RMS Caronia Passenger List - 1 April 1911

Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Caronia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 1 April 1911 from Liverpool to New York

Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Caronia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 1 April 1911 from Liverpool to New York, Commanded by Captain James Clayton Barr. GGA Image ID # 1747e01c87

This passenger list contained Map of Cunard Line New Express Route: New York to London & Continent (Direct) via Fishguard.

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: James Clayton Barr
  2. Surgeon: J. F. McDermott
  3. Purser: E. C. F. Moore
  4. Assistant Purser: J. W. Lawler
  5. Chief Steward: Thos. Dickinson
  6. Typist & Stenographer: Miss B. Woodend


Second Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Abrahams
  2. Mr. James Agnew
  3. Mrs. M. Agnew
  4. Mr. Joanis Alexis
  5. Mr. N. Anderson
  6. Mrs. S. Anderson
  7. Miss G. Anderson
  8. Mr. S. O. Anderson
  9. Mrs. M. Anderson
  10. Master Andrew Anderson
  11. Mr. G. Armstrong
  12. Mr. J. Armstrong
  13. Miss E. Armstrong
  14. Mr. W. Astley
  15. Mrs. W. Astley
  16. Mr. Astley
  17. Mr. B. Atkinson
  18. Miss M. Atkinson
  19. Miss Maud Austin
  20. Mrs. S. Balmforth
  21. Master Balmforth
  22. Mr. Ernest Bamberger
  23. Miss A. Bamforth
  24. Mr. A. E. Bannister
  25. Mr. Barker
  26. Mrs. M. Barker
  27. Miss E. A. Barker
  28. Master J. Barker
  29. Master D. Barker
  30. Miss P. Barker
  31. Mr. Walter Barlow
  32. Mr. Barton
  33. Mr. J. Bearrnan
  34. Mr. R. C. Betts
  35. Mr. Jno. Bichan
  36. Mr. George Blackstage
  37. Mrs. E. Blackwell
  38. Miss Nellie Blackwell
  39. Miss Muriel Blackwell
  40. Mr. H. Bland
  41. Miss N. Blundell
  42. Miss Sophie Bloom
  43. Miss M. Bollons
  44. Mr. E. B. Bond
  45. Mr. Thomas Boobyer
  46. Mr. Harry Boobyer
  47. Mr. G..D. Booth
  48. Mr. A. Borrowdale
  49. Mrs. E. A. Botwell
  50. Mr. Ernest Bradley
  51. Mr. George Braid
  52. Mr. R. P. Braidwood
  53. Mr. S. T. Braidwood
  54. Mr. T. H. Brearley
  55. Mr. M. Brekke
  56. Mrs. P. Brekke
  57. Miss A. Brekke
  58. Miss T. Brekke
  59. Mr. M. E. Brewer
  60. Mr. Ralph Brewer
  61. Mrs. M. H. Briggs
  62. Mr. Harry Bristow
  63. Mrs. Minnie C. Bristow and Infant
  64. Master Hy. Clifford Bristow
  65. Mr. W. S. Broad
  66. Mr. E. Broad
  67. Mr. H. C. Bromley
  68. Mr. J. H. Bromley
  69. Mrs. Bromley
  70. Master Jno. Bromley
  71. Miss Gertie Bromley
  72. Mr. E. Brood
  73. Mr. W. L. Brood
  74. Mr. W. S. Brookes
  75. Mrs. Brookes and Infant
  76. Mr. Henry Buswell
  77. Mr. T. H. Butterworth
  78. Mr. F. Byrne
  79. Mrs. E. Canadine
  80. Mrs. C. Carey
  81. Mr. John Carlson
  82. Mrs. Carlson
  83. Miss G. Caropulos
  84. Miss H. Caropulos
  85. Miss M. Carthy
  86. Mr. A. Castriotis
  87. Mr. E. Ceul
  88. Mr. R. Challgren
  89. Mr. W. Chandley
  90. Mr. H. Chappell
  91. Mrs. Chappell
  92. Mr. S. H. Chefwidden
  93. Mr. A. E. Cherman
  94. Miss Mabel Child
  95. Mr. F. W. Chinery
  96. Mr. H. M. Christensen
  97. Mr. S. Clark
  98. Mr. W. Clarke
  99. Mr. H. Coe
  100. Mr. B. Cohn
  101. Mr. Arthur Collinson
  102. Mr. Jno. Collinson
  103. Miss Emily Colder
  104. Miss M. Conroy
  105. Mrs. Conway and Child
  106. Mrs. Cook
  107. Miss Irene Cook
  108. Mr. Jno. Cooper
  109. Mr. A. E. Courtney
  110. Mr. B. Crann
  111. Mr. Brodie Crawford
  112. Mrs. Mary Crawley
  113. Mr. W. J. Crawley
  114. Mr. B. C. Crettsinger
  115. Mr. R. Crinean
  116. Miss M. Croker
  117. Mr. J. Currie
  118. Mr. William Cuthbertson
  119. Mr. H. J. Dalling
  120. Mr. R. Darling
  121. Miss Davis
  122. Mr. William Jenkin Davis
  123. Mrs. Davis
  124. Miss Davis
  125. Mr. F. Davis
  126. Mr. A. E. Deacon
  127. Miss A. Dempsey
  128. Mrs. Elizabeth Derham
  129. Mr. George Derheau
  130. Mr. W. Doherty
  131. Miss Nellie Donan
  132. Mr. P. Doran
  133. Master J. Doran
  134. Mr. Ambrose Doran
  135. Miss Bridget Doran
  136. Miss Nellie Doran
  137. Mr. D. Dourovouila
  138. Miss S. Dowling
  139. Miss E. Duckworth
  140. Miss Irene Duckworth
  141. Mrs. E. H. Duckworth
  142. Mrs. H. Duffield
  143. Mr. J. J. Dunn
  144. Miss M. Durkin
  145. Miss Sarah Durrans
  146. Mr. J. Eaves
  147. Mrs. M. E. Ellison
  148. Mr. J. H. Enaerson
  149. Master England
  150. Mrs. L. England
  151. Mr. R. Evans
  152. Mr. J. H. Evans
  153. Miss Elizabeth Evans
  154. Mr. Sam Fairclough
  155. Rev. W. Fanning
  156. Mr. H. Farnen
  157. Mr. W. Fernyhough
  158. Mr. L. Field
  159. Miss E. Finch
  160. Mrs. M. C. Fink
  161. Miss W. Fleming
  162. Mr. W. H. Flood
  163. Mrs. Flood
  164. Mr. G. Fountanis
  165. Mr. P. Fountanis
  166. Mrs. Fountanis
  167. Mr. Jas. Francis
  168. Mrs. Francis
  169. Mr. Bores Fridken
  170. Mrs. Fridken
  171. Mr. S. Pearlman
  172. Mr. Leo. Fridkin
  173. Mrs. J. M. Fry and Infant
  174. Miss Jane Fry
  175. Mr. Sidney E. Gadd
  176. Mrs. M. Giles
  177. Master H. Giles
  178. Master F. Giles
  179. Mr. O. Graichen
  180. Mrs. O. Graichen
  181. Mr. Emil Granarth
  182. Mr. F. Green
  183. Mr. John Greenhalgh
  184. Mr. A. W. Gresham
  185. Mr. H. Grieves
  186. Mr. W. Griffiths
  187. Mr. Jno. Grinnell
  188. Mr. U. Grompos
  189. Mr. Nicolas Gronpos
  190. Mrs. J. B. Hailwood
  191. Mrs. Florence M. Hall
  192. Miss Maud Hall
  193. Master John Hall
  194. Miss E. Halliwell
  195. Mr. Samuel Hallom
  196. Miss Hansen
  197. Miss Harkink
  198. Mrs. Harkink
  199. Mr. O. Hanratty
  200. Mr. Charles A. Harris
  201. Mr. G. L. Harrison
  202. Mr. T. Harlsey
  203. Mr. Rowland Heaton
  204. Mr. C. H. Heaves
  205. Mr. E. Henning
  206. Mrs. Henry
  207. Miss Jennie Henry
  208. Miss Ruby Henry
  209. Mr. H. B. Hobson
  210. Mr. H. F. Hobson
  211. Mr. W. A. Holder
  212. Miss C. Holland
  213. Miss D. Holland
  214. Mr. W. G. Holmes
  215. Mr. F. G. Holmes
  216. Mr. B. Hopkinson
  217. Mr. W. J. Horan
  218. Mr. Thomas Howard
  219. Mr. Thomas Howard, Jr.
  220. Mrs. J. Howell
  221. Miss E. M. Howell
  222. Mr. R. M. Hughes
  223. Miss Elsie M. Hughes
  224. Mr. W. Hunt
  225. Mr. A. W. Ingham
  226. Miss A. Irwin
  227. Mr. H. A. Isaacs
  228. Mr. W. Jackson
  229. Mr. J. J. Jackson
  230. Mrs. G. Jackson
  231. Mrs. Jackson
  232. Master I. Jackson
  233. Mr. Jos. Jenkins
  234. Mr. G. R. Johnson
  235. Mr. J. O. Jones
  236. Miss Jones
  237. Mr. William H. Jones
  238. Mrs. Jones
  239. Mr. G. A. Jones
  240. Miss G. Jones
  241. Mr. L. J. Jones
  242. Mr. Richard Jones
  243. Mr. D. Jones
  244. Mr. R. O. Judie
  245. Miss M. Kelly
  246. Rev. P. Kennedy
  247. Mr. J. Kitchin
  248. Mr. B. Kitchin
  249. Mr. N. Koulos
  250. Miss E. K. Koulsovitz
  251. Miss Linley
  252. Miss Annie Lloyd
  253. Mr. W. Lockett
  254. Miss Dora Lowry
  255. Mr. D. Lubinski
  256. Mrs. Lubinski
  257. Mr. J. Lundtergen
  258. Mr. W. H. Lunn
  259. Mrs. T. Lyons
  260. Miss S. MacDonald
  261. Mrs. MacDonald
  262. Master MacDonald
  263. Miss M. Mackay
  264. Dr. MacLean
  265. Mr. Charles Maddox
  266. Mr. John C. Madsen
  267. Mr. E. A. Maples
  268. Miss B. S. Marchant
  269. Mrs. L. Marsden
  270. Miss Cecilia Martinette
  271. Mr. J. F. Maskell
  272. Mr. P. Mathis
  273. Mrs. Mathis
  274. Miss Marie Mathis
  275. Mr. S. Matta
  276. Mr. H. Maude
  277. Mr. Leo Maurig
  278. Mrs. McClenahan
  279. Mr. T. A. McCracken
  280. Mrs. M. McDonald
  281. Mr. P. McGarry
  282. Mr. Phillip McGreery
  283. Mr. John F. McKenna
  284. Mr. H. M. Meades
  285. Mr. R. Metham
  286. Mr. C. S. Middleton
  287. Mrs. Middleton
  288. Miss M. Miller
  289. Mr. Moffat
  290. Mrs. Moffat
  291. Mr. Jno. Moseley
  292. Mr. Colin Muir
  293. Miss A. Munnelly
  294. Mr. H. T. Murrell
  295. Mr. H. J. Nagle
  296. Mr. C. Napier
  297. Mr. W. Nellist
  298. .Mr. F. S. Newton
  299. Mr. J. Nicholas
  300. Mr. R. H. Nightingale
  301. Rev. W. Edward Nixon
  302. Mr. Ben Nordstrom
  303. Miss A. Norman
  304. Miss L. O'Hare
  305. Mr. H. E. Olsen
  306. Mrs. Ada Olsen
  307. Miss B. Olsen
  308. Miss Nora Olsen
  309. Miss E. Olsen
  310. Miss H. Olsen
  311. Miss L. O'Rorke
  312. Miss M. A. O'Rorke
  313. Mr. G. Palouri
  314. Mrs. Palouri
  315. Mrs. M. L. Pares
  316. Mrs. A. Park
  317. Miss Elizabeth Park
  318. Mr. R. K. Parker
  319. Mr. L. Pascoe
  320. Miss Maude Paterson
  321. Miss Sadie Paterson
  322. Mr. J. A. Patterson
  323. Miss E. Pattison
  324. Mrs. A. Pawley
  325. Miss Mabel Pawley
  326. Master W. Pawley
  327. Miss Annie Pawley
  328. Mrs. C. Pedler and Infant
  329. Miss E. Pedler
  330. Miss Lily Pedler
  331. Mr. F. Peel
  332. Miss Muriel Phillimore
  333. Mrs. Elizabeth Pilling
  334. Miss Lily Pilling
  335. Mr. H. T. Polland
  336. Mrs. F. Potter
  337. Miss A. Potter
  338. Mr. Frank A. Potts
  339. Mr. R. Powell
  340. Miss Powell
  341. Miss D. Preston
  342. Mrs. Pringle
  343. Mr. H. Pritchard
  344. Mr. W. H. Quipp
  345. Mrs. C. A. Ramey
  346. Mr. I. G. Rich
  347. Mr. Robert Roberts
  348. Mr. S. F. Roberts
  349. Mr. Richard Roberts
  350. Miss Rose Ruddan
  351. Mr. V. N. Ryan
  352. Mr. Fritz Schumachon
  353. Mr. George Schofield
  354. Mrs. Schofield
  355. Mr. George Scott
  356. Mr. John Scott
  357. Mrs. C. Scott and Infant
  358. Master Jack Scott
  359. Master Scott
  360. Mr. T. Seton
  361. Mrs. Seton and Infant
  362. Master T. G. Seton
  363. Mr. A. Senior
  364. Miss E. M. Senior
  365. Miss A. Senior
  366. Mrs. A. E. Shaw
  367. Miss M. C. Shaw
  368. Miss Marcraret Sheldrick
  369. Mr. J. Shone
  370. Miss P. L. Silvester
  371. Mr. J. H. B. Simmons
  372. Mrs. K. M. Simmons
  373. Mr. Simpson
  374. Mrs. Simpson
  375. Miss Simpson
  376. Mr. William Simpson
  377. Mr. Jno. Sinson
  378. Mr. William A. Sinson
  379. Mr. H. E. Smith
  380. Mr. Tom Smith
  381. Mr. C. J. Smith
  382. Mrs. Smith
  383. Mr. G. F. Smith
  384. Mr. John Smith
  385. Miss Sneith
  386. Miss E. Snow
  387. Mr. J. A. Spago
  388. Mr. Robert Sperring
  389. Mrs. Agnes Sperring
  390. Miss A. A. Sperring
  391. Miss Bertha Sperring
  392. Miss Agnes Sperring
  393. Mrs. E. Staines
  394. Master F. Staines
  395. Miss A. Stanlake
  396. Mr. V. V. Stevens
  397. Mrs. Stevens
  398. Master V. C. Stevens
  399. Mr. W. H. Stiles
  400. Mr. J. H. Stride
  401. Mr. Arvid Stronkel
  402. Mr. Stubbs
  403. Mr. John Swalwell
  404. Mrs. Swalwell
  405. Mr. H. Swindell
  406. Mrs. Swindell and Infant
  407. Miss H. Sykes
  408. Mr. T. Talson
  409. Mr. D. F. Tassell
  410. Mrs. Tassell
  411. Mr. A. Tennent
  412. Mr. James Thomas
  413. Mrs. Thomas
  414. Mr. T. W. Thompson
  415. Mr. W. Tilbeardo
  416. Miss L. Tindel
  417. Mr. W. Tinney
  418. Mr. S. Trevena
  419. Mr. Theodore Tsotsos
  420. Mrs. Tsotsos
  421. Mr. B. Tucker
  422. Mr. W. Tunnah
  423. Mr. A. Tur
  424. Master W. Tur
  425. Mr. Uriali Turner
  426. Miss S. Turner
  427. Miss P. Turner
  428. Mr. W. T. Tyler
  429. Mr. Unsworth
  430. Mrs. Unsworth
  431. Mrs. Vanrest
  432. Miss Diamant Vonwoulioti
  433. Mr. T. T. Verhoef
  434. Miss Violet Verity
  435. Mr. A. L. de Villiers
  436. Miss K. de Villiers
  437. Miss J. Vura
  438. Miss M. Waller
  439. Miss Nora Walsh
  440. Mr. W. J. Warren
  441. Miss Ada Warren
  442. Mrs. E. Warman
  443. Miss E. Warman
  444. Mr. Le Roy N. Warren
  445. Mrs. Alice Waters
  446. Mr. Thomas Watkinson
  447. Mr. Jno. Webb
  448. Mr. Webb
  449. Mr. Webb
  450. Mr. R. H. Webster
  451. Miss E. Wellington
  452. Mrs. C. Williams
  453. Master Harold Williams
  454. Master Leslie Williams
  455. Master James Williams
  456. Mr. Ernest Wilson
  457. Mrs. Wilson
  458. Mr. Lajas Winig
  459. Miss Hannah Wood
  460. Mr. George Wright
  461. Mr. H. P. Yates
  462. Mr. F. Yates
  463. Miss I. Yura

Additional Passengers

  1. Master G Anderson
  2. Miss Emma Blackwell
  3. Miss M Blundell
  4. Mr. Roal Breien
  5. Mrs. S Cordry
  6. Mr. H Grimes
  7. Mr. A Hitchcock
  8. Mr. J Hitchcock
  9. Mr. J Jansen
  10. Mr. J Pearman
  11. Miss D Sharp
  12. Mr. T Sharkey
  13. Mr. L Smith
  14. Miss E Vogel

Passengers Not on Board

  1. Miss G Anderson
  2. Mr. J Bearman
  3. Miss Sophie Bloom
  4. Mr. E Brood
  5. Mr. W L Brood
  6. Mr. E Ceul
  7. Mr. Jno Cooper
  8. Miss M Croker
  9. Mr. D Dourovouila
  10. Mr. H Grieves
  11. Mr. T Harlsey
  12. Mrs. J. Howell
  13. Miss E M Howell
  14. Miss M Mackay
  15. Mrs. M McDonald
  16. Mrs. M L Pares
  17. Miss D Preston
  18. Mr. George Schofield
  19. Mrs. Schofield
  20. Miss E Snow
  21. Mrs. E Staines
  22. Master F Staines
  23. Mr. T Talson
  24. Mr. A L de Villiers
  25. Miss K de Villiers
  26. Miss J Vura

Corrections to Passenger List

  • Mr. Leo Maurig should read Mr. Leo Manzig


Information for Passengers

Total 459 Second Cabin Passengers

This Steamer is Fitted with Marconi's System of Wireless Telegraphy Also with The Submarine Signalling Apparatus.

The " Lusitania " and " Mauretania " are the Largest and Fastest Steamers in The World.

Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times :

  • Breakfast at 8:00 am
  • Dinner 12.30 p.m
  • Tea 5:30 pm
  • Supper 8-30 p.m

The Bar and Smoking Room will be closed at 11:00 pm

Seats at Table.—Application may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance, or to the Second Cabin Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.

Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am

Baggage.—All enquiries regarding baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Steamer Chairs may be hired from the Deck Steward at a cost of 4s. for the voyage.

Valuables.—The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company can not accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but Passengers can protect themselves by insurance. Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.

Exchange of Money.—The Purser is authorized to exchange money at the following rates. He will give American money for English at $4.80 to the pound sterling and English money for U.S. Currency at £1 sterling for $4.95.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.

Dogs.—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Arrivals at New York.—Passengers are landed at the Company's Piers, 54 to 56, North River, Foot of West 14th Street, where railway tickets can be purchased and baggage checked to any part of the United States and Canada. After landing, Passengers should enquire at the desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.

When any of the Company's steamers arrive at the Pier after 8:00 pm, Passengers have the option of remaining. on board over night and landing after Breakfast the following morning.

Public Telephones.—Telephone service with booths and operator in attendance will be found near the Customs Lines on the New York wharf.

Taxicabs and CARRIAGES.—These can be hired at the New York Piers. Passengers by communicating their wishes regarding conveyances to the Purser can have them reserved in advance. The Purser will forward such requests by Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company to the New York Office without charge.

Fishguard.—Attention is specially drawn to the facilities provided by the Cunard Line for their American patrons in reaching London and the Continent by traveling via Fishguard, which is recognised as the most expeditious route. (See Special Notice, " Express Route," &c.)

Arrivals at Liverpool.—Time of Landing Passengers.—

When any of the Company's steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 8:00 pm it is optional for the Passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning, either at the Stage or in dock as circumstances may make desirable.

When the vessel reaches the river but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will, on arrival of the steamer, be landed, with hand baggage only, by tender, provided that the Purser is advised before leaving Fishguard of the passenger's wish to do so.

Notice will be placed in the Companionway on arrival at Fishguard advising Passengers of anticipated arrival at Liverpool, and arrangements for landing.

Liverpool.—Special trains are run between Euston Station, London, and Riverside Station, in connection with the departure of the steamers. Specials will also be run from Riverside to Euston in connection with the arrival of steamers, when required.

A Stenographer and Typist is on Board for The Convenience of Passengers.

The " Caronia " carries an orchestra of highly-trained musicians, which will, play at the undermentioned times and places :

  • First Class Dining Saloon:
    • 1:00 to 2:10:00 pm
    • 7:10 to 8:45:00 pm
  • First Class Drawing Room:
    • 9:00 to 10:00 pm
  • Second Class Dining Saloon:
    • 10:00 to 11:00 am
    • 9:30 to 4:00 p.m

This arrangement may be altered as circumstances necessitate.

Travellers' International Cheques.

For the convenience of its Patrons the Cunard Company now issues Cheques of $10.00, $20.00, $50.00 and $100.00, with Foreign money equivalents, at which they will be cashed by its Agents and Correspondents throughout the world, distinctly printed thereon; thus providing not only the safest and most economical means of taking funds abroad, with an absolute certainty as to value, but also A SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE MEANS of IDENTIFICATION in Case of NEED.

Full information regarding these Cheques will be given on application to any of the Company's principal Agencies throughout the United States.

This Steamer is Fitted with Marconi's System of Wireless Telegraphy and Also with Submarine Signalling Apparatus.

Wireless Telegram Rates.

United States.—The minimum Marconi Rate. via Sea Gate, Sagaponack or South Wellfleet (Cape Cod), or through the medium of a passing steamer and one of these stations is 8s. 4d. ($2) for ten words. Each extra word 6d. (12 cents); text only counted; address and signature free; land charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

The minimum rate via Siasconsett or Cape Race, or through the medium of a passing steamer and these stations is 12s. 6d. ($3) for ten words. Each extra word 9d. (18 cents); text only counted; address and signature free; land charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

The minimum Marconi Rate via Sable Island, or through the medium of a passing steamer and this station is 16s. 8d. ($4) for ten words. Each extra word 1s. (24 cents); text only counted; address and signature free; land charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

United Kingdom.--The minimum Marconi Rate, via Crookhaven, or other stations in the United Kingdom, or through the medium of a passing steamer, is 10d. (20 cents) per word; every word in address, text, and signature counted; land charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

Ship To Ship.—Minimum Rate, 8d. (16 cents) per word : every word in address, text, and signature counted, and all fees must be prepaid.


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