SS Minneapolis Passenger List - 16 November 1905
Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Minneapolis of the Atlantic Transport Line, Departing 16 November 1905 from London to New York, Commanded by Captain Thomas F. Gates. Includes Information for Passengers. GGA Image ID # 1731227967
Notable Passengers: Henry Walter Barnett and his wife Ella Mary Tuck, Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, and the wives of famous people, Mrs. Charles C. Byrne, and Mrs. Charles Warren Stoddard.
The SS Minneapolis arrived in New York on 26 November 1905.
Photograph of the SS Minneapolis of the Atlantic Transport Line, 1901. From the photographic collection of the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: Thomas F. Gates
- Surgeon: J. Leeming Walker
- Chief Engineer: A. M. Cross
- Purser: Charles A. Wills
- Chief Steward: J. L. Martin
First Class Passengers
- Miss Agnes M. Bailey
- Mr. H. Walter Barnett
Henry Walter Barnett (25 January 1862 – 16 January 1934) was an Australian photographer and filmmaker. Barnett was a prominent portrait photographer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, establishing the successful Falk studios in Sydney. Later in his career he was based in London, England, with studios at Hyde Park Corner and Knightsbridge. Barnett became involved in filmmaking after meeting cinematographer Marius Sestier in 1896, and with Sestier made some of the first films shot in Australia - Miss Bennett
- Mr. Wm. Hart Bennett
William M. Hart-Bennett, CMG (1861–1918) was a British government official who served overseas. He was a British colonial minister in Nassau, Bahamas and a Governor of British Honduras (now known as Belize) from January 29, 1918 to September 4, 1918, and before that was employed as Colonial Secretary of the Bahamas - Mrs. Wm. Hart Bennett
Mrs. Hart Bennett (Ella Mary Tuck), was the daughter of Charles E. Tuck of Norwich, Ontario. Ella was an author and a prominent figure in Naussau's society. She was president of the Nassau Dumb Friends League and a member of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire. She is best remembered as the author of the book An English Girl In Japan (1906). Ella died in the May 29, 1914 sinking of the RMS Empress of Ireland at the age of 49 - Mr. Clarence O. Bigelow
- Mrs. Clarence O. Bigelow
- Mr. F. T. Blakeman
- Mrs. F. T. Blakeman
- Mrs. Bowie
- Miss Ellen Bowie
- Miss Muriel Bowie
- Mrs, Brooks
- Miss Brooks
- Master Brooks and Nurse
- Mrs. L. S. Bryant
- Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett and Maid
Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (24 November 1849 – 29 October 1924) was an English playwright and author. She is best known for her children's stories, in particular Little Lord Fauntleroy (published in 1885-6), A Little Princess (1905), and The Secret Garden (1911) - Mrs. Chas. C. Byrne
Wife of Charles C. Byrne, brigadier general in the United States Army - Miss Ferne Church
- Miss Gladys Church
- Miss Naida Church
- Mr. Fred. J. Clark
- Miss J. M. Coghlan
- Miss Sarah E. Crouckley
- Miss M. Daley
- Mrs. Deborah Dellebar
- Mr. J. G. Dixon
- Mr. John A. Donald
- Mrs. John A. Donald
- Mr. Chas. Dunn
- Mrs. I. C. Dunn
- Miss Rebecca E. Erben
- Mrs. R. D. Edwards
- Miss Truda Edwards
- Mr. R. D. Edwards
- Miss Helen Erben
- Mr. J. M. Fletcher
- Mrs. J. M. Fletcher
- Mr. Wrn. E. Fort
- Mrs. Wm. E. Fort
- Mr. H. W. Fry
- Mr. S. S. Gardiner
- Mr. J. J. Godfrey
- Mrs. J. E. Greene
- Miss M. Greenwood
- Mr. R. J. Gross
- Mr. H. H. Harris
- Mrs. A. Hatch
- Miss E. N. Hatch
- Mr. Francis Hegeman-Sutton
- Mrs. Sterry Hunt
- Mr. James A. Jenkins
- Miss Edith M. Jordan
- Miss S. Livermore
- Mr. James Livesey
- Miss Anna H. Markley
- Miss Edith A. Mitchell
- Mr. C. M. Muchnic
- Mr. J. J. R. Peel
- Mr. Le Roy Phillips
- Mrs. Le Roy Phillips
- Mr. C. Pollard
- Mr. H. W. Postlethwaite
- Mrs. Postlethwaite
- Mr. Wm. Postlethwaite
- Mrs. Poulter
- Miss Emma Purvis
- Mr. Arthur Robertson
- Mrs. Arthur Robertson
- Miss A. Grace Robertson
- Master A. Nairn Robertson
- Mrs. Mary Knox Robinson
- Miss D. H. Roessle
- Mr. Augustus Rogy
- Mr. Charles T. Russell
- Mrs. Charles T. Russell
- Mr. H. L. Selleck
- Mrs. Selleck
- Mrs. Selwyn
- Master Yarl. O. Selwyn
- Mrs. G. W. Stewart
- Mrs. Chas. Stoddard
Wife of Charles Warren Stoddard (August 7, 1843, – April 23, 1909) who was an American author and editor - Mr. D. R. Taylor
- Mrs. John R. Thomas
- Mrs. Mary H. R. Tillson
- Miss Hilda K. Tuck
- Mr. F. G. M. Wetherell
- Mr. Aaron M. Willcox
- Mr. Montague E. Williams
- Mrs. Hamilton Willis
- Miss Pauline Willis
- Miss Kate Willis
- Mr. John E. Winn
- Mrs. John E. Winn
Information for Passengers
- Tea and Coffee : at 7 a.m
- Breakfast : 8.30 a.m
- Lunch : 1:00 pm
- Dinner : 7:00 pm
Meals for Nurses and Children :—Breakfast, 8:00 am; Dinner, 12 noon; Tea, 5:00 pm
Please apply to Second Steward for seating accommodation at Table.
Lights in the Saloon are extinguished at 11:00 pm, and in the Smoking Room at 11.30 pm.
Bar closes at 11:00 pm
Smoking is not allowed in the Saloon, Staterooms of Companionways.
The Saloon Steward will suppiy Stamps, Telegraph Forms, Books of Reference, and Railway Time Tables of the Principal Companies.
Divine Service.—Intimation regarding Divine Service will appear on the Notice Boards every Sunday morning.
Valuables.—Passengers are enjoined to be very careful in the disposal of small articles of baggage, more especially during Embarkation, when there are always strangers on Board.
Money, Jewellery, and valuables of any kind, should always be left securely under lock and key.
Passengers may deposit with the Purser any Money, Jewellery, etc., for safe keeping during the voyage, but no responsibility can be accepted for same.
For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to exchange a limited amount of English and American money. The rate of exchange will he$4.80 to the £1 when giving American in exchange for English currency, and £1 to $4.95 when giving English money for American.
Luggage.—Only hand-bags and trunks which will fit underneath the berths are allowed in the Staterooms; all large or heavy luggage must be placed in the Baggage Room, to which access can be gained by applying to the Officer in charge of Baggage.
Pasengers will greatly expedite the disembarkation if they will have their Stateroom Baggage packed ready for removal directly on arrival, so that the transfer may at once be proceeded with.
Electric Bell Calls.—For Steward, one ring; for Stewardess, two rings.
Passengers' Addresses should be left with the Purser, in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.
Letters.— Passengers may have their letters addressed to any of the Company's Offices given below, where they will be retained until called for, or forwarded according to instructions.
Atlantic Transport Line - Track Chart (Unused)
Atlantic Transport Co., Ltd. (London)
- 1, Cockspur Street, S.W. 38
- Leadenhall Street, E.C
N. Martin, Agent : 9, Rue Scribe, Paris.
Atlantic Transport Co.
- New York-9, Broadway
- Baltimore-600, North Charles Street
- Philadelphia—Broad and Sansom Streets
- Chicago-9o-96 Dearborn Street
- Minneapolis-412, Guaranty Loan Building
White Star Line
Attention is called to the Mediterranean Services maintained by the White Star Line between New York and Mediterranean Ports, and Boston and Mediterranean Ports.
These Services are conducted by the modern Twin-Screw Steamers :—
- "Celtic," 21,000 Tons (one of the largest steamers in the world)
- "Repbulic" 15,378 Tons
- "Cretic" 13,500 Tons
- "Canopic " 12,096 Tons
- "Romanic" 11,400 Tons
which are amongst the largest, fastest and finest steamers running between America and the Mediterranean.
The annexed sailing schedule gives the departures as at present arranged, from which it will be noted that the
"Celtic," Twin-Screw, 21,000 Tons -- (one of the largest steamers in the world) will make two voyages in the New York— Mediterranean Service, as follows :—
Passengers holding round trip tickets by the White Star Line are reminded that they are available for their full value for return by the Atlantic Transport Line, and vice versa.
Mediterranean Cruise.-The " Arabic" sails from New York about February 8th, igo6, for an extended Cruise to the Mediterranean under charter to Mr. F. C. Clark, and will call at Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens (Phaleron Bay), Constantinople, Smyrna, Caifa, Jaffa, Alexandria, Naples, and Villefranche, returning thence via Liverpool to New York.
Liverpool, November, 1905
Advertisement for White Star Line Mediterranean Service 1905. GGA Image ID # 17313cb1f2