SS Gerolstein Passenger List 24 September 1938

Front Cover, Red Star Line SS Gerolstein Tourist Class Passenger List - 24 September 1938.

Front Cover of a Tourist Passenger List from the SS Gerolstein of the Arnold Bernstein / Red Star Line, Departing Saturday, 24 September 1938 from Antwerp to New York, Commanded by Captain Friedrich Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 13fecdf59c

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain Friedrich Ahrens
  2. Chief Officer: Ernst Kuhl
  3. Second Officer: Erich Wieschke
  4. Chief Engineer: Adolf Willmann
  5. Purser: Hans Bode
  6. Assistant Purser: G. Ohlsen
  7. Surgeon: Dr. Friedrich Wenzel
  8. Chief Steward: John Sass
  9. Chief Cook: Albert Heygl
  10. Chief Wireless Operator: Gotthard Krause
  11. Bar Steward: Frankie

One-Class Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. F. F. Baley
  2. Master Jesse Baley
  3. Mr. Markus Baruch
  4. Mrs. Marie Baruch
  5. Mr. Julius Baruch
  6. Mr. Erich Baruch
  7. Mr. Willi Baruch
  8. Miss Magdalena Basedau
  9. Miss Clothilde Bekaert
  10. Mr. Elie Bertrand
  11. Mrs. Elie Bertrand
  12. Mrs. Catherine Beyers
  13. Mr. A. Bos
  14. Mr. Jean Bourgoin
  15. Mr. Josef Brandwein
  16. Mrs. Jacoba Buchanau
  17. Miss Mary Buchanau
  18. Miss Aide Cainelli
  19. Mr. Herbert Cahn
  20. Mrs. Herbert Cahn
  21. Miss Hilde Cahn
  22. Mr. James Chapin
  23. Mr. Luis Campos
  24. Mrs. Amparos Campos
  25. Miss Miriam Crenshaw
  26. Mrs. James Dusenberry
  27. Mr. Ernst Eckstein
  28. Mrs. Nechume Eckstein
  29. Miss Anneliese Eichenberg
  30. Miss Frieda Ekart
  31. Mrs. Wilhelmine Elias
  32. Miss Elfriede Elias
  33. Mr. Moszek Englender
  34. Mrs. Anna Marie Englender
  35. Miss Cilly Erreich
  36. Miss Perl Fischkus
  37. Mr. Franz Fleischer
  38. Mrs. K. Fodderies
  39. Mr. Jacob Frenkel
  40. Mrs. Anna Friedheim
  41. Miss Rudolfine Frisch
  42. Mr. Lothar Goldstein
  43. Mrs. Lothar Goldstein
  44. Miss Ruth Goldstein
  45. Master Kurt Goldstein
  46. Miss Elletta Gordon
  47. Mr. Pierre Groen
  48. Mr. Max Grunberg
  49. Miss Ruth Habler
  50. Mr. Hans Halpern
  51. Mr. Georg Halpern
  52. Mrs. Paula Hasenfratz
  53. Mr. George Heimann
  54. Mr. Armand Hellersberg
  55. Mrs. Ernestine Hellersberg
  56. Mr. Ernst Hess
  57. Horstmann, Mr C.
  58. Mr Rruno Illfelder
  59. Miss Gisela Isser
  60. Mrs. Dora Jeremias
  61. Miss Karen Jorgensen
  62. Miss Irmgard Kaffe
  63. Mrs. Margarete Kaffe
  64. Mrs. Chaje Kalb
  65. Mr. Paul Kalb
  66. Mrs. Minna Kalb
  67. Mr. Max Kaufmann
  68. Mrs. Frieda Kaufmann
  69. Mr. Alexander Kaufmann
  70. Mrs. Julie Kaufmann
  71. Miss Kitty Kaufmann
  72. Master Hans Kaufmann
  73. Mrs. Friedel Kettenbach
  74. Mrs. John Kirby
  75. Miss Therese Kirby
  76. Mrs. Luise Klaessig
  77. Miss Emily Klaessig
  78. Mr. Isaak Klarreich
  79. Mr. Simche Leib Kohn
  80. Mr. Abraham Kohn
  81. Mr. F. Leenknecht
  82. Mrs. L. Leenknecht
  83. Miss Ruth Lehnberg
  84. Mr. Berthold Leidner
  85. Mr. Ari Levi
  86. Miss Jeanne Levi
  87. Mr. Ernst Lichter
  88. Mr. Kurt Lindau
  89. Mr. Isaak Lissiansky
  90. Mrs. Paula Lissiansky
  91. Miss Kitty Lissiansky
  92. Miss Evelyne Lissiansky
  93. Dr. Eaton Mackay
  94. Mrs. Eaton Mackay
  95. Mr. Joachim Marder
  96. Mrs. Ernestine Marder
  97. Mr. Noubar Markarian
  98. Mr. Haig Markarian
  99. Miss Gertrude Markus
  100. Mr. Julius Messites
  101. Mr. Erwin Meyer
  102. Mr. Peter Mulder
  103. Mr. Rudolf Muller
  104. Mr. Robert Müller
  105. Mrs. Emmy Müller
  106. Mrs. Sophie Neufeld
  107. Miss Herta Neumann
  108. Miss Dora Nobis
  109. Mr. Kurt Nussbaum
  110. Mrs. Lee Ogilvie
  111. Mrs. E. Oppenheim
  112. Mr. Ludwig Poliak
  113. Mrs. Hona Poliak
  114. Miss Trude Poliak
  115. Mr. David Poliak
  116. Mis. Selma Poliak
  117. Miss Mary Potter
  118. Mr. Louis Quittner
  119. Mrs. Aldian Reed
  120. Miss Dean Reed
  121. Mrs. Fanny Reiss
  122. Miss Charlotte Riesenfeld
  123. Mr. Robert Rindeleaub
  124. Mrs. Robert Rindeleaub
  125. Mrs. Olive Robreno
  126. Miss Gertrud Rosenberg
  127. Miss Klara Rosenrauch
  128. Miss Toni Ruben
  129. Mr. Ruben Rudnicki
  130. Mrs. Mathilde Rudnicki
  131. Mr. Aron Sabrokritzky
  132. Mr. Aron Sabrokritzky
  133. Mr. Francis Scheafer
  134. Mr. Otto Schwarz
  135. Miss A. Shea
  136. Mr. Delos Smith, Jr.
  137. Mr. Delos Smith
  138. Mrs. Delos Smith
  139. Mrs. I. D. Staudt
  140. Mr. Josef Steinschneider
  141. Mrs. Anna Steinschneider
  142. Mr. Franz Steinschneider
  143. Mr William Sulzby
  144. Mr. Otto Susmann
  145. Mrs. Otto Susmann
  146. Mr. Felix Taussig
  147. Mr. Ronald Thomas
  148. Mr. Arno Trautmann
  149. Mrs. Flora Trautmann
  150. Master Hans Trautmann
  151. Master Bernhard Trautmann
  152. Mr. Thomas Turbin
  153. Mrs.Walter Van den Hengel
  154. Mrs. Franziska Von Wedel
  155. Mr. Siegfried Warkany
  156. Mrs. Lucie Warschauer
  157. Mrs. Mary Weir
  158. Dr. Hans Weiss
  159. Mr. Hans Wendler
  160. Miss Josephine Wilson
  161. Mr. Hans Wimpfheimer
  162. Mr. Gustav Wimpfheimer
  163. Mrs. Emilie Wimpfheimer
  164. Mr Gustav Witt
  165. Mr P. Wolff
  166. Mrs. P. Wolff
  167. Mrs. Johanna Zeinecke
  168. Mr. Herbert Zeinecke
  169. Mr. Baruch Zimmerman
  170. Mrs. Rosa Zimmerman
  171. Miss Hella Zimmerman

Information for Passengers


Special rooms and kennels are available on board for the transportation of dogs, cats, etc. Anlmals are not allowed In the cabins and other public rooms. Attention should be given that these animals be declared on the Customs declaration on arrival.


Passengers have daily access to the baggage room at fixed hours. Trunks exceeding the ordinary measurements cannot be taken Into the cabins. It Is also forbidden to have in ones baggage, Inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles. The ship's staff reserve all rights to eliminate all such articles. If deemed necessary.


The bar, as a rule, except between 2 and 4:00 pm, will be open until Midnight, but It Is within the discretion of the Commander to close same during the voyage, at any time should he consider this course desirable.


A barber's shop for ladles and gentlemen Is Installed on board. The charges for services are announced by the Line.


Change of cabins Is only permissible when authorized by the Purser.


The Purser or the Commander Is authorized to accept and Investigate complaints. Passengers may also report their complaints, suggestions and special desires on the "Suggestion Cards" which are handed over to every passenger before arrival.


On landing at New York, all baggage will be examined by the Customs Offlclals. It Is therefore to be recommended that passengers fully enquire at the purser's office about the customs regulations and to carefully fill In the customs declaration form handed over to them by the purser.


Dangerous articles such as Inflammable and explosive objects may not be taken aboard. The attention of passengers is also drawn to the fact that it is very dangerous to throw away lighted cigars, cigarettes or tobacco rests. Passengers are therefore requested to throw these rests in the recipients placed on board to this effect.


To be hired from the Deck Steward. $ 1.50 per deck chair, .$ 1.— per rug.


wines. beer, liquor and many'other beverages as well as cigarettes of the largest choice may be obtained on board at prices fixed by the Line. Owing to the Customs regulations prevailing at the ports of call, passengers are not
allowed to bring with them large quantities of liquors or tobacco for personal use. Any large quantities must be reported to the Purser for Customs declaration. They will be kept in custody by the Purser in an appropriate room.


Passengers and their luggage will pass the examination of the Immigration and Customs Authority immediately upon arrival. Our landing agent is at the disposal of passengers to assist them in accomplishing these formalities.


The Railroad and Steamship companies at New York send their representatives to every incoming steamer in order to meet the passengers destined to interior points and furnish them with tickets to all destinations in the United States, Canada and Mexico. They also take charge of the forwaring of the luggage from the Pier to final destinations.


A representative of the line will be at the disposal of the passengers on embarkation and disembarkation and will give them any information and assistance which passengers may require.


Every passenger, before landing, has. to presenf his landing card to the Immigration Inspector. Passengers are landed at Pier 3, Hoboken, N. J. Passengers are recommended to enquire at the pier office for any mail or telegram.


A Miscellaneous selection of English, American and French literature is at the disposal of the passengers.


Found or lost articles are to be handed over or to be reported to the Purser. Articles not called for before arrival, or left in the cabins will be handed over to the agency at the port of arrival, where passengers may claim same or make enquiries.


Mail to be forwarded can be handed over to the Purser, who will take care of it. Postage stamps may also be obtained at his office. It is recommended to stamp the mail before handing it over to the Purser's office for forwarding. Arriving mail is immediately distributed by the cabin steward. Passengers are kindly reguested to fill in the special form "Mail Instructions" which are to be obtained at the Purser's office. It will enable the Line to re-forward all mail arriving too late.


The hours during which meals will be served will be shown on the ship’s information boards. Passengers are kindly reguested to observe these hours. For special dishes, etc., please apply to the Chief Stewerd.


The Surgeon is always at the disposal of passengers requiring his services. In case of illness originating on or after the departure of the steamer, no charge will be made tor services. In case of Illness not originating on beard, the Surgeon Is permitted to make reasonable charges, subject to the approval of the Commander.


A special motor coach service Is operated from the pier to the city. The busses stop at the Hotel Piccadilly, 227 West 45th Street, Hotel Commodore- 42nd Street, Hotel Victorla. Corner 51st Street and Lexington Avenue٠ Grand Central Station, Pennsylvania Station and on the South side of the 7th Avenue, between 32nd or 33rd Street.

The fare amounts to $ 1 to all above mentioned points, and Includes free transportation of 2 pieces of hand luggage. $ 0.25 will be charged for each additional piece. Tickets are obtalnable at the Purser's office.


Note paper and envelopes will be found on the writing desks.


Souvenirs, books and other articles are for sale at the Novelty Shop. Registered Marks may be used tor the purchase of these Items.


For every payment on board, i.e. additional passage money, excess baggage, deck chairs, rugs, etc., passengers should obtain a receipt on Company's form.


Films will be developed by the ship's printer at moderate prices. Photographic accessories can be obtained from him.


Passengers are warned tliat protesslonal gamblers occasionally travel on the ocean liners so that caretul attention Is recommended.


Public telephones are available tor passengers on the pier.


These guides may be consulted at the Purser's office.


Passengers who intend to pay their expenses on board with registered marks, are requested to report to the Purser's office at the beginning ot the Voyage. At this office, full intormation will be given regarding the regulations of the Law concerning the use ot these marks.

Registered mark cheques are personal and not transterable and consequently may only be used tor personal outlays. Misuse of such cheques render the passenger liable to heavy penalties under the German Money Restriction Law.


Table and seat should be reserved on board at the Chief Steward's office at embarkation.


AII passengers for whom U. S. Head tax has been collected and who declare to the Immigration Examining Officer their intention to leave the United States within 59 days after their arrival, will receive from the aforenamed official a "Notice of Refund", upon production of this form, the purser of the steamer will refund the head tax before disembarkation.

Passengers who paid for their head tax in German Marks will receive a credit-order for RM 20.— which they can cash in Hamburg at the Line's office or from the agent Daniel Milberg.


The Company is not responsible for theft of valuables or money which are kept in the staterooms, and same should be placed in charge of the purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company s form.

As no charge is made for carriage, the Company cannot accept any respon-sibility for loss or damage however arising. Passengers are accordingly requested to protect themselves by insurance.


Passengers are kindly requested to have the windows and the port holes of their cabins opened or closed by the cabin steward. The Commander has the right to have all windows and port holes closed when such Is found necessary for the ship's safety on account of weather conditions.


Our steamers have a modern equipped wireless station enabling passengers during the voyage, to communicate with all parts of the world. SS Pennland and Westernland have further a wireless telephone station. Full Information will be given by the wireless officer on duty.

Ship Information

The inexpensive cost of modern “one class run-of-the-ship” transportation has brought a trip to Europe within the range of most travel budgets. And experienced travelers have found that they have more to spend abroad by sailing “tourist class is top’’ on the Red Star Line.

In spite of this saving in cost you can enjoy excellent accommodations, splendid food and service . . . and the unrestricted facilities of a fine transatlantic ship.

Round Trip New York-Antwerp was $189-$196 in the Tourist Class only Ships of SS Konigstein, Gerolstein, and Iisenstein in 1937.

1937 Magazine Ad for the Arnold Bernstein Red Star Line One-Class Ships

1937 Magazine Ad for the Arnold Bernstein Red Star Line One-Class Ships. GGA Image ID # 13ff2575c4

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