RMS Campania Archival Collection


RMS Campania of the Cunard Line on the River Mersey circa 1900.

RMS Campania of the Cunard Line on the River Mersey, 1905. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company. Library of Congress LCCN 2002708357. GGA Image ID # 141424d301



Campania (1893) Cunard Line

Built by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Govan, Glasgow, Scotland. Tonnage: 12,950. Dimensions: 598' x 65' (622' o.l.). Propulsion: Twin-screw, 22 knots. Triple expansion engines. Masts and Funnels: Two masts and two funnels. Launched: September 8, 1892. Boilers: 13. Furnaces: 100. Consumed 20 1/2 tons of coal per hour to obtain 22 knots. 30,000 I.H.P. Displacement: 21,000 tons. From the keel to the top of the funnels measured 130 feet; the diameter of the funnels was 19 feet. First twin-screw Cunarder. Passengers: 600 first, 400 second, 1,000 third. Maiden voyage: Liverpool-New York, April 22, 1893. Speed Record: Set a trans-Atlantic speed record of 5 days, 17 hours, and 27 minutes on her return trip. Fate: Fate: Sold to shipbreakers in 1914. However, it was resold to the British Admiralty and converted into an aircraft carrier. In collision with the battleship Revenge on November 5, 1918, in Firth of Forth, as a result, sunk. Sister ship: Lucania.


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List of Saloon Passengers, Cunard Line Steamship Campania, 1895

1895-05-18 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 18 May 1895

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain Henry Walker


1895-06-29 Passenger Manifest for the SS Campania

1895-06-29 SS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 29 June 1895

Route: New York to Liverpool via Queenstown

Commander: Captain W. H. P. Hains


1895-08-31 Passenger Manifest for the SS Campania

1895-08-31 SS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 31 August 1895

Route: New York to Liverpool via Queenstown (Cobh)

Commander: Captain W. H. P. Hains


Passenger Manifest, October 1895 Cunard Steamship Campania

1895-10-12 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 12 October 1895

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain W. H. P. Hains


Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List from the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line, Departing 7 May 1898 from Liverpool to New York.

1898-05-07 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 7 May 1898

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain H. Walker (Lt. R.N.R.)

Notable Passengers: Charles Scribner II, George Percival Scriven, and Herbert Mason Sears.


Front Cover - 1898-09-03 Passenger Manifest for the RMS Campania

1898-09-03 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 3 September 1898

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain H. Walker


Passenger Manifest, RMS Campania, Cunard Line 1899

1899-09-23 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 23 September 1899

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain J. B. Watt


Passenger Manifest, Cunard Line SS Campania, 1901, Liverpool to New York

1901-10-19 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Second Cabin

Date of Departure: 19 October 1901

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain H. Walker


Saloon Passenger List, RMS Campania, 19 January 1908 Published in the RMS Campania Edition of the Cunard Daily Bulletin for 24 January 1908.

1908-01-19 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 19 January 1908

Route: Liverpool to New York via Queenstown (Cobh)

Commander: Captain D. Dow, R.D., R.N.R.


1910 Passenger Manifest Cover - Cunard Line Campania

1910-07-16 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Second Cabin

Date of Departure: 16 July 1910

Route: Liverpool to New York

Commander: Captain R. C. Warr


Passenger Manifest, RMS Campania, Cunard Line, September 1910, Liverpool to New York

1910-09-24 RMS Campania Passenger List

Steamship Line: Cunard Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon

Date of Departure: 24 September 1910

Route: Liverpool to New York via Queenstown (Cobh)

Commander: Captain R. C. Warr


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RMS Campania of the Cunard Line 1897 Immigrant Passage Contract - Sweden to New York.

RMS Campania Passage Contract - 7 April 1897

Contract for a 25 year-old Swedish servant, immigrating to America from Gothenburg, Sweden on 7 April 1897 on board the Cunard Line SS Campania.


Cunard Line RMS Campania Ticket Recipt for Third Class Passage, from Liverpool to New York, 4 June 1910.

RMS Campania Purchaser Receipt - 4 June 1910

Memorandum of a Ticket Issued By The Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd. For Third Class Passage on the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line of Mail Steamers From Liverpool or Queenstown to New York or Boston Or From Fiume or Trieste to New York.


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Front Cover, Reprinted From "BUSINESS ILLUSTRATED".	December, 1902.

1902 - The Story of the Cunard Line

Cunard Steamship Company, Limited, one of the oldest and most famous of British steam navigation undertakings elected to remain independent and outside the scope of the great Trust. This is their Story as published by BUSINESS ILLUSTRATED. December 1902. Lavishly Illustrated including Interior Photographs. Ships Featured: Britannia, Scotia, Russia, Servia, Umbria, Etruria, Campania, Lucania, Ivernia, Saxonia.


Front Cover, "Famous Cunarders," Published by the Cunard Line 21 March 1910.

1910-03-21 Famous Cunarders

8-Page Booklet/Leaflet from 1910 titled "Famous Cunarders" provided an illustrated introduction to their "A"-List Cunard fleet including the Campania, Carmania & Caronia, Carpathia, Lusitania & Mauretania, Pannonia, and the Saxonia & Ivernia.


Front Cover, Cunard Passenger Log Book circa 1913

1913 Cunard Passenger Log Book

Rare Third-Class Accommodation on Cunard Liners featuring interior and exterior photographs of the ships and accommodations for third class/steerage passengers. Undated brochure circa 1913. Its contents were meant to entice the immigrants to book passage to the New World. Ships Featured: Lusitania and Mauretania, Caronia and Carmania, Franconia and Laconia, Campania, Ivernia and Saxonia, and the Ascania.


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RMS Campania Breakfast Bill of Fare Card 10 September 1898

1898-09-10 RMS Campania Breakfast Menu Card with Liquor List

Nineteenth Century Bill of Fare Card with a Liquor by the Drink List on the reverse side, served on board the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line. Breakfast Bill of Fare featured Fried Plaice, Broiled Finnan Haddin and Smoked Wiltshire Bacon.


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Front Cover, Entertainment Program in Aid of Seamen's Charities at Liverpool & New York 1911

1911-07-03 Charity Entertainment Program - RMS Campania

Variety show style entertainment program performed onboard the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line to benefit various Liverpool and New York seamen's charitable organizations. The Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution was highlighted in this program.


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Front Page, RMS Campania Onboard Publication of the Cunard Daily Bulletin for 24 January 1908.

1908-01-24 Cunard Daily Bulletin - RMS Campania Edition

Cunard Daily Bulletin, RMS Campania Edition, provided readers with plenty of advertisements, short stories, Saloon Passenger List for this voyage, Marconigrams, Views of the RMS Mauretania, TSS Carpathia, RMS Carmania and Caronia, and the RMS Lusitania.


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Cunard Track Chart of the Atlantic with Outward and Homebound Distances and a Notice. 1895.

Cunard Track Chart of the Atlantic with Outward and Homebound Distances and a Notice: With a View of Diminishing the Chances of Collision, Steamers of this Line Take Specified Courses According to the Seasons of the Year. Back Cover of a Saloon Class Passenger List from the RMS Campania Dated 18 May 1895. GGA Image ID # 15a3ce8ea2


Cunard Atlantic Ocean Track Chart, 1895.

Cunard Atlantic Ocean Track Chart, 1895. Included Outward and Homeward Distances, and a Notice: With a View of Diminishing the Chances of Collision, Steamers of This Line Take Specified Courses According to the Seasons of the Year. Back Cover of a Saloon Class Passenger List for the RMS Campania Dated 12 October 1895. GGA Image ID # 15a67f6d42


Track Chart on the Back Cover of a Cunard Line RMS Campania Saloon Passenger List from 7 May 1898.

Track Chart on the Back Cover of a Cunard Line RMS Campania Saloon Passenger List from 7 May 1898. GGA Image ID # 208c3cefe9. Click to View Larger Image.


Track Chart from a Saloon Passenger List for the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 23 September 1899 from Liverpool to New York

Track Chart from a Saloon Passenger List for the RMS Campania of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 23 September 1899 from Liverpool to New York. GGA Image ID # 1746618e82


Cunard Transatlantic Track Chart, 1901.

Cunard Transatlantic Track Chart, 1901. From the RMS Campania Second Cabin Passenger List Dated 19 October 1901. GGA Image ID # 1599eab8ab


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Through Rates to South Africa, First and Second Class. Ships Included the Lusitania, Mauretania, Campania, Caronia, and Carmania.

Through Rates to South Africa, First and Second Class. Ships Included the Lusitania, Mauretania, Campania, Caronia, and Carmania. Cunard Line Services 1914 Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1f790261ed

Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. Rates Are Those Current at Time of Publication. They Vary Slightly from Time to Time. The Following: Through Rates Are Quoted in Connection with the Union Castle Line's Intermediate Steamers from London Every Friday and the Mail Steamers from Southampton Every Saturday. Rail Fare from Liverpool to London Is Included for the Intermediate Steamers and to Southampton for the Mail Steamers. An Extra Charge of $1.25 Is Made if Passengers Travel First Class via Fishguard.

NOTE: Cunard Mediterranean steamers shown on page 16 take passengers to Madeira for transfer to the steamers of the Union Castle Line for South Africa. The through rates by this route will be quoted on application. The rates via Madeira are of course rather less than the above mentioned fares.


Through Rates to South America, First and Second Class, One Way (Single) or Round Trip (Return).

Through Rates to South America, First and Second Class, One Way (Single) or Round Trip (Return). Ships Included the Lusitania, Mauretania, Campania, Caronia, and Carmania. Cunard Line Services 1914 Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1f7935065b

RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Rates are those current at the time of publication. They vary slightly from time to time. The following Through Rates are quoted in connection with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. from Southampton, the Pacific Steam Navigation and Lamport & Holt Lines from Liverpool, and the Nelson Line from Liverpool and London—rail Fare to Southampton at Passenger's expense. The through fare covers rail fare to London via Liverpool for Nelson Line. However, $1.25 extra is charged if the passenger travels First Class via Fishguard.


Minimum Rates of Passage, First Class, Second Cabin, or Third Class.

Minimum Rates of Passage, First Class, Second Cabin, or Third Class. Ships Included the Aquitania, Lusitania, Maruetania, Campania, Caronia, Carmania, Franconia, Laconia, Ivernia, Saxonia, Andania, Alaunia, Ascania, Ultonia, Ausonia, Carpathia, and Pannonia. Cunard Line Services 1914 Brochure. GGA Image ID # 1f7949ddf9


Sailing Schedule, New York - Liverpool Service, from 7 April 1914 to 6 January 1915.

Sailing Schedule, New York - Liverpool Service, from 7 April 1914 to 6 January 1915. Ships Included the Aquitania, Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Franconia, Laconia, Lusitania, and Mauretania. Cunard Line Services 1914 Broncure. GGA Image ID # 1f79a02dae. Click for Larger Image.


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The Saloon Promenade of the Steamships Campania and the Lucania.

The Saloon Promenade of the Steamships Campania and the Lucania. GGA Image ID # 118f55a2e1


The Building of the Cunard Steamship Campania.  The Vessel's Skeleton Framework is Shown.

The Building of the Cunard Steamship Campania. The Vessel's Skeleton Framework is Shown. GGA Image ID # 118f7dedc0


The Grand Dining Salon of the Cunard Steamships Campania and the Lucania.

The Grand Dining Salon of the Cunard Steamships Campania and the Lucania. GGA Image ID # 118fcd81e2


The Grand Dining Saloon of the Cunarders Campania and the Lucania Showing the Interior of the Dome.

The Grand Dining Saloon of the Cunarders Campania and the Lucania Showing the Interior of the Dome. GGA Image ID # 118feabee8


The Drawing Room of the Cunard Steamships Campania and the Lucania.

The Drawing Room of the Cunard Steamships Campania and the Lucania. GGA Image ID # 11901ce30c


The First Class Smoking Room of the Cunard Steamship Campania As It Appeared Previous to Refurbishing.

The First Class Smoking Room of the Cunard Steamship Campania As It Appeared Previous to Refurbishing. GGA Image ID # 11901e8c86


The Library of the Steamers Campania and the Lucania.

The Library of the Steamers Campania and the Lucania. GGA Image ID # 119027dcd0


The Cunard Steamship Campania, Shown at Sea.

The Cunard Steamship Campania, Shown at Sea. GGA Image ID # 11902c6c82


Second Cabin and Third Class Accommodations Typically Found on Cunard Steamships

Second Cabin and Third Class Accommodations Typically Found on Cunard Steamships. GGA Image ID # 1190b4c422

Image Captions (L to R, T to B)

  • Second Cabin Dining Saloon. Campania and Lucania
  • Second Cabin State Room: Campania and Lucania
  • Second Cabin Ladies' Room: Campania and Lucania
  • Third-Class Two Berth Room: Campania and Lucania
  • Second Cabin Smoke Room: Campania and Lucania.
  • Third-Class Four-Berth Room: Campania and Lucania.


RMS Campania, Length: 620 Feet. Breadth: 65 Feet 3 Inches. Tonnage: 12, 950.

RMS Campania, Length: 620 Feet. Breadth: 65 Feet 3 Inches. Tonnage: 12, 950. GGA Image ID # 118a3e30a1


The RMS Campania at the Liverpool Landing Stage

The RMS Campania at the Liverpool Landing Stage. GGA Image ID # 118e8f66ca


RMS Campania of the Cunard Line Brief Facts.

RMS Campania of the Cunard Line. The "Campania" Was the Fastest Steamer in the World When Built. She Was and Is Still Regarded as One of the Most Handsome Liners Ever Constructed. Of All Steamers Sailing Between Liverpool and New York, She Is Second in Speed Only to the "Lusitania" and "Mauretania." She Is a Twin-Screw Steamer. Cunard Daily Bulletin, Summer, 1912. GGA Image ID # 1db3ed4e5f


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Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, New York-Mediterranean-Adriatic, and Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 20 September 1904 to 3 January 1905.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, New York-Mediterranean-Adriatic, and Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 20 September 1904 to 3 January 1905. Ships Included the Campania, Carpathia, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, Sylvania, Ultonia, and Umbria. SS Carpathia Passenger List, 4 October 1904. GGA Image ID # 1e18ccfaad


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool to Boston or New York and Trieste-Fiume-New York, from 1 May 1906 to 10 December 1906.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool to Boston or New York and Trieste-Fiume-New York, from 1 May 1906 to 10 December 1906. Ships Included the Campania, Caronia, Carpathia, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin Fashion & Pleasure Resort Supplement, 1906. GGA Image ID # 21581975aa


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York and Boston Services, from 25 March 1908 to 11 August 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York and Boston Services, from 25 March 1908 to 11 August 1908. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Saxonia, Sylvania, and Umbria. The Sylvania is a Freight Steamer and Does Not Carry Passengers. RMS Mauretania Passenger List, 11 April 1908. GGA Image ID # 1e3195b748


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, and Hungarian-American Service, from 6 June 1908 to 21 November 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, and Hungarian-American Service, from 6 June 1908 to 21 November 1908. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin, Lusitania Edition, 10 June 1908. GGA Image ID # 1e9f8fdaf1


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Trieste-Fiume, Fiume, Palermo-Naples-Gibraltar-New York, from 9 September 1908 to 29 December 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Trieste-Fiume, Fiume, Palermo-Naples-Gibraltar-New York, from 9 September 1908 to 29 December 1908. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Etruria, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin, 11 September 1908, Etruria Edition. GGA Image ID # 1f031656fa


Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Boston Service, Liverpool-New York Service, and Hungarian-American Service Covering 18 May 1909 to 11 September 1909.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Boston Service, Liverpool-New York Service, and Hungarian-American Service Covering 18 May 1909 to 11 September 1909. Ships Include the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Ivernia, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, and Ultonia. It also contains the Cunard Atlantic Fleet List. RMS Ivernia Passenger List, 18 May 1909. GGA Image ID # 1dc96786d6


Sailing Schedule, New York and Boston-Liverpool, from 7 September 1909 to 21 February 1910.

Sailing Schedule, New York and Boston-Liverpool, from 7 September 1909 to 21 February 1910. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Ivernia, Lusitania, Mauretania, and Saxonia. NOTE: The Sylvania is a Freight Steamer and Does Not Carry Passengers. RMS Mauretania Saloon Passenger List, 6 October 1909. GGA Image ID # 20fa83835c


Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hugarian-American Service from 23 March 1911.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hugarian-American Service from 23 March 1911. Ships Include the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Franconia, Ivernia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, and Ultonia. RMS Caronia Passenger List, 1 April 1911. GGA Image ID # 1dc9aa5170


Cunard Liverpool-New York and Boston Services Sailing Schedule from 18 July 1911 to 16 January 1912.

Cunard Liverpool-New York and Boston Services. Sailing Schedule from 18 July 1911 to 16 January 1912. Ships Include the Caronia, Mauretania, Lusitania, Carmania, Campania, Caronia, Franconia, Saxonia, and Ivernia. GGA Image ID # 1db72eac98


Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service from 2 March 1912 to 6 August 1912.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service from 2 March 1912 to 6 August 1912. Ships Include the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Franconia, Ivernia, Laconia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, and Saxonia. RMS Caronia Passenger List, 30 March 1912. GGA Image ID # 1dc9e8927c


Cunard Liverpool-New York Service Sailing Schedule from 25 May 1912 to 23 October 1912.

Cunard Liverpool-New York Service Sailing Schedule from 25 May 1912 to 23 October 1912. Ships Include the Campania, Caronia, Mauretania, and Lusitania. GGA Image ID # 1dbbde659c


Proposed Sailings Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service from 9 November 1912 to 11 March 1913.

Proposed Sailings Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service from 9 November 1912 to 11 March 1913. Ships Include Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Franconia, Ivernia, Laconia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, and Ultonia. SS Carmania Passenger List, 23 November 1912. GGA Image ID # 1dc95f6c98


Cunard Liverpool-New York Service from 6 September 1913 to 7 February 1914.

Cunard Liverpool-New York Service from 6 September 1913 to 7 February 1914. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Ivernia, Lusitania, and Mauretania. RMS Carmania Passenger List, 23 September 1913. GGA Image ID # 1dcaadfa74


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Cunard Line Atlantic Services and Fleet List with Tonnage and Assigned Commanders, 1911.

Cunard Line Atlantic Services and Fleet List with Tonnage and Assigned Commanders, 1911. Ships Included the Albania, Aquitania, Ascania, Ausonia, Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Franconia, Ivernia, Laconia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, and Ultonia. RMS Franconia Passenger List, 8 August 1911. GGA Image ID # 1e8030fb50


Cunard Line Atlantic Services and Fleet List with Tonnage and Assigned Commanders, 1912.

Cunard Line Atlantic Services and Fleet List with Tonnage and Assigned Commanders, 1912. Ships Include the Alaunia, Albania, Andania, Aquitania, Ascania, Ausonia, Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Franconia, Ivernia, Laconia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, and Ultonia. RMS Caronia Passenger List, 30 March 1912. GGA Image ID # 1dc9ece700


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Front Cover, A Century of Sea Travel: Personal Accounts from the Steamship Era by Christopher Deakes and Tom Stanley, 2010.

A Century of Sea Travel: Personal Accounts from the Steamship Era

This book is a voyage through the life of the passenger steamship, a voyage described by travellers who sailed on these vessels, and it carries within it their thoughts and experiences, mirrored here in words and pictures.


Front Cover, The Cunard Line: A Pictorial History 1840-1990 by Peter W. Woolley and Terry Moore, © 1990.

The Cunard Line: A Pictorial History 1840-1990

An Illustrated History of the Cunard Line and the celebrated liners which have served the Fleet, from its Inception in 1840 to the demise of the great transatlantic liners and finally the entry into service of the RMS Queen Elizabeth 2, Britain's last great luxury liner.


Front Cover, Cunard Line Handbook To The Mediterranean, Adriatic and the Continent of Europe.

Cunard Line Handbook to the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and the Continnent of Europe (1905)

Prepared for the use of Passengers traveling by the Cunard Hungarian-American Line from New York to the Mediterranean and Adriatic. The book is illustrated with 17 tipped-in folding maps., numerous drawings, and many photographs of the Cunard passenger fleet.


Front Cover, Era of the Passenger Liner by Nicholas T. Cairis. Published by Pegasus Books Ltd., London, 1992.

Era of the Passenger Liner - 1992

The Gilded Era comes back to life as the reader relives the careers of stately ships and express greyhounds from immigrant ships to floating palaces. Scarce, large format book containing 288pp. Features photographs, statistics, and background of 280 passenger liners, each with a picture.


Front Cover and Spine, Famous Ocean Liners: The Story of Passenger Shipping from the Turn of the Century to the Present Day by William H. Miller, 1987.

Famous Ocean Liners - 1987

Here is the story of twentieth-century passenger shipping, from the first of the superliners — the German Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse — to Cunard's Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, right up to Queen Elizabeth 2.


Front Cover, The First Great Ocean Liners in Photographs, 193 Views, 1897-1927.

The First Great Ocean Liners in Photographs - 1983

Sumptuous volume recalls the glorious early years of elegant transatlantic travel. Over 190 historic photographs depict exterior and interior views of 101 great ocean liners, including the Virginian, Imperator, Vaterland, Bismarck, Lusitania, Mauretania, Balmoral Castle, Titanic, Olympic, Aquitania and dozens more. Full captions.


Front Cover, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 1: 1858-1912 by Arnold Kludas, Translated from the German by Charles Hodges, 1975.

Great Passenger Ships of the World 1858-1912

This initial volume deals with Ships from 1858-1912, from the first passenger ship of over 10,000 GRT to be placed in service (the Great Eastern) to those unforgettable sister ships, the Olympic and Titanic — the first of more than 40,000 GRT.


Front Cover, Leviathan: "The World's Greatest Ship" Volume 1

Leviathan: "The World's Greatest Ship" Volume 1

The first volume takes us from the construction of the VATERLAND to the end of World War One when the VATERLAND, now the U.S.S Leviathan, was used as a troop transport and packed with fabulous photographs and reproductions of newspaper articles.


Front Cover, Liverpool and the Mersey, Volume 1: Gladstone Dock and the Great Liners by Ken Longbottom, 1995.

Liverpool and the Mersey, Vol. 1: Gladstone Dock and the Great Liners

More than 190 rare archive photographs and maps, many never before published, recount the story of this most famous dock and the Great passenger Ships that were once a regular sight there.


Front Cover and Spine, Majesty at Sea: The Four-Stackers by John J. Shaum, Jr. and William H. Flayhart III, 1981.

Majesty at Sea: The Four Stackers

The opulent and luxurious four-funnel passenger liners, of which only fourteen have ever been built, are unsurpassed in maritime history. Built between 1897 and 1921, these great vessels vied with each other in their standards of comfort, spaciousness, and speed, and great was the rivalry between their owners.


Front Cover, Ocean Steamers: A History of Ocean-Going Passenger Steamships 1820-1970 by John Adams, 1993.

Ocean Steamers: A History of Ocean-Going Passenger Steamships 1820-1970

A history of the steam-powered passenger ship that details its story from the SS Savannah of 1819 to the SS Hamburg of 1969. It contains historical details of all civilian vessels built in the intervening years, with numerous illustrations and previously unpublished material.


Front Cover, Passenger Liners Of The World Since 1893 By Nicholas T. Cairis, Revised Edition With Over 200 pictures, 1979.

Passenger Liners of the World Since 1893

The author here takes a nostalgic look back to the heyday of the passenger ship, providing a brief history of 211 ships of over 10,000 tons, together with specifications and technical details of each.


Front Cover and Spine, Passenger Ships of the World, Past and Present by Eugene W. Smith, 1963.

Passenger Ships of the World - 1963

Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.


Front Cover, Picture History of British Ocean Liners 1900 to the Present by William H. Miller, 2001.

Picture History of British Ocean Liners: 1900 to the Present

Over 200 rare black-and-white illustrations provide views of the ships at sea and in port, glimpses of lavish staterooms, lounges, dining areas, onboard photos of celebrities and royalty, and much more.


Front Cover, Picture History of the Cunard Line 1840 - 1990 by Frank O. Braynard and William H. Miller, Jr., 1990.

Picture History of the Cunard Line 1840 - 1990

The Picture History of the Cunard Line 1840 - 1990 has over 180 photographs and illustrations showing the liners on the high seas and in port and depicting handsome staterooms, lounges, interior decor, and carefree life aboard ship.


Front Cover and Spine, Steamships and Their Story by E. Keble Chatterton with 153 Illustrations, 1910.

Steamships and Their Story

This book provides, in a narrative free from technical terms, a complete history of the development of steamships, showing the evolution of the modern ocean greyhound from the earliest experiments in marine engineering. The illustrations form a unique feature of this handsome volume.


Front Cover, Sway of the Grand Saloon: A Social History of the North Atlantic by John Malcolm Brinnin, 1971. Barnes & Nobel Hardcover Copy.

Sway of the Grand Saloon: A Social History of the North Atlantic

History of the ocean liners of the North Atlantic crossings. A comprehensive history of Trans-Atlantic passenger ships covering 1818 - 1968, with 55 b/w illustrations, photos, and drawings.


Front Cover, The American Line: 1871-1902 by William Henry Flayhart III

The American Line: 1871-1902 (2000)

The American Tine tells the story of the first successful American steamship line after the Civil War to rival the great European transatlantic companies—an essential and glorious chapter in the history of the American Merchant Marine.


Front Cover and Spine, Tourist Third Cabin: Steamship Travel in the Interwar Years by Lorraine Coons and Alexander Varias, 2003.

Tourist Third Cabin: Steamship Travel in the Interwar Years

Ocean Liners and New Vistas of Interwar Society From Immigrants to Tourists. The Changing Complexion of Translatlantic Passengers as The Soul of a Ship. Experience and Life of Below-Deck Personnel Traveling Palace or Floating Sweatshop. The Experience of Women Seafarers Projecting an Image: The Allure of Transatlantic Travel.


Hardback Front Cover and Spine, Transatlantic: Samuel Cunard, Isambard Brunel, and the Great Atlantic Steamships by Stephen Fox, 2003.

Transatlantic and the Great Atlantic Steamships

A stirring narrative of the rapid development of the great transatlantic steamships, from paddle-wheelers to the sleek luxury greyhounds of the modern era -- and the men who designed and ran them.


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