SS Saxonia Passenger List - 21 August 1906

Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS Saxoniaof the Cunard Line, Departing Tuesday, 21 August 1906 from Boston to Liverpool

Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS Saxonia of the Cunard Line, Departing Tuesday, 21 August 1906 from Boston to Liverpool, Commanded by Captain J. T. W. Charles. GGA Image ID # 174ecd3050

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. T. W. Charles (Lt R.N.R.)
  2. Surgeon: Douglas D. Staley
  3. Chief Steward: John Sleigh
  4. Purser: W. J. C. Quayle
  5. Assistant Purser: Ernest F. Brown

Second Cabin Passengers

  1. Miss Lillian Anderson
  2. Mr. T. H. Barnett
  3. Mr. E. Bush
  4. Mrs. E. Bush
  5. Master Joseph Bush
  6. Miss Edith Bush
  7. Mr. Joseph Calland
  8. Mrs. Joseph Calland
  9. Mr. A. C. Cartwright
  10. Mrs. H. Conlan and Infant
  11. Mrs. C. Coultate
  12. Miss N. Coultate
  13. Mr. L. Chapins
  14. Mr. C. Dewhurst
  15. Mrs. C. Dewhurst
  16. Miss I. B. Dracup
  17. Miss Mary Duncan
  18. Mr. Thomas Fenley
  19. Miss Nellie Gately
  20. Mrs. M. Harwood
  21. Mr. E. Hassall
  22. Mrs. E. Hassall
  23. Mr. J. S. Hastings
  24. Mr. David Heatley
  25. Rev. J. Q. A. Henry
  26. Miss Henry
  27. Miss G. Hermann
  28. Miss A. Hillis
  29. Mr. A. J. Kennedy
  30. Mr. Robert Kershaw
  31. Mrs. Robert Kershaw
  32. Master Robert Kershaw
  33. Master Kenneth Kershaw
  34. Mr. T. Lamb
  35. Mrs. T. Lamb
  36. Mr. W. Lamb
  37. Miss A. M. Madgwick
  38. Mr. C. F. Mannev
  39. Mr. R. B. Martin
  40. Miss F. McKibbin
  41. Miss Margaret McLellan
  42. Mr. P. M. McCarthy
  43. Mrs. P. M. McCarthy
  44. Miss L. McCarthy
  45. Master J. McCarthy
  46. Mr. E. C. Mulvey
  47. Mrs. E. C. Mulvey
  48. Mr. A. E. Plank
  49. Miss B. A. Pountney
  50. Mr. F. G. Powell
  51. Miss Purvis
  52. Mr. Thos. Porter
  53. Mr. J. H. Riley
  54. Mrs. J. H. Riley
  55. Mr. H. Shawcross
  56. Mr. Henry Smith
  57. Mr. John Stewart
  58. Mr. William Stewart
  59. Mr. J. Stewart
  60. Miss E. Timony
  61. Miss E. Tordoff
  62. Mr. A. Twidale
  63. Rev. A. H. Walker
  64. Mr. William Warner
  65. Mr. Watkins
  66. Miss F. Whitehead

Additional Passengers On Board

  1. Mr. E. L. Grifiith
  2. Mrs. K. Greenwood
  3. Miss M. Greenwood
  4. Mrs. Nora Lord
  5. Maeter J. H. Lord
  6. Mrs. R. L. Lennox
  7. Miss Millinger
  8. Mr. Alf. G. Newcombe
  9. Mr. J. H. Ryan
  10. Mr. Trued Swanson

Passengers Not on Board

  1. Mr. T. H. Barnett
  2. Miss Nellie Gately

Total 75

The Boston steamers "Ivernia " and "Saxonia " are noted for their comfort and for their remarkable steadiness at sea.

The New York passenger services of the Cunard line are maintained by the "Campania" and "Lucania," the fastest steamers from Liverpool; the popular "Etruria" and "Umbria"; and those wonderful hotels “Caronia" and “Carmania," the latter the only turbine steamer to the United States.

Information for Passengers

Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times: Breakfast, 8:00 am; Dinner, 12:30 pm; Tea, 5.30 pm; Supper, 8.30 pm The Bar and Smoking Room will be closed at 11:00 pm

The Second Cabin Steward has the arrangement of the seats at table.

Passengers desiring to have letters and telegrams forwarded by the Pilot from Boston Light must hand same (fully prepaid ) to the Purser within one hour after leaving dock.

Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am

Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms for license can only be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

All enquiries regarding Baggage should be made to the Purser; and Trunks, Wraps, etc., will be received, stored and shipped by the Company for the return voyage.

Steamer Chairs may be hired from the Deck Steward at a cost of $1.00 for the voyage.

Gentlemen are requested not to smoke in the saloons, staterooms, or companion-ways.

The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt for same will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but Passengers can protect themselves by insurance.

Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.

Tobacco, cigars, etc., wines, spirits and perfumery are liable to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs authorities when required. Reprints of copyright books and music will be confiscated.

Special Trains are usually run between Riverside Station, Liverpool and Euston Station, London, in connection with the arrival and departure of these Steamers. Convenient trains also leave other Stations, situated near the Landing Stage.

Passengers for London are recommended to see their Baggage deposited in the train after its examination by Customs at Liverpool.

The Cunard Steam Ship Company have pleasure in announcing the following Special TRIPS during the coming Winter:

The "Caronia" will sail from New York on Saturday, 5 January, calling at Gibraltar, Naples, Alexandria, Fiume, and again at Naples, en route for New York.

The "Caronia" will make a Second Trip from New York on Tuesday, the 19th February, calling at Gibraltar, Naples and Alexandria, returning to Liverpool, via Naples.

The "Carpathia" (13,564 tons ), will sail from Liverpool on Tuesday, February 12th, calling at Gibraltar, Naples, Trieste, Fiume, Palermo, and again at Naples, connecting at the latter port with the "Caronia," leaving March 9th, for Liverpool.

The establishment is announced of a Joint Service of the Cunard with the Peninsular & Oriental and with the Orient Pacific S. S. Companies, by which, via England or the Mediterranean, Passengers may be booked through to or from Egypt, India, China, Japan and Australia. Particulars of rates, sailings and connections on application.

The Boston Passenger Service of the Cunard Steamship Company is conducted by the "Ivernia" and "Saxonia," Twin-screw vessels of the following dimensions: Length over all, 600 ft.; breadth 64 ft. 3 ins., and over 14:000 tons gross tonnage. They are noted for their steadiness at sea in all weathers, and enjoy the reputation of being two of the most comfortable steamers in the Passenger Trade between the United States and England.


American and British Lights in the Atlantic Ocean, 1906.

American and British Lights in the Atlantic Ocean, 1906. GGA Image ID # 174effd43a


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