Second Class Rates - Red Star Line - 1926
Brochure Cover, Red Star Line Second Class Rates. New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Antwerp and Antwerp-Boulogne-Southampton-New York. Published January 1926. GGA Image ID # 11ae2ea903
January 1926 brochure contained second-class rates for the Red Star Line steamships Belgenland and Lapland for routes between New York and Antwerp. It includes European Rail and Steamer Fares and interior and exterior photographs for both ships.
With the advent of the new 27,200 ton BELGENLAND, the Red Star Line has placed the most prominent and largest steamship in the Antwerp trade.
Antwerp has long been known as the “GATEWAY TO THE CONTINENT,” primarily due to its frequent and comfortable railroad facilities to every important city in Europe.
This large steamer is the last word in modern shipbuilding, and every possible consideration for the comfort and safety of passengers has been embodied in her structure.
New Triple-Screw Steamer SS Belgenland - 27,000 Tons. GGA Image ID # 11aea89078
The “BELGENLAND” has in her second class accommodations a large veranda cafe, elegant smoke room, well-equipped gymnasium, children’s playroom, an attractive lounge, and a library well stocked with a full assortment of books.
Every thought possible has been given to comfort and enjoyment, to assure the traveler in the second class of a pleasant voyage.
Together with the new mammoth “BELGENLAND,” is the ever-popular “LAPLAND,” whose reputation and popularity among travelers is well-known for its excellent service and unsurpassed cuisine.
The “LAPLAND’S” accommodations have been thoroughly reconditioned for the 1925 trade.
Associated with the “LAPLAND” and “BELGENLAND” in the New York-Antwerp weekly service, calling eastbound at Plymouth and Cherbourg, and westbound at Southampton and Cherbourg is the palatial one class steamer “PITTSBURGH” which is just entering in the New York-Antwerp run.
This steamer is the latest word in cabin-class carriers, affording the maximum traveler comfort at a minimum of cost.
The well known, “ZEELAND” will, of course, maintain her regular schedule in this service and too much can not be said of this ever-popular steamer.
Second Class Ocean Rates - Belgenland
Red Star Line Second Class Ocean Rates Available for Tickets Purchased in America and Subject to Change Without Notice for the SS Belgenland, 27,000 Tons. Passports were Required for Travel. Rates Effective January 1926. GGA Image ID # 11aeae4a74
Second Class Ocean Rates - Lapland
Red Star Line Second Class Ocean Rates Available for Tickets Purchased in America and Subject to Change Without Notice for the SS Lapland, 18,694 Tons. Passports were Required for Travel. Rates Effective January 1926. GGA Image ID # 11aed457ff
International Travelers Checks
These Checks are issued at the Company’s Principal Offices and Agencies in America and Europe and are available in all parts of America, Europe and throughout the world. Charge 1/2 of 1 per cent.
The checks are in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, and each check will be cashed at current buying rate for bankers’ checks on New York.
The convenient denominations in which they are issued, their world-wide availability, their easy, prompt and certain identification, and at the same time the unique provision which makes it impossible for anyone but the holder to cash them constitute their best advertisement.
Arrange for Your Travelers Checks at the Time of Booking Your Passage.
European Rail and Steamer Fares
European Rail and Steamer Fare Schedule Effective January 1926 to Be Used in Connection with Second Class Ocean Tickets. on Railroads in England and on North Sea Steamers, Half Fare Is Charged for Children 3 Years and Under 12 Years of Ages. Children Under 3 Years Are Free. GGA Image ID # 11af114281
General Information for Passengers in the Second Class
Conditions of Transportation
The attention of passengers is primarily directed to the terms of transportation as set forth in the steamer contract ticket:
Each adult second-class passenger is allowed twenty cubic feet of baggage free—excess will be charged at the rate of 60 cents per cubic foot.
All baggage must be plainly marked with the full name of Passenger and Steamer. Baggage tags furnished upon application.
Luggage must be claimed on Pier before embarking, otherwise it may remain there at passenger’s risk. Trunks or packages for Staterooms should not exceed 13 inches in height, 2 feet in width and 3 feet, 6 inches in length.
Passengers should limit the articles on their persons or in their baggage to necessary wearing apparel and toilet articles. All other effects, such as merchandise, household goods, books, linen, and silver, should be forwarded as freight.
This is a most Important Rule and must not be disregarded.
It is requested that passengers send their baggage to the Pier the day before sailing.
The Company’s liability for baggage is strictly limited, and it is strongly recommended that passengers insure their luggage whenever practicable, as, in the event of loss or damage to baggage, the Company cannot under any circumstances accept any liability beyond the amount specified on the steamer contract ticket.
Bicycles must be crated and will be carried only at the owner’s risk. The charge from the port of embarkation to the port of debarkation is $5.00 each.
Motorcycles must be crated and are carried at owner’s risk. The charge for transportation to the port of debarkation is $25.00.
Dogs, Cats, Monkeys—The charge for transporting Dogs is $20.00 each and upwards. Rates for Cats and Monkeys, $5.00 each. Birds, etc., $5.00 for each cage.
These charges do not include the customary Butcher’s fee. Dogs, Cats, and Monkeys must be caged before being brought upon the steamer and will then be placed in charge of the Butcher.
Dogs to be landed in England require a special license from the Secretary of Agriculture in London. Without such a permit, they will not be received on board ship. Particulars on application.
Moving Picture Films are prohibited from being carried as passengers’ baggage and can only be accepted for carriage by special arrangement as freight on a Bill of Lading. Freight rates will be quoted on application.
Valuables—The Red Star Line has provided a safe in the office of the Purser, in which passengers may deposit money, jewels or ornaments, for safekeeping. The Company will not be liable to passengers for the loss of money, jewels or ornaments by theft or otherwise not so deposited.
Surgeon—Each steamer carries an experienced Surgeon who is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
Stewardesses also are carried to attend ladies and children.
Reservation of Berths—Berths can be secured in advance on payment of $30.00 per adult. Balances are payable three weeks before sailing.
PASSPORTS—Subject to Change
All passengers regardless of nationality, must provide themselves with a passport of their respective countries. Citizens of the United States should apply to a clerk of a Federal or State Court having authority to naturalize aliens; in New York City, an application should be made to the Passport Agency, Room 141, Customs House, Bowling Green.
Bearers of U. S. passports must obtain the visa of a Consular Officer of the first country to which they intend to proceed, before departing from the United States. While they should acquire the visas of the different consuls in the United States of all the countries they intend to visit, such visas may be obtained abroad.
Citizens not subjects of the country to which they are proceeding must first obtain a visa of their respective consuls.
FOR GREAT BRITAIN: United States citizens and subjects of foreign countries, except those from France, Belgium, Spain, and Luxemburg, must secure the visa of the British Passport Control Office, 44 Whitehall Street, New York City, or from British Consul nearest to passenger’s place of residence.
British subjects desiring to travel direct to the United Kingdom do not require a British visa before leaving the U. S. A. provided that they are the bearers of valid British passports.
FOR FRANCE: Either direct or via England.
All passengers except those Who are subjects of France, Great Britain, Canada, Belgium, Cuba, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Luxemburg, must obtain visas from the French Consulate General, New York address, Pier 57, North River, Foot of West 15th Street.
FOR ITALY: From nearest Italian Consul—New York address, 20 East 22nd Street.
FOR GIBRALTAR: Visa must be obtained from the British Passport Office, 44 Whitehall Street, New York City, and application should be made at 1 east two weeks before the sailing date.
FOR GERMANY: Visa must be obtained from nearest German Consul; New York address, 42 Broadway.
U. S. CITIZENS do not require visas for BELGIUM or SWITZERLAND nor for passing through Holland if remaining there not more than one week.
Some Interior Views of the Steamship Belgenland
Children's Play Room on the Belgenland. GGA Image ID # 11af761027
The Gymnasium on the Belgenland. GGA Image ID # 11afdfe047
A Cozy Nook in the Smoking Room on the Belgenland. GGA Image ID # 11affc5696
A Verandah Café on the Belgenland. GGA Image ID # 11b009b474
A Corner of the Second Class Lounge on the Belgenland. GGA Image ID # 11b06c62a1
The Steamship Lapland and a Few Interior Views
The Red Star Line Steamship SS Lapland. GGA Image ID # 11b087d0da
Second Class Smoking Room -- SS Lapland. GGA Image ID # 11b0c2765b
Second Class Lounge -- SS Lapland. GGA Image ID # 11b15735e5