Popular Tours to Europe - Beale Tours - WSL - 1928
Cover of 1928 Brochure, Popular Tours to Europe Arranged in Conjunction with the White Star Line Canadian Service and Beale Tours, Chicago. Includes Listing of Principal Offices (US and CA). GGA Image ID # 1d6293e62c
White Star Line Canadian Service. Informational brochure details several different European tours with Itineraries and Costs. Steamship Interior Photos included: Dining Room, Smoking Room, Ladies' Lounge, Dance Hall, Two-Berth Cabin with Settee, and Lounge, all from Tourist Third Class (Ship's Not Identified). Illustrations include the SS Laurentic (1927) and an advertisement with a photo of a European Standard Suitcase (27.5 x 14.5 x 8 inches).
On to Europe, 1928. Popular Tours to Europe Brochure, WSL Canadian Service. GGA Image ID # 1d62949ae5
DURING the past eighteen years, we have organized and directed European Tours and established a reputation of a service that is unexcelled. These tours have been of such a character that they have met the approval of the most exacting traveler. It is our purpose to continue along these well-established lines.
Since the great Atlantic Liners have developed a Tourist Third Cabin Travel, we have been continually solicited for tours of a more moderate cost. After duly considering these requests and fully recognizing the need for such, we have planned and arranged many attractive tours on different sailing dates, visiting the most exciting places in Europe and at a cost within reach of all people.
In the following pages (Omitted from this Page) are many itineraries covering different tours. These tours vary in length, and with many weekly sailing dates, one can find something that will fit in with his vacation plan and budget. However, should there be a tour not fit in every way, please give us an idea of where you would like to go and the length of time you wish to spend. We will cheerfully work out and submit a detailed itinerary along the lines of independent travel.
Due to the close personal contacts we have established all over Europe. We are in an enviable position to offer a line of hotels that will be far beyond one's expectations. In addition to this, our central office being for many years located in Paris, we are likewise in an unusual position to render, relatively speaking, as exemplary service on these moderately priced tours as on the more expensive ones. These two facts ensure the traveler the very maximum in travel.
Europe is where we can help and where you need the most help. Our Tour managers who travel with the parties look after all hotel accommodations, transportation, and sightseeing, baggage transfers, custom examinations so that nothing is left for one to do but fully enjoy his trip.
"BEALE TOURS" is quite prepared to make any tour you might select an inspiration for the finest culture, the most delightful rejuvenation, and the most extraordinary mental stimulus. All we offer this coming summer is possible only because we have been in operation for many years. We add to this our foreign experience and a reliable and highly cooperative organization.
Beale Tours to Europe Photos of Passenger Accommodations. Keen Appetites Are Well Satisfied in the Dining Room, Where You Dance in the Evening, a Comfortable Smoking Room, a Two-berth Cabin With Settee, an Inviting Lounge for the Ladies, and a Cozy Lounge. WSL Popular Tours to Europe 1928 Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1d62d19610
Beale Tours to Europe -- General Information
The Cost Includes:
I. Round Trip Ocean Passage. Cabin class travel on the Atlantic Ocean may be obtained by paying the actual difference in price, amounting to about §65 each way.
Accommodation in the popular Tourist Third Cabin is specially reserved for the party. Staterooms accommodate two to four persons and have running water, all comforts and conveniences.
Excellent food, entertainment, and an orchestra are provided during the voyage. The White Star Line introduced this new medium of transportation.
II. Transportation in Europe. First class on Channel, Lake, and River steamers, second class rail except in Great Britain where the third class is used, which corresponds with the second class on the Continent. These accommodations are used almost universally by American travelers.
III. Transfers from station or quay to the hotel and vice versa with baggage consisting of one suitcase or valise and handbag; porter's ice included.
IV. Hotel Accommodation at well-selected good medium hotels, three meals a day according to the country's customs and including all taxes and gratuities to hotel servants.
V. Sightseeing and Excursions by Motor-coach.
VI. Admission Fees to specified Museums, Galleries, and Monuments.
VII. Service of Tour Manager and guides.
I. Passport and Visés.
II. Steward's Fees on Atlantic steamers.
III. Purely Personal Expenses, such as laundry, baths, purchases, bottled waters, and independent trips not taken with the party.
IV. Railroad Fare to and from Sailing Port or hotel accommodations there.
Insurance of Baggage or Against Personal Injury. We act only as agents for the transportation companies and hotels and, while exercising the greatest possible care, cannot be held responsible for any baggage loss or personal injury. We, however, can arrange for Adequate Insurance at a Low Cost.
Responsibility—The organizers make the arrangements shown by this prospectus in their capacity as agents only. We adhere very closely to the itinerary, but it is sometimes necessary and in the interest of the party to make slight changes.
We do not accept any responsibility for delays or changes made imperative because of quarantines, wars, or failures of any kind by steamers or railways to comply with their published timetables.
In such cases, the increased or decreased cost will be reasonably pro-rated. On our part, we agree to conduct the party according to the itinerary, this being virtually the printed contract.
Travel Funds -It has been found that the most satisfactory way to carry funds is in the form of Travellers' Cheques. These have been in use in all parts of the world for many years and are universally recognized and accepted for purchases and in payment of bills. We recommend I.M.M. Co. cheques and can secure them for you at 50c for every $100.
Registration—A deposit of $25.00 secures membership in these personally conducted tours and should be forwarded to us at once. The balance of the cost of the trip is clue four weeks before sailing. The assignment of cabins is made in the order of application.
By sending us $25.00, a place is reserved for our party, and the best accommodation available is assigned to you. Suppose an applicant finds it necessary to withdraw after making the initial payment. In that case, such a deposit will be refunded in full.
Passports are obligatory. Complete information and application blanks will be mailed upon request. This detail must be closely adhered to, as no passenger at present is allowed to sail without a passport properly vised by the consuls of the countries to be visited.
To obtain a passport for an American citizen traveling to Europe, an application blank must be filled out and taken in person, and with a witness who has known the applicant for two years, to the clerk of the nearest Court, which has the power to naturalize aliens, or to a Passport Office.
This application form must be supplemented by a birth certificate and two 3x3 inches photograph printed on thin paper and signed across the top. You will then mail the completed and sworn application to the Passport Division, Department of State, Washington, DC and a postal money order for $10.
A married couple and minor children may travel on one passport. After the passport lias have been obtained front Washington, you must sign them before the consuls will visé same.
Promotional Material Includes International Mercantile Marine Company Travelers Checks, European Standard Suitcase, and Information and Photograph of the New White Star Liner Ss Laurentic in the Canadian Service. GGA Image ID # 1d6301bddd