Cunard Line RMS Aquitania Comparisons - 1914


Front Cover, Comparisons - RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Steam Ship Company, Limited.

Front Cover, Comparisons - RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Steam Ship Company, Limited. Published in 1914. GGA Image ID # 117201c028


The RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line made her maiden voyage from Liverpool on 30 May 1914. This brochure was one of many published in 1914 to exalt the size of the ship and accommodations available. Many comparisons were made with well-known US structures of that era.

COMPARISONS are not always odious. Those which appeal to us through sight are frequently the most effective means or conveying information, useful and interesting.

In the following pages will be found pictures of well-known places, buildings, etc., compared with the Aquitania. What can convey the immensity of the largest passenger steamers to the mind better than the picture story of a train like the Twentieth Century upon the deck of the Aquitania alongside of her four funnels?


The RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line.

The RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line. GGA Image ID # 11729f623d


For the time being this beautiful steamer (she has been christened “The Ship Beautiful”) is the longest, the broadest, and the deepest British ship afloat. She is 901 feet long, 97 feet wide, and 92 1/2 feet deep. Her gross tonnage is 46,000.

The Public Rooms include a Restaurant, Grill Room, Drawing Room, Smoke Room, Lounge or Ball Room, Garden Lounges, Historical Gallery of Art, Swimming Bath and Gymnasium. Her designed speed is 23 knots, but she has exceeded 24 1/4 knots in actual service.

When fully booked she carries 876 saloon passengers, 594 cabin and 1,700 third class, making a total complement, including the crew of 1,000, of 4,170 people.

She has 21 boilers, each weighing 200 tons, and 168 furnaces. The four funnels measure 22 by 15 feet and reach a height of 164 feet from the bottom of the ship, or 151 feet from the fire grates. There are two motor lifeboats fitted with wireless telegraphy apparatus.

The propellers make 175 revolutions per minute. The electric plant is sufficient to light a town of 200,000 inhabitants and run the car service.


A Subway Train, New York City, Could Pass Through One of the Funnels of the Aquitania.

A Subway Train, New York City, Could Pass Through One of the Funnels of the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 1172ac4297


How the Funnels of the RMS Aquitania Would Tower Above the Top of Niagara Falls

How the Funnels of the RMS Aquitania Would Tower Above the Top of Niagara Falls, If the Ship Were Placed at the Foot of the Falls. GGA Image ID # 1172aed18b


Three of the Largest Municipal Ferries in the World, Placed Across the Length of the Aquitania.

Three of the Largest Municipal Ferries in the World, Placed Across the Length of the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 1172d37b59


If the RMS Aquitania Were Placed on the Street Car Lines in Copley Square, Boston, Massachusetts.

If the RMS Aquitania Were Placed on the Street Car Lines in Copley Square, Boston, Massachusetts. GGA Image ID # 1173cac4cd


A Comparison of the RMS Aquitania, Length 901 Feet, and the Tallest Building the World

A Comparison of the RMS Aquitania, Length 901 Feet, and the Tallest Building the World, the Woolworth Building, Height 750 Feet. GGA Image ID # 1173d2293c


Notable Erections Compared with the Aquitania. Washington Monument, Woolworth Building, Metropolitan Tower, Eiffel Tower, Santo Campanile, Statue of Liberty, and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Notable Erections Compared with the Aquitania. Washington Monument, 555 ft. RMS Aquitania, 901 ft. Woolworth Building, 750 ft. Metropolitan Tower, 700 ft. Eiffel Tower, 985 ft. Santo Campanile, 325 ft. Statue of Liberty, 305 ft. St. Paul's Cathedral, 405 ft. GGA Image ID # 1174504133


The White House in Washington DC, and the Aquitania.

The White House in Washington DC, and the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 1174b3419d


The RMS Aquitania Placed Against Chicago's Waterfront.

The RMS Aquitania Placed Against Chicago's Waterfront. The Blackstone Hotel on the Left, and, Auditorium Hotel & Annex in the Center-Right. GGA Image ID # 1174b9ebf9


The RMS Aquitania Passing the Skyscrapers of New York City.

The RMS Aquitania Passing the Skyscrapers of New York City. Left to Right: Municipal Building, Woolworth Building, Hudson Terminal, Singer Tower, Bakers Trust Building, Adam's Express Building, Site of the New Cunard Line Building, Whitehall Building, and the Present Office of the Cunard Line. GGA Image ID # 11751eea45


The Metropolitan Tower, New York City, in the Hull of the Aquitania

The Metropolitan Tower, New York City, in the Hull of the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 117521d061


The Washington Monument Could be Placed Inside the Aquitania

The Washington Monument Could be Placed Inside the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 11757294c8


If the Statue of Liberty Were Three Times Its Present Height, It Would Go Inside the Aquitania.

If the Statue of Liberty Were Three Times Its Present Height, It Would Go Inside the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 11758fca3b


Showing the Relative Dimensions of the T. Eaton & Co., Ltd. Department Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Showing the Relative Dimensions of the T. Eaton & Co., Ltd. Department Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Largest Store in Canada, West of the Great Lakes, and the R. M. S. Aquitania. It Will Be Seen That Even If Good Fortune Still Continues to Smile upon This Great Firm It Must More Than Double Its Present Size to Rival the Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 117598a563


An Eight-Car Train with Locomotive and Tender Could Be Placed on the Upper Deck of the Aquitania

An Eight-Car Train with Locomotive and Tender Could Be Placed on the Upper Deck of the Aquitania Alongside the Four Funnels. GGA Image ID # 11759a0dec


The Stateroom on the Britannia in Which Charles Dickens Crossed the Atlantic During January 1842.

The Stateroom on the Britannia in Which Charles Dickens Crossed the Atlantic During January 1842. GGA Image ID # 1175a1dd70


A Comparable Stateroom on the RMS Aquitania in Which Mr. Dickens Might Cross Today.

A Comparable Stateroom on the RMS Aquitania in Which Mr. Dickens Might Cross Today. GGA Image ID # 1176550974


Livestock Needed to Supply the Aquitania with Meat, Game, Bacon, Etc.

Livestock Needed to Supply the Aquitania with Meat, Game, Bacon, Etc. Including 250 Pheasants, 500 Pigeons, 300 Grouse, 1,000 Quail, 300 Partridge, 250 Snipe, 150 Pigs, 250 Sheep and Lambs, 75 Heads of Cattle and Calves, 3,000 Fowls, 125 Geese, 250 Turkeys, and 500 Ducks. GGA Image ID # 11778ccc62


Some Additional Supplies Necessary for the Aquitania.

Some Additional Supplies Necessary for the Aquitania. Provisions Include 2,500 Pounds of Oatmeal, 94,080 Pounds of Potatoes, 2,000 Pounds of Coffee, 500 Barrels of Oysters, 8,000 Clams, 15,000 Pounds of Fresh Fish, 15,000 Pounds of Sugar, 200 Crabs, 38,000 Eggs, 300 Tins of Assorted Biscuits, 1,500 Pounds of Tea, 5 Turtles (550 Pounds), and 70,000 Pounds of Flour. GGA Image ID # 1177abe4b5


Three Views of the RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line.

Three Views of the RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line. GGA Image ID # 1177b88146


Diagram Showing the Comparative Size of Various Types of Cunard Mail Steamers from 1840.

Diagram Showing the Comparative Size of Various Types of Cunard Mail Steamers from 1840. Ships Included in This Graph Were Wood/Paddle; Iron/Single Screw; Steel/Single Screw; Steel/Twin Screw, Twin Screw; Triple Screw Turbine; And, Quadruple Screw Turbine. GGA Image ID # 11781b9f62

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