RMS Franconia Passenger List - 22 August 1914
Front Cover of a Second Cabin Passenger List from the Steamship RMS Franconia of the Cunard Line, Departing 22 August 1914 from Liverpool to Boston, Commanded by Captain D. S. Miller, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 11e2788d5c
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: D. S. Miller, R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: H. Davys
- Chief Officer: G. S. Horsburgh, R.B.R.
- Chief Steward: John Sleigh
- Surgeon: A. W. MacKensie
- Purser: E. C. F. Moore
- Assistant Purser: H. S. Wroth
Second Cabin Passengers
- Mr. A. Adams
- Miss Mary Adams
- Mr. W. Adams
- Mrs. M. G. Adams
- Mrs. S. A. Adams
- Miss E. Adams
- Mr. Harry J. S. Ainscow
- Mrs. A. Ainscow
- Mr. E. Ainsworth
- Mr. W. C. Answorth
- Mrs. Answorth
- Miss D. Answorth
- Mrs. T. W. Alcock
- Master Alcock
- Mr. George Allen
- Miss E. A. Allinson
- Miss H. Anderson
- Miss S. Applebaum
- Miss V. B. Appleton
- Miss A. E. Appleton
- Mr. John Armstrong
- Mr. Herbert Aspin
- Mrs. Aspin
- Master Arnold Aspin
- Miss Alice Astley
- Mr. John Atchison
- Mr. G. Baker
- Mrs. Baker
- Miss G. Baker
- Master G. Baker
- Master G. Baker
- Mrs. Ada Bamford
- Miss Eliz. Bamford
- Miss Annie Barker
- Miss M. E. Baron
- Mr. J. Barraclough
- Master F. Barraclough
- Mr. T. Barrett
- Mrs. Barry
- Miss Margaret Barry
- Mr. G. F. Battles
- Mr. W. Bennett
- Mrs. Bennett
- Mrs. H. Bennett
- Mrs. M. B. Benson
- Miss Bentley
- Miss Sophia Berggren
- Mrs. Berman
- Mr. Bernstein
- Mr. John Berry
- Mr. J. E. Bilbrough
- Mrs. Bilbrough
- Mr. J. Billing
- Miss H. Blackley
- Mrs. Amy Blatley
- Miss A. R. Blinn
- Mrs. C. O. Block
- Miss Block
- Miss A. Bloomberg
- Mr. E. A. Bolt
- Miss M. Bonfield
- Mr. L. Bottomley
- Mrs. E. Bottomley and Infant
- Mr. Bowe
- Mrs. Bowe
- Mr. W.E. Bradford and Child
- Mr. T. J. Brennan
- Mrs. Mary E. Brooks
- Miss Doris Brooks
- Mr. W. D. Broomhead
- Mr. John Brown
- Miss Elsie Brown
- Mr. Buckpitt
- Mrs. Buckpitt
- Miss L. Burgess
- Miss Mary F. Burke
- Mrs. J. G. Burton
- Miss M. Burton
- Mr. Alfred Caddick
- Mr. W. Caddick
- Mrs. M. Campbell
- Miss M. Campbell
- Mr. J. P. Campion
- Mr. P. Carroll
- Mr. W. Catlow
- Miss F. E. Challice
- Mr. J. W. Charles
- Mr. N. T. Chatter
- Mrs. Chatter
- Mr. H. Chippendale
- Mrs. Chippendale
- Mr. John Clark
- Mrs. Clark and Child
- Mrs. B. Claugherty
- Mrs. Clara Clayton
- Master Gordon Clavton
- Mr. W. Clear
- Miss A. Clear
- Mrs. Ellen Clough
- Miss E. Clough
- Mrs. S. Clubb and Infant
- Mr. W. H. Coles
- Mrs. Coles
- Miss C. Collis
- Miss K. Condon
- Mr. J. Conners
- Mrs. A. L. Cooke
- Miss Cookman
- Mrs. Sabina Corcoran
- Miss Cora Corcoran
- Miis. F. Cordingley
- Miss M. Cosgrove
- Rev. M. J. Costello
- Mr. J. H. Counsell
- Mr. Richard Coxhill
- Mr. L. Crabb
- Miss K. M. Crabtree
- Prof. W. D. Crockett
- Mr. Thos. Crompton
- Mrs. Crompton
- Mr. Thos. Crompton
- Mrs. Crompton
- Mrs. Cronshaw
- Miss Cronshaw
- Mrs. M. Crossley
- Master H. Crossley
- Miss A. J. Cunningham
- Mrs. Cuthill
- Miss B. Cuthill
- Master Cuthill
- Mrs. C. Dalby
- Master J. Dalby
- Master E. Dalby
- Miss J. Dand
- Mrs. Emma Darrah
- Master H. Darrah
- Mrs. M. E. Davenport
- Miss Davenport
- Mr. G. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Master R. Davies
- Miss E. A. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Master C. Davies
- Mr. George I. Dawson
- Mrs. S. Dawson
- Master G. Dawson
- Miss G. Dawson
- Mr. Danl. Delaney
- Mrs. Delaney and Infant
- Mr. D. Denison
- Mrs. Edith Dennison
- Miss Hilda Dexter
- Mrs. A. Dickinson
- Mr. E. Dixon
- Mrs. Dixon
- Mr. A. F. Dodd
- Mr. J. Donlan
- Mr. M. G. Donohue
- Mr. Peter Downs
- Miss Anastasia Doyle
- Mrs. F. Drew
- Miss A. M. Drew
- Mr. Jeremiah Driscoll
- Miss E. S. Duckett
- Mrs. S. Duckhouse
- Mr. Frank H. Du Four
- Miss G. Duncan
- Miss Mary Duncan
- Mr. J. G. Dunn
- Mr. W. Durkin
- Mrs. Durkin
- Miss Lizzie Durkin
- Mr. Moses Durnell
- Mrs. Durnell
- Miss Ethel Durnell
- Miss Isabella Durnell
- Mrs. Margaret A. Eccleston
- Mrs. M. E. Eddicott
- Mr. James Edsforth
- Miss A. Elmsley
- Miss Alice L. Eyman
- Miss E. M. Fan
- Miss Farr
- Mrs. Felter
- Mr. Frederick Fenton
- Mrs. Fenton
- Dr. Fetter
- Miss K. Fick
- Mr. W. F. Firth
- Miss Flanagan
- Mr. J. Fleming
- Mrs. Fleming
- Mr. J . P. Fleming
- Mrs. Fleming
- Mr. H. Fletcher
- Mr. P. Flynn
- Mr. Percy G. Fogg
- Mrs. Hettie Fogg
- Miss Gladys Fogg
- Mr. M. J. Foley
- Mrs. F. J. Foss
- Mr. George S. Fost
- Mr. H. Foster
- Mrs. W. Foster
- Miss Foulkes
- Rev. C. Plunkett
- Mrs. Francis
- Miss L. Francis
- Mr. W. .T. Freeman
- Mrs. S. Friedlander
- Miss Esther Friedlander
- Miss Nellie Gabbett
- Mrs. M. Gallagher
- Miss Gallagher
- Mr. Timothy C. Gallivan
- Mrs. E. Gandette
- Mrs. M. A. Gardiner
- Mr. Richard Geary
- Mrs. Geary
- Mrs. Nellie Gesner
- Mrs. G. F. Gibbs
- Miss Katherine M. Gibbs
- Mr. N. W. Gifford
- Mrs. Gifford
- Miss N. M. Gifford
- Miss A. H. Gifford
- Miss Lizzie Glavin
- Mrs. Glynn
- Mr. W. Glynn
- Mrs. Glynn
- Miss A. Glynn
- Mrs. Hugh Goddard
- Mr. J. S. Gorrie
- Mr. J. Gough
- Mrs. Gould and Infant
- Miss M. Palmer Gould
- Mr. T. Graham
- Mr. J. Grandin
- Mrs. L. Graves
- Mrs. M. Greenhalgh
- Master W. Greenhalgh
- Miss M. Greenhalgh
- Mrs. Hannah Greenwood
- Master Thomas Greenwood
- Miss A. Griffen
- Miss Jennie Guy
- Mr. A. Hagerman
- Mr. T. E. Hall
- Miss A. S. Hameson
- Miss M. Hanley
- Miss R. I. Hanley
- Miss A. R. Harker
- Mr. J. W. Harmstone
- Mr. Harris
- Mrs. Harris
- Mr. J. Harris
- Mrs. J. Harris
- Mr. W. Harrison
- Mrs. Harrison
- Miss E. B. Hawkins
- Mr. A. Hay
- Mr. R. J. Hayden
- Miss E. Hayden
- Mrs. H. G. Hayes
- Mr. A. D. Hayward
- Miss B. M. Healev
- Mr. W. Heaton
- Mrs. L. F. Hedges
- Master C. J. Hedges
- Mr. Chas. R. Hendels
- Miss Kate Hennessy
- Mr. T. Henschall
- Mrs. Albert ine Hess
- Miss Marie Hess
- Mr. I. M. Hill
- Mrs. Hill
- Miss Jessie Hill
- Master R. Hill
- Miss Nannie L. Hill
- Mr. A. P. Hills
- Mrs. Hills
- Mr. A. Hincheliffe
- Mr. A. Hoerbe
- Mrs. Alice Holden
- Mr. S. J. Holden
- Mrs. Ellen HoIden
- Mrs. S. O. Hole
- Mr. B. S. Holmes
- Mr. N. E. Holmkvist
- Mr. B. T. Holmkvist
- Miss Alice Holt
- Mr. J. W. Homer
- Miss D. F. Homer
- Miss A. B. Hooper
- Mr. E. A. Hooton
- Mr. Hopkinson
- Mrs. Hopkinson
- Mr. H. Horohan
- Mr. W. Horton
- Mr. S. J. Hough
- Mr. A. Houldsworth
- Mr. Hourihan
- Mrs. M. A. Howarth
- Miss Alice Howarth
- Mrs. Hannah Howarth
- Miss Betty Howarth
- Mr. T. Howe
- Mr. L. Hoyle
- Mr. H. G. Hudson
- Mr. G. Hudson
- Mr. N. H. Hughes
- Mr. Thomas Hughes
- Mr. T. C. Humphreys
- Mr. E. Hunt
- Miss H. Hunt
- Mrs. A. L. Huntress
- Mrs. E. Hurley
- Mrs. Margaret Hurley
- Mrs. M. Hyslop
- Mr. Geo. A. Ingalls
- Mr. G. P. Irving
- Mr. J. H. Irving
- Miss A. Jackson
- Mrs. M. Jefferson
- Mrs. E. J. Jennison
- Rev. J. Pandy John
- Mrs. John
- Mrs. G. Johnson
- Miss M. Johnson
- Mr. John Johnson
- Mr. Johnston
- Mrs. Johnston and Child
- Mr. John D. Jones
- Miss M. S. Jones
- Mr. D. Rees Jones
- Miss O. May Jones
- Mr. M. E. Joyce
- Mrs. Joyce
- Mrs. Bessie M. Joyce
- Miss M. Joyce
- Miss Veronica Joyce
- Master J . Joyce
- Master Kiernan
- Miss Clara Keeley
- Miss A. V. Keighley
- Miss J. J. Keir
- Miss N. Kelleher
- Mr. J. Kelly
- Miss Mary Kelly
- Mr. J. J. Kelly
- Mrs. Ellen Kenny
- Miss Mary A. Kenyon
- Mrs. Kiernan
- Mr. O. N. A. King
- Mrs. King
- Mrs. Lizzie Kirby
- Mr. M. Kissane
- Mr. William Klockan
- Mr. William Klockan, Jun.
- Miss H. Lambert.
- Miss M. Lamont
- Mrs. F. C. Lane
- Miss D. Larkin
- Mrs. L. Larsan
- Mr. D. Lavelle
- Mr. C. Leary
- Miss E. M. Lee
- Mr. P. Leyland
- Mr. J. P. Leyland
- Mrs. F. Leyland
- Mr. Carl E. Lillestrand
- Mr. C. E. Lilliestrand
- Mr. James H. Lindsay
- Mrs. M. Lohar
- Mr. W. Long
- Mrs. Longbottom
- Mrs. M. J. Looney
- Mrs. A. Lowry
- Mrs. A. Lovitt
- Mr. Jas. Lynch
- Mrs. Lynch
- Mr. J. J. Lynch
- Mrs. M. P. MacDearmid
- Mrs. Amy Mack
- Master P. G. Mack
- Mr. PI. C. MacLean
- Miss Maloney
- Mrs. E. Mansfield
- Miss M. Massey
- Mr. J. Masterson
- Miss A. Maycock
- Miss N. Maycock
- Miss A. Maycock
- Mr. S. McConnell
- Mr. R. McCann
- Miss McCann
- Mrs. A. McClure
- Mr. Thos. McDermot
- Miss Mary McDermott
- Miss Marguerite McDermott
- Miss M. McDonald
- Miss Mary McDonnell
- Mr. R. D. McDowell
- Mrs. McDowell
- Miss W. McDowell
- Mr. McDowall
- Miss McEnaney
- Mrs. McEneaney
- Miss E. McEneaney
- Mr. Peter McEneeney
- Mrs. T. A. McEvoy
- Mr. Jas. McGifford
- Mrs. McGifford
- Mrs. J. McGregor
- Miss Annie It. McHugh
- Mrs. E. McMullen
- Mrs. D. McPhee
- Miss M. McRobbie
- Miss E. McMahon
- Mr. James Meekle
- Mr. J. Meadowcroft
- Mrs. Metcalfe
- Miss Metcalfe
- Mr. Albert Metcalf
- Mrs. Metcalf
- Mrs. Ettie Metzger
- Master R. Metzger
- Miss Isabel Metzger
- Mrs. Middleton
- Master A. Middleton
- Master D. M. Middleton
- Miss J. M. Middleton
- Mrs. N. Moar
- Miss A. Moar
- Mr. F. E. Moersdorf
- Mrs. Moersdorf
- Miss P. Moloney
- Mr. L. Mooney
- Mr. P. Moore
- Mr. John Moran
- Master C. Moran
- Miss C. E. Moran
- Mr. Michael Moran
- Mr. J. Morton
- Mrs. Clara Morton
- Miss Ivy Morton
- Master W. Morton
- Mrs. E. Moyes
- Miss J. Moyes
- Miss Mulvey
- Mr. Fred Murphy
- Mr. Murphy
- Mrs. Murphy and Child
- Mr. Alex. Mussen
- Mrs. Mussen
- Mr. Berman Myer
- Mrs. B. Myer
- Miss Anne Neale
- Miss Ida Nelsson
- Rev. E. C. Newham
- Mrs. Newham
- Mr. E. Newsholm
- Mrs. Newsholm
- Mrs. O. Nicholson
- Master J. F. Nicholson
- Mr. F. A. Nicholson
- Mrs. Nicholson and Infant
- Miss Constance Nicholson
- Mr. Geo. Nicol
- Mrs. Nicol
- Miss M. B. Nicol
- Miss Isabella Nicol
- Mr. Anders Nilson
- Mrs. Nilson
- Master Arvid Nilson
- Mrs. Noonan
- Miss Noonan
- Miss O’Connell
- Miss O’Connell
- Mr. J. J. O’Farrell
- Mrs. O’Farrell
- Mr. Danl. G. O’Gorman
- Mr. M. O’Keefe
- Mrs. John Oliver
- Miss J. Orr
- Mr. Fred W. Palliser
- Mr. Alfred Palliser
- Mr. Alexander Palliser
- Mr. W. Palliser
- Mrs. E. Palliser
- Mr. Palmer
- Mrs. Palmer and Child
- Miss N. Palmer
- Miss H. Partington
- Miss Margaret Patterson
- Mr. M. Parsons
- Mr. Thomas Pearson
- Mrs. J. R. Pearson
- Miss Pell
- Mrs. J. Perry
- Dr. Peters
- Miss A. Pettig
- Mr. J. W. Pickering
- Miss P. Pilkington
- Mrs. M. Potter
- Miss L. Potter
- Mr. Thomas Price
- Mrs. Price
- Miss L Price
- Mr. Caleb Purvis
- Mrs. Purvis
- Master Jos. Purvis
- Mrs. Putman
- Mr. L. Pyle
- Mrs. Pyle
- Miss L. Quigley
- Miss Anna Quinn
- Miss Anna Quinn
- Mrs. I. Quirk
- Mr. E. Rasbottom
- Mrs. Eliza A. Ratcliffe
- Mr. Cornelius Read
- Mr. G. W. Reed
- Mr. Simon Reed
- Mrs. Reed
- Mr. J. Regan
- Miss E. Regan
- Miss Regan
- Mr. P. S. Reid
- Mrs. Reid and Infant
- Miss D. Reid
- Mr. R. Renshaw
- Mrs. Nettie Renshaw
- Master Jack Renshaw
- Mr. G. Richmond
- Mrs. J. Riddings
- Master Riddings
- Mr. D. J. Riely
- Mrs. Annie Rigby
- Mrs. Florence Rimell
- Master E. Rimell
- Mrs. Rimmer and Infant
- Mrs. F. Robinson
- Mrs. J. Rogan
- Mrs. Roper
- Master W. Roper
- Miss E. Roper
- Mrs. Rosenheims and Maid
- Mrs. G. Rosenheim
- Miss W. Rosenheim
- Miss Rowe
- Mr. A. E. Rowles
- Miss K. Rudd
- Mrs. Rudd
- Mr. John Russell
- Mr. J. Ryan
- Mr. Valentine Ryan
- Mrs. M. Salfaty
- Mr. D. E. Sampson
- Mrs. Sampson
- Mr. J. Saunders
- Mrs. Lucy Saunders
- Miss Lucy Saunders
- Mrs. Saunders
- Mr. A. Sawyer
- Mrs. Catherine Scanlon
- Mr. Scoggin
- Miss Harriet Scott
- Mrs. Jennie Scott
- Mr. Horace G. Seaton
- Mrs. Seaton
- Mrs. Sarah Sedgwick
- Mrs. Florence Sedgwick
- Mr. H. Shannon
- Mr. S. Shaw
- Mrs. E. Shaw
- Mr. F. A. Shepard
- Mr. H. F. Shepherd
- Mrs. E. Sheplev
- Mr. W. J. Shirley
- Mrs. Shirley
- Miss S. Singleton
- Miss Anna Sjokvist
- Mr. A. Sloan
- Mr. Alex. Smith
- Mrs. M. A. Smith
- Miss M. Smith
- Miss E. Smith
- Mrs. E. Smith
- Mrs. P. Smith
- Mrs. R. H. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mr. F. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Master D. Smith
- Master K. Smith
- Mrs. F. Spiller
- Mrs. M. H. Stanton
- Mr. D. M. Steadman
- Miss E. Stevens
- Mr. William Stewart
- Mrs. Stewart
- Master L. Stewart
- Miss Mona Stewart
- Master R. Stinson
- Mr. John C. Stock
- Mis. D. Straing and Infant
- Master H. Straing
- Mr. J. J. Sullivan
- Mrs. E. Sunderland
- Mr. W. Sutcliffe
- Miss Agnes Svenson
- Mr. George Swailes
- Mr. T. Swanson
- Miss M. E. Swarbrick
- Mrs. H. C. Swartz
- Mrs. J. Swift
- Mrs. C. R. Swineford
- Mrs. Swineford
- Miss Swineford
- Mrs. K. Talbot and Infant
- Mis. a. R. Tattersall
- Mr. E. C. Taylor
- Miss M. L. Taylor
- Mr. G. Taylor
- Mis. Taylor
- Mr. Samuel Taylor
- Miss E. M. Taylor
- Mr. G. Taylor
- Mr. F. W. Thompson
- Mrs. Thompson
- Master W. H. Thompson
- Mr. W. Thompson
- Mis. N. Threlfall
- Miss Threlfall
- Miss E. Tickle
- Miss M. Tierney
- Miss E. Tobin
- Miss Elizabeth Tobin
- Mr. Joseph Tomlinson
- Mr. W. Towers
- Mr. Towers
- Master Towers
- Mr. E. P. Troy
- Miss T. Turnbull
- Miss M. Turnbull
- Mr. K. M. Vaughan
- Mr. S. Voyce
- Mr. G. Voyce
- Mr. G. Wade
- Mrs. Wade
- Mrs. Maggie Walker and Infant
- Master Walker
- Miss B. Walsh
- Miss M. A. Walsh
- Miss Ellen Walsh
- Mr. Walmsley
- Mrs. Walmsley
- Miss M. E. Walsh
- Mrs. Alice Warburton
- Mr. H. Warren
- Mrs. M. J. Watson
- Master J. Watson
- Master T. Watson
- Mr. T. H. Wellspring
- Miss West
- Mrs. E. Whallev
- Mrs. H. H. Whitehead
- Miss C. Whitehead
- Mr. A. I. Whitehouse
- Mrs. Whitehouse
- Master W. Whitehouse
- Miss D. Whitehouse
- Miss F. Whitehouse
- Mr. A. A. Whitmore
- Mr. M. Whittaker
- Mr. W. Whittaker
- Mr. S. Wilkinson
- Mrs. Wilkinson
- Miss M. Wilkinson
- Miss M. W. Wilkinson
- Mr. M. Williams
- Mr. W. J. Williams
- Bev. d. Williams
- Mrs. Williams
- Mr. T. II. Williams
- Mr. W. Williams
- Mr. G. Wilson
- Mrs. Wilson
- Miss Wisnom
- Mr. Wisnom
- Mrs. Wisnom
- Miss S. E. Wold
- Mr. S. Wood
- Mr. J. Wood
- Miss B. M. Worthington
- Mr. W. Wright
- Mrs. Wright
- Miss Ethel Writh
- Mrs. John Young
- Miss Edna Young
- Mr. W. Yates
- Mrs. Yates
- Mrs. Jennie Yates
- Miss Emily Yates
Additional Passengers
- Mrs. A. Adams
- Miss Sarah Atchison
- Mr. S. A. Allford
- Miss J. M. Bessio
- Miss J. Barker
- Mr. W. W. Baines
- Mrs. Bailey
- Mr. J. B. Burnham
- Mr. John Bayles
- Mr. Seymour Carpenter
- Mrs. Carpenter
- Miss Julia Carpenter
- Mrs. M. A. Crossley
- Master A. Crossley
- Miss M. Dineen
- Mr. M. Daly
- Mr. B. Feeney
- Master Foster (infant)
- Mrs. B. Findlay
- Miss G. Findvay
- Mr. F. T. Goodman
- M. D. S. Green
- Mr. E. Garnett
- Mr. J. B. Glenn
- Master W. Glynn
- Miss M. S. Haddow
- Mt. Thomas Holt
- Mr. J. J. Hourihan
- Master Hourihan
- Mr. P. Haddock
- Mrs. C. Haddock
- Mr. J. F. Jouineaux
- Mr. Frank Jackson
- Mr. H. A. Jackson
- Mrs. M. Jones
- Mr. C. W. Jones
- Miss F. James
- Miss Jane Larkin
- Mr. A. Leyshar
- Mrs. Leyshar
- Mr. W. Mannings
- Mrs. H. Metcalfe
- Miss C. Metcalfe
- Miss Margaret Nicholson
- Miss Mary Nicholson
- Miss Anna Nicholson
- Mr. W. Nye
- Mrs. Nye
- Miss E. Nye
- Mr. S. Neville
- Mrs. Neville
- Master W. Neville
- Mrs. E. Noyes
- Miss J. Noyes
- Miss J. Orr
- Mr. W. Potts
- Mrs. Potts
- Mr. Chas. Potts
- Mr. James Robinson
- Mr. J. Recher
- Mrs. Recher
- Miss B. E. Roberts
- Mr. A. Sissoms
- Mr. P. Sedgwick
- Dr J. R. Tucker
- Mrs. Tucker
- Mr. Peter Taylor
- Mr. G. Troughton
- Mr. W. Tonge
- Mrs. S. P. Turner
- Miss I. B. Turner
- Miss M. Wiegand
- Miss M. G. Wiegand
- Mr. A. E. Wans
- Mrs. M. L. Weaver
- Mr. A. H. Wallack
- Mrs. M. J. Wilson
- Mr. J. H. Wilson
- Master T. Wilson
- Miss M. Warford
- Miss J. Warford
- Miss A. Warford
- Mrs. S. Walsh
- Mrs. C. Young
- Miss C. Young
- Mr. N. Yates
Not on Board
- Miss H. Anderson
- Master G.. Baker
- Mrs. Ada Bamford
- Miss Elizabeth Bamford
- Miss Margaret Barry
- Miss Sophia Berggren
- Mrs. Berman
- Mrs. Amy Blatley
- Mr. E. A. Bolt
- Miss M. Bonfield
- Mrs. E. Bottomley and infant
- Mr. Bowe
- Mrs. Bowe
- Mrs. J. G .Burton
- Miss M. Burton
- Mr. J. B. Campion
- Mr. J. W. Charles
- Mr. Thomas Crompton
- Mrs. Crompton
- Miss J. Dand
- Miss G. Dawsou
- Mrs. A. Diekenson
- Miss E. S. Duckett
- Miss G. Duncan
- Miss Mary Duncan
- Miss Lizzie Durkin
- Miss A. Elmsley
- Miss Alice L. Eyman
- Miss Farr
- Mrs. Felter
- Dr Fetter
- Mr. W. F. Firth
- Mr. J. P. Fleming
- Mrs. Fleming
- Miss M Palmer Gould
- Miss A. Griffen
- Miss M. Hanley
- Miss B. I. Hanley
- Miss E. B. Hawkins
- Mr. A. D. Hayward
- Mr. Chas R. Hendels
- Miss Gannje L. Hill
- Mr. A. Hoerbe
- Mr. N. E. Holmkvist
- Mr. B. T. Holmkvist
- Mr. E. A. Hooton
- Mr. H Horohan
- Mr. Hourihan
- Mrs. Margaret Hurley
- Mr. Geo A. Ingalls
- Mr. Johnson
- Mrs. Johnson and child
- Miss N. Kclieher
- Mr. J. Kelly
- Mrs. L. Larsan
- Mr. Carl E. Lillestrend
- Mr. W. Long
- Mr. E. C. Mae Lean
- Mr. J. Masterson
- Miss A. Maycock
- Miss N. Marcock
- Miss A. Maycock
- Mr. S. McConnell
- Miss P. Moloney
- Master W. Morton
- Mrs. E. Moyes
- Miss J. Moyes
- Mr. F. A. Nicholson
- Mrs. Nicholson and infant
- Miss C. Nicholson
- Mr. Anders NiIson
- Mrs. NiIson
- Master Arvid Nilson
- Miss O'Connell
- Mr. M. Parsons
- Mrs. J. R. Pearson
- Mrs. J. Perry
- Miss A. Pettig
- Mr. s. Putman
- Miss Anna Quinn
- Mr. G. W. Reed
- Mrs. J. Rogan
- Mrs. G .Rosenheim
- Mrs. Lucy Saunders
- Miss Lucy Saunders
- Mr. A. Sawyer
- Mrs. Catherine Scanlon
- Miss Anna Sjokvist
- Mrs. P. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Master D. Smith
- Master K. Smith
- Miss Agnes Svenson
- Mr. T. Swanson
- Miss E. M. Taylor
- Miss J. Turnbull
- Miss M. Turnbull
- Mrs. Maggie Walker and infant
- Master Walker
- Mrs. M. J. Watson
- Master J. Watson
- Master T Watson
- Mr. M. Whittaker
- Mr. W. Williams
- Miss S. E. Wold
- Mr. Moses Durnell should read Mr. Moses Dutnell
- Mrs. Durnell should read Mrs. Dutnell
- Miss Ethel Durnell should read Miss Ethel Dutnell
- Miss Isabella Durnell should read Miss Isabella Dutnell
- Miss A. R. Harker should read Miss A. R. Hartley
- Miss Ethel Writh should read Miss Ethel Worth
Information for Passengers
The “Franconia” carries an orchestra of highly-trained musicians, who will play at the undermentioned times and places:
- 10.00 to 11.00 a. m.: Second Cabin Dining Room
- 1.00 to 2.10:00 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
- 3.30 to 4.00 p. m.: Second Class Dining Saloon
- 7:10 pm to 8:45 pm: First Class Dining Saloon
- 9.00 to 10.00 p. m.: First Class Drawing Room
Chairs and Rugs may be Hired at a Cost of 4/- (or $1) each on application to the Deck Steward.
Each Rug is contained in a scaled cardboard box, and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use, are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.
This Steamer Is Fitted with Marconi’s System of Wireless Telegraphy. Also with the Submarine Signaling Apparatus. the “Lusitania” and “Mauretania” Are the Fastest Steamers in the World.
Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times:
- Breakfast at 8:00 am.
- Dinner 12:30 pm.
- Tea 5:30 pm.
- Supper 8-30 p.m.
The Bar and Smoke Room will be closed at11:00 pm.
Seats at Table.—Applications may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance or to the Second Cabin Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.
Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am
Baggage.—Passengers are recommended to insure their Baggage, as the Company’s liability is strictly limited in accordance with Contract Ticket. All enquiries regarding Baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Valuables.—The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company’s form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company’s form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.
Notice.—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.
Exchange of Money.—Owing to fluctuations it is not possible to make a fixed Rate of Exchange.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.
Dogs.—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.
Fishguard.—See Special Notice, “Express Route,” etc.
Arrivals at Liverpool —Time of Landing Passengers.— Under normal conditions when any of the Company’s steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 8:00 pm it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning, either at the stage or in dock as circumstances may make desirable.
In the same way when the vessel reaches the river but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will, on arrival of the steamer, be landed, with hand baggage only, by tender, provided that the Purser is advised before leaving Queenstown or Fishguard of the passengers wish to do so. Notice will be placed in the Companionway on arrival at Queenstown or Fishguard advising passengers of anticipated arrival at Liverpool, and arrangements for landing.
Arrivals in Boston.—Under normal conditions when any of the Company's steamers arrive at the Wharf after 8:00 pm, passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after Breakfast the following morning.
All enquiries re Baggage, Mail. etc., can be made at the Information Office on the Pier.
European Hostilities.-—During present Hostilities passengers of foreign nationality are, under the Aliens Act, only permitted to land at certain approved ports, of which Liverpool is one, but Queenstown and Fishguard are excluded, and passengers may be subjected to slight delay on arrival at Liverpool.
New Cunard Express Route Map New York to London & Continent (Direct) via Fishguard - 22 August 1914. GGA Image ID # 11e2b1d839