van Cuyl, Mrs. Helene
  379. Van Cuyl, Mr. Kamiel
  380. Van den Berghe, Miss Clara
  381. Vandenbussche, Mrs. Emma
  382. Vandenbussche, Master Gerard
  383. Vandenbussche, Miss Marguerite
  384. Van de Pol, Mr. H.
  385. Van de Pol, Mrs
  386. Van de Pol, Miss J. M.
  387. Van de Pol, Master Jean
  388. Van de Pol, Master Johann
  389. Van de Pol, Miss G.
  390. Van de Pol, Master M.
  391. Vanderstraeten, Mr. Remy
  392. Van de Velde, Mr. Francois
  393. Van de Velde, Mrs. Valentine
  394. Van de Walle, Mrs. Helena
  395. Van de Walle, Miss Julia
  396. Van de Walle, Miss Marie
  397. Van Gastel, Mr. Joseph
  398. Vangenechten, Mr. Charles
  399. Van Hamme, Mrs. Marie
  400. Van Hees, Mr. Will
  401. Van Hees, Mrs. Marie
  402. Van Hees, Miss Anna
  403. Van Hees, Miss Josephine
  404. Van Meerendonck, Mr. Hubert
  405. Van Peteghem, Mrs. Cesarine
  406. Van Renterghem, Miss Yvonne
  407. Van Steenkiste, Mr. Hector
  408. Van Steenkiste, Mrs. Leonie
  409. Verbrugge, Mr. Johan
  410. Vrancken, Mr. Joseph
  411. Vrancken, Mrs.
  412. Waldvogel, Miss Regula
  413. Walker, Mr. Will
  414. Walker, Mr. Edmund
  415. Walker, Mrs.
  416. Walsh, Mrs. Mary
  417. Walsh, Miss Margeret
  418. Walsh, Miss Kathleen
  419. Walter, Mr. Henry
  420. Warren, Mr. W. J.
  421. Watkins, Mr. Roby
  422. Watson, Mr. Thomas
  423. Watson, Mrs. Oswald
  424. Watson, Mrs. Geo R.
  425. Watson, Miss Jeannette
  426. Watt, Mr. Alex
  427. Webster, Mr. Walter
  428. Wehrly, Mr. Jacq
  429. Welham, Mr. Percy
  430. Weltsch, Mr. Hans
  431. Weltsch, Mrs.
  432. Weltsch, Master Hans
  433. Weltsch, Master Werner
  434. Wenham, Mr. Edward
  435. Wenham, Mrs. Ellen
  436. Wein, Miss Anna
  437. Werkman, Mrs. Antic
  438. Werkman, Miss Albertine
  439. Werkman, Miss Fremina
  440. Werkman, Mr. Koens
  441. White, Master Leo
  442. White, Master Anthony
  443. White, Mrs. Nanez
  444. White, Miss Mabel
  445. White, Miss Mildred
  446. Wicks, Mrs. Marie
  447. Wicks, Miss Novah
  448. Willhouse, Mrs. Elvire
  449. Willocq, Mrs.
  450. Wilson, Miss Doreas
  451. Wilson-Rae, Miss Gr
  452. Wolfswinkel, Mrs. Jose
  453. Wolfswinkel, Mr. Willem
  454. Wright, Miss Blanche
  455. Wright, Miss Dora
  456. Wright, Miss Roslyn
  457. Yiller, Rev. Thomas
  458. Yiller, Mrs.
  459. Yiller, Mr. Stanley
  460. Zijp, Mr. I. A.


When returning to Europe, Engage Your Passage On One of The SPLENDID Steamers of The International Mercantile Marine Lines

  • American Line
    NewYork - Cherbourg - Southampton
    Philadelphia - Liverpool
    NewYork - Hamburg
  • Leyland Line
    Boston - Liverpool
  • Red Star Line
    NewYork - Southampton - Antwerp
  • White Star Line
    NewYork - Cherbourg - Southampton
    NewYork - Liverpool
    Boston - Azores - Naples - Genoa
  • White Star- Dominion Line
    Portland, Me. - Halifax, N. S. - Liverpool, (Winter)
    Montreal - Quebec - Liverpool

Information for Passengers

Meals will be served as follows

1St Class :

  • Breakfast . . . from 8 - 10:00 am
  • Children table at 7-11:00 am
  • Luncheon . . . at 1 pm
  • Children table at 12 noon
  • Dinner . . . at 7:00 pm
  • Children table at 6:00 pm
  • Nightmeal . . from 9 - 10 pm

Second Class

  • Breakfast . from 8 - 9:00 am
  • Dinner . . at 12 noon
  • Supper . . . at 6:00 pm

The Bar closes at 11:00 pm Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11:00 pm and in the Smoking Rooms at 12 Midnight.

For seats at table First Class Passengers snould apply to the Second Steward, Second Class Passengers to the Second Class Steward.

Steamer Chairs and rugs can be rented on board by First Class Passengers at a charge of 15 Francs each.

Letters should be put in the Letter Boxes and Telegrams for dispatch on shore handed to the Purser or to the Saloon Waiter against receipt, latest 1 hour before arriving at Flushing or Quarantine Station. (Staten Island, N.Y.) or any port of call.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

The Chief Steward holds a complaint book at the disposal of the Passengers.

Marconigrams are accepted on board by the Purser and by the Saloon waiter.

First Class Passengers should apply to the bedroom waiter for electric fans, portable lamps, curling-tongs heater, and hot water kettles.

Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library and Saloons.

Library : Books may be obtained from 10-11:00 am and from 4-5:00 pm

An A.B.C. Code is at the Passengers' disposal in the Purser's Office where it may be consulted. Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies can be obtained from the Saloon Waiters.

New York Landing: Should the steamer arrive at the NewYork Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers may land if they wish to do so and have their baggage passed by the Customs authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so and have the whole of their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board over-night.

Upon landing at NewYork, and upon application to the uniformed representatives of the Railroads, who meet all arriving Red Star Line steamers, Railroad Tickets may be purchased, and baggage of First and Second Class Passengers may be checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, NewYork Central, Lehigh Valley, and connecting Railroads.

Valuables. — The Company will not be responsible for Money, Jewellery, and other Valuables of Passengers. Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their staterooms, but are recommended to hand same, sealed, and marked with the owner's name, to the Purser for deposit in his safe, but as no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising.

Letters may be addressed to the care of any of the Offices named below, and they will be retained until called tor, or forwarded according to instructions.


Back Cover, Red Star Line RMS Lapland Second Class Passenger List - 21 April 1920.

Back Cover, Red Star Line RMS Lapland Second Class Passenger List - 21 April 1920. GGA Image ID # 140043f05a


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