SS Ile de France Luncheon Menu - 22 August 1935
Front Cover of a Vintage Luncheon Menu from Thursday, 22 August 1935 on board the SS Ile de France of the CGT French Line featured Stewed Chicken Chasseur, Broiled Mutton Chop, and Chocolate, Lemon Ice Cream for dessert. Featured wine was Vin Rouge et Vin Blanc des Caves de la Compagnie Générale Transatlantique.
Menu Items
Hors d’Œuvres (servis à la Française)
- Green Olives, Celery, Black Olives
- Fillets of Herrings
- Green Peppers à l’Orientale
- Mayonnaise of Turbot
- Potato Salad
- Hamburg Smoked Beef
- Shrimp
- Terrine of Young Rabbit
- Hot Consomme
- Cold Consomme
- Onion Soup
- Fried Flounders with Lemon
- Stewed Chicken Chasseur
- String Beans à l'lsigny
- Boiled Potatoes, Baked, Mashed Potatoes Long Branch
- Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti
- Rice Nature, Rice with Curry
From the Grill
- Broiled Mutton Chop
Cold Buffet
- Prime Ribs of Beef
- Chicken in jelly
- Leg of Spring Lamb
- Loin of Veal
- York Ham
- Assiette Anglaise
- Mixed – Lettuce
- Pont l’Evêque, Munster, Dutch Cheese
French Pastry
- Sultanes Coffee
- Croquets Parisiens
Ice Cream
- Chocolate, Lemon
- Basket of Fruits
- Assorted Stewed Fruits
- Vin Rouge et Vin Blanc des Caves de la Compagnie Générale Transatlantique
Coffee, Tea, etc.
- French Coffee, American Coffee
- China Tea, Ceylon Tea, Orange Pekoë, Vervain , Camomile, Linden Tea, Mint