SS Minnekahda Archival Collection


The Atlantic Transport Line Steamer Minnekahda, 17,200 Tons Register, in the New York-Hamburg-Danzig Service is the World's Largest Third-Class Liner.

The Atlantic Transport Line Steamer Minnekahda, 17,200 Tons Register, in the New York-London-Boulogne Service is the World's Largest Third-Class Liner. GGA Image ID # 141e973509


Minnekahda (1917) Atlantic Transport Line

Built by Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast, Ireland. Tonnage: 17,281. Dimensions: 620' x 66'. Propulsion: Triple-screw, 16 knots. Triple expansion engines and one low pressure steam turbine. Masts and Funnels: Four masts and one funnel. Alternate Configuration: Converted to emigrant carrier for 2,000 passengers. Ran in this type of service between Danzig and New York for the American Line. Ownership Change: Transferred to Atlantic Transport Line in 1924. Modifications: Converted to tourist class ship with accommodation for 750 passengers. Service Changes: Placed in New York-London service. Fate: Broken up by ship-breakers at Dal Muir on the Clyde in 1936.


Menu Card, SS Minnekahda Luncheon Bill of Fare - 31 March 1928

1923-03-31 SS Minnekahda Luncheon Menu

Lunch Bill of Fare from Cabin Class for the 31 March 1928 Westbound Voyage of the Minnekahda from London to New York. Featured items included Grilled Fresh Haddock, Veal and Ham Pie, and Rice Custard Pudding for dessert.


Passenger Manifest, Atlantic Transport Line, SS Minnekahda, 1925

1925-07-11 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 11 July 1925
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne
  • Commander: Captain J. Jenson


Passenger Manifest, Atlantic Transport Line SS Minnekahda August 1925

1925-08-08 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 8 August 1925
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jenson (Lt. Cmdr. U.S.N.R.F.)


Cover of Community Song Sheet from the Atlantic Transport Line (ATL), Tourist Cabin on the SS Minnekahda and SS Minnesota.

1928 - Community Song Sheet - Atlantic Transport Line

IMMs Atlantic Transport Line published a Community Song Sheet for use exclusively on their ocean liners with Tourist Cabin accommodations - the SS Minnekahda and SS Minnesota. Lyrics for 32 well-known songs from that era were reproduced in this brochure.


Passenger Manifest, Atlantic Transport Line SS Minnekhda - Sep 1927

1927-09-03 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 3 September 1927
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jenson (Lt. Cmdr. U.S.N.R.)


Passenger Manifest, Atlantic Transport Line SS Minnekahda 1928

1928-03-31 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 31 March 1928
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jenson (Lt. Cmdr. U.S.N.R.F.)


SS Minnekahda Breakfast Bill of Fare Card 31 March 1928

1928-04-02 SS Minnekahda Breakfast Menu

This is a Breakfast Bill of Fare from Cabin Class for the 2 April 1928 Westbound Voyage on board the SS Minnekahda of the Atlantic Transport Line, from London to New York. Includes some wonderful selections from that era like Devilled Mutton Kidneys and Minced Lamb on Toast.


Menu Card for a Dinner Menu, Atlantic Transport Line SS Minnekahda - 1928

1928-04-08 SS Minnekahda Dinner Menu Card

Vintage Cabin Class Dinner Bill of Fare Card from Sunday, 31 March 1928 on board the SS Minnekahda of the Atlantic Transport Line featured Poached Fresh Codfish, Cream Sauce, Sauté of Duckling aux Navets, and Orange Tartlets for dessert.


1928-06-23 Passenger Manifest SS Minnekahda

1928-06-23 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 23 June 1928
  • Route: London for New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jensen


1928-07-21 Passenger Manifest SS Minnekahda

1928-07-21 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 21 July 1928
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jensen


Front Cover, Atlantic Transport Line SS Minnekahda Grand Concert Program for Sunday, 29 July 1928.

1928-07-29 Grand Concert Program - SS Minnekahda

Grand Concert Program held on board the SS Minnekahda of the Atlantic Transport Line on Sunday, 29 July 1928 during a voyage from London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, commanded by Captain J. Jensen, Lt. Cmdr. USNRF.


1930-02-22 Passenger Manifest SS Minnekahda

1930-02-22 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 22 February 1930
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jensen


1930-07-12 Passenger Manifest SS Minnekahda

1930-07-12 SS Minnekahda Passenger List

  • Steamship Line: Atlantic Transport Line
  • Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
  • Date of Departure: 12 July 1930
  • Route: London to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer
  • Commander: Captain J. Jensen




Sailing Schedules


Proposed Sailings. Red Star Line: Antwerp-New York Service from 3 August 1922 to 13 January 1923. American Line: Hamburg-New York Service from 12 August 1922 to 17 January 1923.

Proposed Sailings. Red Star Line: Antwerp-New York Service from 3 August 1922 to 13 January 1923. American Line: Hamburg-New York Service from 12 August 1922 to 17 January 1923. Ships Included the Red Star Line Finland, Kroonland, Lapland, and Zeeland. Ships for the American Line Manchuria, Minnekahda, Mongolia, and St. Paul. RMS Majestic Passenger List, 6 September 1922. GGA Image ID # 1dd525c9ba


1923 Proposed Sailings for the American Line.

1923 Proposed Sailings from 16 June 1923 to 30 August 1923 for the American Line. Ships Listed Included the Finland, Kroonland, Manchuria, Minnekahda, and Mongolia. Note: Manchuria, Mongolia, Finland and Kroonland Carry Cabin and Third Class Passengers. Minnekahda Carries Third Class Passengers Only. SS Kroonland Passenger List, 21 June 1923. GGA Image ID # 163142707e


Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Hamburg-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 18 August 1923 to 7 November 1923.

Sailing Schedule, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Hamburg-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 18 August 1923 to 7 November 1923. Ships Included the Belgenland, Finland, Lapland, Manchuria, Minnekahda, and Zeeland. RMS Homeric Passenger List, 5 September 1923. GGA Image ID # 1f0b8ea4c9


ATL Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Cherbourg-London, from 11 April 1925 to 16 January 1926.

ATL Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Cherbourg-London, from 11 April 1925 to 16 January 1926. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b69d4c61


Sailing Schedule, Atlantic Transport Line, London-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 April 1925 to 9 January 1926.

Sailing Schedule, Atlantic Transport Line, London-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 April 1925 to 9 January 1926. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. The Minnetonka and Minnewaska Carry First Class Passengers Only. The Minnekahda Carries Tourist Third Class Passengers Only. RMS Celtic Passenger List, 30 May 1925. GGA Image ID # 1e542f83a3


Atlantic Transport Line London-Cherbourg-New York Proposed Sailings from 5 September 1925 to 8 May 1926.

Atlantic Transport Line London-Cherbourg-New York Proposed Sailings from 5 September 1925 to 8 May 1926. Ships included the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. The Minnetonka and Minnewaska Carry First Class Passengers Only. The Minnekahda Carries Toursit Third Class Passengers Only. GGA Image ID # 1db50ec9b5


Proposed Sailings, Atlantic Transport Line, London-Boulogne-New York from 3 July 1926 to 4 December 1926.

Proposed Sailings, Atlantic Transport Line, London-Boulogne-New York from 3 July 1926 to 4 December 1926. Ships Include the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. RMS Belgenland Passenger List, 26 June 1926. GGA Image ID # 1df1f2e1ad


Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg or Boulogne-New York, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Antwerp-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 20 January 1928 to 26 May 1928.

Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg or Boulogne-New York, Antwerp-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and Antwerp-Plymouth-Cherbourg-New York, from 20 January 1928 to 26 May 1928. Ships Included the Arabic, Belgenland, Lapland, Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska, and Pennland. The Minnetonka and Minnewaska Carry First-Class Passengers Only. The Mlnnekahda and Minnesota Carry Tourist Third Cabin Passengers Only. The Lapland and Pennland Carry Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passengers. The Arabic Carries Cabin and Third Class Passengers. RMS Baltic Cabin Class Passenger List, 3 March 1928. GGA Image ID # 20c291acec


Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York, from 26 May 1928 to 29 December 1928.

Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York, from 26 May 1928 to 29 December 1928. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. Minnetonka and Minnewaska carry First Class passengers only. Minnekahda and Minnesota carry Tourist Third Cabin passengers only. SS Doric Passenger List, 19 May 1928. GGA Image ID # 206dc9ae7c


Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York and New York Cherbourg-Boulogne-London, from 4 August 1928 to 8 December 1928.

Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York and New York Cherbourg-Boulogne-London, from 4 August 1928 to 8 December 1928. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. SS Lapland Passenger List, 31 August 1928. GGA Image ID # 1ebe3eafb8


Atlantic Transport Line Sailing Schedule, London-New York, from 20 July 1929 to 23 November 1929.

Atlantic Transport Line Sailing Schedule, London-New York, from 20 July 1929 to 23 November 1929. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. RMS Arabic Passenger List, 16 August 1929. GGA Image ID # 1e4c608cfa


Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York and New York-Cherbourg-Boulogne-London, from 19 July 1930 to 10 January 1931.

Sailing Schedule, London-Boulogne-New York and New York-Cherbourg-Boulogne-London, from 19 July 1930 to 10 January 1931. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. The Minnetonka and Minnewaska carry First Class Passengers only and call at Cherbourg Eastbound. The Minnekahda carries Tourist Third Cabin Passengers only and calls at Plymouth and Boulogne Eastbound. SS Lapland Passenger List, 25 July 1930. GGA Image ID # 1ebf7afbbb


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