SS Ile de France Large Format Luncheon Menu - 8 October 1949
Front Cover of a Vintage Large Format Luncheon Menu from Saturday, 8 October 1949 on board the SS Ile de France of the CGT French Line featured Medallion of Wolf Fish en Fricassée, Lamb Bayaldi, and Olga Pudding for dessert. GGA Image ID # 15acda7f1e
Menu Items
- Green Olives
- Black Olives
- Celery in Branch
- Insigny Butter
- Beef Salad
- Mortadella of Bologne
- Salmon Mayonnaise
- Hard Boiled Eggs Mexicaine
- Portuguese Salad
- Pickled Fresh Herrings
- Leeks French Dressing
- Terrine of Chicken Liver
- Longchamps Soup
- Tapioca Consommé
- Omelet Bretonne
- Broiled Salmon Bonnefoy
- Medallion of Wolf Fish en Fricassée
- Lamb Bayaldi
- Braised Sweet Bread Chevreuse
- Fresh Spinach in Cream
- Cauliflowers Rissolées
- Fresh Lima Beans in Butter
- Rice a l'Indienne
Baked Potatoes
A l'Anglaise Potatoes - Jacket Potatoes
- Muslin Potatoes
- Pont Neuf Potatoes
- Spaghetti with Cheese
From the Grill (10 Minutes)
- Broiled Rump Steak Foyot
- Broiled Mutton Chop a l'Anglaise
Cold Buffet
- York Ham - Bayonne Ham - Virginia Ham
- Cold Chicken
- Loin of Veal
- Ox-Tongue Ecarlate
- Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce
- Aiguillette of Beef a la Mode
- Rack of Pork
- Roast beef with Gherkins
- Spanish Salad
- Yvette Salad
- Chicory Salad
- Ementhal – Camembert – Chevre – Port Salut
- Champignons
- Papillons
- Fours Cherries
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- Strawberry lce Cream
- Dutch Cream
- Olga Pudding
- Baked Apple
Stewed Fruit
- Stewed Apples
- Basket of Fruits of the season
- Bourgogne Blanc Supérieur
- Bordeaux Rouge Supérieur
- Bordeaux Blanc Supérieur
- French Coffee - American Coffee - Sanka Coffee
- China Tea - Ceylon Tea - Orange Pekoe
- Camomille – Mint - Linden Tea - Vervain
Menu Items, Large Format Luncheon Menu, First on the SS Ile de France of the CGT French Line, Saturday, 8 October 1949. GGA Image ID # 15ad130603