RMS Titanic Luncheon Menu - 14 April 1912
Privately published reproduction of the famous Luncheon Menu Card from Sunday, 14 April 1912 for the RMS Titanic of the White Star Line Commanded by Captain Edward J. Smith. The Menu featured such specialities as Cockie Leekie, Roast Beef, Veal & Ham Pie, and Virginia & Cumberland Ham. GGA Image ID # 2021762ba4
Menu Items
- Consommé Fermier
- Cockie Leekie
- Fillets of Brill
- Egg a L'Argenteuil
- Chicken à la Maryland
- Corned Beef, Vegetables, Dumplings
From The Grill
- Grilled Mutton Chops
- Mashed Potatoes
- Fried Potatoes
- Baked Jacket Potatoes (Baked Potatoes)
- Custard Pudding
- Apple Meringue, Pastry
- Salmon, Mayonnaise
- Potted Shrimp
- Norwegian Anchovies
- Soused Herring
- Plain & Smoked Sardines
- Roast Beef
- Round of Spiced Beef
- Veal Pie & Ham Pie
- Virginia Ham & Cumberland Ham
- Bologna, Sausage, Brawn
- Galantine of Chicken (Chicken Galantine)
- Corned Ox Tongue
- Lettuce
- Beetroot
- Tomatoes
- Cheshire Cheese
- Stilton Cheese
- Gorgonzola Cheese
- Edam Cheese
- Camembert Cheese
- Roquefort Cheese
- St. Ivel Cheese
- Cheddar Cheese
Iced draught Munich Lager Beer 3d. & 6d. a Tankard.