SS Mesaba Passenger List - 3 September 1904
Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Mesaba of the Atlantic Transport Line, Departing 3 September 1904 from London to New York, Commanded by Captain J. Crichton. GGA Image ID # 17311bce68
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: J. Crichton
- Surgeon: F. H. Douglas
- Chief Engineer: J. Robertson
- Chief Steward: C. Nickerson
First Class Passengers
- Mrs. H. M. Allen
- Miss H. M. Allen
- Miss Alice W. Allan
- Miss E. S. Adams
- Mrs. F. A. Angell
- Miss Amy Angell
- Mr. W. J. Battle
- Miss Helen B. Baker
- Miss Harriet J. Brown
- Miss M. S. Bowman
- Mrs. Brooker
- Miss H. M. Cady
- Miss Julia A. Clarke
- Mr. A. D. Compton
- Mr. Francis S. Connett
- Mr. A. N. Connett
- Miss Ellen W. McCorkle
- Miss Julia Chapins
- Miss Alice Dahn
- Mr. George A. Dallett
- Miss C. L. Dallett
- Mr. J. W. Fesler
- Miss Katherine Foy
- Miss Sophie Foy
- Miss Victoria Forrest
- Dr. Nathan W. Green
- Mrs. Nathan W. Green
- Mr. Elmer Gildersleeve, Jr.
- Mr. W. J. Harris
- Mrs. W. J. Harris
- Master W. J. Harris, Jr.
- Miss Effie J. Hart
- Miss B. Harris
- Miss J. L. Harris and Nurse
- Miss H. S. Hawley
- Miss Helen Hiscock
- Miss Constance B. Holt
- Mr. J. F. Hellmuth, K.C
- Mr. Fred G. Hellmuth
- Mrs. J. F. Hellmuth
- Miss Phyllis A. Hellmuth
- Mrs. Milton Humes
- Miss E. M. Johnston
- Miss Katherine Kennedy
- Miss Laura Kirk
- Mr. F. R. Kellogg
- Mrs. F. R. Kellogg
- Miss Marjoria Lauderdale
- Professor George T. Ladd
- Mrs. Ladd
- Mr. Lock
- Mr. Frank H. Lock
- Mrs. Frank Lock
- Miss K. N. Lock
- Miss H. B. Lock
- Miss Mary Lock
- Miss E. M. Lock
- Miss E. G. Lock
- Miss J. S. Marks
- Miss L. B. Masters
- Mr. M. N. Mennel
- Mrs. Mary S. Nichols
- Mr. Anton Oates
- Mrs. Anton Oates
- Mr. James Park
- Miss A. Roy Pett
- Mr. F. G. Reynolds
- Mr. Frank D. Richardson
- Mr. Harry Rochez
- Mrs. Harry Rochez
- Miss Lavinia S. Rose
- Mr. D. H. Saunders
- Miss H. M. Searles
- Miss Edith Shepard
- Mrs. J. W. Stevenson
- Miss Ada Sterling
- Mrs. R. J. Scoles
- Miss Mary E. Taylor
- Mr. C. T. Thompson
- Mrs. C. T. Thompson
- Miss Eleanor C. Thompson
- Miss Phoebe P. Thompson
- Mrs. Maria L. Thompson and Maid
- Mr. W. Thomson
- Miss Bessie Visel
- Mrs. M. Warren
- Mrs. Edward B. Watkinson
- Miss Helen L. Watkinson
- Miss Grace B. Watkinson
- Miss Mabel Warner
- Rev. Leighton Williams
- Mrs. Leighton Williams
- Miss Mary E. Woolley
- Miss Elsie May Williams
- Mrs, Rebecca Williams
- Miss Martha Wheeler
Information For Passengers
Tea and Coffee at 7:00 am
Breakfast ... 8:30 am
Lunch ... 1:00 pm
Dinner ... 7:00 pm
Meals for Nurses and Children :—Breakfast, 8:00 am; Dinner, 12 noon; Tea, 5:00 pm
I lease apply to Second Steward for seating accommodation at Table. Lights in the Saloon are extinguished at 11:00 pm, and in the Smoking Room at 11:30 pm
Bar closes at 11:00 pm
Smoking is not allowed in the Saloon, State-rooms or Companion-ways.
The Saloon Steward will supply Stamps, Telegraph Forms, Books of Reference, and Railway Time Tables of the Principal Companies.
Divine Service.—Intimation regarding Divine Service will appear on the Notice Boards every Sunday morning.
Valuables.—Passengers are enjoined to be very careful in the disposal of small articles of baggage, more especially during Embarkation, when there are always strangers on Board. Money, Jewellery, and valuables of any kind, should always be left securely under lock and key.
Passengers may deposit with the Purser any Money, Jewellery, &c., for safe keeping during the voyage, but no responsibility can be accepted for same.
For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to exchange a limited amount of English and American money. The rate of exchange will be $4.80 to the ,Cr when giving American in exchange for English currency, and :'I to $4.95 when giving English money for American.
Luggage.—Only hand-bags and trunks which will fit underneath the berths are allowed in the State-rooms; all large or heavy luggage must be placed in the Baggage Room, to which access can be gained by applying to the Officer in charge of Baggage.
Passengers will greatly expedite the disembarkation if they will have their State-room Baggage packed ready for removal directly on arrival, so that the transfer may at once be proceeded with.
Electric Bell Calls.—For Steward, one ring; for Stewardess, two rings.
Passengers' Addresses should be left with the Purser, in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.
Letters.— Passengers may have their letters addressed to any of the Company's Offices given below, where they will be retained until called for, or forwarded according to instructions.
Atlantic Transport Line Offices,
Atlantic Transport Co., Ltd. 3, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.
N. Martin, Agent ... 9, Rue Scribe, Paris.
Atlantic Transport Co.
New York-9, Broadway.
Baltimore—boo, North Charles Street.
Philadelphia-311, Bourse Building.
Chicago-4, Sherman Street.
Minneapolis-412. Guaranty Loan Building