SS President Monroe Archival Collection

President Monroe (1920) United States Lines

Built by New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J. Tonnage: 10,533. Dimensions: 502' x 62' (522'o.l.). Twin-screw, 14 knots. Triple expansion engines. Two masts and one funnel. First voyage as President Monroe from New York to London, May 1922. Sale: Purchased by Dollar Line in 1924. Retained same name. In 1940 was renamed President Buchanan. World War II Service: Converted to hospital ship in World War II and name changed to Emily H. Weder. Previously Named: Ex-Panhandle State (1922).

Front Brochure Cover of Passenger Ships Owned by the United States Government Published in 1922

1922 - Passenger Ships of the United States Lines

One of the first and most comprehensive brochures on the early beginnings of the United States Lines. Many photographs documents the cabin class (First Class/Second Class) amenities on the many ships of the USL. Undated, but likely published in 1922 before the Leviathan came into service in 1923. Featured Ships: George Washington, America, President Roosevelt, President Harding, President Monroe, President Adams, President Van Buren, President Polk, President Garfield, President Fillmore, and President Arthur.


Front Cover, Musical Concert Program on Board the SS President Monroe on 20 July 1920 in Aid of Seamen's Charities.

1922-07-20 Musical Concert Program - SS President Monroe

Early United States Lines Musical Program to raise funds for various seamen's charities, on board the SS President Monroe, performed for cabin class passengers in the Veranda Cafe on 20 July 1920.


1922-08-02 Passenger Manifest for the SS President Monroe

1922-08-02 SS President Monroe Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: United States Lines
  • Class of Passengers: Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 2 August 1922
  • Route: London to New York via Cherbourg
  • Commander: Captain M. L. Pittman, U.S.N.R.F


Front Cover, Musical Concert Program on Board the SS President Monroe on 10 August 1922 in Aid of Seamen's Charities.

1922-08-10 Musical Concert Program - SS President Monroe

Musical Concert Program to raise funds for various seamen's charitable organizations, held for cabin class passengers on 10 August 1922 in the Veranda Cafe onboard the SS President Monroe of the United States Lines.


Front Cover - SS President Monroe Captains Farewell Dinner Bill of Fare 10 August 1922

1922-08-10 SS President Monroe Captain's Farewell Dinner Menu

Vintage Captain's Farewell Dinner Bill of Fare from 10 August 1922 on board the SS President Monroe of the United States Lines featured Poached Halibot, Normandie, Lamb Cutlets, Dartois, and Glacé au Chocolat for dessert. A list of chief officers for this voyage was included.


Front Brochure Cover, Dollar Steamship Line President Liners from 1925.

1925 - Dollar Steamship Line - The President Liners

Rare 1925 Brochure from The Dollar Steamship Line on their President Liners. Many photographs document their distinctively higher standard of luxury, comfort, and convenience -- a measure designed to meet the requirements of ocean voyagers. Ships featured: President Van Buren, President Monroe, President Harrison,
President Adams, President Garfield, President Hayes, and President Polk.



United States Lines Fleet List for Bremen and London Services, 1922.

United States Lines Fleet List for Bremen and London Services, 1922. Bremen Service Ships Included the America, George Washington, President Arthur, President Fillmore, President Harding, and President Roosevelt. London Service Ships Included the President Adams, President Garfield, President Monroe, President Polk, and President Van Buren. SS America Passenger List, 12 July 1922. GGA Image ID # 1e2d0848bb


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