The Steamship Leviathan - United States Lines - 1923

Front Cover of 1923 Brochure Introducing the Flagship of the United States Lines, the Incomparable Steamship Leviathan.

Front Cover of 1923 Brochure Introducing the Flagship of the United States Lines, the Incomparable Steamship Leviathan. GGA Image ID # 121d257512


This 1923 Brochure captures the grand elegance and beauty of the World's Largest Steamship - the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines. The large photographs will allow you to envision the incredible luxury found on this very popular ocean liner.

Troop Transport to Luxury Liner

Beginning with the history of the Leviathan as a WWI troop carrier, the post-war refitting of the ex-Vaterland to its initial configuration as a steamship of the United States Lines in 1923 used on the New York to Southampton via Cherbourg route.


The SS Leviathan as a Troop Transport.

The SS Leviathan as a Troop Transport. GGA Image ID # 121d32958a


As a transport ship during the World War, the Leviathan carried thousands of American troops abroad. Originally designed to carry 3,400 passengers, provision was made when the steamship came into war service, for 12,000 soldiers. The photograph above was taken with nearly 13,000 troops aboard — the highest number ever carried by any ship.

Time and again the Leviathan crossed the Atlantic through minefields and areas infested with submarines. Not once did the enemy harm her or her precious cargo of American soldiers.

Probably there is no ship in the world which rendered more valuable service to our country or occupied so high a place in the esteem of the American people.

To the thousands of "doughboys" who stood on her decks and watched the homeland fade into the horizon; she is more than a mighty ship. She seems to be imbued with life itself. And to the thousands who came back on the Leviathan, each throb of her mighty engines sang a song of victory and rejoicing.

In short, work well done has earned the appellation: "the greatest ship in the world

The Largest Ship in the World

The LEVIATHAN gross registered tonnage 59,956.65

The first sailing of the SS Leviathan as a passenger liner under the American flag marks an epoch in the history of the American Merchant Marine; for the Leviathan is the largest, most famous and most luxurious ship in the world.

For months thousands of American workmen, engineers, and architects have been at work converting the Leviathan from the greatest of all transports to the greatest of all passenger ships. With the completion of the work, it becomes apparent that in equipment, in the elegance of appointments, and beauty of decoration, as in immensity, this ship is unexcelled.

Her gross registered tonnage is 59,956.65. From stem to stern, the Leviathan measures 950 feet. Her height from smoke-stack to the keel is 184 feet. Monster engines drive the large ship through the water at a rate of more than 23 knots an hour.

The new-born American Merchant Marine has made prodigious strides within the few years since the late war. In particular, the excellence of United States Lines' ships from New York to Europe and the perfection of service which has been developed by the experienced steamship men in charge of them, have made American ships enormously popular.

But it was the loyal support of the traveling public that made it possible for these men to develop this high excellence of service. And now the Leviathan comes as the supreme and matchless symbol of this new triumph of the American people.

The Leviathan, operated by the United States Lines, will sail from New York to Southampton via Cherbourg.


The Lobby to the Main Saloon on "B" Deck.

The Lobby to the Main Saloon on "B" Deck. GGA Image ID # 121dfcddd7


Two views are here given of the lobby to the Leviathan's main saloon. These spacious corridors, in their simplicity of design and coloring, are a notable feature of this, the most beautiful of all ocean liners.

The walls and woodwork are painted a soft cream. In decoration, the lobby is Louis XVI in character. The carpets are specially woven after old models and ideally in accord with the general scheme.

The architects, who were commissioned to rebuild and redecorate the interior of the ship, have avoided successfully that tendency toward the over-ornate which has been a characteristic of marine interiors. Here is no dense atmosphere, but on the contrary, a triumph of vast spaciousness, flowing line and vista, of quiet elegance and beauty.


Another View of the Lobby on "B" Deck. Note the Great Height and Spaciousness.

Another View of the Lobby on "B" Deck. Note the Great Height and Spaciousness. GGA Image ID # 121e36d10d


View of the Main Dining Saloon.

View of the Main Dining Saloon. GGA Image ID # 121e3b4fec


The photographic impression above is of the main dining saloon. Here again, simplicity, coupled with elegance, is the key-note.

The graceful Grecian columns with their darker capitals are topped by arches of unusual beauty. The magnificent painted dome, surrounded by lights which shed a soft flood of radiance, is a masterpiece of mural decoration.

Here is a setting worthy of the rich abundance of food prepared under the direction of world-famous chefs. The cuisine on United States Lines' ships is known to travelers all over the wor

If it can be said any part of this greatest of steamships is more artistic or more majestically beautiful than any other, the dining saloon probably would be the room selected.

Ritz-Carlton Room, Library and Winter Garden

Large-format photographs taken on board the steamship Leviathan in 1923 showing views of passengers in the Ritz-Carlton Restaurant and Room, The First Class Library and the beautiful Winter Garden.


The Ritz-Carlton Restaurant Is Superbly Elegant, Rich, and Formal.

The Ritz-Carlton Restaurant Is Superbly Elegant, Rich, and Formal. In Every Line, It Represents a Masterpiece of Artistic Decoration. GGA Image ID # 121e51df02


The Ritz-Carlton Room.

The Ritz-Carlton Room. GGA Image ID # 121e8ac3c5


THE Ritz-Carlton Restaurant, finished in the style of the Empire, is a feature of exceptional decorative interest.

All the woodwork is of mahogany, exquisitely carved. The ornaments, of cut metal in a dull, old gold finish, the frescoed ceiling, the chair coverings in a plum color and old gold, the perfectly matched carpets, all combine to give an atmosphere of the most luxurious beauty.

Below is shown a view of the library, an Adam room, perfectly designed to add to the pleasures of reading. The walls and ceilings, with their exquisite designs, are of soft gray-green. The carpet was specially woven after a famous Adam design. The colors throughout the room are in soft grays, blues, and greens.


The Library. the Color Scheme Lends a Restful, Pleasant Atmosphere to the Room.

The Library. The Color Scheme Lends a Restful, Pleasant Atmosphere to the Room. GGA Image ID # 121efec7ea


The Winter Garden.

The Winter Garden. GGA Image ID # 121f03a22e


Against a background of warm putty color, the clustered blossoms and graceful palms in this room provide an almost tropical charm. Soaring columns with gold capitals, chairs, and tables painted to blend with the walls, green latticework, and curtains of gold and black, complete and perfect the decoration of this room which is in truth a garden fit either for winter or summer. Here again, the airiness and spaciousness of Leviathan interiors are apparent. And the absence of expensive lousy taste is notable.

Were it not for the tang of the salty air and the ready accessibility of the broad decks, one would not suppose oneself to be on a ship at all. The interior of the Leviathan is like that of the most luxurious home.


A Corner of the Winter Garden, with the Ritz Restaurant in the Background.

A Corner of the Winter Garden, with the Ritz Restaurant in the Background. GGA Image ID # 121f3de8d3


The Social Hall, Tea Room, and Smoking Room

Exquisite large photographs captured the superb elegance of the very popular Social Hal, the charming Tea-Room and the great steamship gathering place called the Smoking Room.


The Social Hall.

The Social Hall. GGA Image ID # 121f74b83e


This is a Louis XIV room with magnificent French Oak paneling. It is shown here in its winter dress with curtains of vibrant red, copied from an old French damask of the Louis XIV period.

Like all the other rooms of the Leviathan, this one has decorations for both winter and summer. The summer curtains will be of the hand-blocked linen with bouquets taken from a famous Van Hueysen flower painting.

There is also a magnificent lacquered screen, especially painted by Robert W. Chandler. The carpets were specially woven and copied from some of the most famous Persian rugs.

This room is also distinguished by four outstanding decorative pictures, which are in keeping with the spirit of the room and add significantly to its beauty.


A Corner of the Social Hall. Note the Grace and Beauty of the Old French Panelling.

A Corner of the Social Hall. Note the Grace and Beauty of the Old French Panelling. GGA Image ID # 121fd07042


The Leviathan's Charming Tea-Room.

The Leviathan's Charming Tea-Room. Queen Anne in Character with Old English Color Prints by Morland and Other Celebrated Artists. GGA Image ID # 12200407cd


A View of the Smoking Room Showing the Fireplace.

A View of the Smoking Room Showing the Fireplace. This Is an Early English Room of English Oak, Light and Cheerful in Color. GGA Image ID # 12205a5bfa


A Painting of the Great Leviathan as Size Will Appear as a Passenger Ship Under the American Flag.

A Painting of the Great Leviathan as Size Will Appear as a Passenger Ship Under the American Flag. GGA Image ID # 12205cc473


A Corner of the Smoking Room for a Pleasant Chat.

A Corner of the Smoking Room for a Pleasant Chat. The Chairs Are Leather and Tapestry Covered. GGA Image ID # 1220864095


First Class Staterooms and Suites

Large-format photographs provide views of the opulence of the Suites and Staterooms onboard the luxury liner Leviathan. Passengers are shown in various rooms that comprise the large suites including the Sitting Room and Breakfast Room.

The Rooms of the Leviathan Are of Varied but Unfailing Charm.

The Rooms of the Leviathan Are of Varied but Unfailing Charm. The Walls Here Are Light Gray with Light Tan Curtains. GGA Image ID # 1e205b5c2b


A Bedroom of a Suite.

A Bedroom of a Suite. The Walls Are a Very Light Tan, the Carpet Black and Tan, the Furniture Covering and Bedspreads a Gay Green. GGA Image ID # 1220b8eb49


A Corner of a Suite. This Room Is Beautifully Done in Corn Color and Mulberry.

A Corner of a Suite. This Room Is Beautifully Done in Corn Color and Mulberry. GGA Image ID # 1220be7596


The Sitting Room of a Suite.

The Sitting Room of a Suite. Blue Hangings and Blue Coverings on the Satin Wood Furniture Are Charming Against Corn Colored Walls. GGA Image ID # 1220dd59f5


Breakfast Room of One of the Premier Suites —Delightful for an Informal Morning Meal.

Breakfast Room of One of the Premier Suites —Delightful for an Informal Morning Meal. GGA Image ID # 1220fbaf1d


First Class Passengers

Experience the first-class luxuries of this grand ocean liner, Leviathan, in its Suites and Staterooms. These photographs include several women passengers in the latest fashions from the 1920s.


A Typical Stateroom with Fireplace.

A Typical Stateroom with Fireplace. Nothing Could Be More Charming Than This Room with Soft Gray Walls, Pomegranate Curtains and Bedspreads, Black and Beige Carpet. GGA Image ID # 1221421c4c


Bedroom of a Suite.

Bedroom of a Suite. The Color Scheme Is Nile Green, Gray, and Black. The Pictures Are 18th Century Color Prints. GGA Image ID # 1221b0e734


A Stateroom with Adjoining Bath.

A Stateroom with Adjoining Bath. Note the Spaciousness and Attractiveness of These Rooms. GGA Image ID # 1222207863


No Detail Either of Convenience or Beauty Is Lacking in the Rooms of the Leviathan.

No Detail Either of Convenience or Beauty Is Lacking in the Rooms of the Leviathan. GGA Image ID # 1222219fed


A Typical Stateroom with Bath.

A Typical Stateroom with Bath. The Walls Are Panelled in Mahogany of a Light Brown Hepplewhite Color. GGA Image ID # 12222429b0


Views of Second Class

Facts about the Leviathan and Other Ships

The second class accommodations of the Leviathan were the choice of many middle and upper-middle-class passengers in 1923. Below are photographs of the Social Hall and Lobby encountered by the Second Class passengers. There are also facts and information on the steamship Leviathan and a listing of other ships of the United States Lines.

Both Luxury and Comfort in This Stately Social Hall.

The Passenger Who Elects to Travel Second Class on the Leviathan Will Discover Both Luxury and Comfort in This Stately Social Hall. GGA Image ID # 1222877d59


Second Class Lobby

In the Second Class Lobby Is the Same Majestic Beauty, the Same Stately Elegance That Characterizes the Rooms for First Class Passengers. GGA Image ID # 1222b17326


GLANCE at the preceding illustrations must convince anyone that the Leviathan is the most beautiful ship in the world. One reason for this lies in the fact that the re-building of the Leviathan's interior and its re-decoration has been from the beginning under one direction.

Realizing that the short-comings of many ships are due to the divided effort in this respect, Messrs. Gibbs Bros., who had charge of the reconditioning, early engaged Messrs. Walker and Gillette, already distinguished as marine architects, to oversee and direct the entire work.

Under their direction, the carpets were woven, the furniture, silverware, and china designed, the pictures and objets d'art chosen. There the infinite variety of the Leviathan's interiors have been made possible without the sacrifice of harmony in the whole.

Something of the immensity of this task may be imagined when it is known that 20,000 square yards of carpet are used on the Leviathan and, also, 3,000 square yards of Oriental rugs.

The length of this magnificent ship is 950 feet, 7 inches overall. She measures 100 feet in breadth. Her gross registered tonnage is 59,956.65.

As reconditioned the Leviathan will accommodate a total of 3,402 passengers — 976 first-class, 548 second-class and 1,878 third-class.

The Leviathan has been converted into an oil-burner with quadruple screw turbine engines, which develop an average horsepower of 66,000 but are capable of generating 100,000.

The entire electrical equipment of the ship has been renewed. This equipment includes 15,000 electric lamps and 500 miles of electric wiring. The whole steamship may literally be operated by the touch of a button. There are 600 telephones aboard.

The safety equipment Of the Leviathan is among the finest known. This equipment also was renewed and brought up-to-date when the ship was re-conditioned. The vessel carries 76 life-boats with a carrying capacity for 4,750 persons.

Other Ships of the United States Lines

between New York, Plymouth, Cherbourg, and Bremen with connections for Danzig

First Class Ships

Gross Registered length, feet, tonnage.

  • George Washington 722 23,788
  • President Harding 535 14,127
  • President Roosevelt 535 14,127

Cabin Ships

  • America 687 21,144
  • President Fillmore 525 9,699
  • President Arthur 545 10,421

between New York, Cobh (Queenstown), Plymouth, Cherbourg, and London

Cabin Ships

  • President Polk 522 10,513
  • President Van Buren 522 10,533
  • President Garfield 522 10,533
  • President Monroe 522 10,533
  • President Adams 522 10,533

Being Reconditioned

  • President Buchanan 615 18,400
  • Agamemnon 706 19,503
  • Mount Vernon 706 19,503

Brochure Information

  • Date of Publication: Undated but believed to be 1923
  • Number of Pages: 32 (Paginated)
  • Dimensions: 20.5 x 26.4 cm
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