SS Cymric Archival Collection
RMS Cymric, Twin-Screw, 13,100 Tons. White Star Line Services Brochure, 1907. GGA Image ID # 144d8a1600
Cymric (1898) White Star Line
Built by Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast, Ireland. Tonnage: 13,096. Dimensions: 585' x 64' (599' o.l.). Propulsion: Twin-screw, 15 knots. Quadruple expansion engines. Masts and Funnels: Four masts and one funnel. Launched: October 1897. Maiden voyage: Liverpool-New York, April 29, 1898. Fate: Torpedoed and sunk 140 miles from Foreland, May 8, 1916, with the loss of five lives.
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1906-03-08 RMS Cymric Passenger List
First Class Passenger List for the RMS Cymric of the White Star Line, Departing 8 March 1906 from Liverpool to Boston, Commanded by Captain F. E. Beadnell, (Lt. RNR).
1906-09-07 RMS Cymric Passenger List
First Class Passenger List for the RMS Cymric of the White Star Line, Departing Friday, 7 September 1906 from Liverpool to Boston, Commanded by Captain C. A. Bartlett, (Lt. RNR).
1910-07-26 RMS Cymric Passenger List
First Class Passenger List for the RMS Cymric of the White Star Line, Departing Tuesday, 26 July 1910 from Liverpool to Boston via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain F. B. Howarth.
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1907 - White Star Line Fleet, History, and Services
Excellent brochure from the White Star Line covering all three classes of services at the height of the transatlantic immigrant trade. Profusely illustrated with many photographs of the ships and accommodations. Featured Ships: Arabic, Athenic, Baltic, Canopic, Cedric, Celtic, Corinthic, Cretic, Cymric, Ionic, Majestic, Oceanic, Republic, Romanic, Runic, and Teutonic.
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RMS Cymric of the White Star Line, 1901. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company. Library of Congress LCN 2016804977. GGA Image ID # 1dc54bdc5f
RMS Cymric of the White Star Line, c1903. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company. Library of Congress LCN 2016805072. GGA Image ID # 1dc599b5c1
The RMS Cymric Outward Bound circa 1903. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company. Library of Congress LCN 2016805073. GGA Image ID # 1dc5c667bb
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Unused RMS Cymric Track Chart and Memorandum of Log from March 1906. GGA Image ID # 1dc412df1e
Unused RMS Cymric Track Chart and Memorandum of Log from September 1906. GGA Image ID # 1dc4459e98
Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Cymric Passenger List, 26 July 1910. GGA Image ID # 1dc4d1bba4
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Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, and Boston-Mediterranean Service, from 18 June 1904 to 8 October 1904. Ships Included the Arabic, Baltic, Canopic, Cedric, Celtic, Cretic, Cymric, Majestic, Oceanic, Republic, Romanic, and Teutonic. RMS Celtic Passenger List, 19 August 1904. GGA Image ID # 1e4efde338
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Boston Service, from 7 January 1904 to 17 November 1904. Ships Included the Canopic, Cretic, Cymric, and Republic. RMS Celtic Passenger List, 19 August 1904. GGA Image ID # 1e4e1fce47. Click to View Larger Image.
White Star Line American and Colonial Services. Proposed Sailings from 22 August 1905 to 28 October 1905. Ships Include the Arabic, Baltic, Canopic, Cedric, Celtic, Cretic, Cymric, Majestic, Oceanic, Republic, Romanic, and Teutonic. MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE—The "Arabic" sails from New York on Feb. 8th, 1906, for an extended Cruise to the Mediterranean under charter to Mr. F. C. Clark and will call at Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens (Phaleron Bay), Constantinople, Smyrna. Haifa, Jaffa, Alexandria, Naples, and Villefranche, returning thence via Liverpool to New York, particulars on application to any of the Company's offices. RMS Majestic Passenger List, 30 August 1905. GGA Image ID # 1dd41e606f
American and Colonial Services, Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, and New York-Boston-Mediterranean, from 21 August 1906 to 28 October 1906. Ships Included the Arabic, Baltic, Canopic, Cedric, Celtic, Cretic, Cymric, Majestic, Oceanic, Republic, Romanic, and Teutonic. MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE,—The "Arabic" sails from New York about February 7th, 1907, for an extended Cruise to the Mediterranean under charter to Mr. F. C. Clark, and will call at Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens (Phaleron Bay), Constantinople, Smyrna, Caifa, Jaffa, Alexandria, Naples, and Villefranche, returning thence via Liverpool to New York. RMS Cymric Passenger List, 7 September 1906. GGA Image ID # 1e550c39be
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Boston Service, from 1 February 1906 to 22 December 1906. Ships Included the Arabic, Cymric, and Republic. MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE.—The " Arabic " sails from New Yorkont February 7th, 1907, for an extended Cruise to the Mediterranean under Charter to Mr. F. C. Clark, and will call at Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, Malta, Athens (Phaleron Bay), Constantinople, Smyrna, Caifa, Jaffa, Alexandria, Naples, and Villefranche, returning thence via Liverpool to New York. RMS Cymric Passenger List, 7 September 1906. GGA Image ID # 1e555ca7f7
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Boston Service via Queenstown (Cobh), from 5 June 1907 to 1 January 1908. Ships Included the Cymric and Republic. RMS Republic Passenger List, 14 August 1907. GGA Image ID # 1e5846c7f7
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 6 June 1908 to 2 January 1909. Ships Included the Cymric and Republic. SS Romanic Passenger List, 4 October 1908. GGA Image ID # 2114b595d0
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston Service and White Star-Dominion Canadian Service, from 22 April 1909 to 8 January 1910. Ships Included the Canada, Cymric, Dominion, Laurentic, Megantic, Ottawa, and Vancouver. RMS Arabic Passenger List, 11 June 1909. GGA Image ID # 1e4b15ece5
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown-Boston Service, from 3 May 1910 to 1 November 1910. Ships Included the Cymric and Zeeland. RMS Cymric Passenger List, 26 July 1910. GGA Image ID # 1e5639d226
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 6 June 1911 to 5 December 1911. Ships Included the Arabic, Cymric, and Zeeland. SS Canopic First Class Passenger List, 23 July 1911. GGA Image ID # 211fbd5f6a
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown-Boston Service, from 17 June 1913 to 13 January 1914. Ships Included the Arabic and Cymric that Carry Second and Third Class Passengers Only. RMS Laurentic Passenger List, 24 June 1913. GGA Image ID # 208817221e
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal and Liverpool-Portland, ME, from 6 September 1913 to 18 April 1914. Ships Included the Arabic, Canada, Cymric, Dominion, Laurentic, Megantic, and Teutonic. SS Cretic Passenger List, 22 November 1913. GGA Image ID # 1e57a61bc5
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 9 September 1913 to 7 July 1914. Ships Included the Arabic and Cymric. SS Cretic Passenger List, 22 November 1913. GGA Image ID # 1e57b7ccc9
Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York Service, from 9 October 1913 to 9 July 1914. Ships Included the Adriatic, Baltic, Cedric, Celtic, Cymric, Laurentic, and Megantic. SS Cretic Passenger List, 22 November 1913. GGA Image ID # 1e57d1734e
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Special Notice - Professional Gamblers Alert included with the RMS Cymric Passenger List, 7 September 1906. GGA Image ID # 1dc4262b78
Automobile Tours in Europe, 1910. Arrangements have been made whereby Passengers from United States or Canada by the White Star Line can hire automobiles to meet them on arrival of the steamer at Qeenstown, Holyhead, Liverpool, Plymouth, Cherbourg, or Southampton, for tours in the British Isles or on the Continent. Orders may be sent from United States or Canada through the White Star Line offices, or direct from the steamer by the aid of the Marconi Wireless Telegraphy. Pamphlets describing the Tours may be obtained from the Purser. Advertisement in the 26 July 1910 RMS Cymric Passenger List. GGA Image ID # 1dc45448f9
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White Star Line Services to the United States, August 1905. RMS Majestic Passenger List, 30 August 1905. GGA Image ID # 1ea4dec5e3
We have pleasure in calling attention to the services maintained by the White Star Line to the United States, in addition to the regular sailings between LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK, viz.:—
- LIVERPOOL and BOSTON (Calling at Queenstown),
These Services are conducted by modern Twin- Screw Steamers:—
- ARABIC 15,801 Tons
- CYMRIC 13,096 Tons
- REPUBLIC 15,378 Tons
- CANOPIC 12,096 Tons
- CRETIC 13.500 Tons
- ROMANIC 11.400 Tons
which are among the largest, fastest, and finest steamers in the Mediterranean Service. They regularly sail throughout the year to and from Liverpool and Boston (calling at Queenstown), or to and from New York or Boston and Mediterranean Ports.
See the annexed sailing schedules giving the departures as at present arranged.
The attention of Passengers holding return tickets by the White Star Line is especially drawn to the choice of the route thus offered, return tickets being available for their total value towards passage by any of the White Star Services.
Facilities will be offered for booking by the most attractive routes across the Continent between the various ports of call in the Mediterranean and Liverpool, which will thus enable passengers to book the round trip from New York or Boston via the Mediterranean, returning from Liverpool or vice versa.
Liverpool, August 1905.
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Great Passenger Ships of the World 1858-1912
This initial volume deals with Ships from 1858-1912, from the first passenger ship of over 10,000 GRT to be placed in service (the Great Eastern) to those unforgettable sister ships, the Olympic and Titanic — the first of more than 40,000 GRT.
Ocean Steamers: A History of Ocean-Going Passenger Steamships 1820-1970
A history of the steam-powered passenger ship that details its story from the SS Savannah of 1819 to the SS Hamburg of 1969. It contains historical details of all civilian vessels built in the intervening years, with numerous illustrations and previously unpublished material.
Passenger Ships of the World - 1963
Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.
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