Passenger Ships of the United States Lines - 1922

Front Brochure Cover of Passenger Ships Owned by the United States Government Published in 1922

Front Brochure Cover of Passenger Ships Owned by the United States Government Published in 1922 by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation (United States Lines). GGA Image ID # 11fe9ec88d


One of the first and most comprehensive brochures on the early beginnings of the United States Lines includes many photographs documenting the cabin class (First Class/Second Class) amenities on the many ships of the USL.

The Peaceful Conquest of the Seas

The sea is the scene of America’s newest triumph. Ever since the Civil War, when the American flag practically disappeared from the ocean, America has dreamed of a fleet of swift passenger ships, which would carry her citizens to the four corners of the world.

Until a few months ago, however, the realization of this dream seemed far distant. The flag, which American sailing ships once carried into every port on the globe, was rarely seen except on an occasional private yacht or Government warship.

Americans who wished to cross the ocean were forced to sail on foreign ships, under alien flags. Merchant vessels were scarcely owned at all by Americans until the United States Government, through the difficulties of the late war, acquired a vast, polyglot fleet.

Today, five lines of American passenger ships are in operation— carrying the American flag and the American people into every part of the world. These ships, officered and crewed by American seamen, are competing successfully with the vessels of other nations. Our old preeminence on the sea has been reestablished!

The ships are owned by the United States Government. Organizations of trained steamship men have been chosen to operate them. The United States Lines operates a fleet of thirteen vessels between New York and Europe.

The Pacific Mail Steamship Company operates a fleet of five vessels between San Francisco, Honolulu, and The Orient. The Admiral-Oriental Line (Pacific Steamship Company) operates a fleet of five vessels between Seattle and The Orient.

The Munson Steamship Lines operate a fleet of four vessels between New York and the East Coast of South America. The Los Angeles Steamship Company operates one ship between Los Angeles and Honolulu.

The service rendered on these ships is responsible in no small measure for their tremendous success. Americans demand the best when they travel — they get the best aboard the United States Government ships.

American standards of comfort and convenience are rigorously maintained. Ocean travel attains a height of luxury, which would have been thought impossible a few years ago. Broad decks for sports and exercise, gymnasiums, swimming pools, tea rooms, and palm gardens are features of most of these ships.

The appointments are second to none. Most of the staterooms have luxurious private baths. Almost all staterooms are on the outside, fresh and airy. The old cramped, box-like berth has given place to a comfortable bed. Exclusive suites deluxe are provided for those who wish them.

Every detail that will increase the passenger's pleasure in his voyage has been carefully attended to on the United States Government ships. And yet, in spite of this exceptional service, the rates are surprisingly low.

To South America, the fares have been almost cut in half. On every run, the same principle prevails—the best service at amazingly moderate rates.

The American principle of speed finds its fullest expression in these vessels. They are built to get there —in the minimum amount of time. Already three trans-oceanic records have been broken. Because of this, new avenues of trade have been opened.

Rio de Janeiro is now only 11 days away. All records have been broken between San Francisco and Yokohama. It is now only 11 days from Yokohama to Seattle. Recently a shipment of silk was brought to Seattle by the Admiral-Oriental Line and reached New York in 13 days and 10 hours from the date it left Yokohama.

The swiftness of the United States Government ships is another case of history repeating itself. In the great days of the American clipper ship era, the American vessels outsailed and outdistanced the ships of all other nations. And now, in the present-day revival of American activity on the sea, the Government liners are maintaining the old tradition that vessels of other countries should be left in the wake of American ships.

Every American can be proud of his ships and the service rendered onboard them. In a few months, a splendid fleet has been created. New routes are being opened. No matter to what remote corner of the lobe—Bremen, Buenos Aires or Hong Kong—an American wishes to journey, American ships are ready to speed him on his way.

Everywhere the service is being improved continuously. The famous Leviathan is being reconditioned to join the fleet. Progressive American methods are making this reconquest of the sea a success.

It is the pleasurable duty of every American to assist in this great work, the upbuilding of the American Merchant Marine, by traveling on his own ships. Their achievement is his achievement.


Ships of the 535 Type Are Oil-Burning Vessels, 535 Feet Long and 21,000 Tons Displacement.

Ships of the “535” Type Are Oil-Burning Vessels, 535 Feet Long and 21,000 Tons Displacement. The United States Lines Operate President Harding and President Roosevelt. The Admiral-Oriental Line Operates Five—President Jefferson, President Madison, President Mckinley, President Jackson, and President Grant. The Pacific Mail S. S. Company Also Operates Five of These Famous Ships—President Pierce, President Cleveland, President Wilson, President Taft, and President Lincoln. GGA Image ID # 11f5e2897a


First Class Dining Saloon.

First Class Dining Saloon. In the Luxury of Its Appointments and the Exquisite Good Taste of Its Decorations, This Typical Dining Saloon of a “535” Vessel Brings to Mind the Atmosphere of an Exclusive Metropolitan Restaurant. Courteous, Efficient Stewards Attend the Slightest Wants of the Guests. Prepared by Expert Chefs, the Cuisine Is Worthy of the Surroundings in Which It Is Served. GGA Image ID # 11f6103238


First Class Social Hall.

First Class Social Hall. This Social Hall, Which Gives Some Idea of the Elegance of the Interior Arrangements of the "535” Vessels, Recalls the Stately Drawing Room of Some Old Virginia Manor House. Decorated in the Classic Colonial Style—the Only True American Style, and Therefore the Most Suitable for an American Ship—This Room Is Naturally the Center of the Social Life of the Ship. GGA Image ID # 11f6147c41


arlor Bedroom with Bath in Special Deluxe Suites.

Parlor Bedroom with Bath in Special Deluxe Suites. Special Suites Deluxe Are Provided on All Vessels of the “535” Type for Those Who Desire Extra Conveniences and Comfort. These Consist of the Proverbial ‘Parlor, Bedroom and Bath,” so Sumptuously Fitted out That They Rival the Owner’s Suite on a Millionaire’s Private Yacht. These Apartments Represent the Acme of Sea-Going Luxury. GGA Image ID # 11f66d85cb


Passengers Playing Quoits on the Boat Deck.

Passengers Playing Quoits on the Boat Deck. On the Wide Boat Decks of the “535” Ships May Always Be Found Groups of Young People Trying Their Hand at New Sports and Games. Quoits and Shuffleboard, the Old-Established Favorites, Are Now Being Elbowed Aside by the New Deck Golf and Deck Tennis. These United States Government Ships Were Designed so That There Is an Abundance of Deck Space for the Passengers. GGA Image ID # 11f6769f28


First Class Writing Room.

First-Class Writing Room. Most People Find an Ocean Voyage an Admirable Time to Make up Their Arrears of Correspondence. There Are Steamer Letters to Answer and Business to Transact. To Those so Minded, the Writing Room on Board All the Liners of the“535” Type Offers a Quiet Retreat Where They Can Tell Their Friends on Shore All the Pleasures and Adventures of the Trip. GGA Image ID # 11f6849390


First Class Tea Room.

"Tea for Three”—or Two, If You Prefer. Americans Are Taking More and More Kindly to the Shipboard Custom of Breaking up the Long Afternoon Hours with Five O’Clock Tea. After a Day of Deck Sports and Recreation in the Bracing Sea Air, There Is No More Pleasant Way to End the Afternoon Than Tea in the Garden-Like Tea Room, Which Is Always Found on These Splendid “535” Ships. GGA Image ID # 11f77330c7


In the Dining Room, You Can Explore and Infinite Variety in the Cuisine.

There Is Infinite Variety in the Cuisine Prepared by the Best Chefs for the Travelers on the Government Ships. Buffet Suppers, Teas on Deck or in the Cozy Little Tea Room and Formal Dinners in the Spacious Dining Saloon Make up a List of the Numerous Epicurean Repasts. The Invigorating Sea Air Awakens a Hearty Appetite in Those Who Have Not Enjoyed a Real Meal for Years. GGA Image ID # 11f78c15cd


A Spotless Kitchen for a Ship's Galley.

There Is Something Pleasant and Almost Inspiring in the Sight of the Scrupulously Clean Kitchen in Which the Food Is Prepared on the “535” Liners. The Old Ill-Smelling Ship's Galley Familiar to All Travelers Has Been Done Away with on U. S. Government Liners. Few Hotels Can Boast of Such Modern, Scientific Equipment. The Spotlessness of These Kitchens Would Put the Proverbial Dutch Housewife to Shame. GGA Image ID # 11f8636a5f


A Tea Room on Deck.

A Delightful Place to Lounge Away an Hour or so of a Day at Sea Is the Deck Tea Room. This Semi-Enclosed Space of Deck Is a Feature of All the “535” Ships. Facing Aft, It Affords a View down the Deck to the Ever-Widening Track of Foam Stretching from the Stern of the Vessel Towards the Distant Curve of the Horizon. GGA Image ID # 11f920a597


The Grand Staircase with Understated Elegance.

The Grand Stairway of a “535” Vessel Makes a Fit Setting for the American Type of Feminine Loveliness. in Keeping with the General Style of the Decoration of the Ship, the Stairway Is Colonial, Effective Because of the Very Simplicity of Its Design. In Every Respect, the Interior Arrangements of These Vessels Can Be Duplicated in Very Few Ships That Sail Under Other Flags. GGA Image ID # 11f9226139


The Ship's Band Plays Music Around the Ship at Designated Times for the Passengers.

The Ship’s Bands of the “535” Vessels Are the Great Propagators of American Dance Music All over the World. When These Ships Are in Ports Three Thousand Miles from Home, the Bands Are Greatly in Demand to Provide Music for Dances at the Great Foreign Hotels. On Shipboard They Give Daily Concerts and Dances. GGA Image ID # 11f96bde5b


The Munson Steamship Line Cruises in Tropical Waters.

For Cruising in Tropical Waters, Four Ships of the “535” Type — American Legion, Pan America, Western World, and Southern Cross — Have Been Equipped with Special Refrigerating Machinery. They Are Operated by the Munson Steamship Lines in the Service Between New York and the East Coast of South America. The American Legion Holds the Record Between New York and Rio de Janeiro. GGA Image ID # 11f988e094


The Tea Room on the SS American Legion.

The Tea Room on the SS American Legion. This Glimpse into the Tea Room of the American Legion Gives an Idea of the Luxurious Fittings of These Splendid Steamers in the South American Service. The Hardships of Travel to the Southern Continent Are Now a Thing of the Past. Even the Cozy Little Tea Room, so Popular All over the Country, Finds Its Counterpart on Shipboard. GGA Image ID # 11f9b8ce28


Social Hall on the SS Pan America.

Social Hall on the SS Pan America. It Is Difficult to Believe That Some of These Interiors Were Actually Taken on an Ocean-Going Steamer. This Social Hall of the Pan America Might Readily Be the Living Room in a Gentleman’s Country Home. These Comfortable Rooms Are Aired by Windows, Not Portholes. By This Means, a Maximum of Coolness Is Insured When the Vessel Is in Tropic Waters. GGA Image ID # 11f9df554a


Smoking Room on the SS Pan America.

Smoking Room on the SS Pan America. The Friendships Formed on Shipboard Are One of the Most Worth-While Features of an Ocean Voyage. In the Club like Smoking Room of the Pan America Men Speedily Forget They Are a Thousand Miles from Home and Soon Become Something More Than Mere Acquaintances. The Soft Deep Chairs and the Mellow Haze of Smoke Combine to Produce an Atmosphere of Good Fellowship. GGA Image ID # 11f9e985ce


A Deluxe Suite Boudoir on the SS Western World.

A Deluxe Suite Boudoir on the SS Western World. The Boudoir in a Suite Deluxe of the Western World Is a Thing of Charm and Daintiness, Appealingly Feminine and Tasteful. Mahogany Beds with Deep Mattresses, Intimate Dressing Tables, Gracefully Designed Furniture, Thermos Bottles, and Bed Lamps Are Features Which Will Appeal to Women. Private Baths Are Attached to These Suites. GGA Image ID # 11fa2b73a2


A Stateroom on a South American Liner.

A Stateroom on a South American Liner. Most People Think of the Staterooms on a Ship as Narrow, Cramped Cubby-Holes. To All Those Who Have Not Seen Them, the Staterooms on These Liners to South America Are a Revelation. All the Cabins Are Outside Rooms, Commodious and Well Ventilated. They Are Equipped with Beds, Not Berths, Electric Fans, Double Portholes, and Many Other Unique Conveniences. GGA Image ID # 11fa4484b6


The SS Leviathan -- Flagship of the United States Lines.

The SS Leviathan -- Flagship of the United States Lines. Having Taken Thousands upon Thousands of American Soldiers to the Battlefront in France, the Leviathan Will Soon Be Ready for the More Peaceful Occupation of Carrying the Army of American Travelers to Europe. This World-Famous Liner Is Now Being Completely Reconditioned and Reequipped. from Stem to Stern, the Leviathan Measures 950 Feet. Her Height from Smokestack to Keel Is 184 Feet. Her Gross Registered Tonnage Is 54,282. Monster Engines Drive the Immense Ship Through the Water at a Speed of 23. 5 Knots an Hour. All in All She Is Well Named the Leviathan — the Ruler of the Seas. GGA Image ID # 11fa4971da


The SS George Washington.

No History of the World War Would Be Complete Without a Reference to the Famous SS George Washington, Flag-Ship of the United States Lines Fleet. The George Washington Carried Thousands of Yankee Soldiers to France, and After the Armistice Was Signed, the Great Liner Took the Delegation of the United States to the Peace Conference. This Vessel Is 722 Feet Long, with a Gross Registered Tonnage of 23,788. GGA Image ID # 11fa4b660a


A Spacious Lounge Found on the SS George Washington.

A Spacious Lounge Found on the SS George Washington. Human Nature Reacts Readily to an Environment of Repose and Refinement. This Principle Was Born in Mind in the Interior Arrangement and Decoration of the George Washington. Everything Is in Perfect Taste. The Spacious Lounge Is Reminiscent of the Formal Dignity of Mount Vernon. GGA Image ID # 11fa5e073a


First Class Lounge on the SS George Washington.

First Class Lounge on the SS George Washington. Comfort and Elegance Are Not Necessarily Opposed to Each Other. In This Fireside Scene in the Lounge of the SS George Washington, One Sees an Admirable Combination of the Two Qualities. The Pieces of Furniture Are Works of Art in Themselves, yet the Deep Cushioned, Wide-Armed, Reposeful Chairs Suggest the Complete Relaxation Essential to a Vacation. GGA Image ID # 11fa61468a


First Class Dining Saloon on the SS George Washington.

First Class Dining Saloon on the SS George Washington. One Day on Deck, Where the Brisk, Salt Air of the Sea Sweeps in Through the Nostrils and Permeates the Whole Being, Makes Even the Chronic Invalid Forget His Rules of Diet and Rediscover the Keen Relish of Early Youth. The Passengers Look Forward to the Dinner Hour on the SS George Washington. GGA Image ID # 11fa973b8f


First Class Social Hall on the SS George Washington.

First Class Social Hall on the SS George Washington. As Richly Ornamented as Some Medieval Mosaic Is the Anteroom of the Social Hall on the George Washington. Decorated in the Exquisite Renaissance Style with Gold Figures on Dark-Stained Panels, It Stands out as a Faultless Specimen of the Artist’s Craftsmanship. Every American Has the Right to Expect Surroundings Such as These on His Own Ships. GGA Image ID # 11facd2a89


The Presidential Suite on the SS George Washington.

The Presidential Suite Is a Unique Feature of the SS George Washington. This Apartment Was Occupied by President Wilson When He Journeyed to Europe to participate in the Peace Conference. The King and Queen of Belgium Are Among the Many Other Notables Who Have Been Guests in These Luxuriously Comfortable Rooms. GGA Image ID # 11fbfd74d7


The SS America.

Second Only to the Incomparable George Washington Is the Stately SS America, Operated by the United States Lines. This Magnificent Vessel Is 687 Feet Long, Has a Gross Registered Tonnage of 21,144 and Carries 1,831 Passengers. It Ranks as One of the Steadiest Ships Afloat. For Comfort and Convenience, It Is Surpassed by None. GGA Image ID # 11fc467360


First Class Lounge on the SS America.

The Lounge of the SS America Is the Gathering Point of the Social Life on the Ship. Here Are Given the Dances, Concerts and Other Functions Which Combine to Make a Transatlantic-Voyage on the United States Government Ships an Ever-Varying Round of Enjoyment. The American Principle That No Moment of the Day Should Be Wasted Is Rigorously Upheld on the SS America. GGA Image ID # 11fc650d5c


First Class Dining Saloon on the SS America.

First Class Dining Saloon on the SS America. Psychology Has Proved That the Appetite Is Directly Affected by the Surroundings in Which the Food Is Eaten. This Principle Was Borne in Mind in the Tasteful Decoration of the SS America. The Dining Saloon Is Bright, Airy, and Spacious. He Would Be Fastidious Indeed Who Could Not Enjoy His Shipboard Meals in Such a Room. GGA Image ID # 11fce69654


First Class Smoking Room on the SS America.

First Class Smoking Room on the SS America. Anyone Who Looks in at the Door of the Smoking Room on Board the SS America Beholds a Scene of Masculine Ease and Enjoyment. Here on a Round Table, the Many-Colored Chips Are Piled High and the Cards Are Being Dealt. in Another Corner, a Group of Storytellers Are Exchanging “New Ones.” It Is in Surroundings Such as These That Men Love to Relax in the Company of a Well-Tried Pipe or a Fragrant Cigar. GGA Image ID # 11fcf59b0c


A "522" Type Cabin Ship of the United States Lines.

A "522" Type Cabin Ship of the United States Lines. Among the Ships of the United States Lines, Not Least in Popularity Are the Famous “Cabin” Ships of the “522” Type. First and Second-Class Distinctions Have Been Abolished on These Swift, Trim Vessels. They Carry Only Cabin” Passengers and Third-Class. Despite the Amazingly Low Rate for Cabin Passage, the Same Standards of Comfort, Cuisine and Service Prevail as on the Other Ships of the Lines. GGA Image ID # 11fd351be4


Dining Saloon on the SS President Garfield.

The Dining Saloon of the SS President Garfield Compares Most Favorably with Those of the Larger Vessels of the United States Government Fleet. The Same Individual Comfort and Attention to Detail Prevail. The Cool, Uncrowded Rooms, Tastefully Decorated and Beautifully Furnished, Rival the Dining Saloons of the Greatest Ocean Liners. GGA Image ID # 11fd751d54


Social Hall on the SS President Adams.

Social Hall on the SS President Adams. From the Sturdy Beams of the Ceiling to the Graceful Spindles of the Balustrade, This Social Hall of the SS President Adams Presents a Perfect Example of the Incomparable Colonial Style of Interior Decoration. The Whole Tone Is Thoroughly American. A Well-Chosen Circulating Library Is Provided for Those Who Feel in the Mood for Reading. GGA Image ID # 11fda6a596


A Spacious, Comfortable Stateroom on the SS President Polk.

A Spacious, Comfortable Stateroom on the SS President Polk. The Staterooms on the “522” Ship, President Polk, Are Fully as Large as the Cabins on the Other Vessels of the Government Fleet. The Old Cramped Quarters, Which Used to Take Half the Joy out of Ocean Travel, Are a Thing of the past on the Government Ships. The Spacious, Comfortable, Airy Rooms on the 522” Vessels Rival the Accommodations on Liners of Twice Their Size. GGA Image ID # 11fda9698e


Smoking Room on the SS President Monroe.

Smoking Room on the SS President Monroe. Something of the Spirit of an Old Inn Has Been Revived in the Smoking Room of the SS President Monroe. The Wide Fireplace with Its Cushioned Ingle Nook, the Homelike Beams Overhead, and the Leather Easy Chairs All Contribute to the General Effect of Unceremonious Good Fellowship. The Smoking Room Is a Place to Get Together. GGA Image ID # 11fe344329


New York to Europe on United States Lines

The United States Government Ships to Europe are operated by the United States Lines. The splendid fleet comprises nearly all classes of ships from the trim, swift “cabin” ships to the famous George Washington.

In the service to Plymouth, Cherbourg, and Bremen, four great liners are operated. These are:

  • George Washington
  • America
  • President Roosevelt
  • President Harding

Of these the S. S. George Washington is the flagship—722 feet long, with a gross register tonnage of 23,788 and a passenger capacity of 1,988. Second only to the flagship is the SS America—687 feet long, with a gross register tonnage of 21,144 and a passenger capacity of 1,831.

The SS President Roosevelt and the SS President Harding are two new ships of the “535” type, with passenger capacities of 441 and 439 respectively.

In the service to Cobh (Queenstown), Plymouth, Cherbourg, and London are five “522” ships. These are all 522 feet in length. A first- cabin passage to London is only $120. The five vessels are:

  • President Monroe
  • President Adams
  • President Van Buren
  • President Polk
  • President Garfield

Regular service is also maintained between New York and Danzig. The ships on this run are:

  • President Fillmore
  • President Arthur

These 11 superb vessels make up the fleet of the United States Lines. A valuable addition is soon to be made. The Leviathan is now being reconstructed and will soon be in service.

All in all, it is a fleet of which every American may be proud. It performs an excellent service — taking Americans to England and the Continent under their own flag.

New York to South America on the Munson Steamship Line

BETWEEN New York, and Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, and Buenos Aires, the Munson Steamship Lines operate four United States Government-owned ships of the “535” type. This matchless fleet includes the:

  • Southern Cross
  • American Legion
  • Pan America
  • Western World

Each vessel of the “535” type is 535 feet in length with a displacement tonnage of 21,167. They are American-built oil-burners — swift, seaworthy, and steady.

These beautiful vessels are the fastest in the South American run. The American Legion holds the record for the least time between New York and Rio de Janeiro.

Her sister ships are just as speedy. Rio de Janeiro is now 11 days away. And besides being the fastest in the South American service, the United States ships are also the most modern and luxurious.

These “535” ships were built for cruising in tropical waters—with special refrigerating machinery and well-ventilated dining saloon and social halls. All the cabins are cool, outside rooms, spacious and airy. For the convenience of the passengers, there is a deck tea room, a writing room, a smoking room, and an open-air swimming pool in warm weather.

Few voyages on the sea are more soul-satisfying than this trip to South America. The ship sails steadily southward. A blizzard may be raging when the vessel leaves New York but a day’s sailing or so brings her into the warm zone of the Gulf Stream. Overcoats and steamer blankets disappear, the passengers settle down to enjoy life.

Deck sports, games, dances and other entertainments make the hours go quickly by. At last, comes the day when the line is crossed, and all the passengers have the right to call themselves old travelers.

A few days afterward, the ship slips into the mountain-enclosed harbor of Rio de Janeiro and a memorable trip has come to an end.

San Francisco to The Orient on the Pacific Mail Steamship Company

GOVERNMENT ships between San Francisco and The Orient are operated by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, expert for 54 years in trans-Pacific travel. The trip is made by way of Hawaii over the Pacific Mail’s famous “Sunshine Belt” to the Orient.

This is a voyage of delight over a glorious route, beginning at the Golden Gate and ending at the Ly-e-Mun Pass. A day’s halt is made at Honolulu.

In the Far East, the ports of call are Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Manila, and Hong Kong. Stopovers may be arranged in any of these gorgeously picturesque Oriental cities.

The voyage itself is a thing to look forward to for a lifetime. Day after day, the ship’s prow cuts the water of the smooth Pacific. There is nothing anywhere to disturb the serenity, nothing in sight, except perhaps the black smudge of smoke from the stacks of a passing steamer or the skysails of a square-rigged sailing vessel or the distant spout of a sperm whale rising and falling at regular intervals.

The day’s stop at Hawaii makes a pleasant break in the course of the voyage. Then come more days of smooth sailing until the vessel finally steams into the harbor of Yokohama.

The ships on this route are also of the incomparable “535” type. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company operates the:

  • President Taft
  • President Lincoln
  • President Pierce
  • President Cleveland
  • President Wilson

These famous vessels are revolutionizing our ideas of ocean travel. Never before have such luxurious and perfectly appointed ships been operated between the United States and the Orient.

Cuisine, accommodations, and service are as near perfection as is humanly possible. Americans now have the opportunity to sail to the land of the rising sun on their own ships under the American flag. By traveling on American ships, they go on the best.

Seattle to The Orient on the Admiral-Oriental Line

Over the short northern route to the Orient, United States Government ships, operated from Seattle by the Admiral-Oriental Line, offer the traveler a luxurious and speedy voyage.

Here again, the American vessels have broken all the time records. The trip from Seattle to Yokohama is made in just 11 sailing days. This almost unbelievable speed is attained by the famous “535” ships. Of these there are five in this service:

  • President Grant
  • President Jefferson
  • President Madison
  • President McKinley
  • President Jackson

As is almost universally known, passengers on these “535” ships are assured not only of a quick voyage but also of a safe and comfortable one.
Seattle, a terminus of four railroads on which rates have been drastically reduced, makes a peculiarly convenient port of embarkation for the traveler who wishes to take “The Speed Route to The Orient.”

Ports of call are Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Manila. This trip to the East by way of Seattle makes an ideal vacation voyage. The “Speed Route” is the quickest and easiest way to reach China and Japan.

The Philippine Islands, America’s great possession in the East, are only a few days away. Stopovers may be arranged at any or all of the ports.

For business or pleasure or for a harmonious combination of the two, this trip to the Far East is equally worthwhile. Businessmen have the opportunity to come in direct contact with China and Japan.

The first is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in undeveloped natural resources. The second is a manufacturer of many articles of commerce significantly in demand in America and is also an eager buyer of our own products.

Businessmen, who cannot afford to waste time on slow boats, may rest secure in the knowledge that on “The Speed Route,” they are being taken to The Orient as quickly as it is possible to get there.

Los Angeles to Honolulu on the Los Angeles Steamship Company

THERE recently has been opened a new direct service to Honolulu from Los Angeles.

The liner in this service was formerly one of the great transatlantic fleets. It has been completely overhauled from stem to stern and reconditioned. Every convenience and luxury known to the discriminative traveler on the North Atlantic is now available on the trip to Hawaii.

Now travelers may step from the joys of Southern California to the joys of a trip to Hawaii.

The ship has been renamed the City of Los Angeles. She is 580 feet in length, 62 feet in breadth and39 feet in depth. Her displacement tonnage is 22,500. Her speed approximates 16 knots an hour. Every device for comfort and luxury known to modern shipbuilding has been lavished upon her. She is second to none on this route!

Thanks to this new direct route from Los Angeles to Honolulu, it is now possible for travelers in Southern California easily to extend their trip to include the “Paradise of the Pacific."

From Kauai to Hawaii, each one of the islands makes its offering of beauty, of interest, of romance. The inter-island steamship service brings within reach of the traveler a bewildering variety of scenic loveliness—endless pineapple fields, ancient burial caves and temples, polyglot settlements made up of men of every race, and the fiery pit of Halemaumau, largest continuously active volcano in the world.

A hundred new experiences await the traveler. Expeditions to the crater of a volcano ride on the famous royal motor roads and surf- riding at Waikiki are adventures which will not soon be forgotten. And the climate is so equable that outdoor sports are in vogue at every season of the year.

This new route unites two of the garden spots of the world. The traveler sails direct from the orange groves of Southern California to the palm trees of Hawaii. The short, direct voyage is one of the most pleasant in the world.

Day after day, the vessel steams forward through the tranquil waters of the South Pacific. Then one morning, great volcanic mountains are seen rising out of the horizon. “The Paradise of the Pacific” has been reached.


Worldwide Route Map of the United States Lines.

Worldwide Route Map of the United States Lines. The Scope and Importance of the United States Merchant Marine Passenger Service May Be Visualized from the Above Map. It Will Be Seen That the American Flag Is Now a Familiar Sight in Most of the Important Ports of the World. Arrangements Are Made by the Various Companies Operating Government Ships so That the Traveler Bound to Some Other Port Than Those Indicated as Shipping Board Ports of Call May Be Transferred to the Best Available Ships Calling at His Destination. GGA Image ID # 11fe5d95d1


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