SS Moltke Luncheon Menu - 24 July 1905
Uniquely Constructed Luncheon Menu Card With a Collage of Illustrations Consisting of 3 Pieces of Paper Glued Together by Design Adorning the Top Portion of the Card From Monday, 24 July 1905, SS Moltke of the Hamburg America Line (Hamburg-Amerika Linie). The Bill of Fare Featured Salmy of Ducklings With Olives, Kraeuterbutter Rump steak, Rump Steak with Herb-Butter, and Currantberry-Sauce Lemon Cream Tartlets for Dessert. GGA Image ID # 15619c02e3
Menu Items
Ready Dishes
- Potato Soup
- Kidney Soup with Rice
- Beef Broth in Cups
- Kippered Herring
- Veal Ragout
- Lamb Curry with Rice
- Braised Beef
- Salmy of Ducklings (Salmis of Duck) with Olives
- Roast Mutton
- Roast Beef with Gravy
- Roast Chicken
- Brussel Sprouts
- Succotash
- Spinach with Egg
- Fried Potatoes
- Boiled Potatoes
- Baked Potatoes
- French Potatoes
- Lyons Potatoes (Lyonnaise Potatoes)
- Mashed Potatoes
- Prune Compote
- Pear Compote
- Vanilla Pudding
- Currant Berry Sauce
- Lemon Cream Tartlets
- Apples
- Oranges
To Order:
- Broiled Mutton Chops
- Fried Mutton Chops
- Rump Steak with Herb Butter
Eggs in any Style [including:]
- Boiled Eggs
- Fried Eggs
- Mulled Eggs
- Omelette
- Poached Eggs
- Scrambled Eggs
- Shirred Eggs
From the Buffet
- Roast Beef
- Roast Veal
- Roast Pork
- Chicken
- Patties
- Boiled Ham
- Westphalian Ham
- Smoked Ox Tongue
- Smoked Beef
- Cervelat Sausage
- Herring in Aspic
- Matjes Herring
- Bismarck Herring
- Rolled Herring
- Sardells
- Lettuce Salad
- Shrimp Salad
- Chicken Salad
- Queen Isabella Style Salad
- Potato Salad
- Russian Prairie Cheese
- Swiss Cheese
- Roquefort
- Camembert Cheese
- Cream Cheese
- Edam Cheese
- Herb Cheese
Printed on Board (In German and English)