Orient-Royal Mail Line of Steamers - 1906
Front Cover, Brochure from the Orient-Royal Mail Line of Steamers from London & Plymouth to Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane dated June 1906. GGA Image ID # 11e8324e5f
Rare 1906 passenger information brochure from the Orient-Royal Mail Line that carried passengers and mail between the UK and Australia, the voyage taking about 33 days each way with Photographs and important passenger information included.
The Steamers of the Orient-Royal Mail Line leave London (Tilbury) every alternate Friday and PLYMOUTH the following day, for AUSTRALIA, by way of the Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal, and the Indian Ocean, calling to Land and Embark Passengers at GIBRALTAR, MARSEILLES, NAPLES, PORT SAID, and COLOMBO.
Loading Berth - - Tilbury Docks, LONDON.
Fares and Regulations for Third-class Passengers
Third Class Fare Schedule - Orient-Royal Mail Line for 1906. GGA Image ID # 11e83cd705
Children traveling with their parents, between 3 and 12 years of age, half-price; One Child under 3 years (no berth provided), free.
If more than One Child under 3 years, one-quarter fare will be charged, exclusive of the one taken free.
The Famous Rock of Gibraltar. GGA Image ID # 11e8db4c77
Return Tickets
Passengers who have paid the single full fare from Europe to Ceylon, Australia, or New Zealand (or vice versa), and return by the Line within six months after landing, will obtain a reduction of 20 percent., or if within twelve months a decrease of 10 percent, off their fare for the return passage, according to the Company's tariff existing when the return passage is taken. These reductions must be applied for at the time of re-booking.
Through Tickets.
Passengers booked through for ports other than Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane will travel by the most direct route. If proceeding by the first branch steamer they may, without extra charge, stay onboard the Orient-Royal Mail Line Steamer in the interval (should she remain in port so long), and their luggage can be transferred free of charge but at passengers' risk. Companies will not be answerable for any hotel expenses or railway fares, etc. if incurred.
Western Australia.
Passengers for Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie travel by railway from Fremantle.
New Zealand.
The following are the Ports in New Zealand to which Through Tickets are issued, viz. :—
- Bluff Harbour
- Port Chalmers
- Lyttelton
- Wellington
- Nelson
- Auckland
- Napier
- Taranaki
- Picton
- Tauranga
- Gisborne
- Greymouth
A deposit of at least half the passage money must be paid at the time of securing a berth, and the balance at least three days before embarkation.
Cheques, Bank Drafts, and Post Office Order remitted by post should be made payable to Anderson, Anderson & Co. or Order, and should be crossed "Williams Deacon's Bank, Limited."
Cheques payable in the country cannot be received in payment of passage money unless paid at least four days before the Steamer leaves the Dock.
All passengers that are not joining the Steamer forfeit half fare.
The full name, age, occupation, and destination of the Passenger should be forwarded when an application is made for a ticket.
The Port of Marseilles, France. GGA Image ID # 11e8ee9738
The Line reserves the right of rejecting any person who may be found when embarking to be mentally afflicted, deaf, dumb, blind, maimed, or having symptoms of disease or infirmity, or any person whose condition is such as to appear likely to involve the owners, master or agent of the Ship in liability for his or her maintenance or support, or otherwise, under or by virtue of any Colonial or other law or regulation.
TILBURY.— Passengers joining at Tilbury are conveyed from London to the Ship free of charge, by Special Train leaving St. Pancras Station of the Midland Railway, via Midland and London, Tilbury and Southend Railways. Passengers desiring friends to accompany them on board at Tilbury must obtain orders of admission from Anderson, Anderson & Co., without which they cannot be allowed on board.
Railway Tickets for friends by the Special Train can be obtained at St. Pancras Station. Return Fare—Third Class, 2/9.
View of the Harbor of Naples, Italy. GGA Image ID # 11e94c1558
PLYMOUTH.—Passengers are embarked by Steam Tender from Millbay Pier, Plymouth, on the date advertised for leaving that port. Vouchers can be obtained from Anderson, Anderson & Co., which, on presentation to the Booking Clerk at the Station, will enable Passengers to secure reduced fares from London, Reading, Swindon, Bristol, and Exeter to Plymouth.
Also, Vouchers by which friends are accompanying Passengers can obtain Return Tickets at single fares from the above Stations, or from Stations between Penzance and Truro to Plymouth.
Orders to accompany friends on board at Plymouth can be obtained from the Agents there, Messrs. W. Leaman & Co., 2, Millbay Road (opposite the Great Western Railway Station). Return Fare by Steam Tender, 2/-.
MARSEILLES.—Passengers can join the Steamer at Marseilles seven days later than in London. The Agents at Marseilles are Messrs. Worms & Co., 16, Rue Beauvau.
Reduced Rail Fares
Arrangements have been made by which Third-class Passengers per Orient-Royal Mail Line Steamers can obtain the advantage of reduced fares to London or Plymouth, from a significant number of Railway Stations, on the production of special vouchers, to be obtained from Anderson, Anderson & Co., or their local Agents.
Third-class passengers are allowed 15 cubic feet each adult, free of freight; any children paying half fare, receive half this measurement. Additional fees will be charged for excess baggage at the rate of 1s. 6d. per cubic foot.
Every package must have the Passenger's name and destination distinctly painted, or otherwise permanently marked on it, and labeled with the Passenger's initial, and whether "Wanted on the Voyage," or "Not Wanted on the Voyage."
Labels bearing these directions also labels showing the port at which Baggage is to be landed will be supplied on application. All old labels and tags must be removed.
Access to Baggage marked "Wanted" can be obtained twice a week. Boxes for the Cabin should be marked "Cabin" and should not exceed 3 feet long, 1 foot 9 inches broad, and 1 foot 2 inches high.
One Package of this size can be taken in the Cabin by each Adult Passenger and will be reckoned in the allowance. Only the personal effects of the Passenger will be carried as Baggage, not merchandise or other property. Packages containing jeweler, plate and other valuables must be specially declared and registered before shipment, and freight paid thereon.
Passengers must assure themselves that all their Baggage, except hand packages, will reach the Tilbury Docks not later than the morning of the day previous to sailing. All charges must be prepaid in forwarding baggage (including delivery to Steamer at Tilbury), and Baggage labeled as follows:—
Passenger's Baggage Labeling Example. GGA Image ID # 11e94c94a8
Passengers forwarding Baggage from the country are advised to send it by Goods Train, paying the Railway Company in advance for free delivery alongside the Steamer. The Dock Company require payment of wharfage for receiving and shipping Baggage before shipment. This will be paid on behalf of the Passenger by Anderson, Anderson & Co. if so requested, and will be collected by the Purser on embarkation.
Passengers residing in London and the Suburbs can, by sending an order to the London Parcels Delivery Company, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.C., have their Baggage collected from their residences by that Company, and conveyed to and shipped on board the Steamer, charges to be prepaid covering cartage, wharfage, &c., as per schedule which will be sent on application.
For the convenience of Passengers, Baggage will also be received at the Orient-Royal Mail Line Office, 28, Cockspur Street, SW, not later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday previous to sailing from London, and carted thence to Steamer at Passenger's risk and expense.
Passengers embarking at Plymouth can ship their Baggage there if delivered at Millbay Pier by 1 p.m. on the day of embarkation. Passengers joining at Mediterranean Ports have the privilege of sending their heavy Baggage by the Steamers from England free of extra charge.
Bicycles, Tricycles, Children's Perambulators, and Mail Carts, or parts thereof (which must be crated or cased) sent down for shipment with Passenger's Baggage will be charged at the following rates, irrespective of weight:—
Baggage Size and Cost for Crated or Cased Objects/Luggage. GGA Image ID # 11e99475bb
The Line is not responsible for loss, damage, or detention of Baggage. Passengers should, therefore, look after its shipment here, and its landing at their destination.
Passengers may deposit their money and personal jewelry for safekeeping with the Purser, who will give a receipt for same. A charge of £1 per £100 value is made.
A View of Port Said. GGA Image ID # 11e9b424bf
Caution to Passengers.
Persons concerned in sending or bringing on board the Steamers any goods of a dangerous or damaging nature incur the penalties imposed by statute, besides being liable for all damages.
Passengers are especially cautioned against bringing Matches, Cartridges, Caustic Acids, or other dangerous articles in their Baggage.
A Scene from the City of Colombo. GGA Image ID # 11e9e754d8
Diet of Third-class Passengers
Per the requirements of the Merchant Shipping Act, a Scale of Provisions is inserted in the Contract Ticket, but in practice, a most liberal Bill of Fare is provided, Passengers being supplied from that place ad libitum.
The following indicates the range of dishes from which the daily Bills of Fare are compiled:—
- BREAKFAST 8 a.m.—Porridge with Milk, Fish, Chops, Steaks, Sausages, Irish Stew, Curried Meat with Rice, Cold Meats (including Ham), &c., &c. ; with Fresh Bread, Butter, Jam, Marmalade, Tea and Coffee.
- DINNER 1 p.m.—Soups, Broths, Fish, Roasted and Boiled Meats, Fresh Vegetables, Puddings (various), Stewed Fruits, etc. ; Bread, Biscuits, Cheese.
- TEA 5 p.m.—Cold Meats (various), with Pickles or Salads, Cakes, Scones, Buns, &c. ; Bread, Butter, Jam, Marmalade.
- SUPPER 8 p.m.—Bread, Butter, Biscuits, Cheese.
Lighter Food is provided for Women and Children when necessary.
Third Class Dining Room on the RMS Orontes. GGA Image ID # 11ea5136f9
The Food of Third-class Passengers is inspected daily by the Medical Officer of the Steamer, and the most exceptional care is taken in providing a dietary suited to the needs of the Passengers, having regard to age, state of health, and to the climatic conditions for the time being.
Table Linen, Bedding, and all other Table and Cabin Requisites are provided free of charge.
The sale of liquors on board is subject to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, and to the discretion of the Captain.
During a Large Part of the Voyage, the Weather Is so Fine That Meals Can Be Served on Deck. GGA Image ID # 11ea88b081
Letters, Telegrams, and Parcels
All letters, telegrams, or parcels sent to Passengers at ports of call should bear the Passenger's name and the class and name of Steamer in which he is traveling. It is recommended that an address be written on the flap of the envelope or parcel notifying where it may be forwarded to if it should miss the Steamer. Transit is sometimes delayed by snow and other causes. Insufficient stamping also occasions delay.
OUTWARD.—Letters for outward Passengers posted after the Steamer leaves Plymouth can only overtake the vessel at Marseilles or Naples and should be sent as follows: —
Addressing Outward Bound Letters. GGA Image ID # 11eaced5a8
Parcels.—Parcels must always be addressed to the care of the Commander, as if sent to the Agents they are liable to Customs Duty, and are invariably delayed. Parcels to Marseilles take four or five days in transit. Parcels for Naples may be posted at the GPO up to 5 p.m., or in the suburbs of London up to 11 a.m., on the Friday after the Steamer’s departure.
HOMEWARD.—Correspondence for homeward Passengers should be sent to the care of the Agents at the respective ports and senders should allow an ample margin of time to ensure not missing the Steamer in case she should arrive before her advertised date, or there should be any delay in transit.
CAUTION.—While every reasonable care will he exercised in dealing with Passengers' Letters, the Companies will not be responsible for non-delivery, loss, or delay.
Brochure Information
- Publication Date: June 1906
- Printers: Hudson & Kearns, Printers, London, S.E.
- Page: 8
- Photographs: 8
- Dimensions: 21.7 cm x 27.6 cm