RMS Lapland Passenger List - 27 August 1910
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Lapland of the Red Star Line, Departing Saturday, 27 August 1910 from Antwerp to New York via Dover, Commanded by Captain H. D. Doxrud. GGA Image ID # 13ff51f03f
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: H. D. Doxrud
- Surgeon: Dr C. Waersegers
- Purser: A. Koppenjan
- Assistant Purser : George Peeters
- Chief Steward: C. Jeppesen
Second Class Passengers
- Mr. R. 5. Abczinski
- Mrs. E. M. Abermathy
- Mrs. F. W. Abt
- Mr. John R. Alber
- Mrs. Anna Alber
- Master Robt Alber
- Miss Maria Althoefer
- Mr. Jos. Bach
- Mrs. Jos. Bach and 2 children
- Mr. Jean Baivir
- Mrs. Jean Baivir
- Mr. Andr. Baker
- Miss Hattie Baker
- Mr. Raoul Baligant
- Mrs. Raoul Baligant
- Miss Edith A. Ball
- Mrs. Balzin
- Master Balzin
- Prof Alois Barta
- Mrs. Alois Barta
- Miss M. Barta
- Master Francis Barta
- Mr. W. Earle Barthgate
- Mrs. W. F. Barthgate
- Mr. Jos. Baumwoll
- Mrs. Marie Becker
- Miss Julia Becker
- Miss Veronika Becker
- Miss Lennie Becker
- Miss Jeanne Bedts
- Mr. Aug Benkert
- Miss Edith Bentley
- Miss Kath. Bergdoll
- Mr. Ab. Berger
- Mr. Gerha Bergjans
- Sister Bernarda
- Sister Bertha
- Mrs. Ottilie Beumer
- Mrs. Louise Biel
- Mr. L. Le Bihan
- Miss Elise Birkler
- Rev. Leo M. Blaere
- Miss Marg Blaere
- Mrs. Maly Bleicher
- Miss Eva Welcher
- Miss Alice Boch
- Miss Alph. Boenr
- Miss Mary Boenr
- Mr. George Bogendorfer
- Mrs. Marga Bogendorfer
- Mr. W. C. Bok
- Miss Carol Borhatter
- Mr. Leon Bossuyt
- Mrs. Gabrielle Bossuyt
- Rev. Julian Boury
- Mrs. J. C. Brammett
- Mr. Ed. Brand
- Mrs. Ed. Brand
- Mr. G. Brand
- Mr. Wm Brandmaier
- Mrs. Maria Breitenbach
- Mr. John Bruhlisauer
- Miss Flora Buck
- Miss E. Buck
- Miss Harriet Bundage
- Mr. Nic. Burone
- Mr. Cornille Cabanier
- Mr. Frk Cabanier
- Miss L. Camphell
- Mr. Carbamer
- Sister Catherina
- Miss H. Coburn
- Miss A. B. Coffin
- Miss Isab. Coffin
- Mr. Ch. A. Colomb
- Mr. Elis. Coprin
- Mrs. Eug. Cordier
- Mr. Frank Cornet
- Mrs. Julia Cornet
- Miss Elisa Cottignies
- Master Achil Cottignies
- Mrs. Euphe Dagenbach
- Mr. Geo E. Davis
- Rev. A. Debold
- Mrs. Lucie Decoster
- Master Emile Decoster
- Miss Marie Decoster
- Master Josef Decoster
- Mr. Seraph. De Cuyper
- Mrs. Agnes De Cuyper
- Mr. E. De Greene
- Mrs. Emilie De Graene
- Master Leonore De Graene
- Mrs. Jeanne De Greif
- Mr. Ch. Desmet
- Mr. Rod. Devriendt
- Mrs. Rod. Devriendt
- Mr. Alf. Dewinter
- Mrs. Jennie Dogimont
- Miss Marg. Dogimont
- Mr. John Dolny
- Mr. Martin Donnenfelder
- Mrs. Martin Donnenfelder
- Mr. F. Doppelhauer
- Mr. Nipper Jr.
- Mr. Hopper Sr
- Mr. Chas. Draa
- Miss Nellie Dresel
- Mrs. Sophie Ebmeyer
- Master Hugo Ebmeyer
- Miss Viole Ebmeyer
- Mr. Nic. Eck
- Miss Marg. Eger
- Miss Chaje Eisikson
- Sister Elise-Marie
- Mr. Arth. Engel
- Miss Gabrielle Engels
- Mr. Eppstein
- Mrs. Eppstein
- Mr. George Feldstein
- Miss Anna Fer
- Mrs. E. Ferrier
- Mr. Jos. Fierens
- Mrs. Aug. Fink
- Mrs. Mary Fischer
- Miss Cora E. Fiske
- Mr. Frank Foster
- Mrs. James Fox
- Mrs. Ells. Froscamann
- Master Georg Froschmann
- Mr. M Fuglistaller
- Mrs. Rose eurchheimer
- Mrs. Louise Gaertner
- Miss Eitel Gaertner
- Mrs. Celine!lain
- Miss Adele Giebeler
- Miss Helena Glebeler
- Mrs. Marie Gillet
- Rev. John Goergen
- Mr. Leon Goethals
- Mrs. Hortense Goethals
- Mrs. Eva Goldscher
- Miss Theresia Goldova
- Mr. Gust. Goldsmith
- Mr. Max Goldstein
- Mrs. Christ. Gorman
- Mr. Nic. Greiveldinger
- Mrs. Greiveldinger and child
- Miss Rose Greser
- Mr. Jean Grieten
- Mr. Simon Grimm
- Mr. Emile Grimm
- Mrs. Em. Grimm
- Miss Joh. Grimm
- Miss Kate Grimm
- Mr. Arth. Grobrecht
- Miss Oline Groner
- Miss H len Grunon
- Mr. Jack Guski
- Mrs. Eva Guski
- Mr. Isser Gutner
- Mr. J. G. Haas
- Mr. Karl Haefeley
- Miss Emilie Haefeley
- Rev. Jos. Hagenmeyer
- Mr. Anton Hahn
- Mrs. Anton Hahn
- Miss C. Haller
- Miss Florence Hanna
- Miss E. G. Harra
- Miss A. Harris
- Mrs. Lena Hauck
- Miss Marg. Hauck
- Mrs. Celia Haymann
- Master Harold Haymann
- Mr. Chas. A. Heilman
- Mr. Ch. Hein
- Mr. Edw. Heinz
- Mrs. Benriette Heinz
- Sister Helena
- Mrs. Marie Hemminger
- Mr. Henry Hermeier
- Miss Joh. Herr
- Mr. Peter Heuter
- Sister Hilarina
- Mrs. Emilie Holzappel
- Miss Marg. Hocher
- Mr. M. Hochreiter
- Mrs. John Hurley
- Mr. Schmul Hutner
- Dr M. Jeffries
- Miss Florence Jerly
- Mrs. E. Johnson
- Miss S. J. Johnston
- Miss Johnston
- Mrs. Anna Josi
- Miss Betty Kaufmann
- Mr. Alden Vidal Keene
- Miss F. Keene
- Mrs. W. B. Kehle
- Mr. Jos. Ketter
- Miss Louise Kiefer
- Miss Anna Kihl
- Miss Madeleine Kippert
- Miss Mary Klein
- Miss Marlette Knight
- Mr. Leiber Kobrinski
- Mrs. Leie S. Kobrinski
- Miss Glutei Kobrinski
- Mr. Labe Kobrinsky
- Mr. Zalmen Kobrinsky
- Mrs. Schifre Kobryn
- Master Israel Kobryn
- Master Sam Kobryn
- Miss Male Kobryn
- Master Berl. Kobryn
- Mrs. Ells. Kolb
- Mr. Alb. Koller
- Mr. Math. Kommyn
- Mrs. Cyrille Kommyn
- Miss Ester Kommyn
- Mr. Francis Kuhn
- Mrs. Amalie Kuhn
- Mr. Jac. Kuhn
- Miss Jobe Kunkel
- Mrs. Mary Krupp
- Miss Elise Krupp
- Rev. P. Kurtz
- Mr. Fred. Kurtz
- Mrs. Fred. Kurtz
- Mr. Franz Lab
- Mr. Rud. Lang
- Mr. Joh. banning
- Mrs. John banning
- Master Michel Lanning
- Mrs. Leonie Lassams
- Miss Blanche Lassans
- Master John Lassans
- Mrs. Anna Leimkuller
- Mr. Ferd. Lehne
- Mrs. Ferd. Lehne
- Miss Vera Lehne
- Mrs. H. Lehr
- Master Fdward Lehr
- Master Philip Lehr
- Miss Sophie Lenz
- Mr. B. Lieber
- Mrs. Mina Lieher
- Miss Julia Lieber and child
- Mr. A. Lincoln
- Mr. Louis Link
- Sister Lioba
- Miss'Alice Loch
- Mr. De1plain Loeb
- Mrs-Rose Lorsbiteh
- Mr. Chas. LoSkowski
- Mr. Martin Lux
- Mrs. Bab. Lux
- Miss'Grace Mc Leod
- Miss Emmtt Madleton
- Mr. Philip Maesbroeck
- Mr. Jos. Misch
- Mr. Frank Maisch
- Mr. Camil Maris
- Mr. Aug. Maris
- Mrs. PhilOmene Maris
- Miss Joseflne Maris
- Mr. Peter Marshal
- Miss Jossie Marty
- Miss Ida Mathner
- Mr. Oscar Mauser
- Mr. V. Maynsbridge
- Mrs. V. Maynsbridge
- Mr. Jos. Meier
- Mr. Leop. Meier
- Miss Rose Michel
- Mr. Francis Minia
- Mr. Mumisch Mirotschnik
- Mrs. Chaie Mirotschnik and child
- Mrs. Frida Mohr
- Miss Joseflne Moyser
- Rev. J. H. Mtihlsliepen
- Miss Cath. Mtihlsiepen
- Mr. Wm Muth
- Mrs. Wm Muth
- Miss Kothe Muth
- Mr. Arth. Neymens
- Mr. Johan Niehi
- Miss Gertrud Nohle
- Miss Marg. Nonhebel
- Mr. Theo Notorange
- Prof. H. Osborn
- Mrs. H. Osborn
- Miss Marg. Osborn
- Mrs. Hoffman Paulus
- Miss Edith A. Pen
- Mr. Alfons Peeters
- Mr. F. Petersen
- Miss Marthe Piitzer
- Mr. Nich. Philipp
- Mr. Marcel Pietrykowski
- Rev. Paul Pietsch
- Mrs. Cecilina Pilaet
- Miss Marie Pilaet
- Miss Leontine Pilaet
- Mr. Jenni Poter
- Miss Emma Pratt
- Miss Lottie Pratt
- Mrs. A. Pressburger
- Mr. Frank Rachwel
- Mr. Henri Rapp
- Mrs. Henri Rapp
- Miss Mary Rapp
- Mr. Peter Regnery
- Mrs. Peter Regnery
- Miss Mary Remory
- Mr. Louis Reliant
- Mrs. Anna Richter
- Mr. Emil Rick
- Miss B. Rissmann
- Sister Rose
- Miss F. Rosen
- Miss Frieda Rosenthal
- W. J. Rudolf
- Mr. Leon Sampaix
- Mr. Friedr. Sauerbrunn
- Miss Christ. schaffrath
- Miss Joseflne Schell
- Mr. Otto Schenk
- Mrs. Marg. Schenck
- Mr. Gotfried Schliehter
- Mrs. Gotfried Schtichter
- Miss Ells. Schlichter
- Mr. Carl Scilmid
- Miss Karol. Schmitt
- Mr. Frank Schmitz
- Mr. Louis Schmitz
- Miss Clara Schnupp
- Mr. Peter Scholler
- Mrs. Peter Scholler
- Mr. Aquilier Scholz
- Mrs. Marg. Scholz
- Mr. Johann Schramm
- Rev. Th. A. Schritz
- Rev. F. Schulte
- Mr. J. A. Schwalley
- Mrs. J. A. Schwalley
- Miss Eva Schwalley
- Miss Leslie Schwalley
- Mr. Maurice Serin
- Mrs. Else Serin
- Mr. Fred. Seringer
- Mr. Jean Seyler
- Mr. Jean Seyler Jr.
- Miss Anna Smetana
- Miss Kate Smith
- Miss Anni Smoke
- Mrs. Sophie Sommer
- Miss Marg. Somerset
- Mrs. Riwke Soroka
- Miss Caroline Spimser
- Mr. Heinr. Staby
- Miss Martha Staby
- Miss Julia Staw
- Miss Kate Stanley
- Mr. M. B. Steczinski
- Miss Stein
- Mr. W. H. Stelton
- Mrs. W. H. Stelton
- Miss H. Stetson
- Miss Lucia Stickner
- Mr. George Stiefel
- Mr. Chas. Strebinger
- Mrs. Chas. Strebinger
- Miss Winnitred Sturtevant
- Miss Lisa Tafsonski
- Mrs. L. Theel
- Mr. Rud. F. Thienes
- Mrs. Rud. F. Thienes
- Master Rud. Thienes
- Miss Mgt. Thienes
- Rev. M. A. Thimmer
- Miss Marthe Tonn
- Miss Hedwig Tonn
- Mrs. Magde Trunk
- Mr. Aug. Utsch
- Mr. Severius Vanden Gulik
- Mrs. Elodie Van de Veire
- Miss Van Faller
- Mrs. Florent. Van Fraechem
- Mr. Adolf van Sittaert
- Mr. Arth. Vercruyssrn
- Mrs. Clothilde Verdickt
- Miss Julia Verdiekt
- Mr. Michel Verheust
- Mrs. Romanie Vermeersch
- Rev. G. Vermeulen
- Mr. Alt. Volvert
- Mrs. Paulhie Vose
- Mr. G. Waalewijk
- Mr. Fritz Walther
- Mr. J. A. Waite
- Mr. Aymar Wattel
- Mr. Louis Waite
- Mr. Adrian Wattel
- Miss itache Weinberg
- Miss Katie Weiss
- Mr. Carl Wendel
- Miss Anna Wengiel
- Miss A. Wensch
- Mr. L. L Whitney
- Mrs. h. L. Whitney
- Mr. Xay. Wilderotter
- Mrs. Xay. Wilderotter
- Mr. Eduard Willekens
- Mr. U. Williams
- Mrs. U. Williams
- Mr. Frank Wilson
- Mrs. Frank Wilson
- Mr. Clem. Witekamp
- Miss Cecile Wolfstern
- Miss Anna J. Wright
- Mr. Stanisl. Wrona
- Master Julia Wrona
- Master Kasimierz Wrona
- Miss Anna Wurm
- Mr. J. Zimmermann
- Mrs. J. Zimmermann
- Mr. Nic. Zimmermann
- Mrs. Nic. Zimmermann
- Miss Marie Zimmermann
- Miss Annie Zimmermann
- Mr. Alb. Zimmermann
Information for Passengers
The Passenger Service of the Red Star Line is maintained entirely by Twin Screw Steamers, the Largest and Fastest Steamers between Antwerp and New York.
Travelers' Cheques
payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all the principal Offices of the Red Star Line.
Meals will be served as follows:
First Class : | Second Class : |
Breakfast from 8 - 10:00 am Children table at 7 1/2 am |
Breakfast from 8 - 9:00 am |
Luncheon at 1:00 pm Children table at 12 noon |
Dinner at 12 noon |
Dinner at 7:00 pm Children table at 6:00 pm |
Supper at 6:00 pm |
Nightmeal from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm |
The Bar closes at 11:00 pm Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11:00 pm, and in the Smoking Rooms at 12 Midnight.
For seats at table First Class Passengers should apply to the Second Steward, Second class Passengers to the second Class Steward.
Steamer Chairs can be rented on board by First Class Passengers at a charge of u Francs each.
Letters should be put in the Letter boxes and Telegrams for dispatch on shore -handed to the Purser or to tile saloon Waiter against receipt, latest k hour before arriving at Flushing, Dover or quarantine Station. (Staten Island, N.Y.)
The surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
The chief Steward holds a complaint book at the disposal of the Passengers.
Marconigrams are accepted on board by the Purser and by the Saloon waiter.
Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library, Saloons and the second Class Ladies Room.
Library : Books may be obtained from 10—11:00 am and from 4-5:00 pm
First Class Passengers should apply to the bedroom waiter for electric fans, portable lamps, curling-tongs heater, and hot water kettles.
Railway and steamship Time Tables of the various Companies can be obtained from the saloon Waiters.
Should the steamer arrive at the New York Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers may land if they wish to do so and have their baggage passed by the Customs authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so and ha ve the whole of tileir baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board over-night.
Upon landing at New York, and upon application to the uniformed representatives of Die Railroads, who meet all arriving Red Star Line steamers, Railroad Tickets may be purchased, and baggage of First and Second Class Passengers may be checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, New York central, Lehigh Valley, and connecting Railroads.
Valuables. — The Company will not be responsible for Money, Jewellery, and other Valuables of Passengers. Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their staterooms, but are recommended to nand same, sealed, and marked with the owner's name, to the Purser for deposit in his safe, but as no Charge is made for carriage, the company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising.
Travelers' Cheques of the International Mercantile Marine Company are accepted on board in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same. Letters may be addressed to the care of any of the Offices named below, and they will be retained until called for, or forwarded according to instructions.
Back Cover, Red Star Line RMS Lapland Second Class Passenger List - 27 August 1910. GGA Image ID # 13ff5c362f