New York to Norway - Norwegian America Line - 1915
Front Cover of 1915 Brochure from the Norwegian America Line Created by their New York Office. GGA Image ID # 1224c502a1
An 18-Panel Brochure from the Norwegian America Line, developed by their New York office to promote tourism to Norway, profusely illustrated with many photographs of the ships and accommodations for first, second, and third-class passengers.
THE NORWEGIAN AMERICA LINE maintains regular sailings between New York and the principal ports of Norway—Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand, and Kristiania (Oslo) by fast, modern passenger steamers.
On the May and June sailings eastbound and August, September and October sailings westbound the steamers carry first, second and third-class passengers.
On sailings, during the balance of the year, the first and second class are combined into one class, designated "CABIN," attractive to patrons desiring comfortable accommodations at a moderate cost.
Passengers booking to Kristiania or beyond havè the option on arrival at Bergen (first port of call) to travel by the beautiful scenic Bergen-Kristiania Railway (tickets available for tourists for three months and trains leave morning and evening, arriving at Kristiana in 14 hours,—evening trains carry comfortable sleepers) or by the Line's steamers via coast route, mostly in the smooth waterway between the mainland and the innumerable islands of the "Skjærgaard," with interesting brief stops at Stavanger and Kristiansand.
The trip up the "Kristianiafjord" to Kristiania is renowned for its delightful scenery.
Travelers intending to take the fascinating "Fjord Trips," "North Cape" or "Spitzbergen" Cruises will find convenient connections at Bergen. Steamers leave Bergen daily for the "Fjords" and trips can be made in two to six days according to the selection of itinerary.
The "North Cape" cruises take about two weeks and the sailings are arranged by the "Bergenske Dampskibsselskabs" splendid cruising steamer "Irma" for June and July.
Trains leave Kristiania daily for Sweden, Denmark, and Germany (to Germany via Trelleborg-Sassnitz or via Gjedser-Warnemünde).
Steamer service is also maintained between Bergen and Hamburg direct, and passengers booked to Hamburg by Norwegian America Line steamers, who wish to connect with this service are furnished transportation and allowed transfer and hotel expenses at the Line's hotel in Bergen while waiting for connecting steamship.
The dining rooms are furnished with small tables, and patrons are assured of unrivaled cuisine and efficient service.
Wide promenades and attractive verandahs contribute in no small measure to passengers' comfort.
THE FIRST AND SECOND CLASS lounges, smoking rooms, reading, and writing rooms are spacious, artistically decorated and handsomely appointed.
THE CABINS DELUXE, located on the promenade deck, comprises sitting room, bedroom, and private bath, and all staterooms are spacious, well lighted and perfectly ventilated.
THE THIRD CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS—lining rooms, ladies' rooms, smoking rooms, staterooms, and bathrooms are equipped with modern innovations for comfort and convenience and are deservedly popular.
Deck entertainments and motion pictures are provided during the voyage.
Further information respecting sailings, rates, booklets, etc., will be gladly furnished on application to the General Agencies or to the local agents.
SS Stavangerfjord of the Norwegian America Line. GGA Image ID # 1e2c2e28c9
First Class Writing Room. GGA Image ID # 1224d73157
First Class Smoking Room. GGA Image ID # 1224e7ee17
View of the Harbor and City of Bergen, Norway. GGA Image ID # 1224f6769d
First Class Dining Room. GGA Image ID # 1224fd134a
First Class Upper Promenade Deck. GGA Image ID # 1225435a3a
Left to Right: Cabin Deluxe Sitting Room, First Class Stateroom, and Cabin Deluxe Bedroom. GGA Image ID # 1225b7f0d0
View of Stavanger Harbor with Norwegian America Line Steamship in Port. GGA Image ID # 1225bfb3e3
Top: Second Class Dining Room. Bottom: Second Class Music Room. GGA Image ID # 1225cfea39
View of the Harbor at Kristiansand. Note the Ships Docked at the Pier in the Lower Right. GGA Image ID # 1225da59e1
Top: Second Class Ladies' Sitting Room. Bottom: Second Class Smoking Room. GGA Image ID # 1225f0b452
Photo Collage of NAL Ship Accommodations (Left to Right, Top to Bottom). Top Row: Second Class Library and Writing Room, Third Class Four-Berth Stateroom, Third Class Dining Room, and Third Class Promenade Deck. Middle Row: Second Class Promenade Deck, Third Class Ladies' Sitting Room, Third Class Smoking Room, and Third Class Two-Berth Stateroom. Bottom Row: North Cape, Drammen's Veien in Oslo, Carl Johan's Gate in Oslo, and Oksö Fyr in Kristiansand. GGA Image ID # 122638892b
Top to Bottom: First Class Music Room, Second Class Stateroom, Second Class Music Room, and First Class Ladies' Sitting Room. GGA Image ID # 12264100e9
The SS Bergensfjord of the Norwegian America Line. GGA Image ID # 122647546c