SS Bremen - North German Lloyd - 1929
Front Cover, Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen Brochure for the SS Bremen. Form 275, Printed in the USA 25 October 1929. GGA Image ID # 11b57ad966
Absolutely superb brochure from North German Lloyd on the SS Bremen with many photographs documenting the ship and the accommodations afforded each class - First, Second, Tourist Third Cabin, and Third Class.
Wegweiser Guideboard to the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b5d9ecf0
At all principal intersections of this new City of the Sea are these guides. You press the button for your desired destination, and the shortest route from where you stand emerges in a clear electric line.
No liner in modern times has so caught the imagination of the public by its thrilling accomplishment. Already she has become a legend and a classic. Her name gleams like a new planet in newspapers and private conversations.
When she entered New York harbor after her first record-breaking trip, she found the city making her coming a public affair.
Her unsurpassed speed created the initial wonder,- but just as wonderful were the reports of her luxurious appointments, the marvels of her engineering, and the gaiety of her distinguished shipboard life.
Her lustre is secure,- and in this modern world where the race is to the swift and the triumph to the beautiful, she will continue to win new laurels and new glory as her rapidly rising list of passengers increases.
SS Bremen First Class Dining Room. GGA Image ID # 11b60efe00
The dining-room combines both spaciousness and refinement. There is the intimacy of meal time and also a background of pure beauty. The lounge offers a fine relaxation.
Corner of the First Class Lounge. GGA Image ID # 11b69df35d
SS Bremen First Class Ballroom. GGA Image ID # 11b6b9e750
In the afternoon there are music and the movies, in the evening the ballroom is brilliant with music and dancing. There are two bars - American and Continental.
A Corner of the First Class Smoking Room. GGA Image ID # 11b7175ffc
Another Corner of the First Class Smoking Room. GGA Image ID # 11b7965da3
SS Bremen First Class Staircase. GGA Image ID # 11b7b7e6a8
First Class Lobby on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b7ba74ca
SS Bremen Palm Garden. GGA Image ID # 11b7c5a5f2
There is every accommodation of the most fashionable hotel joined to the romance of travel. The palm garden is a bower of seclusion. Children may frolic in the playroom. A bowling alley offers its sport, the rifle range another.
A Corner of the First Class Library on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b7e407a1
The First Class Children's Playroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b8126b68
The Shopping Promenade on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b86aa58e
The Bowling Alley on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b8eea41b
A View of the Corner of a Restaurant on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b93b16e6
There is every modern device of comfort in the luxurious staterooms, and the grace of the new art. The sun deck restaurant has a fine discretion of beauty. The suites deluxe are complete as the modern home.
First Class Deluxe Suite Sitting Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b93bc996
Deluxe Suite in First Class of the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11b9c346df
Typical Sitting Room of a First Class Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11ba2f61ba
Typical First Class Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bb2fe909
A Corner of the Second Class Lounge on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bb3aceef
The appointments for Second Class offer a beauty and comfort found usually only in First Class.. A lounge could hardly look more inviting,- and the dining-room is like a famous café.
Section of the Second Class Dining Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bb49a9d2
Corner of the Second Class Smoking Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bb83dda9
Here is a verandah where you may laze or dream. The commodious smoking-room gives every chance for cards or gay conversations; or a letter home telling what a good time you re having.
View of the Second Class Verandah on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bb84dfbb
Second Class Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bc01841f
The children will love the small chairs and the pictures on the walls. The grown-ups will feel quite at home in such fine surroundings. The ladies lounge is a place of deep seclusion.
A Corner of the Second Class Ladies' Lounge on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bc2cd379
A Corner of the Second Class Smoking Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bc5aecb4
SS Bremen Second Class Children's Playroom. GGA Image ID # 11bc862725
Second Class Two-Berth Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bc90494a
SS Bremen Tourist Third Class Smoking Room. GGA Image ID # 11bce5b556
Tourist Third Cabin, — the arts, professions, business, - will especially appreciate the small tables, the opportunities to be as exclusive as you please. They will especially like the refinement of the service.
A Section of the Tourist Third Class Dining Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bda1e6d8
SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin Stateroom. GGA Image ID # 11be14a9ef
Tourist Third Cabin holds people of taste and refinement. They will be quick to appreciate the immaculate cabins, the restful and spacious ladies lounge, the quiet writing room.
Tourist Third Cabin Ladies' Lounge on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11be203554
Another View of the Tourist Third Cabin Ladies' Lounge on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11be6413de
Tourist Third Cabin Writing Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bedbd71d
Tourist Third Cabin Four-Berth Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bf8aa305
Third Class Smoking Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bfe40a6c
Third Claus on the BREMEN will be a new name (or comfort. The dining-room and smoking-room have the appointments of a good hotel. The series of small tables is especially notable.
Third Class Dining Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bfef320b
Third Class Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bff72972
Travelers are notoriously hard to amuse and please. In these heart-warming accommodations there can be no word of complaint, but rather only praise and wonder.
Third Class Smoking Room on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11bfff3bc5
Third Class Social Hall on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11c0001af0
View of the Piano in the Third Class Social Hall on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11c000fc09
Third Class Four-Berth Stateroom on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11c00242a1
The SS Bremen Docked at Bremerhaven, Germany. GGA Image ID # 11c00d670d
A Section of the Tourist Third Cabin Deck on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11c0471fee
A Section of the Second Class Deck on the SS Bremen. GGA Image ID # 11c055d412
The decks are so broad that they will allow two ranks of chairs, and plenty of room for those who wish to promenade. Here the travelers may lie at ease, or find serene health in sea-air.
"Spaciousness" is a new word to apply to Tourist Third Cabin decks; but here it is true. The BREMEN is especially remarkable for its garage, five-decks deep, for automobiles, where they are taken care of by expert mechanics.
There is no need of crating. The liner is unique in its lines and general appearance, and gives a thrill to the most jaded traveler. The BREMEN is a new thrill in a world hard to thrill. She has a romance as well as complete comfort, — that perfect combination.
Back Cover of the SS Bremen Brochure from Nordeutscher Lloyd Bremen Showing the Ship at Sea. GGA Image ID # 11c05dd3b2
Brochure Information
- Publication Date: 25 October 1929
- Publication Number: Form 275
- Published: Printed in the USA
- Pages: 28
- Dimensions: 23 cm x 28.6 cm
- Binding: Staples and String