SS Carmania Passenger List - 29 July 1914

Front Cover, Cunard SS Carmania Saloon Passenger List - 29 July 1914.

Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List from the Steamship RMS Carmania of the Cunard Line, Departing Wednesday, 29 July 1914 from New York to Liverpool via Queenstown (Cobh) and Fishguard, Commanded by Captain James Clayton Barr. GGA Image ID # 11e2b73e41


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: James Clayton Barr
  • Chief Engineer: F. Drummond
  • Chief Officer: A. J. McLellan
  • Chief Steward: M. Green
  • Surgeon: H. Clough
  • Purser: I. G. Hodgson
  • Assistant Purser: C. G. Ritchie


Saloon Passengers

  1. Mr. Dana T. Ackerly
  2. Mr. William Alexander
  3. Mr. Barrett Andrews
  4. Mrs. Andrews
  5. Miss Sylvia L. Barnes
  6. Mr. M. Bartholomew Jr.
  7. Mr. William J. Batchelder
  8. Mrs. Batchelder
  9. Mr. F. S. Betts
  10. Mrs. Betts
  11. Miss Jennesse A. Betts
  12. Mr. John Bing
  13. Mrs. Bing, Infant and Maid
  14. Mr. A. H. Blackburn
  15. Miss Harriett Blackburn
  16. Mr. William Bliss
  17. Mr. E. W. Boyd
  18. Mrs. Boyd
  19. Mrs. H. E. Brierley
  20. Mr. B. Bristow
  21. Mr. C. H. Brown
  22. Mrs. Brown
  23. Miss Helen Brown
  24. Miss Elsie Browning
  25. Mr. E. S. Buckley Jr.
  26. Mrs. Buckley
  27. Dr. Henry A. Christian
  28. Mr. Camillus Christian
  29. Mrs. Christian
  30. Miss Margaret Christian
  31. Mr. Charles W. Clark
  32. Mrs. Clark
  33. Mrs. Albert L. Coolidge
  34. Mrs. C. C. Cooper
  35. Mrs. E. M. Covington
  36. Mrs. C. H. Craver
  37. Mr. B. B. Craver
  38. Miss Elizabeth Cuttriss
  39. Miss Hilda Cuttriss
  40. Mr. Ralph Davis
  41. Mr. John II. Deeves
  42. Mr. Douglas
  43. Mr. H. G. Dunlevie
  44. Mr. John O. S. Edwards
  45. Mrs. G. Evans
  46. Mr. A. Firth
  47. Mr. Ernest Fischer
  48. Mrs. Peter Fogarty
  49. Master Piero Fogarty
  50. Dr. Frank T. Fulton
  51. Miss Helen Galbraith
  52. Miss Anna Gamewell
  53. Mr. Isaac Gans
  54. Mrs. Gans
  55. Mr. Edward Germaine
  56. Mrs. Germaine
  57. Miss Gertrude Gheen
  58. Miss Marion Gheen
  59. Mrs. Ambrose R. Gorsline
  60. Mr. E. R. L. Gould
  61. Mrs. Gould
  62. Mr. Henry A. Guiler
  63. Mr. C. B. Hadden
  64. Mr. Ralph Helmer
  65. Mrs. Helmer
  66. Miss Emma Henderson
  67. Mr. D. D. Herr
  68. Mr. L. Hess
  69. Mrs. Hess
  70. Mr. C. E. Horn
  71. Mrs. Horn
  72. Master J. Horn
  73. Mr. Henry G. Hoskins
  74. Mrs. Hoskins
  75. Miss Margaret Hurley
  76. Mr. F. Hutchinson
  77. Mrs. Hutchinson
  78. Mr. H. M. Ingham
  79. Dr. Fred. Irwin
  80. Mrs. Irwin
  81. Mrs. Alexander Jackson
  82. Mr. William C. Jones
  83. Mr. H. C. Jones
  84. Mr. John S. Keith
  85. Mr. William Laidlaw
  86. Mr. A. Land
  87. Mrs. Land
  88. Mr. W. B. Leane
  89. Mrs. Leane
  90. Mr. George S. McBurnev
  91. Mr. J. S. McCulloh
  92. Mrs. McCulloh
  93. Mr. Gordon McCulloh
  94. Rev. J. H. MacDonald
  95. Mrs. MacDonald
  96. Miss Cora L. MacDonald
  97. Mr. Joseph R. McGlasham
  98. Mr. William McQueen
  99. Dr. William H. Magiel
  100. Mr. C. S. Magnus
  101. Mr. John Malvenan
  102. Miss Esty Marsh
  103. Miss Sylvia H. Martin
  104. Mrs. Georgiana Mathieson
  105. Mr. Robert E. Mills
  106. Mrs. I. D. Moise
  107. Mr. Francis M. Moise
  108. Mr. Charles Newman
  109. Miss Julia K. O’Kerrall
  110. Mr. E. J. Ogden
  111. Mrs. Ogden
  112. Mr. M. Packer
  113. Mrs. Packer
  114. Mrs. Mary Hurley Phelan
  115. Mr. Charles Platt
  116. Mr. A. E. Proudfit
  117. Mrs. Proudfit
  118. Mr. Andrew Radel
  119. Mrs. Emily Rayson
  120. Miss Amy Rayson
  121. Miss Mary E. Rayson
  122. Miss Annie Rayson
  123. Miss Janet Remington
  124. Dr. Lawrence J. Rhea
  125. Mr. Thomas Robins
  126. Miss Margaret N. Robins
  127. Mr. Harold McA. Robinson
  128. Miss Jennie Sanders
  129. Mr. C. Scherer
  130. Mr. D. B. Scully
  131. Mr. D. B. Scully Jr.
  132. Miss Annie M. Sessions
  133. Mr. J. B. Shipley
  134. Mr. George W. Smalley
  135. Mr. Edward B. Smith and Valet
  136. Mrs. Smith and Maid
  137. Mr. Edward B. Smith Jr.
  138. Mr. Geoffrey Story Smith
  139. Master John Story Smith
  140. Mr. E. J. Smith
  141. Mrs. M. J. Smith
  142. Miss Alice Smith
  143. Mr. W. Hinckle Smith
  144. Mrs. Guy Standing
  145. Mr. Percy S. Straus
  146. Mrs. Straus and Maid
  147. Master Ralph I. Straus
  148. Master Percy S. Straus Jr. and Governess
  149. Mrs. James M. Sullivan
  150. Master Donald Sullivan
  151. Mr. Leo Sulzberger
  152. Mr. Arthur Sulzberger
  153. Miss Elizabeth Sutherland
  154. Miss Ellen A. Sweeney
  155. Mr. E. J. Tamblyn
  156. Mrs. Tamblyn
  157. Mr. W. W. Thomas
  158. Mlle. Thurv
  159. Mr. T. L. Van Norden
  160. Mr. Edward A. Wallace
  161. Mrs. Wallace
  162. Master Wallace
  163. Mr. Andrew Watson
  164. Mrs. Watson
  165. Mr. Sherman Whipple
  166. Miss Dorothy Whipple
  167. Mr. S. S. White Jr.
  168. Mrs. White
  169. Mr. Guv Wilkinson
  170. Mr. C. A. Will
  171. Mrs. Will
  172. Miss Alice M. Will
  173. Mrs. Jefferson Winter
  174. Mrs. Searles Wood
  175. Miss Wood
  176. Dr. Nathaniel Wood
  177. Mr. Edward R. Woods
  178. Mr. F. Atkinson Wray
  179. Miss Ethel Yates


Information for Passengers

Meals will be served in the Saloon during the following hours:

  • Breakfast. from 8.30 to 10 A. M.
  • Luncheon at 1 P. M.
  • Dinner at 7 P. M.
  • Supper if required, must be ordered before 10 P. M.

The bar will be closed at 11.30 P. M.

Seats at Table should be arranged for with the Second Steward.

Letters and Telegrams.—Passengers desiring to have these forwarded by the pilot from Sandy Hook, must hand same (fully prepaid) to the Purser within one hour after leaving the pier.

Steamer Chairs may be hired from the Deck Steward at a cost of $1.00 for the voyage.

Steamer Rug Service.—Rugs may be rented of the Deck Steward at 4/- or $1.00 per trip, as in the case of deckchairs. Attention is called to the fact that the Rugs are contained in sealed card-board boxes, from which they should be removed in the presence of the passenger hiring same.

This is an assurance that they have not been used since being cleaned. The rugs have a serial number, rendering Identification by the passenger of his rug easy.

Divine Service on Sunday at 10.30 A. M.

Baggage.—All enquiries regarding Baggage should be made of the Baggage Master.

Baggage Insurance.— Passengers are recommended to insure their Baggage as in the event of loss or damage the Company cannot accept liability beyond the limit specified on the Steamer Contract Ticket. Rates and full particulars on application.

Valuables.— The Company is not responsible for valuables or money kept in the staterooms. These should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit In the ship's safe, and receipt will be given on the Company’s form.

As no charge is made for carriage, the Company will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.

Notice.—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers, and are warned to take precautions accordingly

Customs.—Tobacco, cigars, etc., wines, spirits and perfumery are subject to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs authorities. Reprints of copyright books and music will be confiscated.

Exchange of Money.—The Purser is authorized to exchange money at the following rates: English Money for U. S. Currency at £1 sterling for $4.95. and U. S. Currency for English at $4.80 to the pound sterling.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers for any illness not originating on board the ship. In case of sickness arising on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free.

Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for any additional passage money or freight paid on board.

Landing at Liverpool - Time of Landing Passengers.—If the steamer arrives alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 8 P. M., it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night.

In the event, however, of their remaining on board they will be landed after breakfast the following morning either at the stage, or in dock, as circumstances permit.

When the vessel reaches the river but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of debarking will be landed, with handbaggage only, by tender, provided that the Purser is advised before leaving Fishguard of the passenger's wish to do so. At Fishguard, notice will be posted in the companionway advising passengers of anticipated hour of arrival at Liverpool.

Arrivals at New York.—Should any steamer reach the New York Wharf after 8 p. m. passengers may land if they wish to do so and have their baggage passed by the Custom authorities: those who prefer to remain onboard will have all of their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.

Fishguard-Passenger's Mail.—On arrival at Fishguard passengers expecting letters or telegrams should enquire for them at the Purser's Bureau. A desk is also provided on the Customs Examining Platform at Fishguard, where later telegrams or messages may be called for.

Liverpool-Passenger's Mail.—Passengers landing at Liverpool should enquire at the Purser's Bureau, for letters or telegrams.

Passenger's Correspondence.—Mail matter for passengers may be addressed to the care of any of the Company's Head Offices in Liverpool, London, Paris, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Frankfort O/M etc.

Dogs.—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has been previously procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. License can only be obtained by direct application to the Board before the dog is taken on board.

Public Telephone.-—The steamer is equipped with a telephone, conveniently located, which may be used by passengers until disconnection (without notice) a few minutes before departure. Telephones with booths and Operators are also provided on the New York piers.

Telegraphic Code.—For the convenience of passengers copies of the Western Union Telegraphic Code and of Lieber’s Code are carried on this steamer, and same can be referred to on application to the Purser.

A Stenographer and Typist is on board for the convenience of passengers and is prepared to attend promptly to all work required.

Through Booking to Egypt, India, China, Japan, Philippines, Australasia, South Africa and South America, etc., can be arranged by taking Cunard Steamer to England or the Mediterranean, connecting with steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental or Anchor Lines. Particulars and rates on application to Chief Offices

Orchestra. —This steamer carries an orchestra of well-trained musicians, who will play at the following times and places:

  • 10.00 to 11.00 a. m.: Second Cabin Dining Room
  • to 2.10:00 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
  • 3.30 to 4.00 p. m.: Second Cabin Dining Saloon
  • 7:10 pm to 8:45 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
  • 9.00 to 10.00 p. m.: First Class Drawing Room

This arrangement may be altered as circumstances require.


All the Cunard Steamers are fitted with the Marconi System Wireless Telegraphy, and the Wireless Service on this ship is operated by the Marconi International Marine Communication Company Limited.

The ship has almost daily communication with the various Shore Wireless Stations—either directly or through the medium of passing steamers—and messages can be regularly transmitted to all parts of the world. Radio-telegrams are accepted at the Telegraph Offices of practically all countries for transmission to Cunard Steamers at sea and also at Marconi House Strand, London, W.C.

Messages sent via the United Kingdom are Transmitted through the Coast Stations:—

Bolt Head, Caister-on-sea Crookhaven, Cullercoats, Lizard, Malin Head Niton North Foreland, Rosslare and Seaforth.

The address of radio-telegram to be delivered to a ship through a Coast Station in the United Kingdom should contain:

  • The name of the addressee;
  • The name of the ship (prefixed "Steamship” when there is a risk of the name of the ship being confused with the name of a Telegraph office);
  • The word "Wireless” or the name of the Coast Station through which the sender wishes the radio telegram to be sent.

Passengers can also exchange messages with friends on other steamers during the voyage and a list of the vessels with which wireless communication is expected during each day is posted on the notice boards.

The rates for radio-telegrams given below apply for messages both from and to the ship, and any further particulars with reference to the Wireless Service can be obtained on application to the Purser’s Office.


  • via Sea Gate, Sagaponack, or (for steamers in the Boston Service only) South Wellfleet, or through the medium of a passing steamer and one of these stations is 12 cents (6d.); Coast Tax. 8 cents (4d.); Ship Tax. 20 cents (10d.) per word:
  • via Siasconsett the rate is 15 cents (7 ½ d.); Coast Tax, 8 cents (4d.); Ship Tax. 23 cents  (11 ½ d.) per word;
  • via Cape Race and Sable Island 17 cents ( 8 ½ d.); Coast Tax. 8 cents (4d. ); Ship Tax. 25 cents (1s.  ½ d.) per word.
  • A minimum Coast Tax charge for ten words is applied in each case. Every word in address, text and Signature counted and charged for; land charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.

UNITED KINGDOM.—The rate, via Crookhaven, or other stations in the United Kingdom, or through the medium of a passing steamer, is 20 cents (10d.) per word: every word in address text and signature counted; land charges additional: all charges must be prepaid.

SHIP TO SHIP.—The general rate on ship to ship messages is 16 Cents (8d.) per word, but as German, Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a ship tax with a minimum at 10 words, the charges on messages to these vessels will be calculated as follows:  

English ship tax 8 cents (4d.) per word, without minimum: German, Dutch or Belgian, etc.: ship tax 8 cents (4d.) per word with a minimum of 80 cents (3s 4d.). Thus for a message of 10 words or more, the charge is 16 cents (8d.) per word: every word in address, text and signature counted, and all charges must be prepaid.

OCEAN LETTERS.—On and from April 1st, the Marconi Company are inaugurating an “Ocean Letter’’ service, by which radio-telegrams may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction, for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel. For full particulars apply to purser.

Enquiries, claims, etc. in connection with radio-telegrams should be addressed to:

The Marconi International Marine Communication Co. Ltd.
Marconi House,
Strand, London, W. C.

As the Cunard Line undertakes no responsibility whatsoever for the wireless telegraph service.


Map of Cunard Line New Express Route.

Map of Cunard Line New Express Route. GGA Image ID # 11e2cf48ef



The attention of passengers is directed to the facilities provided by the Cunard Line to enable their patrons to reach London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna, in the shortest possible time, by traveling via Fishguard on the South Wales Coast. This route is recognized as the most expeditious for all travelers crossing the Atlantic from the United States to any European points.

The ‘‘Aquitania", '’Lusitania” and “Mauretania" proceed direct to Fishguard and Liverpool without stopping at Queenstown. All other Eastbound New York steamers call at Queenstown, Fishguard and Liverpool.

The Great Western Railway provides special trains from Fishguard to London (Paddington) also when sufficient offers to Dover (for the Continent) and to Birkenhead (for Liverpool).

The railway journey between Fishguard and London occupies about 4 ¾ hours, and between Fishguard and Dover 6 ¾ hours.

When passengers travel during the night, sleeping cars will be provided when required from Calais to Paris.

FISHGUARD is the nearest British Port to New York and Boston and this Route is therefore, the most direct to London.


A BELL WILL BE RUNG FIVE MINUTES BEFORE the Tender Is ready to receive passengers. The passengers will, therefore, find it more comfortable and convenient not to wait about in the companionways and entrances.

Special Trains Between Liverpool and London

The London and North Western Railway Co. run Special Express Passenger Trains from Riverside Station, Liverpool to London (Euston) In connections with Cunard Steamers.  Enquire at the Purser’s Office.


Back Cover, Cunard SS Carmania Saloon Passenger List - 29 July 1914. Crest / Coat of Arms / Seal for the RMS Aquitania.

Back Cover, Cunard SS Carmania Saloon Passenger List - 29 July 1914. Crest / Coat of Arms / Seal for the RMS Aquitania. GGA Image ID # 11e32594ae


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