SS Moltke Archival Collection


The SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher) of the Hamburg-American Line.

The SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher) of the Hamburg-American Line. Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bba32ea46



Moltke (1901) Hamburg-American Line

Built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg, Germany. Tonnage: 12,335. Dimensions: 525' x 62' (550' o.l.). Twin-screw, 16 1/2 knots. Quadruple expansion engines. Two masts and two funnels. Passengers: 390 first, 230 second, 550 third. Built for the Far East service. Maiden voyage: Hamburg-Plymouth-New York, February 9, 1902. Service: Transferred to Genoa-Naples-New York route in 1906. Made a number of North Atlantic sailings. Renamed: Pesaro (1915) Italian Government. In 1919 was placed in the service of Lloyd Sabaudo. Fate: Scrapped in 1926. Sister ship: Bluecher,


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Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the SS Moltke of the Hamburg America Line, Departing 21 August 1906 from Genoa to New York via Naples

1906-08-21 SS Moltke Passenger List

Steamship Line: Hamburg Amerika Linie / Hamburg American Line (HAPAG)

Class of Passengers: First Class

Date of Departure: 21 August 1906

Route: Genoa to New York via Naples

Commander: Captain Reessing


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Front Cover, Across the Atlantic -- Hamburg-American Line, 1905.

Across the Atlantic - Hamburg American Line - 1905

Although small in size, this 80 page booklet / brochure from 1905 provides an excellent record of the steamships and services of the Transatlantic Fleet of the Hamburg America Line.

Ships Covered Included the Blücher, Deutschland, Graf Waldersee, Hamburg, Moltke, Patricia, Pennsylvania, Pretoria, Prinz Adalbert, Prinz Oskar, and Prinzessin Victoria Luise.


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Cover, SS Moltke Luncheon Bill of Fare - 24 July 1905

1905-07-24 SS Moltke Luncheon Menu

Uniquely constructed luncheon Bill of Fare card from the SS Moltke of the Hamburg America Line consisting of 3 pieces of paper glued together by design. Featured quality graphics common among German steamship lines of that era.


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Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Boulogne-Southampton-Plymouth and New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg- Hamburg, from 11 April 1902 to 26 October 1902.

Hamburg Amerika Linie / Hamburg American Line (HAPAG) Sailing Schedule, 11 April 1902 to 26 October 1902

The SS Moltke, operated by the Hamburg Amerika Linie / Hamburg American Line (HAPAG), was scheduled for transatlantic or Mediterranean voyages between 11 April 1902 to 26 October 1902.


Sailing Schedule, Hamburg - Boulogne-sur-Mer - Plymouth - Southampton - Cherbourg - New York, from 21 June to 11 September 1902.

Sailing Schedule, Hamburg - Boulogne-sur-Mer - Plymouth - Southampton - Cherbourg - New York, from 21 June to 11 September 1902. Ships Included the Auguste Victoria, Blücher, Columbia, Fürst Bismarck, Graf Waldersee, Moltke, Palatia, Patricia, Pennsylvania, and Phoenicia. SS Pennsylvania Passenger List, 21 June 1902. GGA Image ID # 1ee40ad419


Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Dover-Boulogne-Cherbourg-New York, from 29 July 1905 to 2 December 1905.

Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Dover-Boulogne-Cherbourg-New York, from 29 July 1905 to 2 December 1905. Ships Included the Amerika, Blücher, Deutschland, Fürst Bismarck, Graf Waldersee, Hamburg, Moltke, Patricia, Pennsylvania, and Pretoria. SS Graf Waldersee Passenger List, 29 July 1905. GGA Image ID # 1f06676725


Sailing Schedule, Mediterranean Service (Genoa-Palermo-Naples-New York), from 21 August 1906 to 23 April 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Mediterranean Service (Genoa-Palermo-Naples-New York), from 21 August 1906 to 23 April 1907. Ships Included the Deutschland, Hamburg, Moltke, Oceana, and Prinz Adalbert. SS Moltke Passenger List, 21 August 1906. GGA Image ID # 1e437bf4d0


Sailing Schedule, Genoa-Naples-New York and New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa, from 28 May 1907 to 2 February 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Genoa-Naples-New York and New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa, from 28 May 1907 to 2 February 1908. Ships Included the Batavia, Bulgaria, Hamburg, Moltke, and President Lincoln. SS Batavia Passenger List, 1 June 1907. GGA Image ID # 1ec5531301


Sailing Schedule, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa and Genoa-Naples-New York, from 30 April 1909 to 4 November 1909.

Sailing Schedule, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa and Genoa-Naples-New York, from 30 April 1909 to 4 November 1909. Ships Included the Batavia, Bulgaria, Hamburg, and Moltke. SS Blücher Passenger List, 12 May 1909. GGA Image ID # 1f8ad5595c


Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Bologne-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 October 1913 to 19 February 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Bologne-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, from 25 October 1913 to 19 February 1914. Ships Included the Amerika, Graf Waldersee, Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, Moltke, Patricia, Pennsylvania, President Grant, President Lincoln, and Pretoria. SS Pretoria Passenger List, 25 October 1913. GGA Image ID # 1ee4c20743


Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Philadelphia, Hamburg-Boston, Genoa-Naples-Palermo-NewYork, and New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa, from 28 October 1913 to 22 January 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-Philadelphia, Hamburg-Boston, Genoa-Naples-Palermo-NewYork, and New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa, from 28 October 1913 to 22 January 1914. Ships Included the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Graf Waldersee, Hamburg, Moltke, Prinz Adalbert, and Prinz Oskar. SS Pretoria Passenger List, 25 October 1913. GGA Image ID # 1ee4c70e9d


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Advertisement for 1905 Pleasure Cruises Arranged by the Hamburg-American Line.

Advertisement for 1905 Pleasure Cruises Arranged by the Hamburg-American Line. Ships Included the Moltke, Hamburg, Prinzessin Victoria Luise, Meteor, and Fürst Bismark. SS Graf Walders Passenger List, 29 July 1905. GGA Image ID # 1f073bf2d2


Sailing Schedule, Cruises to Bathing Resorts, Orient, Mediterranean, and West India, from 20 September 1906 to 20 May 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Cruises to Bathing Resorts, Orient, Mediterranean, and West India, from 20 September 1906 to 20 May 1907. Ships Included the Blücher, Meteor, and Moltke. SS Moltke Passenger List, 21 August 1906. GGA Image ID # 1e43aaa746


Hamburg-American Line Cruises for 1909.

Hamburg-American Line Cruises for 1909. SS Amerika Passenger List, 12 November 1908. GGA Image ID # 1e436bfb14


Great oriental journey with the twin screw mail steamer "Moltke" (12,000 tons)

Departing from New York on January 28, 1909

Travel time 80 days

Prices from M. 1200 upwards

The following places were visited:

Funchal on Madeira, Cadiz (Seville, Alhambra, Granada), Gibraltar, Malaga, Algiers, Genna, Villafranca (Nice, Monte Carlo), Syracuse, Malta, Alexandria (Cairo, Nile, Pyramids, Luxor, Aswan), Jaffa (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Dead Sea), Beyrouth (Damascus, Baalbek), Smyrna, Constantinople, Piraeus (Athens), Kalamaki (Eleusis, Acrocorinth, Corinth Canal), Corfu, Messina, Palermo, Naples and Genoa.

For European participants:

Departure from Genoa on February 18th

Travel time 43 days

Prices from M. 800 upwards.

Two West India trips with the twin screw mail steamer ''Oceana" (8000 tons)


Große Orientfahrt mit dem Doppelschrauben-Postdampfer 'Moltke" (12,000 Tons)'

Abfahrt von New York am 28. Januar 1909

Reisedauer 80 Tage

Preise von M. 1200.— aufwärts

Es worden folgende Plätze besucht:

Funchal auf Madeira, Cadiz (Sevilla, Alhambra, Granada), Gibraltar, Malaga, Algier, Genna, Villafranca (Nizza, Monte Carlo), Syrakus, Malta, Alexandrien (Cairo, Nil, Pyramiden, Luxor, Assuan), Jaffa (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Totes Meer), Beyrouth (Damaskus, Baalbek), Smyrna, Konstantinopel, Piraeus (Athen), Kalamaki (Eleusis, Akrokorinth, Kanal von Korinth), Korfu, Messina, Palermo, Neapel und Genua.

Für europäische Teilnehmer:

Abfahrt von Genua am 18. Februar

Reisedauer 43 Tage

Preise von M. 800.— aufwärts.

Zwei Westindienfahrten mit dem Doppelschrauben-Postdampfer ''Oceana" (8000 Tons)


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Information for Passengers - 21 August 1906

Meals. First Cabin.

  • Breakfast is served from 8 to to A.M
  • lunch at 12:30 p.m.
  • dinner at 6:30 p.m

A menu is printed for each meal. Seats at table are alloted by the Chief Steward. A bugle call will be sounded 15 minutes

before each meal, and a second signal at the beginning of the meal. Children paying half fare must dine at the children's table.

Steamer Chairs.— Upon application to the Deck Steward, steamer chairs belonging to the Ocean Comfort Company can be rented for use on the voyage, at a charge of one dollar per chair.

Music.—The ship's band performs on the promenade deck during the forenoon from to to II o'clock, and in the Dining Saloon during dinner.

Staterooms. —All staterooms are lighted by electricity. They are also provided with connections for an electric heater for a hair-curler, as well as for an electric food warmer, by which milk, coffee, etc., can be kept warm during the night. The apparatus will be supplied by tke Stewardess. Passengers are recommended to lock the doors of their staterooms while the steamer is in port.

Baggage. — As only small pieces of baggage can be taken into the cabins, all large pieces will be stored in the hold. Access to the hold may be had upon application to the Room Steward.

Hot or Cold Baths.— A number of comfortable bathrooms are provided aboard. The Bathroom Steward or Stewardess will attend to the bath upon the passenger's request. No charge is made for baths. The water used is sea-water.

Gymnasium. — The gymnasium on the boat-deck is open daily for first class Passengers: for gentlemen from 9,30 A. M. to II A. AL and from 3 P. M. to 4 P. M.; for ladies from LI A. M. to 12.30 P. M. and from 4 P. M. to 5 P. M. Exercises take place under the supervision of experienced attendants. Children cannot be admitted.

Grill room.—Meals will be served in the Grill room from to A. M. to 2 P. M. and from 5 to to P. M. Passengers will please pay for their Grill room orders to the Chief Steward at the end of the trip.

Smoking is allowed only on deck and in the Smoking Room; it is positively prohibited in the cabins and below deck.

The Bar closes at midnight.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11 P. M. and in the Smoking Room at midnight.

Surgeon and Apothecary.—An experienced Physician is attached to every steamer. Medical attendance and medicines are provided free of charge.

The Barber is entitled to charge for his services according to the tariff fixed by the Company.

Library. — The books in the library, which may be obtained upon application to the Library Steward, are at the disposal of Passengers, free of charge. A catalogue of the English, French and German books in the ship' s library can be had from the Library Steward.

Besides the Library a bookstall, supplied by the firm of George Stilke, Berlin, will be found on board where all the latest newspapers and publications, weekly and monthly magazines, souvenirs, etc., are on sale.

Letters and Telegrams.—Only the Purser is authorized to receive letters and telegrams for delivery in the next port of call. Several Telegraph codes will be found in his office.

Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms as well as a limited number of Souvenir Postal Cards will he supplied by the Saloon Steward.

Valuables or Money. - The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe , and a receipt for same will be given on the Company' s form. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but Passengers can protect themselves by insurance.

Foreign Money.— The Purser is prepared to exchange foreign money.

Marconi Station. — Communication is established nearly every day with either shore stations or passing ships. The operator will receive messages for transmission at the time and rate stated on the Marconi bulletin.

Amusements.— A number of pastime games, such as shuffleboard, quoits, chess, dominoes, etc., are provided for on board.

Attendance.- The Stewards have strict instructions to attend to the wants of Passengers in a prompt and courteous manner.

VIEW Postcards are available for the passengers from the Purser or the upper steward free of charge.

Souvenir Postal Cards will be furnished to Passengers free of charge by the Purser or Chief Steward

Passengers are requested to bring any inattention to. the notice of the Chief Steward, and if the complaint made is not promptly investigated, to report it to the Captain.

Source: SS Moltke Passenger List - 21 August 1906


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Promenade Deck - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Promenade Deck - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bba45ac3b


Sheltered Corner on Promenade Deck - SS Molke and SS Blücher.

Sheltered Corner on Promenade Deck - SS Molke and SS Blücher. Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bba562a3b


Cupola and Main Saloon - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Cupola and Main Saloon - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbaa16b27


Main Saloon - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Main Saloon - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbabc7597


Grill Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Grill Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbb14c1b2


Smoking Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Smoking Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbb3f3f49


Ladies' Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Ladies' Room - SS Moltke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbb644a16


Chambre Deluxe, SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Chambre Deluxe, SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbb696d41


Gymnasium on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Gymnasium on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbb6f81ef


Second Cabin Ladies Parlor on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Second Cabin Ladies Parlor on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbc028a87


Second Cabin Main Saloon on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

Second Cabin Main Saloon on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbc1cc3e4


L to R, T to B: Second Cabin Main Saloon; Second Cabin Ladies' Parlor; Second Cabin Music Room; and Second Cabin Smoking Room on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher).

L to R, T to B: Second Cabin Main Saloon; Second Cabin Ladies' Parlor; Second Cabin Music Room; and Second Cabin Smoking Room on the SS Molke and SS Blücher (Bluecher). Across the Atlantic, 1905 HAPAG Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1bbc238436


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Front Cover, Classic Ocean Liners, Volume 1: Berengaria, Leviathan, & Majestic by Frank O. Braynard, © 1991.

Classic Ocean Liners, Volume 1: Berengaria, Leviathan, & Majestic

An absorbing and detailed account of the three ships: Berengaria, Leviathan, & Majestic, 50,000-ton dinosaurs of the transatlantic lines in the years before World War I.


Front Cover, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 1: 1858-1912 by Arnold Kludas, Translated from the German by Charles Hodges, 1975.

Great Passenger Ships of the World 1858-1912

This initial volume deals with Ships from 1858-1912, from the first passenger ship of over 10,000 GRT to be placed in service (the Great Eastern) to those unforgettable sister ships, the Olympic and Titanic — the first of more than 40,000 GRT.


Front Cover, Ocean Steamers: A History of Ocean-Going Passenger Steamships 1820-1970 by John Adams, 1993.

Ocean Steamers: A History of Ocean-Going Passenger Steamships 1820-1970

A history of the steam-powered passenger ship that details its story from the SS Savannah of 1819 to the SS Hamburg of 1969. It contains historical details of all civilian vessels built in the intervening years, with numerous illustrations and previously unpublished material.


Front Cover and Spine, Passenger Ships of the World, Past and Present by Eugene W. Smith, 1963.

Passenger Ships of the World - 1963

Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.


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