Anchor Line Special Attractions For Excursion Season 1911


The 1911 brochure from Anchor Line highlights the various attractions and tours available for passengers traveling between New York and Glasgow. It showcases the amenities on steamships, including spacious promenade decks, elegant dining saloons, and comfortable staterooms. The brochure emphasizes the convenience and accessibility of historic and scenic destinations in Ireland, Scotland, and England.


Front Cover, Anchor Line Special Attractions for Excursion Season 1911.

Front Cover, Anchor Line Special Attractions for Excursion Season 1911. Published by The James Kempster Printing Company, New York. Distributed by C. S. Henry, Steamship Agent, Dunkirk, New York. GGA Image ID # 114f10cd2a


The Anchor Line published this brochure for the Tourist season in 1911. It featured information for passengers, internal and external photographs of the ships and interior views, and some information on destinations.


Steamship Columbia


The Steamship Columbia of the Anchor Line - 8,292 Tons

The Steamship Columbia of the Anchor Line - 8,292 Tons. GGA Image ID # 114f5ffb84


WHEN the traveler embarks on an ANCHOR LINE Steamship at New York the pleasure of the trip begins. The vessel leaves the pier amid the farewells of friends gathered to wish the passengers bon voyage.

Then the beautiful panorama of New York Harbor and Bay unfolds itself—a scene not soon to be forgotten by even the seasoned voyagers—and once outside of Sandy Hook the steamship is headed straight for the Land of Romance.


Pier 64 - New York Harbor - Anchor Line. Crowd Awaits Arrival of Ocean Liner.

Anchor Line Wharf, Pier No. 64. North River, Foot of West Twenty-Fourth Street, New York. Adjoining the Uptown Terminals of the Delaware & Lackawanna, Erie, Lehigh Valley. Baltimore & Ohio, Philadelphia & Reading and New Jersey Central Railroads. Crowd Awaits Arrival of Ocean Liner. GGA Image ID # 114f6c8cce


Sailing Day

Londonderry and Glasgow are two gateways through which the traveler from the New World steps into the lands of "Fairy Tales Come True."

He is then within a short distance of historic and romantic scenes he wishes to visit, and a series of brief, delightful tours will take him from these convenient centers to all points of interest in Ireland and Scotland.

He can then pass on to England and any part of Europe with comfort and celerity, for the ports of the ANCHOR LINE are closely linked with all others the tourist may wish to visit.


View of Busy New York Harbor with Many Steamships Visible in Foreground and Background.

View of Busy New York Harbor with Many Steamships Visible in Foreground and Background. GGA Image ID # 114fc30dce


New York Harbor

The ANCHOR LINE Steamships are carefully arranged with a view to making the journey to the British Isles a journey to be re membered with much pleasure. The great need of the ocean steamship is plenty of space for promenading. This the ANCHOR LINE provides its passengers.

There is a long bridge-deck and also a main-deck promenade, 320 feet in length (about eight times around being a mile), with a waterproof shelter at either end and a windbreak at the forward end.

This, with plenty of space for sheltered deck-seats, is a feature especially pleasing to lady passengers. In addition to which there is ample accommodation for indoor lounging.

On succeeding pages numerous points of interest in Ireland, Scotland and England are set forth with appropriate text and NEW YORK HARBOR illustration.


Promenade Deck on an Anchor Line Steamship

Promenade Deck on an Anchor Line Steamship. GGA Image ID # 115014a834


Promenade Deck

Whole pages could be written about each one of these scenes, but nothing more is here attempted than to sketch outlines and point directions. The best supplement to the pictures and descriptions will be the pleasurable experiences of the travelers who enter upon these tours.

For convenience of reference systematic schedules of convenient tours, with the cost of each, are presented in the concluding pages of this pamphlet. It would be an error to assume that such tours are expensive. Needless to say, distances in the British Islands are not relatively so great as in the United States.

The various points of interest are more easily accessible; they are grouped more closely together. In fact, it may be said that almost every region, in whatever direction one travels, has its own wealth of picturesque, historic or romantic interest.

Hotel and other expenses will be found comparatively moderate. Indeed, it would probably be impossible to select any other itineraries which would yield such a variety and multiplicity of interests for a similar expenditure.

This book is issued with the hope that, by giving reliable information as to the probable cost of a trip to Europe, and particularly England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Many persons who are deterred from going by the idea that it takes "a mint of money" to do so, will hereby become satisfied. Besides being most instructive, it is also, by securing the "perfect rest" of a sea voyage, more healthful. Your voyage can be done quite as economically as a few months' sojourn at any of the fashionable summer resorts in America.


The Steamship Caledonia of the Anchor Line

The Steamship Caledonia of the Anchor Line. GGA Image ID # 11503966f7


Steamship Caledonia

THE Twin-Screw Steamships CAMERONIA, CALEDONIA,COLUMBIA and CALIFORNIA, forming the regular weekly service of the ANCHOR LINE, are the largest,finest and fastest sailing between New York and Glasgow via Moville (Londonderry).

These Steamships are fitted with Bilge Keels to ensure steadiness at sea, are equipped with Marconi Wireless Telegraph, and are modern and up-to-date in every respect.

CALEDONIA'S fastest passage between Moville and New York is 6 days 20 hours; COLUMBIA'S, 6 days 22 hours between New York and Moville; CALIFORNIA'S, 7 days 12 hours, Moville to New York.

CALEDONIA and COLUMBIA land passengers at Glasgow and New York regularly on Sunday and the CALIFORNIA on Monday.


Ireland by Way of Londonderry

Railroads terminating here afford every facility for travelers desiring to visit the Giant's Causeway, Portrush, Belfast, Dublin or any city or town in the North or West of Ireland to reach their destination quickly.

Representatives of the Line meet the steamers at Moville and render passengers every assistance, and furnish them with any information necessary regarding hotels, departure of trains, etc.


View of a Stateroom onboard an Anchor Line Steamship

View of a Stateroom onboard an Anchor Line Steamship. GGA Image ID # 1150706df3



Passenger accommodations are distributed through six decks. First-cabin accommodations are situated amidships with staterooms for 300 passengers on the main and bridge decks.

Staterooms on the bridge deck for one, two and three passengers are a special feature. These are luxuriously equipped with roomy couches, mahogany fold-up washstands, wardrobes, electric lights, etc.

Occupants have complete control of ventilator, and there are large square windows with adjustable colored-glass screens.

The capacious and handsome main saloon, the library with its well-selected books, the cosy corners in the drawing and music rooms, the grand stairways, smoking room, the illuminated decks making most enjoyable promenades.

Indeed, all the accommodations are such as to appeal to people of refinement and add to the comfort and enjoyment of passengers from the moment they board until they leave the steamers with the gratification resulting from a delightful voyage.


View of the Spacious First Cabin Dining Room on an Anchor Line Steamship

View of the Spacious First Cabin Dining Room on an Anchor Line Steamship. GGA Image ID # 1150921ede


The New Twin-Screw Steamship “Cameronia” Is expected to take her place in the New York-Glasgow Service, August 12th from Glasgow. This vessel will be the largest and finest-equipped steamship ever built for this service.

She will accommodate 240 first-class passengers on the main, bridge and promenade decks, in rooms that will be fitted in the most modern and sumptuous fashion. This vessel is intended to make the ocean trip in about seven days.


Anchor Line Steamships New York and Glasgow Service

Steamers of this service are intended to sail every Saturday from New York, Glasgow and Moville ( Londonderry).


Passenger Accommodations


First Cabin passengers are furnished with a liberal table, including all the delicacies of the season, and everything necessary on the voyage. Wines and liquors of finest quality can be had on board at moderate prices.

The Dining Saloons, Music Hall, Ladies' Boudoir and Gents' Smoking Rooms are all located on the Upper and Promenade Decks, and, by means of electric bells, are in communication with the Steward's department.

Every steamer carries a duly qualified Surgeon and experienced Stewardesses, and is provided with a select Library, including all the latest Guide Books of European travel.

Staterooms are located on the Main and Upper Decks, are large, well lighted, perfectly ventilated and elegantly furnished, accommodating two, three and four passengers each. All Staterooms are provided with electric bells connected with Steward's department.

Berths can be secured in advance by payment of a deposit of $25 each (balance of passage money payable two weeks previous to sailing day of steamer).

Steamer Chairs can be hired for the ocean trip on payment of $1 when taking your ticket, or at the Company's Pier before sailing.

Convenient Hotels to the Anchor Line Piers in Glasgow are the St. Enoch, Caledonian, and North British Railway Hotels, and in New York, The Chelsea, on Twenty-third street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, where satisfactory accommodations can be obtained at reasonable rates.


View of the Music Saloon on an Anchor Line Steamship

View of the Music Saloon on an Anchor Line Steamship. GGA Image ID # 1150c7394b


Return Accommodation. Passengers can have berths secured for the return voyage by purchase of a prepaid ticket to cover the reservation before leaving New York.

Rates of Passage. $67.50 to $125, according to steamer and accommodations. Children, one year and under ten years, half fare. Infants, $5.

All Saloon Passengers have equal privileges, the difference in fare being due to the difference in location of rooms and number of persons berthed in them.

For Plans of Cabins, Passage Tickets, or Further Information, Apply to Any of the Agencies of the Line.


Hints for Travelers

Do not take more baggage than is absolutely necessary; it will only cost you extra if your travels take you to the Continent. Have your name plainly marked on every piece of baggage.

Anchor Line Drafts for any amount can be obtained at any Agency of the line or offices of the Company.


Anchor Line Mediterranean Service

Steamers sail regularly from Leghorn, Naples and Palermo for New York direct, and from New York to Naples, Leghorn and other Mediterranean Ports.

First Cabin. The steamships "Italia," " Perugia " and "Calabria," employed in this service, accommodate a limited number of passengers. Staterooms are located on the bridge deck, well lighted and ventilated and very comfortable; electric light, baths and every convenience. Each steamer carries a Surgeon. Bill of fare is liberal and varied.

Rates of Passage. New York to Naples, single, $60 to $75.

A round-trip ticket, embracing all the ports at which the vessel may call, for $250. This trip would occupy from 40 to 50 days; or, if preferred, a ticket can be issued on which passengers can travel to suit their own convenience and pay $5 per day while on board the steamer. The route is usually New York to Naples, Marseilles, Leghorn and Palermo. The stay at each port allows ample time for sightseeing.


Indian Service

Passenger steamers of the ANCHOR LINE leave Liverpool regularly for Bombay and Calcutta, calling en route at Port Said and Suez. Every comfort for an Indian voyage provided.

The vessels employed in this service have been specially built for the Indian passenger trade. Staterooms are on upper decks, large and airy; each vessel carries a Surgeon and a Stewardess.

Passengers for Bombay and Calcutta can be booked through from New York by our Glasgow service and join steamer for India at Liverpool, or arrangements can be made for passengers to travel from Liverpool Overland by any of the established routes via Marseilles.


Egypt and the Holy Land

The steamers in Indian service take passengers for Port Said and Suez, where close connection can be made for Cairo, Alexandria and ports on the Syrian coast.

Through Rates of Passage Very Moderate

and special rates are quoted for Missionaries going to India. Circulars giving full information will be furnished on request to any Agent of the Line.


Second Cabin

Second Cabin accommodation is commodious and comfortable. Special care has been taken to secure every possible comfort and convenience for passengers. Well-appointed dining room, music room, smoking room and spacious decks are provided exclusively for this class.

Staterooms accommodating two, three and four persons are situated on the main deck, near amidships and comfortable in every way. Passengers are provided with all necessaries for the voyage, including a liberal and varied bill of fare.

Meals are served in special dining room by attentive stewards, and experienced matrons look after the comfort of women and children. A part of promenade deck is reserved for use of second-cabin passengers on each steamer.


SS Furnessia

One class cabin only. The entire accommodation, consisting of promenade deck, dining room, music room, library, smoking room, and all staterooms on the main and upper decks, are Exclusively for the Use of Second-Cabin Passengers.

Berths. A deposit of $10 is required to secure berths, and the balance of passage must be paid a week prior to sailing. It is desirable to secure berths as far ahead as possible to obtain good location. If so desired, berths for the return trip can be secured and arranged for.

For Rates and Further Particulars Consult Second-Cabin Booklet.


Back Cover, Anchor Line Special Attractions for Excursion Season 1911

Back Cover, Anchor Line Special Attractions for Excursion Season 1911. GGA Image ID # 11510399df



The brochure promotes the Anchor Line's comprehensive and comfortable transatlantic travel services, focusing on the convenience and pleasure of visiting historic and picturesque locations in the British Isles. It underscores the company's commitment to providing an enriching travel experience.


Key Points

🚢 Modern Fleet: Features ships like Columbia, Caledonia, and Cameronia.

🛏️ Comfortable Accommodations: Well-appointed staterooms and luxury cabins.

🍽️ Dining Experience: Elegant dining saloons with quality cuisine.

🎶 Entertainment: Music rooms, lounges, and smoking rooms.

📅 Regular Sailings: Weekly departures ensuring consistent service.

📍 Tourist Destinations: Highlights key sites in Ireland, Scotland, and England.

🧳 Convenient Travel: Special trains to docks and efficient embarkation.

🌍 Scenic Routes: Beautiful views of New York Harbor and the British Isles.

🔒 Passenger Safety: Emphasis on security and comfort.

📜 Cultural and Historical Insights: Information on significant sites and tours.



  1. Overview: The 1911 brochure details Anchor Line's transatlantic services, emphasizing comfort and luxury.

  2. Ship Features: Modern steamships with luxurious accommodations and amenities.

  3. Dining and Entertainment: High-quality dining options and various recreational facilities.

  4. Tour Destinations: Highlights attractions in Ireland, Scotland, and England.

  5. Regular Service: Weekly sailings from New York to Glasgow.

  6. Convenient Travel: Efficient embarkation and special train services.

  7. Passenger Comfort: Focus on providing a safe and enjoyable journey.

  8. Scenic and Historical Tours: Emphasizes the scenic routes and historical sites.

  9. Cultural Highlights: Information on cultural and historic landmarks.

  10. Conclusion: Promotes Anchor Line's dedication to a superior travel experience.


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