SS Minnekahda Passenger List - 23 June 1928

Front Cover - 23 June 1928 Passenger List, SS Minnekahda, Atlantic Transport Line

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List for the SS Minnekahda of the Atlantic Transport Line, Departing 23 June 1928 from London for New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Commanded by Captain J. Jensen. GGA Image ID # 1733315044


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. Jensen, Lt. Cmdr. U.S.N.R
  2. Chief Engineer: William Joyce, Lt.-Commr, U.S.N.R.F
  3. Surgeon: L. C. Bennerman, M.D
  4. Purser: W. Gilfillan
  5. Assistant Purser : R. E. CROPLEY
  6. Chief Steward: Chas. Matthews


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. H. C. Addiscott
  2. Mrs. Addiscott
  3. Mr. I. Adelman
  4. Mr. A. J. Airston
  5. Mrs. E, Airston
  6. Mr. J. Allison
  7. Mr. C. Andnish
  8. Mrs. E. Austin
  9. Mrs. Barnett
  10. Miss Barnett
  11. Mr. H. Batts
  12. Mrs. M. F. Beaton
  13. Mr. J. Beech
  14. Mrs. M. B. Benson
  15. Miss E. Bixler
  16. Mrs. E. J. Blackwell
  17. Mr. C. Boales
  18. Mrs. V. Boales
  19. Mrs. H. Boardman
  20. Mrs. W. Bostater
  21. Miss H. Bostater
  22. Mr. W. F. Bower
  23. Mrs. L. Bower
  24. Mrs. M. Branstrator
  25. Mr. R. Bush
  26. Mr. C. Buss
  27. Mrs. M. Buss
  28. Mrs. M. Butters
  29. Mrs. N. Carpenter
  30. Mr. R. W. Chamberlain
  31. Mrs. B. W. Chamberlain
  32. Mrs. D. Chamillot
  33. Mr. D. C. Chapman
  34. Mrs. E. Chapman
  35. Master D. R. Chapman
  36. Mrs. M. E. Churchill
  37. Mr. T. Clarke
  38. Miss A. Connolly
  39. Mr. D. F. Conrad
  40. Mrs. A. H. Cooke
  41. Miss M. Cullen
  42. Mr. S. S. Cusworth
  43. Mrs. R. B. Cusworth
  44. Mr. F. C. Davis
  45. Mrs. Davis
  46. Miss L. A. Davis
  47. Mrs. C. Derry
  48. Miss J. Derry
  49. Rev. J. De Wild
  50. Mr. C. N. Dubs
  51. Mrs. Dubs
  52. Miss M. Dulaney
  53. Miss M. Ellicot
  54. Miss F. M. Erickson
  55. Mrs. M. Errington
  56. Col. O. S. Farchild
  57. Miss M. B. Forbes
  58. Miss K. Freeman
  59. Mrs. G. French
  60. Mrs. E. Gaby
  61. Mr. J. Gammer
  62. Mr. W. R. Gardner
  63. Mr. W. Gaston
  64. Mrs. E. Gaston
  65. Miss E. Gaston
  66. Miss G. Gaston
  67. Mrs. M. M. Gibson
  68. Mrs. E. G. Gifford
  69. Master, E. G. Gifford
  70. Master, J. F. Gifford
  71. Mrs, L. Giorni
  72. Mr. M. Giorni
  73. Mr. G. Gordon
  74. Mr. A. R. Hallock
  75. Miss V. Harris
  76. Mrs. S. Herdman
  77. Capt. C. S. Herring
  78. Mrs. Herring
  79. Mr. H. Hiskett
  80. Mrs. J. Hodder
  81. Mrs. T. Hodder
  82. Mrs. E. Hollis
  83. Mrs. N. Huggins
  84. Miss J. Huggins
  85. Miss E. Hunt
  86. Mrs. M. A. Jackson
  87. Mr. R. Kendrick
  88. Mr. B. Kennedy
  89. Mr. C. Kenslake
  90. Mr. J, H. Keyes
  91. Miss G. Kimball
  92. Miss S. R. Lawton
  93. Mr. M. A. Leonard
  94. Miss B. Lester
  95. Miss K. V. Lloyd
  96. Miss B. Lovejoy
  97. Mr. S. Lowenthal
  98. Mr. J. H. Lucas
  99. Mrs. E. M. Lynch
  100. Mr. H. Maick
  101. Mr. J. Mayr
  102. Mrs. L. R. McCormick
  103. Miss M. McCormick
  104. Miss C. McCormick
  105. Prof. R. McElroy
  106. Miss E. F. M. McClelland
  107. Mr. J. Meller
  108. Rev. Canon J. F. Mitchell
  109. Mrs. E. Morgan
  110. Miss J. Morrey
  111. Mrs. L. W. Newstead
  112. Mrs. E. M. Newton
  113. Miss S. Nicholson
  114. Miss T. Nicholson
  115. Mrs. F. Nye
  116. Mrs. C. Organ
  117. Mrs. A. Pappa
  118. Miss J. Pappa
  119. Miss J. Pappa
  120. Miss E. Parkins
  121. Miss O. Patio
  122. Mr. C. Pence
  123. Mr. F. Phelps
  124. Mrs. F. Persoff
  125. Mrs. A. Porter
  126. Miss J. Porter
  127. Mr. W. Prohme
  128. Mr. G. Resnick
  129. Mr. G. R. Richardson
  130. Mr. G. Robinson
  131. Mr. G. Robinson
  132. Mrs. A. Robinson
  133. Miss H. M. Rudd
  134. Miss E. Saget
  135. Mr. J. Saxby
  136. Mrs. C. Saxby
  137. Mrs. K. E. Scarff
  138. Miss A. A. Schauer
  139. Mrs. D. G. Scott
  140. Miss M. S. Scott
  141. Mrs. E. Seegert
  142. Capt. W. M. Smith
  143. Miss M. R. Smith
  144. Mr. R. Snider
  145. Mrs. D. Snow
  146. Miss A. Steer
  147. Mr. J. Stickley
  148. Mrs. E. Stoddard
  149. Miss E. Stoddard
  150. Mr. W. S. Stone
  151. Mr. W. Strange
  152. Mr. F. L. Strickland
  153. Miss F. Strickland
  154. Mr. W. Swicker
  155. Mr. D. C. Taddei
  156. Miss H. Thurlow
  157. Miss M. A. Turner
  158. Mr. E. Villmor
  159. Mr. J. Vinnecombe
  160. Mrs. K. Wannamaker
  161. Miss M. Wannamaker
  162. Miss C. A. Waring
  163. Mr. S. Williams
  164. Mrs. Williams
  165. Miss E. N. E. Wilson
  166. Mr. T. R. Woolford
  167. Mrs. M. E. Woolford
  168. Dr. R. L. Worrall

London to Boulogne

  1. Mr. A. Johnson


Information for Passengers

Breakfast at 8:00 am
Lunch at 12 noon.
Dinner at 6:00 pm

Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:00 am

Smoking.—Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in either the Dining Saloon or in the Reading and Writing Room.

Seats at Table.—Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply to the Second Steward.

Upper Berths.—Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.

Medical Attendance. The Surgeon is Authorised To Make Customary Charges, Subject in Each Case To The Approval of The Commander, for Treating Passengers at Their Request for Any Illness Not Originating On The Voyage. in The Case of Sickness Originating On The Voyage No Charge WILL Be MADE, and. MEDICINE WILL Be PROVIDED Free in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.

The Purser's Office is situated on Deck B, where Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.
None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

Charges Collected on Board. Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a oharge of $1 each for the voyage.

Valuables. For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's office a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

Exchange of Money. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English and American money at rates which will be advised on application.

Baggage. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master.

Wardrobe Trunks. Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. They are therefore recommended to use steamer trunks in preference.

Baggage Room. For Passengers' special convenience all heavy baggage not placed into state rooms is stored in the baggage room, where it is available to the owner twice daily at hours as stated on the ship's notice board.

Dogs. Passengers are notified that dogs should be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant, and cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Travellers' Cheques. I. M. M. Company's Travellers Cheques payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all the principal offices of the Atlantic Transport Line. These Cheques in small denominations are accepted on board Atlantic Transport steamers in part payment of accounts, but the Pursers have not sufficient funds to enable them to cash these or any other Cheques.


Atlantic Transport Line Fleet

Passenger Steamers

  • Minnewaska (New Steamer) .. (Twin Screw) 21,716 Tons.
  • Minnetonka , 21,998 Tons.
  • Minnekahda .. (Triple Screw) 17,281 Tons.
  • Minnesota .. (Twin Screw) 12,000 Tons.

Cargo Steamers

  • MAINE .. 6,600 Tons.
  • MARYLAND 4,731 Tons.
  • MISSISSIPPI 4,738 Tons.
  • MISSOURI.. 4,697 Tons.


The Minnetonka and Minnewaska carry First Class Passengers only and call at Cherbourg eastbound.


The Minnekanda and Minnesota carry Tourist Third Cabin Passengers only, and call at Boulogne eastbound. For rates see separate booklet. The Minnekanda also calls at Plymouth eastbound.


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