SS Bremen Luncheon Menu - 29 July 1937
Front Cover of a Vintage Luncheon Menu from Thursday, 29 July 1937 on board the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd featured John Dory Niçoise, Tendrons of Veal Marengo, and Lemon Meringue Pie for dessert.
Menu Items
Lunch à la Carte
- Pineapple Tomato Juice Cocktail
- Crab Flake Cocktail
- Eggs Brabançonne
- Bremen Herring Salad
- Salad Marianne
- Marinated Mushrooms
- Tomato Gourmet
- Escabêche of Tunny
- Canapés Norma
- Duck Liver Newton
- Médaillons of Brain Vinaigrette
- Smoked Eel
- French Sardines in Oil
- Tunny in Oil
- Anchovies Norvégienne
- Delicatess Herring
- Swedish Appetizers
- Sprats in Tomatoes
- Chow-Chow
Cold Dishes
- Live Boiled Chicken Lobster, Sauce Ravigote
- Rhine Salmon Côte d’Azur
- Leg of Lamb Cressonière
- Tenderloin of Beef Wellington
- Alsatian Pâté of Liver
- Capon with Corned Tongue
- Glazed Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce
- Suprême of Pheasant Singapore
- Smoked Westphalian Ham
- Boiled Coburg Ham
- Choice of Fresh Sausage
- Cream of Chicken with Morels
- Potage Santé
- Mille-fanti
- Soup Printanière with Butter Noques
- Consommé in Cup, hot or cold
- Shirred Eggs Swiss Style
- Spanish Omelet
- Poached Eggs Indienne
- Boiled River Pike, Melted Butter or Parsley Sauce
- Broiled Sole, Lemon Butter
- John Dory Niçoise
- Tendrons of Veal Marengo
- Lamb Chops Beauharnais
- Braised Ox-Tail in Madeira
- Turkey Croquettes with New Mushrooms
From the Grill (about 10 Minutes)
- Guinea Chicken on Toast
- Tenderloin Steak, Herb Butter
- Yorkshire Ham Steak
- Lettuce, Water Cress, Combination, Diaz
- Lorenzo, Plaza, Herb, Lemon
New Vegetables
- Algier Artichoke, Sauce Hollandaise
- Carrots with Fine Herbs
- Buttered Com on the Cob
- Sliced Beans Paysanne
- Spinach with Egg
- Tomato Stew
- White Squash
- Fried Egg-Plants
Vegetables and Pastes
- Pine-apple Sauerkraut
- Spaghetti with Parmesan
- Steamed Rice
- Baked Idaho, Croquettes, Candied sweet, Boiled, French fried, Delmonico, Buttered, Saratoga, Noisette
Sweets and Compote
- Caramel Cream
- Lemon Meringue Pie
- Preserved Mirabelles
- Compote of Fresh Fruit
- Wiener Apfelstrudel
- Apricot Irene
- Vanilla Ice-Cream, Wafers
- Strawberry Ice-Cream, Friandises
- Fontainebleau, Stilton, Emmental, Gournay, Herb, Swiss, Brie, Chester, German Cream with Chive
- Fruit In Season
- Demi-Tasse, Sanka Demi-Tasse, Tea
Special Dishes Today :
- Bouillabaisse Marseillaise
- Vienna Fried Chicken, Sauce Rémoulade
- Cassel Smoked Ribs of Pork
- New Spinach
- Round Fried Potatoes
If desired, special Dishes for Diet may be ordered.
Charming hillsides, covered with vineyards, line the banks of the Main and overlook Würzburg, which was raised to an episcopal see in the year 741 by Boniface. In the course of twelve centuries, this town has produced a number of buildings which are absolute gems of architecture.
As early as 752, Würzburg had its cathedral, which was succeeded in the 11th century by a Roman three-naved basilica with four towers and a rich treasure. Other venerable churches of the same period are the Roman St. Burkard’s church, the St. Jacob's church, which sprang from a Roman pillar-basilica, and the New Minster with the memorial-stone erected to the memory of Walther von der Vogelweide, who died 1230. Foremost amongst Würzburg's ecclesiastical works of art are those by the modern-Gothic sculptor, Tilman Riemenschneider.
Occasionally the town was the seat of prominent bishops with princely rank, whom Würzburg has to thank for the magnificent residence building which was erected in the period from 1720 to 1744.
As far back as 704, Würzburg was under the protection of the fortress Marienberg. At the foot of this fortress three bridges cross the Main, the oldest of which was completed in 1543 and later on adorned — in rococo style — with twelve statues of saints.
Situated in a fertile region, blessed with vineyards, Würzburg enjoys an active economic and cultural life.