RMS Franconia Passenger List - 22 August 1914

Front Cover, Cunard RMS Franconia Second Cabin Passenger List - 22 August 1914.

Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List from the Steamship RMS Franconia of the Cunard Line, Departing 22 August 1914 from Liverpool to Boston, Commanded by Captain D. S. Miller, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 11e2788d5c

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: D. S. Miller, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer: H. Davys
  • Chief Officer: G. S. Horsburgh, R.B.R.
  • Chief Steward: John Sleigh
  • Surgeon: A. W. MacKensie
  • Purser: E. C. F. Moore
  • Assistant Purser: H. S. Wroth

Second Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr.  A. Adams
  2. Miss Mary Adams
  3. Mr.  W. Adams
  4. Mrs.  M. G. Adams
  5. Mrs.  S. A. Adams
  6. Miss E. Adams
  7. Mr.  Harry J. S. Ainscow
  8. Mrs.  A. Ainscow
  9. Mr.  E. Ainsworth
  10. Mr.  W. C. Answorth
  11. Mrs.  Answorth
  12. Miss D. Answorth
  13. Mrs.  T. W. Alcock
  14. Master Alcock
  15. Mr.  George Allen
  16. Miss E. A. Allinson
  17. Miss H. Anderson
  18. Miss S. Applebaum
  19. Miss V. B. Appleton
  20. Miss A. E. Appleton
  21. Mr.  John Armstrong
  22. Mr.  Herbert Aspin
  23. Mrs.  Aspin
  24. Master Arnold Aspin
  25. Miss Alice Astley
  26. Mr.  John Atchison
  27. Mr.  G. Baker
  28. Mrs.  Baker
  29. Miss G. Baker
  30. Master G. Baker
  31. Master G. Baker
  32. Mrs.  Ada Bamford
  33. Miss Eliz. Bamford
  34. Miss Annie Barker
  35. Miss M. E. Baron
  36. Mr.  J. Barraclough
  37. Master F. Barraclough
  38. Mr.  T. Barrett
  39. Mrs.  Barry
  40. Miss Margaret Barry
  41. Mr.  G. F. Battles
  42. Mr.  W. Bennett
  43. Mrs.  Bennett
  44. Mrs.  H. Bennett
  45. Mrs.  M. B. Benson
  46. Miss Bentley
  47. Miss Sophia Berggren
  48. Mrs.  Berman
  49. Mr.  Bernstein
  50. Mr.  John Berry
  51. Mr.  J. E. Bilbrough
  52. Mrs.  Bilbrough
  53. Mr.  J. Billing
  54. Miss H. Blackley
  55. Mrs.  Amy Blatley
  56. Miss A. R. Blinn
  57. Mrs.  C. O. Block
  58. Miss Block
  59. Miss A. Bloomberg
  60. Mr.  E. A. Bolt
  61. Miss M. Bonfield
  62. Mr.  L. Bottomley
  63. Mrs.  E. Bottomley and Infant
  64. Mr.  Bowe
  65. Mrs.  Bowe
  66. Mr.  W.E. Bradford and Child
  67. Mr.  T. J. Brennan
  68. Mrs.  Mary E. Brooks
  69. Miss Doris Brooks
  70. Mr.  W. D. Broomhead
  71. Mr.  John Brown
  72. Miss Elsie Brown
  73. Mr.  Buckpitt
  74. Mrs.  Buckpitt
  75. Miss L. Burgess
  76. Miss Mary F. Burke
  77. Mrs.  J. G. Burton
  78. Miss M. Burton
  79. Mr.  Alfred Caddick
  80. Mr.  W. Caddick
  81. Mrs.  M. Campbell
  82. Miss M. Campbell
  83. Mr.  J. P. Campion
  84. Mr.  P. Carroll
  85. Mr.  W. Catlow
  86. Miss F. E. Challice
  87. Mr.  J. W. Charles
  88. Mr.  N. T. Chatter
  89. Mrs.  Chatter
  90. Mr.  H. Chippendale
  91. Mrs.  Chippendale
  92. Mr.  John Clark
  93. Mrs.  Clark and Child
  94. Mrs.  B. Claugherty
  95. Mrs.  Clara Clayton
  96. Master Gordon Clavton
  97. Mr.  W. Clear
  98. Miss A. Clear
  99. Mrs.  Ellen Clough
  100. Miss E. Clough
  101. Mrs.  S. Clubb and Infant
  102. Mr.  W. H. Coles
  103. Mrs.  Coles
  104. Miss C. Collis
  105. Miss K. Condon
  106. Mr.  J. Conners
  107. Mrs.  A. L. Cooke
  108. Miss Cookman
  109. Mrs.  Sabina Corcoran
  110. Miss Cora Corcoran
  111. Miis. F. Cordingley
  112. Miss M. Cosgrove
  113. Rev. M. J. Costello
  114. Mr.  J. H. Counsell
  115. Mr.  Richard Coxhill
  116. Mr.  L. Crabb
  117. Miss K. M. Crabtree
  118. Prof. W. D. Crockett
  119. Mr.  Thos. Crompton
  120. Mrs.  Crompton
  121. Mr.  Thos. Crompton
  122. Mrs.  Crompton
  123. Mrs.  Cronshaw
  124. Miss Cronshaw
  125. Mrs.  M. Crossley
  126. Master H. Crossley
  127. Miss A. J. Cunningham
  128. Mrs.  Cuthill
  129. Miss B. Cuthill
  130. Master Cuthill
  131. Mrs.  C. Dalby
  132. Master J. Dalby
  133. Master E. Dalby
  134. Miss J. Dand
  135. Mrs.  Emma Darrah
  136. Master H. Darrah
  137. Mrs.  M. E. Davenport
  138. Miss Davenport
  139. Mr.  G. Davies
  140. Mrs.  Davies
  141. Master R. Davies
  142. Miss E. A. Davies
  143. Mrs.  Davies
  144. Master C. Davies
  145. Mr.  George I. Dawson
  146. Mrs.  S. Dawson
  147. Master G. Dawson
  148. Miss G. Dawson
  149. Mr.  Danl. Delaney
  150. Mrs.  Delaney and Infant
  151. Mr.  D. Denison
  152. Mrs.  Edith Dennison
  153. Miss Hilda Dexter
  154. Mrs.  A. Dickinson
  155. Mr.  E. Dixon
  156. Mrs.  Dixon
  157. Mr.  A. F. Dodd
  158. Mr.  J. Donlan
  159. Mr.  M. G. Donohue
  160. Mr.  Peter Downs
  161. Miss Anastasia Doyle
  162. Mrs.  F. Drew
  163. Miss A. M. Drew
  164. Mr.  Jeremiah Driscoll
  165. Miss E. S. Duckett
  166. Mrs.  S. Duckhouse
  167. Mr.  Frank H. Du Four
  168. Miss G. Duncan
  169. Miss Mary Duncan
  170. Mr.  J. G. Dunn
  171. Mr.  W. Durkin
  172. Mrs.  Durkin
  173. Miss Lizzie Durkin
  174. Mr.  Moses Durnell
  175. Mrs.  Durnell
  176. Miss Ethel Durnell
  177. Miss Isabella Durnell
  178. Mrs.  Margaret A. Eccleston
  179. Mrs.  M. E. Eddicott
  180. Mr.  James Edsforth
  181. Miss A. Elmsley
  182. Miss Alice L. Eyman
  183. Miss E. M. Fan
  184. Miss Farr
  185. Mrs.  Felter
  186. Mr.  Frederick Fenton
  187. Mrs.  Fenton
  188. Dr. Fetter
  189. Miss K. Fick
  190. Mr.  W. F. Firth
  191. Miss Flanagan
  192. Mr.  J. Fleming
  193. Mrs.  Fleming
  194. Mr.  J . P. Fleming
  195. Mrs.  Fleming
  196. Mr.  H. Fletcher
  197. Mr.  P. Flynn
  198. Mr.  Percy G. Fogg
  199. Mrs.  Hettie Fogg
  200. Miss Gladys Fogg
  201. Mr.  M. J. Foley
  202. Mrs.  F. J. Foss
  203. Mr.  George S. Fost
  204. Mr.  H. Foster
  205. Mrs.  W. Foster
  206. Miss Foulkes
  207. Rev. C. Plunkett
  208. Mrs.  Francis
  209. Miss L. Francis
  210. Mr.  W. .T. Freeman
  211. Mrs.  S. Friedlander
  212. Miss Esther Friedlander
  213. Miss Nellie Gabbett
  214. Mrs.  M. Gallagher
  215. Miss Gallagher
  216. Mr.  Timothy C. Gallivan
  217. Mrs.  E. Gandette
  218. Mrs.  M. A. Gardiner
  219. Mr.  Richard Geary
  220. Mrs.  Geary
  221. Mrs.  Nellie Gesner
  222. Mrs.  G. F. Gibbs
  223. Miss Katherine M. Gibbs
  224. Mr.  N. W. Gifford
  225. Mrs.  Gifford
  226. Miss N. M. Gifford
  227. Miss A. H. Gifford
  228. Miss Lizzie Glavin
  229. Mrs.  Glynn
  230. Mr.  W. Glynn
  231. Mrs.  Glynn
  232. Miss A. Glynn
  233. Mrs.  Hugh Goddard
  234. Mr.  J. S. Gorrie
  235. Mr.  J. Gough
  236. Mrs.  Gould and Infant
  237. Miss M. Palmer Gould
  238. Mr.  T. Graham
  239. Mr.  J. Grandin
  240. Mrs.  L. Graves
  241. Mrs.  M. Greenhalgh
  242. Master W. Greenhalgh
  243. Miss M. Greenhalgh
  244. Mrs.  Hannah Greenwood
  245. Master Thomas Greenwood
  246. Miss A. Griffen
  247. Miss Jennie Guy
  248. Mr.  A. Hagerman
  249. Mr.  T. E. Hall
  250. Miss A. S. Hameson
  251. Miss M. Hanley
  252. Miss R. I. Hanley
  253. Miss A. R. Harker
  254. Mr.  J. W. Harmstone
  255. Mr.  Harris
  256. Mrs.  Harris
  257. Mr.  J. Harris
  258. Mrs.  J. Harris
  259. Mr.  W. Harrison
  260. Mrs.  Harrison
  261. Miss E. B. Hawkins
  262. Mr.  A. Hay
  263. Mr.  R. J. Hayden
  264. Miss E. Hayden
  265. Mrs.  H. G. Hayes
  266. Mr.  A. D. Hayward
  267. Miss B. M. Healev
  268. Mr.  W. Heaton
  269. Mrs.  L. F. Hedges
  270. Master C. J. Hedges
  271. Mr.  Chas. R. Hendels
  272. Miss Kate Hennessy
  273. Mr.  T. Henschall
  274. Mrs.  Albert ine Hess
  275. Miss Marie Hess
  276. Mr.  I. M. Hill
  277. Mrs.  Hill
  278. Miss Jessie Hill
  279. Master R. Hill
  280. Miss Nannie L. Hill
  281. Mr.  A. P. Hills
  282. Mrs.  Hills
  283. Mr.  A. Hincheliffe
  284. Mr.  A. Hoerbe
  285. Mrs.  Alice Holden
  286. Mr.  S. J. Holden
  287. Mrs.  Ellen HoIden
  288. Mrs.  S. O. Hole
  289. Mr.  B. S. Holmes
  290. Mr.  N. E. Holmkvist
  291. Mr.  B. T. Holmkvist
  292. Miss Alice Holt
  293. Mr.  J. W. Homer
  294. Miss D. F. Homer
  295. Miss A. B. Hooper
  296. Mr.  E. A. Hooton
  297. Mr.  Hopkinson
  298. Mrs.  Hopkinson
  299. Mr.  H. Horohan
  300. Mr.  W. Horton
  301. Mr.  S. J. Hough
  302. Mr.  A. Houldsworth
  303. Mr.  Hourihan
  304. Mrs.  M. A. Howarth
  305. Miss Alice Howarth
  306. Mrs.  Hannah Howarth
  307. Miss Betty Howarth
  308. Mr.  T. Howe
  309. Mr.  L. Hoyle
  310. Mr.  H. G. Hudson
  311. Mr.  G. Hudson
  312. Mr.  N. H. Hughes
  313. Mr.  Thomas Hughes
  314. Mr.  T. C. Humphreys
  315. Mr.  E. Hunt
  316. Miss H. Hunt
  317. Mrs.  A. L. Huntress
  318. Mrs.  E. Hurley
  319. Mrs.  Margaret Hurley
  320. Mrs.  M. Hyslop
  321. Mr.  Geo. A. Ingalls
  322. Mr.  G. P. Irving
  323. Mr.  J. H. Irving
  324. Miss A. Jackson
  325. Mrs.  M. Jefferson
  326. Mrs.  E. J. Jennison
  327. Rev. J. Pandy John
  328. Mrs.  John
  329. Mrs.  G. Johnson
  330. Miss M. Johnson
  331. Mr.  John Johnson
  332. Mr.  Johnston
  333. Mrs.  Johnston and Child
  334. Mr.  John D. Jones
  335. Miss M. S. Jones
  336. Mr.  D. Rees Jones
  337. Miss O. May Jones
  338. Mr.  M. E. Joyce
  339. Mrs.  Joyce
  340. Mrs.  Bessie M. Joyce
  341. Miss M. Joyce
  342. Miss Veronica Joyce
  343. Master J . Joyce
  344. Master Kiernan
  345. Miss Clara Keeley
  346. Miss A. V. Keighley
  347. Miss J. J. Keir
  348. Miss N. Kelleher
  349. Mr.  J. Kelly
  350. Miss Mary Kelly
  351. Mr.  J. J. Kelly
  352. Mrs.  Ellen Kenny
  353. Miss Mary A. Kenyon
  354. Mrs.  Kiernan
  355. Mr.  O. N. A. King
  356. Mrs.  King
  357. Mrs.  Lizzie Kirby
  358. Mr.  M. Kissane
  359. Mr.  William Klockan
  360. Mr.  William Klockan, Jun.
  361. Miss H. Lambert.
  362. Miss M. Lamont
  363. Mrs.  F. C. Lane
  364. Miss D. Larkin
  365. Mrs.  L. Larsan
  366. Mr.  D. Lavelle
  367. Mr.  C. Leary
  368. Miss E. M. Lee
  369. Mr.  P. Leyland
  370. Mr.  J. P. Leyland
  371. Mrs.  F. Leyland
  372. Mr.  Carl E. Lillestrand
  373. Mr.  C. E. Lilliestrand
  374. Mr.  James H. Lindsay
  375. Mrs.  M. Lohar
  376. Mr.  W. Long
  377. Mrs.  Longbottom
  378. Mrs.  M. J. Looney
  379. Mrs.  A. Lowry
  380. Mrs.  A. Lovitt
  381. Mr.  Jas. Lynch
  382. Mrs.  Lynch
  383. Mr.  J. J. Lynch
  384. Mrs.  M. P. MacDearmid
  385. Mrs.  Amy Mack
  386. Master P. G. Mack
  387. Mr.  PI. C. MacLean
  388. Miss Maloney
  389. Mrs.  E. Mansfield
  390. Miss M. Massey
  391. Mr.  J. Masterson
  392. Miss A. Maycock
  393. Miss N. Maycock
  394. Miss A. Maycock
  395. Mr.  S. McConnell
  396. Mr.  R. McCann
  397. Miss McCann
  398. Mrs.  A. McClure
  399. Mr.  Thos. McDermot
  400. Miss Mary McDermott
  401. Miss Marguerite McDermott
  402. Miss M. McDonald
  403. Miss Mary McDonnell
  404. Mr.  R. D. McDowell
  405. Mrs.  McDowell
  406. Miss W. McDowell
  407. Mr.  McDowall
  408. Miss McEnaney
  409. Mrs.  McEneaney
  410. Miss E. McEneaney
  411. Mr.  Peter McEneeney
  412. Mrs.  T. A. McEvoy
  413. Mr.  Jas. McGifford
  414. Mrs.  McGifford
  415. Mrs.  J. McGregor
  416. Miss Annie It. McHugh
  417. Mrs.  E. McMullen
  418. Mrs.  D. McPhee
  419. Miss M. McRobbie
  420. Miss E. McMahon
  421. Mr.  James Meekle
  422. Mr.  J. Meadowcroft
  423. Mrs.  Metcalfe
  424. Miss Metcalfe
  425. Mr.  Albert Metcalf
  426. Mrs.  Metcalf
  427. Mrs.  Ettie Metzger
  428. Master R. Metzger
  429. Miss Isabel Metzger
  430. Mrs.  Middleton
  431. Master A. Middleton
  432. Master D. M. Middleton
  433. Miss J. M. Middleton
  434. Mrs.  N. Moar
  435. Miss A. Moar
  436. Mr.  F. E. Moersdorf
  437. Mrs.  Moersdorf
  438. Miss P. Moloney
  439. Mr.  L. Mooney
  440. Mr.  P. Moore
  441. Mr.  John Moran
  442. Master C. Moran
  443. Miss C. E. Moran
  444. Mr.  Michael Moran
  445. Mr.  J. Morton
  446. Mrs.  Clara Morton
  447. Miss Ivy Morton
  448. Master W. Morton
  449. Mrs.  E. Moyes
  450. Miss J. Moyes
  451. Miss Mulvey
  452. Mr.  Fred Murphy
  453. Mr.  Murphy
  454. Mrs.  Murphy and Child
  455. Mr.  Alex. Mussen
  456. Mrs.  Mussen
  457. Mr.  Berman Myer
  458. Mrs.  B. Myer
  459. Miss Anne Neale
  460. Miss Ida Nelsson
  461. Rev. E. C. Newham
  462. Mrs.  Newham
  463. Mr.  E. Newsholm
  464. Mrs.  Newsholm
  465. Mrs.  O. Nicholson
  466. Master J. F. Nicholson
  467. Mr.  F. A. Nicholson
  468. Mrs.  Nicholson and Infant
  469. Miss Constance Nicholson
  470. Mr.  Geo. Nicol
  471. Mrs.  Nicol
  472. Miss M. B. Nicol
  473. Miss Isabella Nicol
  474. Mr.  Anders Nilson
  475. Mrs.  Nilson
  476. Master Arvid Nilson
  477. Mrs.  Noonan
  478. Miss Noonan
  479. Miss O’Connell
  480. Miss O’Connell
  481. Mr.  J. J. O’Farrell
  482. Mrs.  O’Farrell
  483. Mr.  Danl. G. O’Gorman
  484. Mr.  M. O’Keefe
  485. Mrs.  John Oliver
  486. Miss J. Orr
  487. Mr.  Fred W. Palliser
  488. Mr.  Alfred Palliser
  489. Mr.  Alexander Palliser
  490. Mr.  W. Palliser
  491. Mrs.  E. Palliser
  492. Mr.  Palmer
  493. Mrs.  Palmer and Child
  494. Miss N. Palmer
  495. Miss H. Partington
  496. Miss Margaret Patterson
  497. Mr.  M. Parsons
  498. Mr.  Thomas Pearson
  499. Mrs.  J. R. Pearson
  500. Miss Pell
  501. Mrs.  J. Perry
  502. Dr. Peters
  503. Miss A. Pettig
  504. Mr.  J. W. Pickering
  505. Miss P. Pilkington
  506. Mrs.  M. Potter
  507. Miss L. Potter
  508. Mr.  Thomas Price
  509. Mrs.  Price
  510. Miss L Price
  511. Mr.  Caleb Purvis
  512. Mrs.  Purvis
  513. Master Jos. Purvis
  514. Mrs.  Putman
  515. Mr.  L. Pyle
  516. Mrs.  Pyle
  517. Miss L. Quigley
  518. Miss Anna Quinn
  519. Miss Anna Quinn
  520. Mrs.  I. Quirk
  521. Mr.  E. Rasbottom
  522. Mrs.  Eliza A. Ratcliffe
  523. Mr.  Cornelius Read
  524. Mr.  G. W. Reed
  525. Mr.  Simon Reed
  526. Mrs.  Reed
  527. Mr.  J. Regan
  528. Miss E. Regan
  529. Miss Regan
  530. Mr.  P. S. Reid
  531. Mrs.  Reid and Infant
  532. Miss D. Reid
  533. Mr.  R. Renshaw
  534. Mrs.  Nettie Renshaw
  535. Master Jack Renshaw
  536. Mr.  G. Richmond
  537. Mrs.  J. Riddings
  538. Master Riddings
  539. Mr.  D. J. Riely
  540. Mrs.  Annie Rigby
  541. Mrs.  Florence Rimell
  542. Master E. Rimell
  543. Mrs.  Rimmer and Infant
  544. Mrs.  F. Robinson
  545. Mrs.  J. Rogan
  546. Mrs.  Roper
  547. Master W. Roper
  548. Miss E. Roper
  549. Mrs.  Rosenheims and Maid
  550. Mrs.  G. Rosenheim
  551. Miss W. Rosenheim
  552. Miss Rowe
  553. Mr.  A. E. Rowles
  554. Miss K. Rudd
  555. Mrs.  Rudd
  556. Mr.  John Russell
  557. Mr.  J. Ryan
  558. Mr.  Valentine Ryan
  559. Mrs.  M. Salfaty
  560. Mr.  D. E. Sampson
  561. Mrs.  Sampson
  562. Mr.  J. Saunders
  563. Mrs.  Lucy Saunders
  564. Miss Lucy Saunders
  565. Mrs.  Saunders
  566. Mr.  A. Sawyer
  567. Mrs.  Catherine Scanlon
  568. Mr.  Scoggin
  569. Miss Harriet Scott
  570. Mrs.  Jennie Scott
  571. Mr.  Horace G. Seaton
  572. Mrs.  Seaton
  573. Mrs.  Sarah Sedgwick
  574. Mrs.  Florence Sedgwick
  575. Mr.  H. Shannon
  576. Mr.  S. Shaw
  577. Mrs.  E. Shaw
  578. Mr.  F. A. Shepard
  579. Mr.  H. F. Shepherd
  580. Mrs.  E. Sheplev
  581. Mr.  W. J. Shirley
  582. Mrs.  Shirley
  583. Miss S. Singleton
  584. Miss Anna Sjokvist
  585. Mr.  A. Sloan
  586. Mr.  Alex. Smith
  587. Mrs.  M. A. Smith
  588. Miss M. Smith
  589. Miss E. Smith
  590. Mrs.  E. Smith
  591. Mrs.  P. Smith
  592. Mrs.  R. H. Smith
  593. Mrs.  Smith
  594. Mr.  F. Smith
  595. Mrs.  Smith
  596. Master D. Smith
  597. Master K. Smith
  598. Mrs.  F. Spiller
  599. Mrs.  M. H. Stanton
  600. Mr.  D. M. Steadman
  601. Miss E. Stevens
  602. Mr.  William Stewart
  603. Mrs.  Stewart
  604. Master L. Stewart
  605. Miss Mona Stewart
  606. Master R. Stinson
  607. Mr.  John C. Stock
  608. Mis. D. Straing and Infant
  609. Master H. Straing
  610. Mr.  J. J. Sullivan
  611. Mrs.  E. Sunderland
  612. Mr.  W. Sutcliffe
  613. Miss Agnes Svenson
  614. Mr.  George Swailes
  615. Mr.  T. Swanson
  616. Miss M. E. Swarbrick
  617. Mrs.  H. C. Swartz
  618. Mrs.  J. Swift
  619. Mrs.  C. R. Swineford
  620. Mrs.  Swineford
  621. Miss Swineford
  622. Mrs.  K. Talbot and Infant
  623. Mis. a. R. Tattersall
  624. Mr.  E. C. Taylor
  625. Miss M. L. Taylor
  626. Mr.  G. Taylor
  627. Mis. Taylor
  628. Mr.  Samuel Taylor
  629. Miss E. M. Taylor
  630. Mr.  G. Taylor
  631. Mr.  F. W. Thompson
  632. Mrs.  Thompson
  633. Master W. H. Thompson
  634. Mr.  W. Thompson
  635. Mis. N. Threlfall
  636. Miss Threlfall
  637. Miss E. Tickle
  638. Miss M. Tierney
  639. Miss E. Tobin
  640. Miss Elizabeth Tobin
  641. Mr.  Joseph Tomlinson
  642. Mr.  W. Towers
  643. Mr.  Towers
  644. Master Towers
  645. Mr.  E. P. Troy
  646. Miss T. Turnbull
  647. Miss M. Turnbull
  648. Mr.  K. M. Vaughan
  649. Mr.  S. Voyce
  650. Mr.  G. Voyce
  651. Mr.  G. Wade
  652. Mrs.  Wade
  653. Mrs.  Maggie Walker and Infant
  654. Master Walker
  655. Miss B. Walsh
  656. Miss M. A. Walsh
  657. Miss Ellen Walsh
  658. Mr.  Walmsley
  659. Mrs.  Walmsley
  660. Miss M. E. Walsh
  661. Mrs.  Alice Warburton
  662. Mr.  H. Warren
  663. Mrs.  M. J. Watson
  664. Master J. Watson
  665. Master T. Watson
  666. Mr.  T. H. Wellspring
  667. Miss West
  668. Mrs.  E. Whallev
  669. Mrs.  H. H. Whitehead
  670. Miss C. Whitehead
  671. Mr.  A. I. Whitehouse
  672. Mrs.  Whitehouse
  673. Master W. Whitehouse
  674. Miss D. Whitehouse
  675. Miss F. Whitehouse
  676. Mr.  A. A. Whitmore
  677. Mr.  M. Whittaker
  678. Mr.  W. Whittaker
  679. Mr.  S. Wilkinson
  680. Mrs.  Wilkinson
  681. Miss M. Wilkinson
  682. Miss M. W. Wilkinson
  683. Mr.  M. Williams
  684. Mr.  W. J. Williams
  685. Bev. d. Williams
  686. Mrs.  Williams
  687. Mr.  T. II. Williams
  688. Mr.  W. Williams
  689. Mr.  G. Wilson
  690. Mrs.  Wilson
  691. Miss Wisnom
  692. Mr.  Wisnom
  693. Mrs.  Wisnom
  694. Miss S. E. Wold
  695. Mr.  S. Wood
  696. Mr.  J. Wood
  697. Miss B. M. Worthington
  698. Mr.  W. Wright
  699. Mrs.  Wright
  700. Miss Ethel Writh
  701. Mrs.  John Young
  702. Miss Edna Young
  703. Mr.  W. Yates
  704. Mrs.  Yates
  705. Mrs.  Jennie Yates
  706. Miss Emily Yates

Additional Passengers

  1. Mrs.  A. Adams
  2. Miss Sarah Atchison
  3. Mr.  S. A. Allford
  4. Miss J. M. Bessio
  5. Miss J. Barker
  6. Mr.  W. W. Baines
  7. Mrs.  Bailey
  8. Mr.  J. B. Burnham
  9. Mr.  John Bayles
  10. Mr.  Seymour Carpenter
  11. Mrs.  Carpenter
  12. Miss Julia Carpenter
  13. Mrs.  M. A. Crossley
  14. Master A. Crossley
  15. Miss M. Dineen
  16. Mr.  M. Daly
  17. Mr.  B. Feeney
  18. Master Foster (infant)
  19. Mrs.  B. Findlay
  20. Miss G. Findvay
  21. Mr.  F. T. Goodman
  22. M. D. S. Green
  23. Mr.  E. Garnett
  24. Mr.  J. B. Glenn
  25. Master W. Glynn
  26. Miss M. S. Haddow
  27. Mt. Thomas Holt
  28. Mr.  J. J. Hourihan
  29. Master Hourihan
  30. Mr.  P. Haddock
  31. Mrs.  C. Haddock
  32. Mr.  J. F. Jouineaux
  33. Mr.  Frank Jackson
  34. Mr.  H. A. Jackson
  35. Mrs.  M. Jones
  36. Mr.  C. W. Jones
  37. Miss F. James
  38. Miss Jane Larkin
  39. Mr.  A. Leyshar
  40. Mrs.  Leyshar
  41. Mr.  W. Mannings
  42. Mrs.  H. Metcalfe
  43. Miss C. Metcalfe    
  44. Miss Margaret Nicholson
  45. Miss Mary Nicholson
  46. Miss Anna Nicholson
  47. Mr.  W. Nye
  48. Mrs.  Nye
  49. Miss E. Nye
  50. Mr.  S. Neville
  51. Mrs.  Neville
  52. Master W. Neville
  53. Mrs.  E. Noyes
  54. Miss J. Noyes
  55. Miss J. Orr
  56. Mr.  W. Potts
  57. Mrs.  Potts
  58. Mr.  Chas. Potts
  59. Mr.  James Robinson
  60. Mr.  J. Recher
  61. Mrs.  Recher
  62. Miss B. E. Roberts
  63. Mr.  A. Sissoms
  64. Mr.  P. Sedgwick
  65. Dr J. R. Tucker
  66. Mrs.  Tucker
  67. Mr.  Peter Taylor
  68. Mr.  G. Troughton
  69. Mr.  W. Tonge
  70. Mrs.  S. P. Turner
  71. Miss I. B. Turner
  72. Miss M. Wiegand
  73. Miss M. G. Wiegand
  74. Mr.  A. E. Wans
  75. Mrs.  M. L. Weaver
  76. Mr.  A. H. Wallack
  77. Mrs.  M. J. Wilson
  78. Mr.  J. H. Wilson
  79. Master T. Wilson
  80. Miss M. Warford
  81. Miss J. Warford
  82. Miss A. Warford
  83. Mrs.  S. Walsh
  84. Mrs.  C. Young
  85. Miss C. Young
  86. Mr.  N. Yates

Not on Board

  1. Miss H. Anderson
  2. Master G.. Baker
  3. Mrs. Ada Bamford
  4. Miss Elizabeth Bamford
  5. Miss Margaret Barry
  6. Miss Sophia Berggren
  7. Mrs. Berman
  8. Mrs. Amy Blatley
  9. Mr. E. A. Bolt
  10. Miss M. Bonfield
  11. Mrs. E. Bottomley and infant
  12. Mr. Bowe
  13. Mrs. Bowe
  14. Mrs. J. G .Burton
  15. Miss M. Burton
  16. Mr. J. B. Campion
  17. Mr. J. W. Charles
  18. Mr. Thomas Crompton
  19. Mrs. Crompton
  20. Miss J. Dand
  21. Miss G. Dawsou
  22. Mrs. A. Diekenson
  23. Miss E. S. Duckett
  24. Miss G. Duncan
  25. Miss Mary Duncan
  26. Miss Lizzie Durkin
  27. Miss A. Elmsley
  28. Miss Alice L. Eyman
  29. Miss Farr
  30. Mrs. Felter
  31. Dr Fetter
  32. Mr. W. F. Firth
  33. Mr. J. P. Fleming
  34. Mrs. Fleming
  35. Miss M Palmer Gould
  36. Miss A. Griffen
  37. Miss M. Hanley
  38. Miss B. I. Hanley
  39. Miss E. B. Hawkins
  40. Mr. A. D. Hayward
  41. Mr. Chas R. Hendels
  42. Miss Gannje L. Hill
  43. Mr. A. Hoerbe
  44. Mr. N. E. Holmkvist
  45. Mr. B. T. Holmkvist
  46. Mr. E. A. Hooton
  47. Mr. H Horohan
  48. Mr.  Hourihan
  49. Mrs. Margaret Hurley
  50. Mr. Geo A. Ingalls
  51. Mr. Johnson
  52. Mrs. Johnson and child
  53. Miss N. Kclieher
  54. Mr. J. Kelly
  55. Mrs. L. Larsan
  56. Mr. Carl E. Lillestrend
  57. Mr. W. Long
  58. Mr. E. C. Mae Lean
  59. Mr. J. Masterson
  60. Miss A. Maycock
  61. Miss N. Marcock
  62. Miss A. Maycock
  63. Mr. S. McConnell
  64. Miss P. Moloney
  65. Master W. Morton
  66. Mrs. E. Moyes
  67. Miss J. Moyes
  68. Mr. F. A. Nicholson
  69. Mrs. Nicholson and infant
  70. Miss C. Nicholson
  71. Mr. Anders NiIson
  72. Mrs. NiIson
  73. Master Arvid Nilson
  74. Miss O'Connell
  75. Mr. M. Parsons
  76. Mrs. J. R. Pearson
  77. Mrs. J. Perry
  78. Miss A. Pettig
  79. Mr. s. Putman
  80. Miss Anna Quinn
  81. Mr. G. W. Reed
  82. Mrs. J. Rogan
  83. Mrs. G .Rosenheim
  84. Mrs. Lucy Saunders
  85. Miss Lucy Saunders
  86. Mr. A. Sawyer
  87. Mrs. Catherine Scanlon
  88. Miss Anna Sjokvist
  89. Mrs. P. Smith
  90. Mrs. Smith
  91. Mrs. Smith
  92. Master D. Smith
  93. Master K. Smith
  94. Miss Agnes Svenson
  95. Mr. T. Swanson
  96. Miss E. M. Taylor
  97. Miss J. Turnbull
  98. Miss M. Turnbull
  99. Mrs. Maggie Walker and infant
  100. Master Walker
  101. Mrs. M. J. Watson
  102. Master J. Watson
  103. Master T Watson
  104. Mr. M. Whittaker
  105. Mr. W. Williams
  106. Miss S. E. Wold


  • Mr. Moses Durnell should read Mr. Moses Dutnell
  • Mrs. Durnell should read Mrs. Dutnell
  • Miss Ethel Durnell should read Miss Ethel Dutnell
  • Miss Isabella Durnell should read Miss Isabella Dutnell
  • Miss A. R. Harker should read Miss A. R. Hartley
  • Miss Ethel Writh should read Miss Ethel Worth

Information for Passengers

The “Franconia” carries an orchestra of highly-trained musicians, who will play at the undermentioned times and places:

  • 10.00 to 11.00 a. m.: Second Cabin Dining Room
  • 1.00 to 2.10:00 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
  • 3.30 to 4.00 p. m.: Second Class Dining Saloon
  • 7:10 pm to 8:45 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
  • 9.00 to 10.00 p. m.: First Class Drawing Room

Chairs and Rugs may be Hired at a Cost of 4/- (or $1) each on application to the Deck Steward.

Each Rug is contained in a scaled cardboard box, and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use, are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.

This Steamer Is Fitted with Marconi’s System of Wireless Telegraphy. Also with the Submarine Signaling Apparatus. the “Lusitania” and “Mauretania” Are the Fastest Steamers in the World.

Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times:

  • Breakfast at 8:00 am.
  • Dinner 12:30 pm.
  • Tea 5:30 pm.
  • Supper 8-30 p.m.

The Bar and Smoke Room will be closed at11:00 pm.

Seats at Table.—Applications may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance or to the Second Cabin Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.

Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am

Baggage.—Passengers are recommended to insure their Baggage, as the Company’s liability is strictly limited in accordance with Contract Ticket. All enquiries regarding Baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Valuables.—The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company’s form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.

Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company’s form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.

Notice.—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.

Exchange of Money.—Owing to fluctuations it is not possible to make a fixed Rate of Exchange.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.

Dogs.—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Fishguard.—See Special Notice, “Express Route,” etc.

Arrivals at Liverpool —Time of Landing Passengers.— Under normal conditions when any of the Company’s steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 8:00 pm it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning, either at the stage or in dock as circumstances may make desirable.

In the same way when the vessel reaches the river but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will, on arrival of the steamer, be landed, with hand baggage only, by tender, provided that the Purser is advised before leaving Queenstown or Fishguard of the passengers wish to do so. Notice will be placed in the Companionway on arrival at Queenstown or Fishguard advising passengers of anticipated arrival at Liverpool, and arrangements for landing.

Arrivals in Boston.—Under normal conditions when any of the Company's steamers arrive at the Wharf after 8:00 pm, passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after Breakfast the following morning.

All enquiries re Baggage, Mail. etc., can be made at the Information Office on the Pier.

European Hostilities.-—During present Hostilities passengers of foreign nationality are, under the Aliens Act, only permitted to land at certain approved ports, of which Liverpool is one, but Queenstown and Fishguard are excluded, and passengers may be subjected to slight delay on arrival at Liverpool.

New Cunard Express Route Map New York to London & Continent (Direct) via Fishguard - 22 August 1914.

New Cunard Express Route Map New York to London & Continent (Direct) via Fishguard - 22 August 1914. GGA Image ID # 11e2b1d839


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