RMS Ivernia Passenger List - 20 June 1905

Saloon Passenger List, Page 1 of 2 from the Cunard Daily Bulletin, RMS Ivernia Edition for Wednesday, 28 June 1905.

Saloon Passenger List for the RMS Ivernia of the Cunard Line, Departing 20 June 1905 from Liverpool to Boston. Cunard Daily Bulletin, RMS Ivernia Edition for Wednesday, 28 June 1905. GGA Image ID # 1318116bb2


RMS Ivernia Dimensions: Length, 600 Feet.- Beam, 64 Feet, 6 Inches, 14,058 Tons 10,000 Horse-Power.

RMS Ivernia Dimensions: Length, 600 Feet.- Beam, 64 Feet, 6 Inches, 14,058 Tons 10,000 Horse-Power. GGA Image ID # 131a0f0d0e


Listing of Saloon Passengers

  1. Mr. Elei Abraham
  2. Mrs. M. E. Barham
  3. Master K. T. Barham
  4. Miss U. F. Barham
  5. Miss M. W. Barnard and Maid
  6. Miss Alice H. Caidell
  7. Mr. Edward B. Carleton
  8. Mrs. Carleton
  9. Miss Carpenter
  10. Miss A. C. Carpenter
  11. Mr. Louis Richard Chazel
  12. Mrs. Chazel
  13. Miss E. Coates
  14. Mrs. Codman
  15. Miss M. S. Cooney
  16. Mr. George D. Emery
  17. Mrs. Alice Esty
  18. Mrs. A. B. Esty
  19. Mrs. James Fanning
  20. Miss Theresa Fanning
  21. Mr. J. M. High
  22. Mrs. High
  23. Miss Harriet High
  24. Miss Elizabeth High
  25. Miss Dorothy High
  26. Mr. W. E. Holmes
  27. Mr. William W. Howe
  28. Mrs. Howe
  29. Mr. L. H. Howe
  30. Mr. .J. A. Howell
  31. Mrs. Howell
  32. Miss Iungerich
  33. Miss Jackson
  34. Dr. J. R. Johnson
  35. Mrs. Johnson
  36. Mr. William Lacey
  37. Mrs. Lacey
  38. Mr. Charles E. Lauriat
  39. Mr. R. L. Leyensaler
  40. Mrs. Levensaler
  41. Miss Hilda Marsh
  42. Mr. Edwin G. McInnes
  43. Mrs. McInnes
  44. Miss Dorothy McInnes
  45. Mrs. Metcalf
  46. Mrs. Frederick A. Morrell
  47. Mrs. D. O. Pease
  48. Mr. Sherard Smith
  49. Mrs. Smith
  50. Mr. J. Sproul Smith
  51. Mrs. Sproul Smith
  52. Mrs. Frederick Smyth
  53. Miss M. Spring
  54. Mr. L. M. Stockton
  55. Miss M. R. Sturgis
  56. Miss E. R. Sturgis
  57. Mr. F. H. Swift
  58. Mr. E. T. Tileston
  59. Mrs. Charles Torrey
  60. Mr. W. B. Valentine
  61. Mrs. Valentine and Maid
  62. Mr. Allan Wellman
  63. Mrs. Wheelock
  64. Mr. R. Whidden
  65. Mrs. Whidden
  66. Miss Whidden
  67. Mr. Jos. N. White
  68. Miss Winifred E. White
  69. Mr. E. S. Williams
  70. Mrs. Williams
  71. Miss F. Williams

Children on the Cunard Steamships

The accompanying pictures afford some glimpses of child-life on board Cunard Steamers. A Baby Show is always an exhibition of interest, and when held at sea especially so. Clearly the little ones are happy and comfortable; in fact, their smiling faces furnish unsolicited testimony to the steadiness of the ship by which they were traveling, and the good time they were having.

Young Girl on Deck of a Cunard Steamship

Young Girl on Deck of a Cunard Steamship. GGA Image ID # 1319dfbba0


Immigrant Children on the Deck of a Cunard Steamer.

Immigrant Children on the Deck of a Cunard Steamer. GGA Image ID # 131a0e539b


Divine Service

On Sunday, 24 June, Divine Service was held in the Saloon. Purser E. C. F. Moore officiated. A collection for the Seamen's Charities of Boston and Liverpool was taken, and the amount realised was £3 5s 10d.


Tuesday, 20 June, left Liverpool at, 4:30 pm

Wednesday, 21 June at 10:07:00 am arrived at Queenstown. Left Queenstown at 11:34 Fastnet abeam 3:30 pm

Abstract of Log

  • Thursday, June 22, 1905: 350 Miles
  • Friday, June 23, 1905 : 375 Miles
  • Saturday, June 24, 1905 : 391 Miles
  • Sunday, June 25, 1905 : 352 Miles
  • Monday, June 26, 1905 : 383 Miles
  • Tuesday, June 27, 1905 : 383 Miles
  • Wednesday, June 28, 1905 : 373 Miles
  • Wednesday, to Boston Lightship : 143 Miles

From The LOG.

  • June 22nd, at 6.10:00 am, passed north of Leyland liner, bound East
  • June 22nd, at 8.40 pm, in wireless communication with RMS " Lucania," bound East
  • June 23rd. at 12.40., in wireless communication with SS " Cedric," bound East
  • June 24th, at 1:30 pm, in wireless communication with SS "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse," bound West
  • June 24th at 10:00 am, in wireless communication with Cunard s.s, Saxonia," bound East
  • June 25th, at 7:20 am, in wireless communication with the SS. "Baltic," bound East
  • June 25th, at 3.45 p m., in wireless communication viith the SS " Rotterdam," bound East
  • June 27th, at 9.30 am, in wireless communication with Cunard s.s: " Ultonia," bound West

Summary of Passengers

  • First Class 72
  • Second Class 130
  • Third Class 796
  • Total 998
  • Crew 255
  • Total Number on Board 1,253


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