SS Bremen Luncheon Menu - 1 August 1937
Front Cover of a Vintage Luncheon Menu from Sunday, 1 August 1937 on board the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd featured Loin of Pork in Cider - Candied sweet Potatoes, Mousselines of Chicken à la Patti, and Cold Danish Pudding, Vanilla Sauce for dessert. GGA Image ID # 1dd740282d
Menu Items
Lunch à la Carte
- Grapefruit
- Baby Shrimp Cocktail
- Eggs Frou-Frou
- Spanish Fish Salad
- Sauerkraut
- Calf’s Foot Salad Clärens
- Tomato Marseillaise
- Canapés Mosaïque
- Stuffed Lobster Shears
- Dominos of Goose Liver
- Imported Salami
- Swedish Appetizers
- Chow-Chow
- Sprats in Tomatoes
- Sardines in Oil
- Herb Sardines in Oil
- Smoked Eel
- Bismarck Herring
- Herb Anchovies
Cold Dishes
- Poached Rhine Salmon, Caviar Sauce
- Brook Trout Suédoise
- Prime Ribs of Beef, Sauce Figaro
- Médaillons of Pig’s Knuckle in Wine Jelly
- English Pâté on Ham, Cumberland Sauce
- Loin of Veal - Asparagus Salad
- Bresse Poularde
- Suprême of Quails in Orange Baskets
- Smoked Westphalian Ham
- Boiled Coburg Ham
- Choice of Fresh Sausage
- Thickened Semolina Soup with Cauliflower
- Holsatian Potato Soup
- Philadelphia Pepper Pot
- Chicken Broth Ménagère
- Consommé in Cup, hot or cold
- Shirred Eggs Opéra
- Scrambled Eggs Scotch Style
- Poached Eggs New Jersey
- Boiled Haddock, Browned Butter or English Egg Sauce
- Rougets en Papillote
- Lobster Thermidor
- Loin of Pork in Cider - Candied sweet Potatoes
- Fillet of Lamb Baron Brisse
- Médaillons of Calfs Head with New Tomato Stew
- Mousselines of Chicken à la Patti
From the Grill (about 10 Minutes)
- Sirloin Steak
- Schaschliks Caucasienne
- Chicken Liver with Bacon en Brochette
- Endive, Wax Bean, Cucumber, Miami
- Thousand Islands. Roquefort, Cream, German
New Vegetables
- Cauliflower Milanaise
- Strained Spinach
- Lettuce au Jus
- Buttered Com on the Cob
- Italian Squash
- Creamed Kohlrabi
- String Beans Tourangelle
- Parsnips Orly
Vegetables and Pastes
- Flageolet Beans
- Spaghetti Génoise
- Steamed Rice
- Baked Idaho, Candied sweet, Boiled, French fried, Buttered, Berny, Macaire, Noisette, Allumettes
Sweets and Compote
- Cold Danish Pudding, Vanilla Sauce
- Rice Colbert
- Mille-Feuilles Cake
- Preserved Mirabelles
- Compote of Fresh Fruit
- Banana Dorothy
- Vanilla Ice-Cream, Wafers
- Lemon Ice-Cream, Friandises
- Fontainebleau, Bel Paese, Gournay, Primula, Port Salut, Swiss, Gorgonzola, German Cream with Chive
- Fruit in Season
Coffee and Tea
- Demi Tasse, Sanka Demi Tasse, Tea
Special Dishes Today :
- Brunswick Asparagus
- Smoked Westphalian Ham
- Bremen Chicken Ragout with Butter Rice
- Corned Brisket Beef with Horse Radish Sauce
If desired, special Dishes for Diet may be ordered.