SS Minnewaska Passenger List - 2 August 1930
Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Minnewaska of the Atlantic Transport Line, Departing 2 August 1930 from New York for Cherbourg and London, Commanded by Captain Frank H. Claret, O.B.E., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 13b4596443
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: Frank H. Claret, O.B.E., R.N.R
- Chief Engineer: W. C. Donald
- Surgeon: Sir DANIEL J. P. Mcnabb, K.B.E., C.B., Surgeon Rear Admiral, R.N. (Retired)
- Purser: W. G. Manning
- Asst. Purser: C. H. Simmonds
- Chief Steward: W. Peate
First Class Passengers
- Allen, Mrs. H. C
- Allen, Miss Marjorie
- Bahri, Princess
- Bauer, Mrs. Frederick W
- Beith, Major Ian Hay
- Beith, Mrs
- Benedict, Mrs. Robert R
- Benedict, Miss Mildred
- Bleecker, Mr. Russell
- Brant, Mr. H. L
- Brant, Mrs
- Bruce, Miss Mary J
- Burton, Dr. William M
- Burton, Mrs
- Carlton, Miss Elizabeth P
- Carswell, Mr. Joseph L
- Caws, Mrs. E. K
- Coe, Miss Rosalie
- Daus, Mr. W. Thallon
- Davis, Mrs. Eugene
- Delafield, Mr. Richard
- Delafield, Mr. John White
- Donahue, Mrs
- Donahue, Miss Pat
- Dubey, Mrs. Alfred E., Jr.
- Dyer, Mrs. Lyman T
- Ellis, Miss Mary A
- Johnson, Mr. George H
- Johnson, Mrs
- Farnam, Mr. Henry
- Farrelly, Mrs. Katherine
- Farrelly, Miss Grace
- Fine, Mr. Samuel
- Flannery, Mrs. J. J
- Flannery, Miss Mary Elizabeth
- Flannery, Mr. William F
- Friday, Miss Cora J
- Garvey, Miss Frances
- Gerson, Dr. A. J
- Gilkeson, Miss Damaris E
- Gilkeson, Miss Martha E
- Graham, Mrs. L. P. Maxtone
- Graham, Master Peter L. Maxtone
- Graham, Master John K. Maxtone
- Graham, Master Michael I. and nurse
- Gray, Miss Manuela
- Groome, Mr. D. M
- Groome, Mrs
- Hall, Mr. Marshal
- Harbough, Mrs. D. F
- Harrsen, Miss M
- Hayes, Miss Helen W
- Holladay, Mrs. Margaret B
- Jackson, Mrs. George A
- Janney, Mrs. G. Mason
- Keating, Mrs. G. F
- Keating, Miss Elizabeth H
- Keely, Mr. Robert N
- Keep, Mr..Edward K
- Kendall, Miss Elizabeth A
- Kennedy, Miss M
- Kidney, Miss Elinor M
- Kittle, Mrs. Mary C
- Knowles, Dr. F. C
- Knowles, Miss Florence
- Longstreph, Miss Mildred
- McClure, Miss Mary L
- McClure, Miss Margaretta D
- McCreath, Mrs. E. G. Maxtone
- Mitchell, Mrs. Julian
- Morrison, Mr. William B
- Morrison, Mrs
- Morrison, Mr. Francis R
- Mullaly, Mrs. Charles
- Mulvihill, Mrs
- Mulvihill, Master
- Mumford, Mr. Joseph J
- Newcomb, Mrs. A. B
- Painter, Mrs. H. B
- Paul, Mr. Randolph E
- Pearce, Miss Alice B
- Pemberton, Dr. Ralph
- Pemberton, Mrs
- Perry, Mr. John M
- Perry, Mrs
- Putnam, Mrs. George Haven
- Putnam, Mrs. Irving
- Quinton, Major William W
- Quinton, Mrs
- Ramsay, Mr. T, W
- Raymond, Mr. Irving E
- Record, Prof. S. J
- Reddish, Mrs. Rose M
- Reddish, Mr. Claude
- Reeves, Mrs. Samuel K
- Reich, Mr. Nathaniel D
- Reich, Mrs
- Riley, Miss Katherine
- Robertson, Mrs. John
- Rodgers, Mrs. William H
- Sawtell, Mrs. E. T
- Sawtell, Miss Elizabeth
- Scott, Mr. Thomas B
- Scott, Mrs
- Shepherd, Mrs. Myrtle A
- Smith, Dr. Alexis Dupont
- Smith, Mrs
- Smith, Miss Alice
- Stetson, Mr. Henry T
- Stetson, Mrs
- Streit, Mr. Samuel F
- Sweeney, Mr. Thomas B
- Sweeney, Miss Patti Mai
- Valentine, Miss Mary
- Walsh, Miss Edwardina |
- Warner, Miss Mabel I
- Winter, Mrs, Frank I
- Wise, Mr. James D. I
- Wise, Mrs
- Wollaston, Mr. George W
- Wollaston, Mrs
- Wray, Mrs. Francis M
- Young, Mr, Robert I
- Young, Mrs
A 1930 Advertisement from Panama Pacific Line Offered Cruises to See Havana and the Wonderful Panama Canal en route to California. Ships Included SS Virginia and SS California. The ad was Included in the 2 August 1930 Passenger List of the Atlanta Transport Line's SS Minnewaska. GGA Image ID # 159143bb55
General Information for Passengers
BREAKFAST from 8:00 am until 10:00 am
LUNCHEON at l p. m.
DINNER at 7:00 pm
Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:00 am
SMOKING. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in either the Dining Saloon or in the Reading and Writing Room.
SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply to the Second Steward.
When the steamers sail with full lists, children under the age of ten years not paying the adult fare are provided with meals at separate sittings in the Dining Saloon.
THE BAR opens at 8:00 am and closes at 11:30 pm
UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.
MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness NOT ORIGINATING ON THE VOYAGE. In the case of sickness originating on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
THE PURSER’S OFFICE is situated on Deck B, where Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased. Stamps may also be obtained from the Lounge Steward.
None of the ship’s staff other than those on duty in the Purser’s Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for dispatch.
CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company’s Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.
PASSENGERS’ ADDRESSES should be left at the Purser’s Office, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.
DECK CHAIRS, STEAMER RUGS AND CUSHIONS may be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of 6/6 (or $1.50) each for the voyage.
EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, French and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.
VALUABLES. For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's Office, a Safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of toe United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.
BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred .o the Second Steward, who is the Ship’s Baggage Master.
WARDROBE TRUNKS. Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. They are therefore recommended to use steamer trunks in preference.
BAGGAGE ROOM. For passengers’ special convenience all heavy baggage not placed in state rooms is stored in the baggage room, where it is available to the owner twice daily at hours as stated on the ship’s notice board.
DOGS AND CATS. Passengers are notified that dogs, cats and other pets must be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant, and cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Ministry before the animals are taken on board.
Dogs and other animal pets are not permitted in state rooms, public rooms, or on promenade decks except in special instances at the discretion of the commander, and must be exercised in the space assigned for that purpose.
TRAVELERS CHECKS, payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all the principal offices of the Atlantic Transport Line. These Checks are accepted on board Atlantic Transport steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers have not sufficient funds to enable them to cash these Checks.
DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Deck Quoits, Deck Tennis, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck under the charge of the Deck Steward.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Mah Jong, etc., can be obtained on application to the Lounge Steward.
BOOTS AND SHOES. These will be cleaned if left outside the Stateroom door.
DIRECTORIES of London and New York are kept on board for the convenience of passengers.
BARBER. His hours are 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, but for the general convenience of the greater number, passengers are requested not to apply for hair-cutting or shampooing except between the hours of noon and 5:30 pm
The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account.
PICTURE POSTCARDS. Picture Postcards of the steamers can be obtained on board gratis.
ORCHESTRA. An Orchestra of skilled musicians will play daily.
LOUNGE AND RECEPTION ROOMS. These rooms are situated on Deck A and at the entrance to the Dining Saloon on Deck D respectively. They are intended for the use of both Ladies and Gentlemen, and afternoon tea and after-dinner coffee will be served here.
A special DANCING FLOOR has been fitted in the Reception Room on Deck D.
READING ROOM. Books may be obtained from the Bookcase in the Reading Room on Deck A on application to the Steward in charge, between the hours of 10:00 am and 12 noon, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm
By special arrangement with the “Times Book Club,” a supply of recent works is placed on board each voyage, as a supplement to the permanent collection of standard works.
SMOKING ROOM. This room is situated at the after end of Deck A.
AUTOMOBILES FOR TOURING ABROAD. Special facilities for the care of automobiles are available for passengers desiring to take their cars on the same steamer or in advance. All necessary Customs Passes, Licenses, etc., can be had on application to Automobile Department, 1 Broadway, New York City or through Agents.
The steamers of the Atlantic Transport Line dock at King George V dock, London.
For the convenience of our patrons a special steamer train will be waiting on the quay to convey them to Liverpool Street Station. Tickets may be procured from the Purser’s Office at a cost of Fifty cents each.
If passengers prefer, they may order by wireless, through the Purser, a private limousine to carry them to their destination— rates upon application. Passengers wishing to order private cars should do so not later than on the Friday before arrival.
Obviously only a limited amount of baggage can be carried by the limousine, and it is therefore suggested that passengers arrange with Messrs. Carter Paterson & Company regarding Customs clearance, storage or delivery of their other baggage. (See under Eastbound Baggage.)
Should the above facilities not meet with your requirements the company will afford every assistance in its power to carry out any special arrangements desired.
EASTBOUND BAGGAGE. Arrangements have been made with Carter Paterson & Co., Ltd. (128, Goswell Road, E. C. 1.) for their representative to board the steamer at Gravesend for the purpose of receiving instructions for the clearance through Customs, and dispatch of baggage to destination in Carter Paterson & Co.’s Suburban Area at an inclusive charge of 3/- per package. This will facilitate the departure of passengers as early as possible after the steamer’s arrival.
Baggage will be delivered the same day as cleared to any address in the West or West Central Area of London. Baggage for destinations outside C. P. & Co.’s Suburban Area and within C. P. & Co.’s Home Counties Area at slightly higher rates. These charges cover all services in connection with the Customs clearance and delivery. Baggage for Provincial Towns outside C. P. & Co/s area will also be received for forwarding by Rail. The clearing and cartage charges for this traffic will be 2/6 per package. Rail carriage from Station to destination will be additional.
An extra charge is made for baggage containing articles, which may be subject to duty or are prohibited. Declarations for this purpose can be obtained from the Purser during the voyage and should be filled in and handed to Carter Paterson’s Representative, together with the keys, when he boards the steamer.
On arrival in London, passengers who do not desire to travel on the special train arranged by the Atlantic Transport Line, must apply to the Company’s representative at foot of gangway for the necessary permit, for their baggage to enable them to pass the Port of London Authority’s officials at the dock gates.
MAP OF LONDON. For the convenience of passengers a Bacon’s map of London will be found in the library, whilst a motor routes and road map between central London and King George V Dock may be had on application to the Purser.
The attention of the Managers has been called to the fact that certain persons, believed to be professional gamblers, are in the habit of traveling to and fro in Atlantic Steamships.
In bringing this to the knowledge of travelers the Managers, while not wishing in the slightest degree to interfere with the freedom of action of patrons of the Atlantic Transport Line, desire to invite their assistance in discouraging games of chance, as being likely to afford these individuals special opportunities for taking unfair advantage of others.
Arrangements have been made with the French Air Union whereby it is possible for passengers, wishing to fly to Paris from Cherbourg, to order planes through the Purser of this steamer provided he is given at least 24 hours’ notice before the arrival of the steamer at Cherbourg. Full charges must be paid before the plane is ordered. The following rates will apply:
10 Seater Planes $392
2-3 Seater PLANES ............... $204
Passengers traveling to Paris will receive on board with their railway ticket a supply of labels to place on their hand luggage. These labels bear the number of the car where their places have been reserved.
As soon as the tender comes alongside the quay, the porters will carry all the hand luggage to the Custom Shed, and the passengers will find same placed under the number of the car they will occupy on the train.
The inspection is immediately passed by the Customs Officials and the porters take the hand luggage to the compartment reserved on the special train.
Passengers traveling to Paris check their heavy baggage to that point on board the ship, if this has not been done on the pier in New York. Passengers whose heavy baggage has not been checked to Paris are requested to see the uniformed baggage master of the Company on board the tender and advise him whether they wish their trunks, etc.,, to go forward to Paris by the connecting special train or to some other destination.
It should be understood that the Company, while taking every precaution for the safe handling of passengers* hand baggage, does not take any responsibility for same and the above arrangements are made solely for the passengers* convenience.
OCEAN LETTERS. The Marconi Company have inaugurated an “Ocean Letter” service by which messages may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel. The charge for an “Ocean Letter” is (inclusive of wireless, postage and registration) 5j. or $1.22.50 cts. for 20 words, plus 2d. or 4.08 cts. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words. This class of message must contain full postal (mail) address.
POSTE RADIOTELEGRAMS. These messages are accepted for transmission to a selected vessel for mailing on arrival in port. This service provides a most economical channel of communication with friends and relatives on shore when full rate facilities are not desired.
Poste Radio telegrams should preferably be handed in during the early part of the voyage and should be addressed in a manner similar to the following example:
Poste—New York Brown 2464 Quincy Avenue
Arriving Tuesday Well BOSTON MAJESTIC
The inclusive cost of the above message would be 2/10% or 70.43 cts.
For particulars regarding Wireless communications established or expected please consult the Wireless notice board, where full information is posted daily.
Silk and Artificial Silk Goods
The Customs Officers at the British port must, necessarily, put certain questions to passengers arriving from abroad, at which time any silk and/or artificial silk goods should be declared. Passengers are asked to be frank and. open in their declarations, and, in these circumstances, no difficulty need be anticipated with the British Customs Officials, who will facilitate as far as possible the transit of passengers and their baggage.
Return Accommodation
For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from Europe to the United States or Canada and who have not yet made the necessary reservations, the Purser will be pleased to radio Cherbourg, Antwerp, Southampton, London, Paris or Liverpool Office, for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will, consequently, save them time and trouble after landing.
Hotel Accommodation in London
it is advisable to reserve hotel accommodation in advance AT ANY SEASON OF THE YEAR.
Passengers not arranging reservations in advance by cablegram or mail, have the opportunity of sending a wireless message from the steamer, and in this connection certain hotels, as listed with the wireless operator, pay the charge for such messages.
At times there is considerable difficulty in obtaining satisfactory hotel accommodation if not previously reserved.